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A2SPECTRA - HEAO 1 A2 Spectra |
HEASARC Archive |
Two sets of spectra are associated to each database entry. In the first set, the source is on the collimator axis. In the second set instead the source is significantly off-axis or not even within the collimator aperture due to the satellite wobbling (here after off-source spectra). A background spectrum for each set was derived using blank sky observations and associated, using several criteria, to the first set (spectrum with the source on axis) and to the second set (off-source spectrum). Since not always the best background file was chosen additional background files are available using the A2SPECBACK database table.
For each set the following spectral files are available:
* 2 MED spectra one for the small and other for the large field of view and 2 associated background files (all in FITS). * 2 HED3 spectra one for the small and other for large field of view and 2 associated background files (all in FITS). * 2 HED1 spectra one for the small and other for the large field of view and 2 associated background file (all in FITS).Not all the spectra for each set are present. The first set of files, source on-axis, should be used for a given pointing for spectral analysis (file name suffix _p). The second set instead most likely contains background data or data from near by sources, and/or data from the target at a low collimator angle (file name suffix _po).This set in general is not useful to derive source spectral behaviors, but in a few cases can be used as background spectrum (if not contaminating sources are in the FOV) for the first set of files.
For the MED there is only one response file for all the spectra and this is valid also for the HD1 detector. For the HD3 instead 3 responses are available valid for different days through the mission. The database record for each entry the appropriate response for all the detectors.
A plot viewing the MED-S and HD3-S background subtracted spectra is also available in GIF format.
The count rates, the count rate error and exposure in the table were obtained from the MED and HED3 small FOV spectral files. If no files are present the value for these field is set to -99999.
The parameter 'name' contains the value stored in the OBJECT keyword of the
FITS file.
The Right Ascension of the detected source.
The Declination of the detected source.
The Galactic Longitude of the source.
The Galactic Latitude of the source.
Count rate from the spectrum obtained with the MED-S detector. The count rate
is background subtracted and calculated in the energy range 2-10 keV, using
the nominal exposure (see "Note on Count Rates").
Error on count rate from the MED-S detector.
Exposure given in seconds for the MED-S detector.
Count rate from the spectrum obtained with the HD3-S detector. The count rate
is background subtracted and calculated in the energy range 8-15 keV), using
the nominal exposure (see "Note on Count Rates").
Error on count rate from the HD3-S detector.
Exposure given in seconds for the HD3-S detector.
Date of Observation Start given as DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss (string).
Date of Observation Stop given as DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss (string).
The start time of the observation.
The stop time of the observation.
Root name for the spectral plot of the MED-S and HD3-S spectra.
This product is in GIF format.
Root name for the MED response file. The response is valid for the small and
large field of view. This product is in FITS format.
HED-1 response matrix file name
HED-3 response matrix file name
Root name for the MED-S background file obtained with the small field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the stable pointing
(parameter MEDS_FILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the MED-S background file obtained with the small field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the 'wobble'
pointing (parameter MEDSOFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the MED-L background file obtained with the large field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the stable pointing
(parameter MEDL_FILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the MED-S background file obtained with the small field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the 'wobble'
pointing. (parameter MEDLOFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD1-S background file obtained with the small field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the stable pointing
(parameter HD1S_FILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD1-S background file obtained with the small field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the 'wobble'
pointing. (parameter HD1SOFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD1-L background file obtained with the large field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the stable pointing
(parameter HD1LOFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD1-L background file obtained with the large field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the 'wobble'
pointing. (parameter HD1LOFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD3-S background file obtained with the small field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the stable pointing
(parameter HD3S_FILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD3-S background file obtained with the small field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the 'wobble'
pointing. (parameter HD3SOFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD3-L background file obtained with the large field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the stable pointing
(parameter HD3L_FILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD3-S background file obtained with the small field of view
The background file is valid for the spectra obtained for the 'wobble'
pointing. (parameter HD3LOFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the MED-S source spectral file obtained with the small field of
view. The spectral file is obtained with a stable pointing. (associated
background MEDS_BACKFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the MED-S source spectral file obtained with the small field of
view. The spectral file is obtained when the satellite was 'wobbling' around
the pointing position (associated background MEDSOBACKFILE). This product is
in FITS format.
Root name for the MED-L source spectral file obtained with the large field of
view. The spectral file is obtained with a stable pointing. (associated
background MEDL_BACKFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the MED-L source spectral file obtained with the large field of
view. The spectral file is obtained when the satellite was 'wobbling' around
the pointing position (associated background MEDLOBACKFILE). This product is
in FITS format.
Root name for the HD1-S source spectral file obtained with the small field of
view. The spectral file is obtained with a stable pointing. (associated
background HD1S_BACKFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD1-L source spectral file obtained with the large field of
view. The spectral file is obtained when the satellite was 'wobbling' around
the pointing position (associated background HD1LOBACKFILE). This product is
in FITS format.
Root name for the HD1-L source spectral file obtained with the large field of
view. The spectral file is obtained with a stable pointing. (associated
background HD1L_BACKFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD1-L source spectral file obtained with the large field of
view. The spectral file is obtained when the satellite was 'wobbling' around
the pointing position (associated background HD1LOBACKFILE). This product is
in FITS format.
Root name for the HD3-S source spectral file obtained with the small field of
view. The spectral file is obtained with a stable pointing. (associated
background HD3_BACKFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD3-S source spectral file obtained with the small field of
view. The spectral file is obtained when the satellite was 'wobbling' around
the pointing position (associated background HD3SOBACKFILE). This product is
in FITS format.
Root name for the HD3-L source spectral file obtained with the large field of
view. The spectral file is obtained with a stable pointing. (associated
background HD3L_BACKFILE). This product is in FITS format.
Root name for the HD3-L source spectral file obtained with the large field of
view. The spectral file is obtained when the satellite was 'wobbling' around
the pointing position (associated background HD3LOBACKFILE). This product is
in FITS format.