Fv: The Interactive FITS File Editor
The latest version is 5.5.2, released April 2020
Fv is an easy to use graphical program for viewing and editing any
FITS format image or table. The Fv software is small, completely
self-contained and ready to run on
- Linux
- macOS
- Windows PCs (Fv v5.3 only)
Fv can be used with the
DS9 image display.
Download Fv now...
Fv also provides a portal into the new
Hera data analysis service
at the HEASARC:
Dozens of powerful utility program are available
to manipulate local FITS file
Do general image arithetic using complex mathematical expressions
Sort, merge, join, or filter rows of a table
Compute statistics about images or table columns
Make ASCII listings of the contents of any image or table
The programs run the same as if they were installed locally
but they actually execute on the Hera servers.
The input data files are transparently uploaded to the Hera servers where the
program is executed, and any output
FITS files and text output are transparently copied back to your machine after the
program finishes.
Hera tasks may be executed from the command line or using the special GUI built
into Fv.
For professional researchers, Hera provides
the complete suite of data analysis programs from the
FTOOLS, Chandra
and XMM
software packages.
Learn more about Hera...
Links to more Fv information:
The current fv development team is
- William Pence: Project Scientist, author of cfitsio
- Pan Chai: Project Engineer
Pages maintained by
Bryan Irby
Send bug reports or feature requests via the
FTOOLS help desk.
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Last modified: Monday, 13-Apr-2020 17:14:31 EDT