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ELAISCXO - ELAIS N1 and N2 Fields Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
The ELAIS Deep X-ray Survey (EDXS) is being conducted in the northern ELAIS regions N1 and N2. The Chandra data consist of approximately 75 ks exposures in each field. Region N1 was observed on 2000 August 3-4 (Obs_ID 888) and N2 on 2000 August 2-3 (Obs_ID 887). The nominal aimpoints were 16:10:20.11 +54:33:22.3 for N1, and 16:36:46.99 +41:01:33.7 for N2 in J2000.0 coordinates. The ACIS-I chips were used with the addition of the ACIS-S2 and ACIS-S4 chips.
The ELAIS deep X-ray survey. I. Chandra source catalogue and first results. Manners J.C., Johnson O., Almaini O., Willott C.J., Gonzalez-Solares E., Lawrence A., Mann R.G., Perez-Fournon I., Dunlop J.S., Mcmahon R.G., Oliver S.J., Rowan-Robinson M., Serjeant S. <Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 343, 293-305 (2003)> =2003MNRAS.343..293M
This X-ray source identifier consists of the field identifier
(N1 or N2) and a running source number NNN in order of increasing J2000.0
Right Ascension within the field, viz., N1-NNN or N2-NNN.
An alternative name for the X-ray source using the '[MJA2003]'
prefix (for Manners, Johnson and Almaini 2003) and the source number value,
as recommended by the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects.
The X-ray source designation using the 'CXOEN1' prefix for sources
in the N1 field and 'CXOEN2' prefix for those in the N2 field and the
truncated J2000.0 equatorial coordinates (JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS), as registered
with the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects.
The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of
time in the original tables. Source coordinates were astrometrically
corrected using calibrated r'-band images to a depth of r' ~ 26. High
S/N Chandra sources were matched with stellar r'-band counterparts (16 in
N1 and 11 in N2, with a good spread across the fields). The rms residuals
were all less than 1", randomly distributed with a mean of ~0.4".
The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds
in the original tables. Source coordinates were astrometrically
corrected using calibrated r'-band images to a depth of r' ~ 26. High
S/N Chandra sources were matched with stellar r'-band counterparts (16 in
N1 and 11 in N2, with a good spread across the fields). The rms residuals
were all less than 1", randomly distributed with a mean of ~0.4".
The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.
The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.
The positional uncertainty of the X-ray source location,
in arcseconds. This is the error in the centroid position from the source
detection algorithm, with 0.4" added in quadrature to represent the
astrometroc error.
The net counts C in the X-ray source, being the background-subtracted
net source counts in the full energy band (0.5-8 keV). Where sources were only
detected in the soft or hard bands, the net counts represent the counts in the
corresponding band rather than in the full band.
The signal-to-noise ratio S/N of the X-ray source. A S/N threshold of 3
was used for source detection, where S/N is defined as C/(1+sqrt(0.75 +B)),
where C are the net source counts, and B are the background counts within the
source cell, the region defined by WAVDETECT which is assumed to effectively
contain all the source counts. (This equation comes from Gehrels (1986, ApJ,
303, 336) equation 7 in which the upper confidence level equivalent to a
1-sigma Gaussian is given).
This parameter is set to '<' if the quoted full-band
(0.5 - 8 keV) flux is an upper limit.
The full-band (0.5 - 8 keV) flux of the X-ray source, in
erg/cm^2/s. Flux values were calculated assuming a power-law source spectrum
of the form F(nu) ~ nu^-alpha, where alpha = 0.7. For sources that do not
reach the S/N threshold in a certain band, an upper limit to the flux in that
band was calculated using equation (5) in the reference paper. (For more
details see Section 5 of the reference paper).
The RMS uncertainty in the full-band (0.5 - 8 keV) flux
of the X-ray source, in erg/cm^2/s.
This parameter is set to '<' if the quoted soft-band
(0.5 - 2 keV) flux is an upper limit.
The soft-band (0.5 - 2 keV) flux of the X-ray source, in
erg/cm^2/s. Flux values were calculated assuming a power-law source spectrum
of the form F(nu) ~ nu^-alpha, where alpha = 0.7. For sources that do not
reach the S/N threshold in a certain band, an upper limit to the flux in that
band was calculated using equation (5) in the reference paper. (For more
details see Section 5 of the reference paper).
The RMS uncertainty in the soft-band (0.5 - 2 keV) flux
of the X-ray source, in erg/cm^2/s.
This parameter is set to '<' if the quoted hard-band
(2 - 8 keV) flux is an upper limit.
The hard-band (2 - 8 keV) flux of the X-ray source, in
erg/cm^2/s. Flux values were calculated assuming a power-law source spectrum
of the form F(nu) ~ nu^-alpha, where alpha = 0.7. For sources that do not
reach the S/N threshold in a certain band, an upper limit to the flux in that
band was calculated using equation (5) in the reference paper. (For more
details see Section 5 of the reference paper).
The RMS uncertainty in the hard-band (2 - 8 keV) flux
of the X-ray source, in erg/cm^2/s.
The broad-band hardness ratio HR of the X-ray source defined
as HR = (H-S)/(H+S), where H and S are the background-subtracted source counts
in the hard (2 - 8 keV) and soft (0.5 - 2 keV) bands, respectively. Net source
counts were extracted from the exposure-corrected hard- and soft-band images
within circular regions centered on the WAVDETECT positions. The apertures
were scaled to mimic the degradation of the Chandra PSF with off-axis angle
in each band, and had minimum radii of 10 pixels. Background counts were
estimated based on extracting form source-free regions in annuli around
each source.
The RMS uncertainty in the hardness ratio HR.