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ERASSMASTR - eROSITA All-Sky Survey Master Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
Data rights are split by Galactic longitude (l) and latitude (b), with a division marked by the great circle passing through the Galactic poles (l,b)=(0,+90);(0,-90) and the Galactic Center Sgr A* (l,b)=(359.94423568,-0.04616002): data with -0.05576432< l <179.94423568 degrees (Eastern Galactic hemisphere) belong to the Russian consortium, while data with 359.94423568 > l >179.94423568 degrees (Western Galactic hemisphere) belong to eROSITA-DE. The Western Galactic hemisphere observations were released to the public through the eROSITA-DE site on 31 January 2024.
In the Early Data Release (EDR), the data taken during the Calibration and Performance Verification (Cal-PV) phase were released and are available in EROSMASTER. The reprocessed EDR observations are not part of DR1.
The primary data products of the eROSITA-DE DR1 consist of calibrated event files, which contain the information generated by the cameras used during the eRASS1 observations. The eSASS4DR1 pipeline creates these event files after the received telemetry data from eROSITA of each observation has been reformatted, packaged, and archived by a pre-processor. Note that the coverage of the sky is not uniform, i.e., not all observations have been performed with all seven eROSITA telescope modules (TMs).
The eROSITA-DE team has divided the eRASS1 observations into 4700 sky tiles for practical purposes. Each sky tile has a size of 3.6x3.6 square degrees, overlapping by approximately 20 arcmin. Of the 4700 sky tiles, eROSITA-DE have proprietary rights on 2248 of them, and 199 sky tiles have shared rights between the German and Russian consortiums. eROSITA-DE DR1 comprises 2447 sky tiles in total, of which 199 have partial eROSITA-DE data. The FITS table here, provides the mapping between sky-tile identification and sky coordinates for the 2447 sky tiles.
In addition, the 0.2-2.3 (ERASS1MAIN) and 2.3-5 keV (3-band; ERASS1HARD) source catalogs are also available.
The SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey, First X-ray catalogues and data release of the Western Galactic hemisphere. Merloni A., Lamer G., Liu T., Ramos-Ceja M.E., Brunner H. Bulbul E., Dennerl K., Doroshenko V., Freyberg M.J., Friedrich S., Gatuzz E., Georgakakis A., Haberl F., Igo Z., Kreykenbohm I., Liu A., Maitra C., Malyali A., Mayer M.G.F., Nandra K., Predehl P., Robrade J., Salvato M., Sanders J.S., Stewart I., Tubin-Arenas D., Weber P., Wilms J., Arcodia R., Artis E., Aschersleben J., Avakyan A., Aydar C., Bahar Y.E., Balzer F., Becker W., Berger K., Boller T., Bornemann W., Brueggen M., Brusa M., Buchner J., Burwitz V., Camilloni F., Clerc N., Comparat J., Coutinho D., Czesla S., Dannhauer S.M., Dauner L., Dauser T., Dietl J., Dolag K., Dwelly T., Egg K., Ehl E., Freund S., Friedrich P., Gaida R., Garrel C., Ghirardini V., Gokus A., Gruenwald G., Grandis S., Grotova I., Gruen D., Gueguen A., Haemmerich S., Hamaus N., Hasinger G., Haubner K., Homan D., Ider Chitham J., Joseph W.M., Joyce A., Koenig O., Kaltenbrunner D.M., Khokhriakova A., Kink W., Kirsch C., Kluge M., Knies J., Krippendorf S., Krumpe M., Kurpas J., Li P., Liu Z., Locatelli N., Lorenz M., Mueller S., Magaudda E., Mannes C., McCall H., Meidinger N., Michailidis M., Migkas K., Munoz-Giraldo D., Musiimenta B., Nguyen-Dang N.T., Ni Q., Olechowska A., Ota N., Pacaud F., Pasini T., Perinati E., Pires A.M., Pommranz C., Ponti G., Poppenhaeger K., Puehlhofer G., Rau A., Reh M., Reiprich T.H., Roster W., Saeedi S., Santangelo A., Sasaki M., Schmitt J., Schneider P.C., Schrabback T., Schuster N., Schwope A., Seppi R., Serim M.M., Shreeram S., Sokolova-Lapa E., Starck H., Stelzer B., Stierhof J., Suleimanov V., Tenzer C., Traulsen I., Truemper J., Tsuge K., Urrutia T., Veronica A., Waddell S.G.H., Willer R., Wolf J., Yeung M.C.H., Zainab A., Zangrandi F., Zhang X., Zhang Y., Zheng X. <Astron. Astrophys. 682, A34 (2024)> =2024A&A...682A..34M (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
The unique identifier for each entry in the catalog. These are named by
'ERASS1_'+ ObsID.
The sky tile identifier, which are numbered according to their right
ascension (RRR) and declination (DDD) following the scheme RRRDDD. The
HEASARC adjusted the original ObsID values to have 6 digits, padded with
"0's" to adjust the <3-digit values associated with the right ascension
The code identifying the data rights owner as follows:
0 : Both MPE/IKI 1 : IKI only (therefore not included in the current release) 2 : MPE only
The right ascension, in sexagesimal J2000 units, associated with the center
of the sky tile.
The declination, in sexagesimal J2000 units, associated with the center of
the sky tile.
The minimum value of the right ascension, in decimal degrees, corresponding
to the sky tile boundary.
The maximum value of the right ascension, in decimal degrees, corresponding
to the sky tile boundary.
The minimum value of the declination, in decimal degrees, corresponding to
the sky tile boundary.
The maximum value of the declination, in decimal degrees, corresponding to
the sky tile boundary.
The galactic longitude, in degrees, associated with the center of the sky
The galactic latitude, in degrees, associated with the center of the sky
The minimum overlap (in arcminutes) in X (right ascension) between the sky
tile and any adjacent tile. The survey sky tiling scheme is shown
The minimum overlap (in arcminutes) in Y (declination) between the sky tile
and any adjacent tile. The survey sky tiling scheme is shown
The number of adjacent tiles, between 6 to 9. The identifications for these
adjacent tiles are given as skytile_N where N = 1 to n_field.
The ObsID for the first adjacent sky tile. The adjacent sky tiles are listed
in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N, where N is given by
the parameter, n_field. This parameter is blank (null) for N > n_field.
The ObsID for the second adjacent sky tile. The adjacent sky tiles are listed
in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N, where N is given by
the parameter, n_field and 'NULL' for N > n_field.
The ObsID for the third adjacent sky tile. The adjacent sky tiles are listed
in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N, where N is given by
the parameter, n_field and 'NULL' for N > n_field.
The ObsID for the fourth adjacent sky tile. The adjacent sky tiles are listed
in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N, where N is given by
the parameter, n_field and 'NULL' for N > n_field.
The ObsID for the fifth adjacent sky tile. The adjacent sky tiles are listed
in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N, where N is given by
the parameter, n_field and 'NULL' for N > n_field.
The ObsID for the sixth adjacent sky tile. The adjacent sky tiles are listed
in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N, where N is given by
the parameter, n_field and 'NULL' for N > n_field.
The ObsID for the seventh adjacent sky tile, where applicable. The adjacent
sky tiles are listed in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N,
where N is given by the parameter, n_field. This parameter is blank (null)
for N > n_field.
The ObsID for the eighth adjacent sky tile, where applicable. The adjacent
sky tiles are listed in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N,
where N is given by the parameter, n_field and 'NULL' for N > n_field.
The ObsID for the ninth adjacent sky tile, where applicable. The adjacent sky
tiles are listed in increasing order, from field skytile_1 to skytile_N,
where N is given by the parameter, n_field and 'NULL' for N > n_field.
The file path for the associated data products, which are organized by the
the ObsID values split from RRRDDD format into 'DDD/RRR'. Additional
information about the data products is available in the reference paper and
from the eROSITA-DE eRODat site.