command/qualifier1/qual2/etc. option1 opt2 opt3 etc.All command, qualifier, and option names can be abbreviated to the minimum number of characters required to make each unique. Commands are not case sensitive. There must be no spaces between the qualifiers, nor between the first qualifier and the command name. Spaces are used to separate different options. Any options that contain spaces are surrounded by quotes `` ". Command strings can be up to 255 characters long. They are continued beyond the current line by typing a minus sign followed by carriage return -<cr>.
?displays a keyword summary of BROWSE commands. Type the keyword to obtain a list of associated commands. ?? lists out all valid BROWSE commands.
alias/quals [name] [command_string]Rename a command string to an alias name. name specifies the new name, command_string is that to be renamed. The command string is exactly as it would be given on the command line. alias/show will list all of the aliases. If the command_string contains blanks, it must be enclosed in double quotes.
alias 3c382 "sn 3c382" ! define the command 3c382 to be ! "sn 3c382" alias/prev plot ! define the previous command to ! to be "plot" alias/show ! list all aliases alias/sh/system ! list all system aliases alias/sh bl* ! list all aliases that begin bl alias/del 3c382 ! delete the alias 3c382
cdb [DB] [sample] [index]This changes the current database to that specified by DB. If no database is specified, a prompt is given for the name of the required database. A ? lists those available; help lists those available and gives a description of the contents of each. The sample and index can be optionally specified, otherw the defaults are taken.
cdb me ! change the database to the ME cdb ? ! list the available database cdb cma 3lex time ! change the database to the LE ! with the 3LEX sample indexed on ! time
cey [year]This command changes the equinox of the given positions from 1950 (the default) to another value. The current equinox year can be seen by typing show. The equinox year can be changed at any point in a session.
cey 2000 ! change the equinox year to 2000 cey 1950 ! change it back to 1950
chatter [terminal] [log file]where terminal and log file are integer values. The default values are 10. Lower values will suppress the terminal and log file output, higher values may reveal unwanted details. Values of 5 will suppress most informational messages. Lower values will turn off all output (useful when running command files).
chat 10 5 ! reduce the output in the logfile chat 10 10 ! reset the chatter to the default
cind [parm]Change the current index to ``parm". This command operates only on those parameters for which an index has been created. There are a number of standard indexes for each sample/database, and these can be listed by specifying a ?, or with the lind command. If the index does not exist, it can be created using mind.
cind tim ! change the current index to time cind ? ! list the available indexes
cpd [file]/devThis command changes the plot device. dev specifies the plot device, and this must be preceeded by a /. Many different plot devices are supported and the latest list can be obtained by typing a ? in response to the cpd prompt. Once a default plot device is defined, all plots in the EXOSAT environment will use it. If a default plot device has not been defined, the user will be requested to do so the first time one of the graphics routines is called. Plot devices include:
cpd /te ! set the plot device to textronics
comp[/qual/qual/...]This will compress the current sample or subsample based on an auto-correlation using a specified parameter.
comp/rad=1 ! Get each unique object within ! 1 arc minute circles (rad is in ! arc min comp/db=ipc/rad=1/list ! The same as before, but with a ! listing of all the matched ! entries comp/rad=1/sta=cou/sum ! The same the first example,but ! giving a listing of the count rate ! statistics (mean, min, max etc.) comp/rad=1/sta=cou/summ/list ! The same as before, but also ! listing all the matched entries
cross[/qual/qual....]Cross-correlates the current sample or subsample against any other database and sample using any common parameter in the two databases. At the end of the cross-correlation, the relationship between the two tables is maintained. The prompt contains the names of the two databases, plus the cross correlation parameter (which is always declination for a coordinate search, such as CMA_IR_DEC>). The ``cd" command now allows the user to switch between the two correlated database tables. The one given in upper case in the prompt is the current database. The entry numbers in the two databases match exactly. To reset the correlation and return BROWSE to its normal state, type ``rc" (reset correlation).
CMA_SOURCES_DEC > cross/db=me/param=expos/range=10matches all exposure times within the range of 10 secs.
cross/db=ipc/rad=0.5 ! Cross-correlate the CMA ! against the IPC database ! using a 0.5 arc min cone CMA_ipc_[dec] 165 > ! this is the resulting prompt cross/db=ipc/rad=0.5/list ! same as before, but listing ! out all matched entries
cs [samp] [index]This changes to the specifed sample and sort file. The latter is optional and the default takes declination. If no sample file is given, the user is prompted. Specifying a ? instead of the sample file or sort file name produces a listing of the available files. For example, cs ? lists all available sample files and sorted parameters and prompts for these file names. cs total ? lists all sorted parameters.
dall[/full] n-mThis lists every parameter for the given entry.
dat[/tab=name] [n-m] [u-v]The user-defined table is displayed with this command, which is analogous to the dl or ds commands. name is the table name assigned with the mat command. After this has been given, it will become the default until changed. n-m specifies a range of subsample numbers.
dbhelp[/qual] [help_topic] [help_topic] [...]Help describes the contents of the current database. Ctrl Z to exit. The help topics can be reached directly by specifying the help_topics on the command line. There are standard help topics such as parameters, products, etc., which describe the parameters, data products available, etc. A more detailed description of the observatory which obtained the data in the database can be obtained using the /observatory qualifier.
dbhelp param time ! list the help about the ME ! database parameter time
dclass[/qual] [n-m] [u-v]List the source name, the exosat class code, and the class description. This command gives a useful overview of the source classification.
dcoord[/qual] [n-m] [u-v]Lists precise details about the celestial coordinates in either hr mn sec and deg mn sec, or decimal degrees (use the /degree qualifier). Also listed are the galactic and ecliptic coordinates, in decimal degrees. For correlations, the /separation qualifier lists the separation in arc seconds of the coordinates in the matched databases.
dir[/qual] [file.ext] - lists the files in the user directoryThe VMS directory listing. Wildcards, such as *.pha, can be specified. The options are those specified by VMS, including
.ind Index/sample file created by "mind" and "msam" .cro Correlation file created by "msam" after "cross" .qdp An ASCII file created using PLT program (for example, used by "ps"). .rbf EXOSAT lightcurves .pha XSPEC spectra .rsp XSPEC response file .cor XSPEC correction file .bck XSPEC background file
dir *.pha ! list all pha files
dl[ine] [n-m] [u-v] .....This lists one or more lines in the current sample or subsample. The default gives the current entry and n-m specifies a range of entry numbers. A single number may also be given. dl 1-** lists the whole sample or subsample. The listed parameters are predefined and in general they summarize the key parameters in the listing. See dall, dpage, dat to display other parameters.
dl 1-10 ! list the first ten entries in the sample dl 1-** ! list the entire sample dl 55 ! make entry no 55 in GS database the default entry
dp[age][/full] [n-m] [p-q] [....This command displays a page of information for each specified entry in a sample or subsample. The default entry number assumes the current entry, n-m, p-q, etc corresponds to a range of entry numbers.
dp 1-10 ! display the first 10 pages dp 2 ! display the 2nd page
ds[am][/quals] [n-m] [p-q] [...This command redisplays the current sample or subsample. It is used when filtering and sorting a subsample, or when rerouting output to a file. The optional range n-m restricts the number of displayed entries. This range is not optional when it is used with the original sample (after using rs or if no search has been made).
dsam ! display the sample
eat [parm]Erases (deletes) a table previously created using mat.
edb [parm]Erases a user database previously created using mdb.
eind [index_name]This erases (drops) an index in the current sample that a user has previously created for the specified parameter. This cannot be the current index.
esam [sampCMA_name]This erases a user generated sample and all of its associated indexes. This cannot be the current sample.
esam sources ! Erase the user generated sample MKN555.
exitThe exit command is used to leave BROWSE. When answering a prompt for information exit can be used to terminate the request. Ctrl Z can also be used to abort command requests.
Help [cmd] [opt]Help describes each BROWSE command. Ctrl Z to exit. <cr> to move up the help back to the beginning. This is very similar to the VMS help. To exit the help facility repeat <CR> until the BROWSE prompt is reached again.
ldb[/qual] [observatory]This lists information about the products in each database. The default will list all databases. If an observatory is included, then only those databases relevant to that observatory are listed.
ldb ! list all the databases ldb rosat ! list only rosat databases ldb/global ! give a system overview
lfiles[/qual]Gives a listing of the data files associated with the current database.
lfiles ! list all files lfiles/plot ! list only files that can be plotted
lind[/qual]This lists all the system and user indexes that are available for the current database and sample.
log [filename]Opens a log file containing all the screen output generated by BROWSE. The option filename specifies name of the file; the file extension is .log. If no filename is specified then the default of browse.log is used. A log file is closed if a new log file name is specifed (this will open a new log file), the filename is given as none, or at the end of a BROWSE session. The log files are ASCII text and can be ``mailed". The chatter command can be used to control the level of output.
log ! open the log file browse.log log cygx-1 ! close the log file browse.log and ! open the file cygx-1.log log none ! close the file cygx-1.log log +cygx-1 ! reopen the cyg x-1 log.
lparm[/qual] [dbname]The command lparm lists the parameters for current database, or if another dbname is specifed for that database. The default is to get the parameter number, name, and description.
lpeLists the previous 10 environments (database, sample, and index) combinations.
lsam [/global]This lists all the system and user samples available for the current database.
mat [name] [parm] [parm] [parm] [parm] [parm] [parm]This command allows the user to define the parameters listed in a table on the screen. A maximum of 6 parameters can be displayed at once. The name specifies the table name and parm is a list of up to 6 parameters in the database.
mat test ra dec "count rate" "count rate error" ! create a user defind ! table called test
mdb[/qual] [name]This makes a spectral, lightcurve, and image product database, or a statistics database. The /qual specifies the type of database to be generated and its name. A template database is used to generate the new database. The new database is called name. User databases are prefixed by a + to avoid name conflicts with system databases. The + need only be specified if there is a conflict. These user databases are kept in the current directory, and can be accessed only from that directory. They are listed using the ldb/u command.
mdb/sp cygx1 ! generate a spectral database called cygx1
msam[/qual] [name]The current subsample is written to a sample called name. No extension is permitted. This sample can then be read in again at a later date either with the cs command or when starting up BROWSE. The the new sample is automatically indexed on the default index for that database, (which is usually declination). If a cross correlation has been established (using the cross command), then the msam command can be used to save that correlation. It can then be read in again during other sessions using csam. The cross-correlation sample files are different from the samples generated for a single database. When a cross-correlation has been established a normal sample file can still be generated using the /no_correlation qualifier. The sample will be for the current database (indicated by the upper case letters in the prompt).
msam noble ! make the current subsample ! into the sample "noble" msam noble ! make a cross-correlation sample ! called "noble" msam/no_cor noble ! make an LE sample called "noble"
mind [parm] - make indexMakes an index for parm. This creates an index file for the specified parameter and puts it in the user's directory (with the extension .ind). It is accessible only to the user. A list of the system-wide and user-generated indexes can be obtained with lind.
mind class ! make an index on the parameter "class"
pdevThis shows the current plot device. There are no passed parameters or options.
pe [n] [?]This will let the user jump back to previous database/sample/index combinations (called environments). A stack of 10 previous environments are kept. n specifies the stack number, where 2 is the last used. If no number is specified pe causes the previous and current environments to toggle. pe ? gives a listing of the stack.
pe ? ! list the stack of environments pe ! toggle to the previous environment.
pp[/qual] [n]This plots the products (lightcurves, spectra and images) associated with entry n. The entry number is optional. If none is given, the last record viewed with dl or dp is used. /qual specifies the type of product to be plotted from a results database, as well as other plot options. Many of these qualifiers are database and product type dependent. To see which options are available type pp/?. The products available for a particular database can be seen by typing pp/sum. The qualifiers to access the products are listed on the left hand side. These will vary depending on the database loaded. Some of the more commonly used qualifiers are listed here.
pp/li 4 ! plot the 10s resolution light ! curve from the EXOSAT ME pp/li/plt/bins=240 4 ! same as before but in 240 bins ! and leaving it at the QDP/PLT ! prompt pp/mu/bins=100 4 ! plot the multiband lightcurves pp/hardness 4 ! plot the hardness ratio v. intensity pp/low_band/bins=50 4 ! plot the lowest energy band pp/li/ind 4 ! plot only the lightcurve for ! the specified entry, and not ! also others with the same ! sequence number pp/li/oneplot 4-8 ! plot one lightcurve covering ! entries 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. pp/im 1-5 ! plot each image separately ! centred on the detected source pp/sp/error/plt 4 ! plot the count rate spectrum ! with error bars for entry 4 ! and remain in QDP/PLT.
psam[/qual/qual/....] [parm x] [parm y] [parm y2] etc.This plots one parameter against another for all the selected and filtered records in the sample. If the x and y parameters are entered from the command line the other three options, which write a title and override the y-axis scaling, adopt their default values. Entering the x and y parameters as answers to questions will then be followed by questions concerning the other options. For example, ps time ``count rate" plots count rate on the y-axis versus time on the x-axis.
psam/parm=(val1:val2, val3:val4,val5,val6,*,......) PAR1 PAR2Assigns different symbols to a plot depending on the value of a specified parameter. parm must be the name of any valid database parameter. The val1-val2 specifies a range of values. This can be either a range or a single value. The * puts all points for this value.
rafThis removes or undoes the effect of all filters applied to the current sample using sif and sef.
rcorAfter a cross-correlation has been created using the cross command, or a cross-correlation sample loaded using csam, the rcor command is used to clear the correlation from memory. BROWSE restores the database loaded before the correlation was created/loaded.
recall[/max] [<command number>]Recall with no argument provides a list of the last up to 50 commands. The default number of previous commands displayed is 20, but this can be increased or decreased using the /max=n qualifier. A desired command can then be reexecuted by number. This command DOES NOT recall previous commands to the command line for changing.
reca ! Provides list of the last commands reca 4 ! Reexecutes command 4
fotreq [p-q]Submits an e-mail request to ESTEC for one or more FOTS
request [p-q]Submits an e-mail request to restore data from a nearline device, such as the NDADS jukebox.
REQUEST/all 1-10 ! request entries 1-10, all data types
rlfThis removes or undoes the effect of the last sif or sef command; useful if a mistake has been made!
rsamThis command resets the current selection made using sc, sn, or sp. All filters are also reset. Following a rsam command the user is then able to browse though the original sample.
Save[/restore/zap]The save command moves the current subsample to a temporary buffer. Subsequent saves will append to the end of this buffer, up to a maximum of 5000 entries. To restore the saved items use save/r[estore], to clear the saved buffer use save/z[ap].
sc[/d/c] [RA, Dec, radius, inner radius]Search for all entries within the specified radius of the given position and create a subsample. If the RA, Dec and radii are not specified the user will be prompted for these values. The RA can be specified either as hr mn sc or as decimal degrees, such as 123.456. Similarly the declination can be givea as deg mn sc or decimal degrees. The radius of the cone on the sky is given in arc minutes. It is also possible to give an inner radius, so that an annulus can be searched. A comma is used to separate the RA, Dec and radius fields. The RA and Dec can be abbreviated to hr mn or hr and deg mn and deg. The default equinox year is 1950, and can be changed using the cey (change equinox year) command. If the RA, Dec and cone are not specified the user is prompted for these values. The cone angle radius is given in arc minutes. If the cone angle is not specified a default value is taken. The default value is specific to each instrument.
sc ! search in a cone at R.A. (1950 d/f= 03 52 15.20 or 58.063): 3 52 ! RA of 3 hr 52 mn Dec (1950 d/f= 30 52 42.69 or 30.879): 30.8 ! dec of 30.8 Radius arcmin (outer inner d/f= 60.00 0.00): ! use default cone radius sc 20 30,37 30 ! using the command line sc/d ! use the default RA, Dec, radius sc ,37 35 ! use the default RA and radius ! but specify a new Dec sc/rad=10 ! change the search cone radius ! to 10 arc min sc 18 20,-30,30 ! search for 1820-30 sc 275.0,-30.5 ! same, but use dec degs sc/d/no ! search at the default position with ! no default update sc/d/no/rad=0.5 ! repeat the search with a cone ! radius of 30 arc sec.
script [file]Opens a script file where all BROWSE commands are written. The option filename specifies name of the file; the file extension is .xco. If no filename is specified, then the default of browse.xco is used. A script file is closed if:
sef [par] [low] [high]This filters from the display any entries that lie outside the limits for the given parameter. If only a lower limit is given the filter will reject that single value. This type of search is limited by the maximum sample size of 50,000 entries. Larger searches should use the sp command.
sef filter 7 ! reject filter 7 sef "count rate" 0.0 0.5 ! shows only count rates outside 0.0 and 0.5
showThis command lists the name of the database, sample and index files you are using, the plotting device (if set), and the details of the current selection of subsamples, filters and sorting.
sif [par] [low] [high]This filters from the display any entries that do not satisfy the limits for the given parameter. If only a lower limit is given, the filter passes only that single value.
sif filter 7 ! accept filter 7 sif "count rate" 0.0 0.05 ! shows only count rates between 0.0 and 0.5
skymapThis will plot the selected ra and dec as a map on the sky. This command will only work after a search has been made and a subsample created.
sname [source name]Retrieves entries with the specified source name and creates a subsample. No distinction is made between lower and upper case. The source name can have blanks, but these must match exactly the blanks in the record being searched. Wild cards are possible using the * character. For example, sn 3c* finds all names beginning with 3c, that is, all of the 3c sources. A wild card used at the beginning and end of the name. For example, *1145*, searches for all strings containing 1145. Note that if the wild card is at the beginning the search takes much longer. The wild card cannot be imbedded in the middle of a string. The source names used are those specified by the original observer, or in the catalog. It is recommended that a search also be conducted on coordinates, in case a different name was used for different observations.
sname "3c 120" ! find all observations of 3C120 sname 3c120 ! this has the same effect (all ! embedded blanks are ignored). sname 3c* ! find all 3C sources sname *1822* ! find all source names containing ! the string 1822
sort[/qual] [par]This command sorts the current subsample. The qualifier specifies either /ascending or /descending order for the specified parameter. The dsam command is used to display the sorted output. This command can also be used to sort a sample, but this my be slow. It is also limited by the maximum number of subsample entries which can be displayed using the show command.
55> sort/d time ! descending sort of the subsample ! on time
sparm [param] [min] [max]This searches the current sample for the specified parameter to locate entries within the specified range between min and max inclusive. If the param, min, or max contain blanks, the fields must be surrounded by quotes, such as sp pi ``van der klis". For character string matches the name must exactly match. Wild cards are specified with the * symbol. For example, sp pi van*. Note that if the parameter is name then the sn command can be used instead of sp name (although the latter will work as well). To search by coordinates use the sc command. The format for entering RA is hr min sec, Dec is deg min sec and time
sparm expos 1000 2000 ! find all records with exposure time ! between 1000 and 2000 seconds sparm dec 10 30,12 30 30 ! select all records with declination ! between 10deg 30min and ! 12 deg 30 min 30 sec sparm pi "white iii" ! select all records with the parameter "pi" ! name white iii sparm pi white* ! select all records with the pi ! name beginning white sparm time 83.001 84.100 ! select all records with time ! between 83 day 1 and 84 day 100 inclusive sparm "qflag me" 3 5 ! select all me observations with ! quality flags between 3 and 5 inclusive
statistics [param]Calculate the chi2 per dof, average, min, max, max/min, median, skewness, variance, plus other useful statisical parameters
ximage/smooth/sigma=<sigma>If <sigma> is not specified, a default value is used.
XIMAGE/DISPLAY/THRESHOLD=4 1 ! this displays only levels (colors) from ! level 4 up to the maximum number of ! levels (colors) allowed by the ! graphic device. XIMAG/SIM/SAT=XMM 2 ! generate a simulated XMM image XIMAGE/CONTOUR/THRESHOLD=2 3 ! generate a contour plot with 10 levels ! but only level 2 to level 10 are displayed
sort[/qual] [par]This command sorts the current subsample. The qualifier specifies either /ascending or /descending order for the specified parameter. The dsam command is used to display the sorted output. This command can also be used to sort a sample, but this my be slow. It is also limited by the maximum number of subsample entries which can be displayed using the show command.
55> sort/d time ! descending sort of the subsample ! on time
sparm [param] [min] [max]This searches the current sample for the specified parameter to locate entries within the specified range between min and max inclusive. If the param, min, or max contain blanks, the fields must be surrounded by quotes, such as sp pi ``van der klis". For character string matches the name must exactly match. Wild cards are specified with the * symbol. For example, sp pi van*. Note that if the parameter is name then the sn command can be used instead of sp name (although the latter will work as well). To search by coordinates use the sc command. The format for entering RA is hr min sec, Dec is deg min sec and time
sparm expos 1000 2000 ! find all records with exposure time ! between 1000 and 2000 seconds sparm dec 10 30,12 30 30 ! select all records with declination ! between 10deg 30min and ! 12 deg 30 min 30 sec sparm pi "white iii" ! select all records with the parameter "pi" ! name white iii sparm pi white* ! select all records with the pi ! name beginning white sparm time 83.001 84.100 ! select all records with time ! between 83 day 1 and 84 day 100 inclusive sparm "qflag me" 3 5 ! select all me observations with ! quality flags between 3 and 5 inclusive
statistics [param]Calculate the chi2 per dof, average, min, max, max/min, median, skewness, variance, plus other useful statisical parameters
ximage/smooth/sigma=<sigma>If <sigma> is not specified, a default value is used.
XIMAGE/DISPLAY/THRESHOLD=4 1 ! this displays only levels (colors) from ! level 4 up to the maximum number of ! levels (colors) allowed by the ! graphic device. XIMAG/SIM/SAT=XMM 2 ! generate a simulated XMM image XIMAGE/CONTOUR/THRESHOLD=2 3 ! generate a contour plot with 10 levels ! but only level 2 to level 10 are displayed
xp[/qual] [n-m]This extracts files associated with entries n-m, and puts them in the current directory. If no qualifier is specified then the user will be prompted for each file type that is available for the current database. If the qualifier all is given then all the files will be extracted with no prompt. Use lfiles to list all the available files for a particular database.
xp/sp/name=cena 1-** ! Extract all the ME pha files ! in the subsample and rename them ! cena_n, where n is the entry number
xspec[/quals] [m-n]XSPEC is run from command files which are created by BROWSE. It checks whether response matrices for the requested spectra are available and if not, runs VIMAT to create them in the current user's directory. When XSPEC is started it has all the file names for data and response in the command files and the user does not need to worry about them. XSPEC also automatically opens LOG and HISTORY files with the same names as the PHA file but with extensions .xlg and .xhs respectively. The chattiness is also reduced.
Thermal (wabs bremms) Thermal + Line (wabs bremms gauss) Powerlaw (wabs powerlaw) Powerlaw + Line (wabs powerlaw gauss) Black body (wabs bbody) Black body + Line (wabs bbody gauss) Compton (wabs cutoffpl) Compton + Line (wabs cutoffpl gauss)All the model parameters are determined together with the errors (delta of 2.7). For the models with a line, the equivalent width of the line is determined. By default the line energy is fixed at 6.4 keV in the spectral fits but can also be made a free parameter using the /standard=freline qualifier.
xspec/int ! Start XSPEC in an interactive mode xspec/standard 1-5 ! If not already there, create ! response matrices for ! the first 5 spectra in the sample. ! After all the matrices are ! created all 5 spectra are run ! through the standard fitting ! procedure. xspec/st/batch 1-5 ! As above but in batch mode. xspec 1-5 ! If no option is given, only the ! response matrices are created. xspec/model=(wabs highecut powerlaw) ! Start XSPEC with ! current entry for the ! data files and the given ! model. xspec/setup=vela 3-5 ! Create command file for XSPEC ! called vela.xcm. The commands ! are prompted for. xspec command> model wabs powerl gauss xspec command> fit 50 xspec command> dump xspec command> error 1 xspec command> exit ! Start XSPEC with data files for ! entry 3 and execute the setup ! command file. Then do the ! same for entry 4 and then 5.