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ESOUPPSALA - ESO-Uppsala ESO(B) Survey



This database table was derived from information provided in "The ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas" (ESO/U), which is a joint project undertaken by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Uppsala Observatory to provide a systematic and homogeneous search of the ESO(B) Atlas (also known as the Quick Blue Survey). The ESO(B) Atlas, taken with the ESO 1 m Schmidt telescope at La Silla, Chile, covers 606 fields from -90 to -20 degrees of declination. The fields are similar in size and scale to those of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. Unsensitized IIa-O plates and a 2 mm GG385 filter were used to give a passband similar to the Johnson B color. Additional information is available from the HEASARC.

Catalog Bibcode



A. Lauberts, 1982, European Southern Observatory.


The primary object identifier in the nine lists published in the A. & A. Suppl., consisting of the Survey field number, the object class, and a running number, originally ordered by right ascension, which may have changed with revisions of the data. More information is available through the HEASARC.

Right Ascension in 1950 Coordinates

Declination in 1950 Coordinates

The galactic longitude of the object.

The galactic latitude of the object.

Other Identifier: Some common abbreviations include: N for NGC, I for IC, M for Messier, PK for Perek-Kohoutek planetary nebula, and GCl or OCl for star clusters from the Budapest catalog. References to these and other abbreviations are available from the HEASARC.

The old style name for this object, as from the original catalogs.

Rectangular X coordinates in millimeters with origin at the plate center. Positive X is toward the east.

Rectangular Y coordinates in millimeters with origin at the plate center. Positive Y is toward the north.

Major axis measurements refer to the maximum extent of features which can be described as belonging to the object. Units are in arc minutes.

A colon ":" following the diameter indicates that the measurement is uncertain or that the value is a total diameter for close pairs, triplets, or multiple systems which are difficult to resolve.

Minor axis measurements refer to the maximum extent of features which can be described as belonging to the object. Units are in arc minutes.

A colon ":" following the diameter indicates that the measurement is uncertain or that the value is a total diameter for close pairs, triplets, or multiple systems which are difficult to resolve.

Position Angle: The angle of the major axis of elongated galaxies is measured from north through east.

The coded morphological types follow the conventions of the Second Reference Catalog of Bright Galaxies (de Vaucouleurs, de Vaucouleurs, and Corwin 1976; RC2). The only exceptions are that type `S...` is coded as +5 and type `S.../Irr` is coded as +7. The other codes are as follows: -6 = cE, -5 = E, -4= cD, -3 = S0-, -2 = S00, -1 = S0+, 0 = S0/a or I0, 1 = Sa, 2 = Sab, 3 = Sb, 4 = Sbc, 5 = Sc, 6 = Scd, 7 = Sd, 8 = Sdm, 9 = Sm, 10 = Im, and 11 = cIm.

The object type as derived from the original on line catalog designation. Classes include:

          Class  Description

             *   star
             ?   questionable object
             A   asteroid
             C   comet
             G   galaxy
             N   nebula
            **   double or multiple star
            EN   emission nebula
            IG   interacting galaxy
            PN   planetary nebula
            RN   reflection nebula
            SC   star cluster
           SNR   supernova remnant

The estimated Hubble class. The class SBO ("S-B-oh", not "S-B-zero") has been added and all elliptical galaxies are classified "E" regardless of ellipticity.

Descriptions pertaining to the source. The descriptions are concise and most words have been abbreviated. A list of abbreviations can be found in Holmberg, Lauberts, Schuster, and West 1974.

Five of the most common sources for additional information for an object. More information is available from the HEASARC.

  Flag 1 -- If this flag is an asterisk, "*", the object has an  entry in the
  		Catalog Notes.

  Flag 2 -- If this flag is a "1",  the galaxy is listed in the MCG.

  Flag 3 -- If this flag is a "2", the galaxy is listed in the RC1.

  Flag 4 -- If this flag is a "V", the galaxy appears in  Vorontsov-Velyaminov

  Flag 5 -- If this flag is an "A", the galaxy appears in Arp (1966).

The magnitude, in the standard B-band, may be total or in-aperture. References to magnitudes were selected to give the most recent source for each object.

Mean error in magnitudes (if less than one) or aperture size in arcsec (if greater than one).

The reference to the magnitudes. The color of the pass band (e.g. "UBV" or "JF") follows the code if the original paper gives photometry, or "Z" follows the code if the paper gives redshifts. References for the original references are available upon request from the HEASARC.

The magnitude, in the standard B-band, may be total or in-aperture. References to magnitudes were selected to give the most recent source for each object. B-V colors are on the standard Johnson or Cousins systems.

The magnitude, in the standard B-band, may be total or in-aperture. References to magnitudes were selected to give the most recent source for each object. U-B colors are on the standard Johnson or Cousins systems.

The reference to the magnitudes. The color of the pass band (e.g. "UBV" or "JF") follows the code if the original paper gives photometry, or "Z" follows the code if the paper gives redshifts. References for the original references are available upon request from the HEASARC.

Radial Velocities are in kilometers per second. References to radial velocities are selected to give the most recent source for each object.

Radial Velocity mean errors are in kilometers per second. References to radial velocities are selected to give the most recent source for each object.

The reference to the radial velocities. The color of the pass band (e.g. "UBV" or "JF") follows the code if the original paper gives photometry, or "Z" follows the code if the paper gives redshifts. References for the original references are available upon request from the HEASARC.

The Right Ascension of the object.

The Declination of the object.

Right Ascension, J2000, sexagesimal

Declination, J2000, sexagesimal

BROWSE classification type. The classification is based on the `Type` parameter, if one is available.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ESOUPPSALA database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:26:58 EDT