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ASCASIS - ASCA SIS Source Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
For each catalogued source various information is available, which includes the celestial coordinates of the source, the count rate, the significance of detection, and the hardness ratio, total aperture counts, exposure time, and start time of the observation. In addition, a set of three GIF "thumbnail" images is available in the broad (0.5 - 12 keV), soft (2 < keV), and hard (> 2 keV) spectral bands centered on the apparent detection. These images are convenient for accessing the quality of the source detection.
The current catalog is preliminary, the goal of the catalog authors being to make the SIS source list available as quickly as possible. To accomplish this, they took an incremental approach and placed their "work in progress" on-line, warts and all. They urge caution in using and citing these preliminary results, as they point out that the information is not, as yet, 100% reliable.
The current best reference for this catalog is: Gotthelf, E.V. and White, N.E. 1997, in "X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas", p. 31.
A unique identifier for each ASCA observation set.
The source designation within this catalog. The name is derived from
the AXS prefix (for ASCA SIS X-ray source) and the apparent J2000 R.A. and
The apparent Right Ascension of the source in the selected equinox.
The apparent Declination of the source in the selected equinox.
The galactic longitude of the source.
The galactic latitude of the source.
The apparent Right Ascension of the source in the B1950 equinox
and in decimal degrees.
The apparent Declination of the source in the B1950 equinox and
in decimal degrees.
The estimated total broad-band (0.5 to 12 keV) count rate at the telescope,
in counts/second.
The error in the estimated total broad-band (0.5 to 12 keV) count rate at the
telescope, in counts/second. (not currently populated).
The estimated significance of this source detection. Because of the complex
ASCA mirror response function this number should be considered with caution.
The estimated hardness ratio defined as the difference over the sum of the
hard (2 - 12 keV) and soft (0.5 - 2 keV) band count rates at the source
position (= [S-H] / [S+H]).
The estimated error on the hardness ratio (not currently populated).
The accumulated total counts within in a 6 arcmin aperture centered on the
The total "good" exposure time in seconds.
The start time of the observation.
The root filename for accessing the GIF image.