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Access to the catalogs and astronomical archives of the HEASARC

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HEASARC Data Access

  • Xamin Interfaces
  • Xamin Web InterfaceIntro   
    Our faster and more powerful access to HEASARC data

    Xamin API and Batch Interface
    Access the database with the Xamin application programming interface (API) that can perform all of the same tasks as the UI. You can also use it from your command line.
    Xamin VO Standard APIs
    For the full flexibility of SQL queries to bring complicated query logic directly to the database, you can use our VO APIs. See also tutorials for how to access these APIs in Python.
  • Browse Interfaces   Tips Archive
  • Browse Mission Interface  
    Our full-featured interface
    Browse Table Index
    Listing of all tables in the HEASARC database
    Browse Correlation of 2 Tables
    Correlation of more than 2 tables is available in Xamin
    Browse Notification Service
    Get notified when new data is available in the archive
    Use Xamin if you wish to monitor any query
    Browse Batch InterfaceDownload  
    Perl scripts (by default these now query Xamin database)

  • CMB Data
  • CMB Missions and Projects
    Data from space-bourne and suborbital CMB experiments in LAMBDA
  • Specialized Forms
  • Argus Proposal/Observation Info
    Search Browse proposal information for observation details and status
    Swift Data Query
    Search bursts and observations of the Swift mission

  • Direct Access to HEASARC Archive Directories
  • Command-Line Downloads
    Describes using our download script as well as wget and curl.

    If there is a published astronomical catalog that you would
    like added to the HEASARC, let us know.

    Browse Quick form divider

    Other Resources

    • SkyView - An easy-to-use tool that returns digital images of the sky in any waveband from radio through to gamma rays
    • VAO DataScope - Query catalogs and services from the HEASARC and from around the world using a single form
    • Literature - Links to literature search engines and online versions of refereed journals and science magazines

    Archive Information

    Latest News

  • NuSTAR Caldb Update (19 Jul 2024)
    The NuSTAR FPM caldb was updated to version 20240715. This release includes a new clock correction file, v186. Please see the release notes for more details.
  • xTime tool updated (11 Jul 2024)
    A new version of the xTime mission date/time conversion tool was released that fixes issues with converting from either NuSTAR or INTEGRAL times to XRISM times.
  • Successful XL-Calibur launch (10 Jul 2024)
    The XL-Calibur balloon from NASA was successfully launched at 05:04 local time on the 9th of July from Esrange Space Center (Sweden). The flight is expected to last 4-5 days and it is possible to follow its journey across the Atlantic before landing in northern Canada.
  • XMMSTACK- XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog from Stacked Observations (4XMM-DR14s) Released (10 Jul 2024)
    The stacked catalog (XMMSTACK) and associated observation data ( XMMSTACKOB) offer new versions of the stacked catalog built from 10,336 4XMM-DR13 overlapping observations. XMMSTACK contains 1,751 stacks (or groups). The catalog contains 427,524 unique sources, with each observation also provided in the associated XMMSTACKOB table. Both are now available in both Browse and Xamin.
  • XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (4XMM-DR14) Released (10 Jul 2024)
    The most recent, updated version of this catalog (from Webb et al.,2020) containing 1,035,832 X-ray source detections (an increase of 621 more observations and 51,884 more detections since the previous version 4XMM-DR13) drawn from a total of 13,864 XMM-Newton EPIC observations made between 2000 Feb 3 and 2023 December 31 is now available in both Browse and Xamin.
  • XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue: 4XMM-DR14 Released (9 Jul 2024)
    14th release of the 4XMM Serendipitous Source Catalogue
  • RSS [What is this?]

    Page maintainer: M. F. Corcoran
    HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

    Last modified: Thursday, 17-Feb-2022 19:35:01 EST

    Browse interfaces: Main | Index | Batch | Correlation |