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XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility


Simulate an EPIC Spectrum with Xspec

To do this, we will need an RMF and ARF that correspond to the mode and filter that we are interested in. One easy way to get these is to download from the archive an observation that was taken in the mode and filter we want, extract a spectrum and its associated RMF and ARF, and then use those response files to make a simulation. Alternatively, we could download a canned response matrix with the needed epoch, mode, etc., and generate its corresponding ARF. (Note that the ARF is not time-dependent like the RMF is, so one from early in the mission should work well. However, ARFs are dependent on the filter, so be careful to select a dataset with the correct one.) Finally, we can also get the responses that are used for PIMMS and WebPIMMS simulations here.

Let's say we want to simulate a source in full frame mode, with the thin filter. In the XSA archive, we can search for a recent data set with those specifications by using the "Filters for Observation, Proposal, and Catalogue Searches" panel. Clicking on the name or the triangle will open it, and selecting "Instrument Configuration" will open a pop-up window from which we can choose the instrument, instrument mode, and filter we want. Clicking 'OK' will close the pop-up window, and selecting 'Search' will produce a large webpage listing all the observations that meet our criteria. We can then download an appropriate dataset and extract a spectrum and the associated RMF and ARF in the usual way.

In this example, we assume that a source spectrum is known to be a power law with photon index=1.9, a Galactic absorption column of NH=5e21 cm-2, and an X-ray flux (0.2-12 keV) = 2.5e-12 erg s-1 cm-2. Let's say that we want to see what exposure time we need in order to measure the hydrogen column density to 2%. We need to initialize ftools and call Xspec.

   xsect vern                     # use the atomic cross sections of Verner et al. 1996
   abund wilm                     # use the elemental abundances of Wilms et al. 2000
   model (tbabs * powerlaw)       # define the model
When we define a model, Xspec will prompt us for parameter values.
   0.5                            # set NH to 0.5
   1.9                            # set photon index to 1.9
   1.0                            # the default normalization (= 1.0) is fine
   fakeit none  
The "fakeit none" command will prompt us for a lot more information. At the last prompt, it will ask for three things: exposure time, correction norm, and background exposure time; just enter the exposure time.
   m1.rmf                         # our response file
   m1.arf                         # our ancillary file
   y                              # use counting statistics in making fake data?
   <enter>                        # optional fake name prefix
   mos1_sim_200ks.fits            # fake data file name               
   2e5                            # enter the exposure time
Let's take a look at the flux and number of counts this gives us in our chosen energy range. Be aware that in the "ignore" command below, our choice of integer or real values matters: if we enter integers, Xspec will assume we are referring to channels; if we enter reals, it will assume we are referring to energy (in keV).
   flux 0.2 12.0                  # find the flux in erg s-1 cm-2 from 0.2-12 keV; we
                                  # get 4.2637e-09
   ignore **-0.2 12.0-**          # only use 0.2-12.0 keV
   show all                       # show all information about the data and any model associated with
                                  # it; we can see that there are 4.88e+07 counts between 0.2-12 keV

When we use a normalization = 1, we get an energy flux in this passband of 4.2637e-09 erg s-1 cm-2. But we know that the flux for this source should be 2.5e-12 erg s-1 cm-2. This means that we need to scale our normalization accordingly:

( correct_flux / default_flux ) * default_norm = scaled_norm

( 2.5e-12 erg s-1 cm-2 / 4.2637e-09 erg s-1 cm-2) * 1. = 0.00058635

Note that this method also works with the number of counts in a spectrum. If we had wanted a spectrum with 104 counts, we would have calculated that our norm should be (104 counts / 4.88373e+07 counts) * 1. = 0.00020476.

Parameter values can be changed (and tied together, and many other things) with "newpar".

   newpar 3 0.00058635            # set parameter 3 to 0.00058635
   fakeit none
   y                              # Xspec will ask if it should overwrite the old file -- yes!
Now we can fit the spectrum using the same model that we used when making it, though we should first set the initial values to something reasonable. We are not grouping the data and there is no background, so we will use cstat for the fit statistic and pchi for the test statistic. We can verify the new settings with the "show param" command.
   ignore **-0.2 12.0-**
   statistic cstat
   statistic test pchi
   newpar 1 0.1       # set parameter 1 to 0.1
   newpar 2 1.0       # set parameter 2 to 1.0
   newpar 3 1.0       # set parameter 3 to 1.0
   show param
Notice that with our new choice of initial value for the normalization, the C-statistic value is very large (> 1e8!). We can reduce it by having Xspec take an educated guess at the norm with the command "renorm". (We should always do this when preparing to fit any spectrum, to increase our chances of getting a better fit faster.) When examining the output from "fit", we'll see that Xspec presents us with error estimates for each parameter. Be aware that these are given only as a general indicator of the errors, and are not the formal uncertainties! To find the correct uncertainties, we must use the "error" command.
   error 1.0 1-3                  # get the 1-sigma error bars for all three parameters
We can see that the fit produced spectrum parameters in excellent agreement with their true values, and the percent error on NH is 2%, so this is a reasonable exposure time for our purposes.

Now we will rebin the data and plot the fit. Please note that rebinning is only for plotting purposes, and has no effect on the fit! This is done with the "setplot rebin" command, which lets us rebin to a certain chosen detection significance. As part of the command, we can also choose the maximum number of bins to combine in order to reach our desired detection significance, and how we want Xspec to calculate the uncertainty on the new bins. By default, this is set to addition in quadrature. After we rebin, it is a good idea to see how many counts per bin this gives us, so we know if we are in (or near) the Gaussian regime (roughly, N ≳ 20 counts/bin according to Cash (1979)).

   cpd /xw                        # call the XWindows plotting device
   setplot energy                 # plot in terms of energy (keV)
   setplot xlog on                # log scale on the X axis
   setplot ylog on                # log scale on the Y axis
   setplot rebin 5,1000,,         # rebin to at least a 5 sigma detection level, or combine 
                                  # up to 1000 bins into a new bin 
   plot                           # see Figure 1 (top)
   plot counts                    # plot the number of counts per bin; see Figure 1 (middle)
Let's tweak the minimum and maximum values on the Y axis and add a plot showing a comparison of the fit to the data; while we're at it, we should also change the color of the fit line to make it easier to see. To do this, we'll need to call "iplot" within xspec, which will put us in the PLT environment and let us adjust various plot attributes. PLT uses vectors to identify what is on the plot, with the data being '1' and the fit in '2'. Notice that the changes made in iplot will be overwritten the next time we make a plot outside of iplot. Notice also that changed colors will not be redrawn immediately but will be redrawn with a "plot" or "rescale" command. The tweaked comparison image can be seen in Figure 1 (bottom).
   plot data delchi
   co ?                 # list all the available colors
   window 1             # for the first window, apply the following commands
   co 4 on 1            # put color 4 (blue) on vector 1 (data)
   co 8 on 2            # put color 8 (orange) on vector 2 (fit)
   rescale y 1e-5 0.2   # set the Y axis range to 1e-5 to 0.2 count/s/keV
   window 2             # for the second window, apply the following commands
   rescale y -3.5 3.5   # set the Y axis range to -3.5 to 3.5
   window all           # for all windows, apply the following commands
   rescale x 0.15 15    # set the X axis range to 0.15-15 keV
   exit                 # return to the xspec prompt 

Figure 1: The binned, simulated spectrum, the fit, and a comparison between them. Top: The rebinned spectrum. Middle: The number of counts per bin. Bottom: the fit and the ratio of residuals to the error of the data to the fit.

We can also simulate a source with a background component. For convenience, we will use the same RMF and ARF as the source. Let's say that it is a standard AGN-dominated background, with photon index = 1.4 and an X-ray flux of about 1e-14 erg s-1 cm-2 in the bandpass. We must first simulate it on its own, to determine its normalization, and we will assume that the interstellar absorption is dominated by material between the source and us (i.e., there is negligible additional absorption in the AGN background).

   model (tbabs * powerlaw)
   fakeit none
Using the method above, we see that for a flux of 1e-14 erg s-1 cm-2 between 0.2-12 keV, we need a normalization of 1.13812e-06.
   newpar 3 1.13812e-06  # set the third parameter to 1.13812e-06
   fakeit none
   <enter>                       # optional fake file prefix
   y                             # overwrite the old file?
We can exit out to clear the memory and load the faked source and background data and fit them. The names of the response files used to make them were automatically written into their headers, so they will load automatically.
   xsect vern
   abund wilm
   statistic cstat
   statistic test pchi
   data 1:1 mos1_sim_200ks.fits 2:2 mos1_sim_200ks_bkg.fits
   ignore 1: **-0.2 12.0-**
   ignore 2: **-0.2 12.0-**
We will now define the model for the source, making sure to set the normalization for the fitting the background data to 0 and freezing it, since it doesn't contribute to the source model. For the other parameters, the default values are fine so just hit "enter".
   model 1:src (tbabs * powerlaw) 
   0 0                           
Now we have to tell Xspec that both these datasets have a second model which must be multiplied by the source's response matrix and ancilliary file for its contribution to the source region and the background's response matrix and ancilliary file for its contribution to the background region. In our example, these happen to be the same files. After this, we define the background model and use the default values for all parameters. We are treating absorbing column density as the same for both the background and source, so we will link the relevant parameters.
   response 2:1 m1.rmf 2:2 m1.rmf
   arf 2:1 m1.arf 2:2 m1.arf
   model 2:bkg (tbabs * powerlaw)
   newpar bkg:1 = src:1         # link the background's NH to the source's
   show param                   
   error 1.0 bkg:2-3            # bkg:1 (NH) is linked to src:1, so Xspec won't find error on it
   error 1.0 src:1-3            # (but it will find it on the source's NH)
The plot of the rebinned data and fits to the source and background are in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The rebinned data and fits to the source and background.

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 19-Nov-2013 17:08:40 EST
Curator:Michael Arida (ADNET);

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