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EXOMASTER - EXOSAT Master Observation Log |
HEASARC Archive |
Taylor B.G. et al., 1981 Sp. Sci. Rev., Vol. 30, p. 479. White N.E. and Peacock A.P. 1988, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, [eds. N.E. White and R. Pallivicini], Memoria S. A. It., p. 59.
Using the IA, the FOT data for the LE instrument are now available as Fits file. For each observation there are several fits files: an observation catalog, an orbit file and the data and housekeeping files. Depending on the configuration and the number of time periods several the FITS data files and housekeeping files are available for each observation. The parameters associated to the FITS file are Fits_dir and Status. The first gives the directory location of the FITS data under, and the second records if any error occurred during the processing. The value of status is set to -1 if data in FITS are not available (currently for all the ME and GSPC observations).
The data acquired for the four instruments were distributed to observers as FOT (Final Observation Tape) in a form of 1600 BPI tape. A single FOT contains data for only one instrument, and a FOT (observation) could consist of more than one 1600 BPI tape, which generally contained data from the pointed observation plus part of the in-going and out-going slews (only for the GSPC and ME instruments).
Since 1992, the total amount of ~8643 tapes (1600 BPI), for a volume of 150 Gbytes of data, has been archived at ESRIN/ESA, on an optical disk, by the ESIS project. An exact copy has been given to HEASARC/GSFC (Greenbelt, MD, USA). From ESRIN the data arrived at HEASARC on magnetic media, each containing a number of FOTs. At HEASARC the magnetic tapes were read into a jukebox organized into directories named from the magnetic tape number delivered from ESRIN. ESIS could not recover and archive the complete mission because some of the earliest 1600 BPI tapes (now over ten years old) were badly damaged. There are about 53 observations for which data recovery (for either one or more experiments) was not possible.
All the available FOTs were archived in the beginning of 1995. The HEASARC then started reformatting the FOT data in FITS format, starting first with all the LE (LE1 and LE2) data.
The 'Name' parameter gives the target name. This name usually corresponds to
the target name as specified by the original observer. If a source has been
observed by different observers it may be entered under two or more names. It
is recommended a search by 'name' and by coordinates.
Target name as recorded in the FOT (Final Observation Tape). Its value
is usually similar or equal to the value in the parameter 'Name'.
The Right Ascension of the EXOSAT pointing.
The Declination of the EXOSAT pointing.
The Galactic Longitude of the EXOSAT pointing.
The Galactic Latitude of the EXOSAT pointing.
This parameter contains the start time of the observation. Times are
accurate to the nearest minute. All times are stored internally as a Short
History File key (SHF), which is the number of seconds before or after 1
January 1980 at 00:00 hrs UT.
The end time of the observation. The units and use of this parameter are the
same as those for 'shfstart'.
The start time of the observation, stored as an MJD value. Browse will display
this value as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Note that the time is only accurate to the
nearest minute.
The end time of the observation, stored as an MJD value. Browse will display
this value as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Note that the time is only accurate to the
nearest minute.
The start time of the observation, as recorded in the FOT. This time is
probably only accurate to the nearest minute.
The stop time of the observation, as recorded in the FOT. This time is
probably only accurate to the nearest minute.
For each observation there is one entry per instrument. The 'Instrument'
parameter identifies the instrument in use. The allow strings are 'LE1' or
'LE2' for the Low energy telescopes used in conjunction with either the CMA
or PDS detectors; 'ME' for the Medium Energy proportional counter and 'GSPC'
for the Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter. The two LE telescopes are
treated as separate instruments because the filters and instrument modes can
be different.
A code was assigned to each EXOSAT proposal that approximately defined the
class of object to be observed. The codes are as follows:
AGN - active galactic nuclei EXG - other kinds of galaxies CLU - clusters of galaxies HLX - high luminosity galactic sources LLX - low luminosity galactic sources SNR - supernova remnants OPS - operational activities CAL - calibration DEE - deep field MIS - miscellaneous PV - performance verification TOO - target of opportunity
This parameter contains a string corresponding to the original proposal code
associated with an observation.
The observer code is a number associated to an observer.
Name of the principal investigator for the observation.
This is a code that gives information concerning the instrument modes for
each observation. The code depends on the instrument as follows:
LE Filters: LE detector: P = PPL C = CMA with filter 4 = 4000 Lexan G = CMA with grating A = Al/Pa P = PSD 3 = 3000 Lexan B = Boron The orientation of the ME array halves: 1 = half 1 offset for part of the period 2 = half 2 offset for part of the period C = coaligned for part of the period. The number, as a hexadecimal digit, of ME high voltages on. If all 16 detectors are turned on then no character is given. (The argon and xenon layers are treated here as separate detectors). The GSPC gain used: 1 = gain 1.0 2 = gain 2.0 + = non standard gain, probably 0.5.
The OBC modes define on-board computer programs that were running during the
observation. Each program has a short name, e.g., HTR3. More details about
these programs can be found in the EXOSAT FOT handbook, available upon
request from ESTEC/SSD and from GSFC/HEASARC. The programs depend on the
instrument as follows:
LE: O = old DIRECT N = new DIRECT without spatial filter D = new DIRECT with diamond filter R = new DIRECT with rectangular filter ME: T3 = HTR3 in full sub-mode P1 = PULS (old version) P2 = PULS2 (new version, with background spectrum) E5 = HER5 EH = HER3 or HER4 (data per half array) EQ = HER3 or HER4 (data per quadrant) ED = HER3 or HER4 (data per detector) E2 = HER2 D2 = MDIR2 (new direct) I7 = HER7 T4 = HTR4 I6 = HER6 T3 = HTR3 OPT T5 = HTR5 GSPC: 0 = old DIRECT N = new DIRECT H = HEBL2 or HEBL4
The sequence number is the observation number in chronological order from the
beginning of the mission.
Space is provided for up to 3 two-digit footnotes for remarks concerning each
log entry. The meanings of the two-digit codes are as follows:
Footnote Number Solar aspect angle < 90 deg ............ 11 Slight attitude instability ............ 12 (for part of pointing) Partial telemetry loss due to ground ... 13 segment or FOT production problem Solar flare affects data ............... 14 ME HTR3 OPT or HTR5 in addition to 2 other active OBC programs ............. 15 ME HTR3 OPT data present at 64 Hz while sampling at only 32 Hz (so T3 records have non-standard layout) ..... 16 Unexplained anomaly in ME HTR3 data .... 17 ME HER4 data partly lost/corrupted ..... 18 OBC data anomaly or crash for short period during observation ............. 19 Observation is a raster scan ........... 21 Observation is an occultation .......... 22 ME VHR used for at least part of observation ........................... 23 LE1 HER3 used for part of pointing ..... 24 ME PULS or PULS2 active for part of an observation, although not the predominant configuration ............. 27 GS DIRECT used for part of observation although not the predominant mode ..... 28 The ME data for this period is split between 2 PI's: between 85/264 0010 and 0820 the PI is W. Brinkmann ....... 29 Unstable pointing or scanning .......... 30 Coordinated Observation ................ 31 Data contained on FOT's may not correspond to intended source ......... 32
Many EXOSAT observations were scheduled to be coordinated (either simultaneously or contemporaneously) with observations from other facilities - ground based (radio, IR, optical), airborne (Balloon platforms, Kuiper Airborne Observatory) and space-based (IRAS, IUE, Voyager, Tenma). Where the coordinated observation flag (note number 31 above) is set, it means that the observatory was notified of planned coordinated observations _before_ they were performed. It is not always known whether individual coordinated observations using other facilities were in fact successful. Those interested should contact the PI directly.
This parameter contains the target number. Sources observed more than once
during the mission lifetime have the same target number.
The accumulation time in seconds of the spectral data for the ME argon
data (for ME only observations).
The accumulation time in seconds of the spectral data for the ME xenon
data (for ME only observations).
The number of channels combined by the OBC; e.g., 1 means
full resolution, and 4 means the summing of every 4 adjacent channels.
The ME PHA channel selection and compression:
spectra intensity channels ------- ------------------ 0 = all channels A = one argon, no xenon 1 = argon 4-67 or 5-68, no xenon B = two argon, no xenon 2 = argon 4-67 and xenon 138-201 C = one argon, one xenon 3 = argon 4-67 and xenon 132-195 D = four argon (HER7) 4 = argon 4-35 and no xenon E = 4 ranges, with one or 5 = argon 0-63 and no xenon more xenon 6 = argon 0-127 and no xenon X = one or two xenon, no ? = a non standard selection argon
The minimum time resolution available for the intensity mode data, in seconds
(for ME only observations). This time resolution is referring to the 'main'
OBC program.
This parameter contains the observation start time and it was used
for archive request submission of the FOT.
This parameter contains the observation stop time and it was used
for archive request submission of the FOT.
The string in the 'FOTID' field is the identifier assigned to the FOT by
ESOC/ESA (Germany).
The date of ESOC transcription.
This parameter flags data sets in which errors occurred during the reading
transcription procedure of the 1600 BPI tape into the optical jukebox. If
the parameter is 'YES', it is always followed by the number of bad blocks
which occur in the data set. The parameter is 'NONE', the data set is
not corrupted.
This parameter gives the directory name where the file is located under The parameter value 'tape#' ranges from 1
to 49. Note that this is not the full path. The directories where the FOT
files are stored can be found under 'exosat/data/raw'. For example, if the
file is located in directory 'tape5', the full path to the data will be
This gives the exact name of the file, as found under The string is always in
the format 'FOTID.fot.zoo'.
This is file size in bytes of the 'zoo' compressed file. The user should be
aware that the compression factor can be as great as six times the
uncompressed value. The uncompressed file size is written in the parameter
'File Bytes'. Within a 'zoo' file, multiple files will be present if the
original FOT observation consisted of more than one 1600 BPI tape.
This gives the factor of compression from the original file size to the 'zoo'
file size.
An observation (FOT) distributed on magnetic tape could consist of more than
one magnetic 1600 BPI tape. If multiple tapes were needed to store data for
one observation (FOT), each of them has been archived as a separate file. In
the compression procedures, all of the files that belong to an observation
have been 'zoóed together. This parameter gives the number of files compressed
within each 'zoo' file.
This parameter gives the list of names for each file in the 'zoo' file.
The number of names should match the 'Nfiles' parameter.
Gives the original size in bytes of the uncompressed data. More than one value is
stored if multiple files have been 'zoóed together.
The FAI number is a parameter which connects the HEASARC database with the
ESRIN database. It was used by HEASARC personnel to exchange information
about particular data sets with ESRIN.
This contains the directory name to append to the URL that contains the FITS files that
contains the FITS files associated to this observation. The FITS directory
value was obtained by summing the value of the sequence number to a numerical
representation of the proposal type. The numerical designations of the
proposal type have the following meanings:
100000 PV - performance verification 200000 CAL,TOO,OPS - calib., target of opp.,operational act. 300000 LLX - low luminosity galactic sources 400000 HLX - high luminosity galactic sources 500000 SNR - supernova remnants 600000 EXG - other kinds of galaxies 700000 AGN - active galactic nuclei 800000 CLU - clusters of galaxies 900000 MIS,DEE - miscellaneous, deep fieldFor example, 401039 is the directory containing the FITS files for this database record with sequence number 1039 and proposal type HLX object. Note that this is not the full path. The directories where the FITS files are stored can be found under 'exosat/data/rawfits/NNNNNN' where NNNNNN is the numerical designations of the proposal type. For example, if the 'FITS_Dir' parameter is 401039, then the full path to the data is
This field provides information on the availability of FITS files and whether
there were any errors in processing these files. Only the raw LE data are
available as FITS file. The parameter values range between -1 and 2. A value
of -1 means no FITS files have been generated yet. A value of 0 means that
FITS files for the LE are available and no errors were detected during the
processing. A value of 1 means that FITS files were generated however error
occurred in processing so the data set may not be complete. A value of 2
means that the FITS files were generated but there were errors in all of the
files, little or no data may be available in FITS format. For the 1,984 LE
entries processed, 77 had some error when converted into FITS files and of
these only 7 have a status of 2.