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CHPNGPTSRC - Chandra Nearby Galaxies Point Source Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
Old and young X-ray point source populations in nearby galaxies. Colbert E.J.M., Heckman T.M., Ptak A.F., Strickland D.K., Weaver K.A. <Astrophys. J., 602, 231-248 (2004)> =2004ApJ...602..231C
The recommended X-ray source designation using the CHP2004 prefix
and the J2000 coordinates for the object.
The X-ray source host galaxy name.
The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 seconds of
time in the original table.
The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 1 arcsecond in
the original table.
The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.
The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.
The number of the ACIS CCD with which the X-ray source was
detected: CCDs 5 and 7 are back-illuminated, while the other CCDs are
front-illuminated (see section 3.1 of the published paper).
The logarithm of the 0.3 - 8 keV X-ray luminosity of the X-ray
source, in units of erg/s, assuming the galaxy distances as listed in Table
2 and exposure times as listed in Table 1 of the published paper. See
section 3.1 of the published paper for details about the assumed spectrum.
The net observed counts in the X-ray source for the hard band
H (2.0 - 8.0 keV).
The uncertainty in the X-ray source hard-band counts.
The net observed counts in the X-ray source for the medium
band M (1.0 - 2.0 keV).
The uncertainty in the X-ray source medium-band counts.
The net observed counts in the X-ray source for the soft band
S (0.3 - 1.0 keV).
The uncertainty in the X-ray source soft-band counts.
The hardness ratio of the X-ray source for the hard and medium
bands, (H-M)/(H+M), in the back-illuminated (BI) CCD 7. Hardness ratios for
sources detected on the front-illuminated CCDs were transformed to the
corresponding ratio for the BI CCDs using effective area curves, quantum
efficiency curves, and filter transmission curves provided by the Chandra
X-Ray Center.
The uncertainty in the hard to medium hardness ratio of
the X-ray source. Uncertainties are not provided when no net counts were
detected in one of the energy bands.
The hardness ratio of the X-ray source for the medium and soft
bands, (M-S)/(M+S), in the back-illuminated (BI) CCD 7. Hardness ratios for
sources detected on the front-illuminated CCDs were transformed to the
corresponding ratio for the BI CCDs using effective area curves, quantum
efficiency curves, and filter transmission curves provided by the Chandra
X-Ray Center.
The uncertainty in the medium to soft hardness ratio of
the X-ray source. Uncertainties are not provided when no net counts were
detected in one of the energy bands.