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CALGBMMSTR - CALET Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Master Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
CALET is a Japanese mission led by JAXA, in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and NASA, and it is dedicated to the study of high energy cosmic rays. CALET was launched on August 19, 2015, by a Japanese carrier, H2 Transfer Vehicle, and robotically installed on the Japanese Experiment Module-Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) on the International Space Station (ISS). CALET started scientific observations in October, 2015.
CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM) Yamaoka, K, et al., 2013, 33th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), =2013ICRC...33.2948Y CALET GBM Observations of Gamma-ray Bursts and Gravitational Wave Sources Yamaoka, K, and Calet Collaboration, 2017, 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), =2017ICRC...35..614Y Gamma-ray burst observations with the CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor Kawakubo, V., 2019, 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019), =2019ICRC...36..571K
The CGBM is sensitive from the soft X-ray (~7 keV) to the Gamma-ray (~10 MeV) range and consists on two type of detectors: the Hard X-ray Monitor (two identical units, HXM1 and HXM2) to cover the lower energy (7 keV - 1000 keV) and Soft Gamma-ray Monitor (SGM) to cover the higher energy 100 keV - 20 MeV.
The CALET GBM collect data in three modes: the PH mode, the TH mode and the Event mode. The PH and TH modes are always running and served as monitoring data, the Event mode is activated only if the GBM is triggered by transient event. The ASC provides an optical image of the field of view.
The data are divided by day and assigned a unique observation identifier based on the observing day (YYYYMMDD). Each row of the database table corresponds to a specific day and has an associated data recorded for that day. All the CGBM subunits (HXM1, HXM2 and SGM) collect data in the TH, PH and Event data. The TH and PH data are always recorded while the Event and optical image are present only if a trigger occurs on board. The TH monitoring data consists in binned data in 4 energy bands sampled every 0.125 sec in low gain and high gain. The PH Monitoring data are instead spectra sampled every 4 sec in low gain (102 channels) and high gain (410 channels). The Event data are collected in both low and high gain over an interval of time which typically covers 100 sec before the trigger and about 512 after the trigger. Each observation contains always data from the TH and PH mode and Event mode data are present only if a trigger occurs.
Each record of the database includes rates for TH data in low and high gain for all the subunits (HXM1, HXM2, SGM). It also includes the from Event mode if these data are present within the observation. The rates from the TH and Event mode data are calculated using all the data within the file without any filtering.
This parameter contains a unique row identifier for the database table. It is
an 8-digit number, YYYYMMDD, representing the year, month and day of the
lightcurve. The obsid is also the unique identifier assigned to each
observation, the sequence number.
The start time of the observation. The data have been divided into 1-day
observations. This time corresponds to the start of the day.
The end time of the observation. The data have been divided into 1-day
observations. This time corresponds to the end of the day.
This parameter records the date when the data were last processed.
This records the version of the processing script used in the pipeline to
generate the data products for the observation.
Total counts in HXM1 TH High Gain mode. This is obtained by summing all
values in the column COUNTS of the HXM1 TH High Gain FITS file. The value is
set to -1 if no TH data are present.
Average count rate in HXM1 TH High Gain mode. This value is obtained divided
the total counts by the total exposure (parameters hx1_thh_total_count and
hx1_thh_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no TH data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing all values in the column
EXPOSURE of the HXM1 TH High Gain FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no TH
data are present.
Total counts in HXM1 TH Low Gain mode. This is obtained by summing all values
in the column COUNTS of the HXM1 TH Low Gain FITS file. The value is set to
-1 if no TH data are present.
Average count rate in HXM1 TH Low Gain mode. This value is obtained divided
the total counts by the total exposure (parameters hx1_thl_total_count and
hx1_thl_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no TH data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing all values in the column
EXPOSURE of the HXM1 TH Low Gain FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no TH
data are present.
Total counts in HXM2 TH High Gain mode. This is obtained by summing all
values in the column COUNTS of the HXM2 TH High Gain FITS file. The value is
set to -1 if no TH data are present.
Average count rate in HXM2 TH High Gain mode. This value is obtained divided
the total counts by the total exposure (parameters hx1_thh_total_count and
hx1_thh_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no TH data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing all values in the column
EXPOSURE of the HXM2 TH High Gain FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no TH
data are present.
Total counts in HXM2 TH Low Gain mode. This is obtained by summing all values
in the column COUNTS of the HXM2 TH Low Gain FITS file. The value is set to
-1 if no TH data are present.
Average count rate in HXM2 TH Low Gain mode. This value is obtained divided
the total counts by the total exposure (parameters hx2_thl_total_count and
hx2_thl_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no TH data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing all values in the column
EXPOSURE of the HXM2 TH Low Gain FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no TH
data are present.
Total counts in SGM TH High Gain mode. This is obtained by summing all values
in the column COUNTS of the SGM TH High Gain FITS file. The value is set to
-1 if no TH data are present.
Average count rate in SGM TH High Gain mode. This value is obtained divided
the total counts by the total exposure (parameters sgm_thh_total_count and
sgm_thh_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no TH data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing all values in the column
EXPOSURE of the SGM TH High Gain FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no TH
data are present.
Total counts in SGM TH Low Gain mode. This is obtained by summing all values
in the column COUNTS of the SGM TH Low Gain FITS file. The value is set to -1
if no TH data are present.
Overrate count rate in SGM TH Low Gain mode. This value is obtained divided
the total counts by the total exposure (parameters sgm_thl_total_count and
sgm_thl_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no TH data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing all values in the column
EXPOSURE of the SGM TH Low Gain FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no TH
data are present.
Flag to indicate if the HXM1 Events mode data are present. (0 not present, 1
data are present)
Total events (counts) in HXM1 event mode. This is obtained by summing all
rows present in the HXM1 Event FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no Event
data are present.
Average count rate in HXM1 Event mode. This value is obtained divided the
total counts by the total exposure (parameters hx1_evt_total_counts and
hx1_evt_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no Event data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing Good Time Intervals in the
HXM1 Event FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no Event data are present.
Flag to indicate if the HXM2 Events mode data are present. (0 not present, 1
data are present)
Total events (counts) in HXM2 event mode. This is obtained by summing all
rows present in the HXM2 Event FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no Event
data are present.
Average count rate in HXM2 Event mode. This value is obtained divided the
total counts by the total exposure (parameters hx2_evt_total_counts and
hx2_evt_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no Event data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing Good Time Intervals in the
HXM2 Event FITS file.
Flag to indicate if the SGM Event mode data are present. (0 not present, 1
data are present)
Total events (counts) in SGM Event mode. This is obtained by summing all rows
present in the SGM Event FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no Event data
are present.
Aver-ate count rate in SGM Event mode. This value is obtained divided the
total counts by the total exposure (parameters hx2_evt_total_counts and
hx2_evt_exposure). The value is set to -1 if no Event data are present.
This parameter corresponds to the total effective exposure recorded in the
1-day observing time. This is obtained by summing Good Time Intervals in the
SGM Event FITS file. The value is set to -1 if no Event data are present.
Number of triggers within the observation. The value is set to -1 if no
triggers were recorded on board.
This parameter contains the trigger number of the first trigger in the
observation. The value is set to -1 if no such trigger occurred.
This parameter contains the trigger number of the second trigger in the
observation. The value is set to -1 if no such trigger occurred.
This parameter contains the trigger number of the third trigger in the
observation. The value is set to -1 if no such trigger occurred.
This parameter contains the trigger number of the fourth trigger in the
observation. The value is set to -1 if no such trigger occurred.
This parameter contains the trigger number of the fifth trigger in the
observation. The value is set to -1 if no such trigger occurred.
This parameter contains the trigger number of the sixth trigger in the
observation. The value is set to -1 if no such trigger occurred.
This parameter contains the trigger number of the seventh trigger in the
observation. The value is set to -1 if no such trigger occurred.
This parameter contains the trigger number of the eighth trigger in the
observation. The value is set to -1 if no such trigger occurred.