NuSTAR Calibration Files

This page contains a summary of the NuSTAR Calibration files which are currently in the Calibration Database (CALDB). For each instrument, each table links to the latest CALDB releases, from where individual files can be downloaded as well as the CALDB index file. The tables also link to the current CALDB tar files which users can install on their local machines. Note: The tar files for each of the instruments already include the NuSTAR common calibration products.
Instructions for installing the CALDB for NuSTAR or other missions are available from the CALDB Installation page. Note that the easiest way to access calibration data for NuSTAR or other HEASARC-supported missions is via remote access.

Caldb access for NuSTAR requires an updated version of the caldb.config file which is available at Please replace your current $CALDBCONFIG file with this updated version.


  • The initial release of the NuSTAR CALDB (CALDB version 20130509) will not work with nustardas version 1.3.0 (released with HEASoft 6.15) or later versions. If you are using nustardas v 1.3.0/HEASoft 6.15, please upgrade to the latest NuSTAR CALDB release.
  • The CALDB releases prior to 20160502 will not work with the latest version of NuSTARDAS v1.6.0 released in HEASoft v6.19. NuSTARDAS v1.6.0 requires NuSTAR CALDB version 20160502 (or higher).
  • The versions of clock correction files v022 to v063 were found to have unphysical discontinuities in the clock correction. Only versions v066 and later should be used in analysis.
  • CALDB releases prior to 2020-05-06 (version 20200439) will not work with NuSTARDAS versions 1.9.2 (and later), required to use the MLI calibration correction and improved clock correction files.
  • Gaps identified in spacecraft engineering housekeeping used in the generation of clock correction files have been recovered and an improved clock correction file, included with the NuSTAR CALDB 20201101 and later, is expected to provide marginally better performance than previous versions of the clock correction files. More information and a list of reprocessed observations can be found on the NuSTAR SOC website.
  • A major update in the calibration of the NuSTAR observatory was released on 2021 October 26 (CALDB version 20211020). Details of the update are presented in Madsen et al. (2021) JATIS in prep. and a summary is available on the NuSTAR SOC website.
  • NuSTAR CALDB Release Version 20240311a, released at the HEASARC on 2024-03-20, was done to re-release valid versions of the following files into the NuSTAR CALDB (locations given relative to $CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/): bcf/detabs/nuAdetabs20100101v004.fits; bcf/detabs/nuBdetabs20100101v004.fits; bcf/vign/nuBvign20100101v008.fits; bcf/vign/nuAvign20100101v008.fits; cpf/rmf/nuAcutdet1_20100101v003.rmf; cpf/rmf/nuBcutdet0_20100101v003.rmf; cpf/rmf/nuAcutdet0_20100101v003.rmf; cpf/rmf/nuBcutdet1_20100101v003.rmf; cpf/rmf/nuAcutdet3_20100101v003.rmf; cpf/rmf/nuBcutdet2_20100101v003.rmf; cpf/rmf/nuAcutgrprmf20100101v003.fits; cpf/rmf/nuAcutdet2_20100101v003.rmf; cpf/rmf/nuBcutdet3_20100101v003.rmf. Invalid versions of these files were released on Feb 29, 2024 and were present in the NuSTAR CALDB through March 21, 2024.

  • History of NuSTAR CALDB releases

  • NuSTAR Data Analysis Software and Calibration history (maintained by Caltech)

    Focal Plane Module (FPM) Calibration Products

    Item Version Comments
    Current CalDB Release 20250317 See release history
    Complete Tar File
    CLOCK Patch file (8.3 MB)
    (Only includes the clock Correction update, not the full fpm caldb;
    download to $CALDB and gunzip & untar)
    20250317 Released on 2025-03-18
    Documentation 20211020  

    HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

    Last modified: Tuesday, 18-Mar-2025 10:42:11 EDT