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Available data taken prior to the trigger may contain the beginning of the triggering event before it satisfied the triggering criteria. Background-type files can be used to remove background signal levels from the triggered period. The BFITS data files - containing burst and background spectral data as a function of time - and the detector response matrices (DRM) - modeling the instrument response to account for scattering and other effects - are extremely useful for gamma-ray burst analysis. Also, the BFITS and DRM files can be converted to PHA-II and RMF format for analysis with XSPEC using available FTOOLS. Please refer to the Data_Products section for more details on the various file types.
A current description of the BATSE data holdings including the TRIGGER files is also available in the 1998 Legacy article, online at: information about BATSE is available at the Compton Observatory Science Support Center (COSSC) web site at:
Fishman, G.J., et al. 1991, in Proc. The Compton Observatory Science Workshop (NASA CP-3137) Wilson, R.B. et al. 1991, in Proc. The Compton Observatory Science Workshop Harmon, B.A. et al. 1994, in 2nd Compton Symposium, AIP Conf. Proc. 304, 210 Briggs, M.S., et al. 1996, ApJ 459, 40 Meegan, C.A., et al. 1996, ApJ supplement, 106, 65 Finger, M.H., et al. 1997, in 4th Compton Symposium, AIP Conf. Proc 410, 57 Wilson, C.A. et al. 1998, to appear in ApJ, 499 Bildsten, L. et al. 1997, APJ Supplement, 113, 367
Naming Convention Contents tte_bfits_YYYY.fits time-sequenced 4-energy channel data bracketing trigger; combines discla, preb, discsc, and tte. discsc_bfits_YYYY.fits time-sequenced 4-energy channel data bracketing time of burst trigger for triggered detectors; combines data types discla, preb and discsc. (s)her_bfits_X_YYYY.fits time-sequenced 128 energy channel data bracketing time of burst trigger for specified detector; combines datatypes her and herb - suggested data type for 128 energy channel burst analysis. mer_bfits_YYYY.fits time-sequenced 16-energy channel data for times bracketing burst trigger - triggered detectors only; combines mer and cont datatypes - suggested for 16-energy channel burst analysis. discsc_drm_YYYY.fits detector response matrix for 4 energy channel burst data triggered detectors only; used with 4-energy channel data to determine burst photon spectra. her_drm_X_YYYY.fits detector response matrix for 128-energy channel burst data for specified detector; used with 128-energy channel counts data to generate burst photon spectra. mer_drm_YYYY.fits detector response matrix for 16-energy channel burst data triggered detectors only; used with 16-energy channel data to generate burst photon spectra. cont_TJD_fits 8 BATSE detectors, 2.048s resolution/16 energy channels. discla_TJD.fits 8 BATSE detectors, 1.024 s resolution/4 energy channels. XXX_TJD1_TJD2_his.fits Occultation histories. XXX_TJD1_TJD2_nhis.fits Data for one or more BATSE detectors for available energy channels as source count rate (counts/sec) from which the background has been subtracted - used for light curves. XXX_TJD_lad_p11.fits Pulsar low level data. XXX_TJD1_TJD2_lad_olc Light curve file for a given pulsar.where YYYY = trigger number, XXXX = source name, TJD = Truncated Julian Day, X = detector number.
Notice that, because of the instrument configuration at the time of the event, the same files are not available for all triggers. Spectral (SD) data are prefixed with an 's' (e.g. 'sher').
Available data taken prior to the trigger may contain the beginning of the triggering event before it satisfied the triggering criteria. Background-type files can be used to remove background signal levels from the triggered period. The BFITS data files - containing burst and background spectral data as a function of time - and the detector response matrices (DRM) - modeling the instrument response to account for scattering and other effects - are extremely useful for gamma-ray burst analysis. Also, the BFITS and DRM files can be converted to PHA-II and RMF format for analysis with XSPEC using available FTOOLS. Other file types exist, notice, and advice on their use is obtainable at
The trigger number as a 5-character string, including leading zeroes.
A unique tag created from the trigger number. Notice that this convention
differs from that used for the other CGRO instruments for which the numerical
part of the Obsid refers to the CGRO Viewing Period in which the data were
Right ascension of the point of origin of the burst in the selected coordinate
Declination of the point of origin of the burst in the selected coordinate
Galactic Longitude of the point of origin of the burst.
Galactic Latitude of the point of origin of the burst.
The time at which the observation began. Note that this is not the start of
the burst itself which is usually some time later.
The time at which the observation ended. Note that this is not the end of
the burst itself, which is usually some time earlier.
The type of trigger: soft gamma repeater (SGR), Gamma Ray Burst (burst),
solar flare (flare), terrestrial gamma flash (TGR), or the name of a source,
e.g. CYGX-1 or GROJ1744-28.