These data represent the Fermi GBM Solar Flare Catalog. Data in this catalog
are targeted specifically at Fermi observations of high-energy solar
phenomena, primarily solar flares, in order to facilitate the use of Fermi
data by the international solar physics community. This table catalogs Fermi
Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) triggers associated with known solar flares.
The Fermi GBM Solar Flare Catalog is supported by a Fermi Guest Investigator
program and maintained at Please
include the following acknowledgment if you use these facilities in a paper
or presentation:
"We acknowledge the use of the Fermi Solar Flare Observations facility funded
by the Fermi GI program ("
The FERMIGSOL database table was last updated on 11 March 2025.
GBM Solar Flares:
The information in this table is provided independently by a Fermi Guest
Investigator grant. The tabulated data come from
This table is updated automatically within a day or so of a new data file
being made available.
This field contains the designation of the solar flare. The naming scheme
used is the date/time of the flare in the format 'YYMMDD_HHMM'.
This is the start time of the flare, as detected by Fermi's Gamma-Ray Burst
Monitor (GBM).
This field contains the time of the peak of the flare.
This is the time that the flare ended.
The total length of time that the flare was detected, in seconds.
This is the count rate of the flare at its peak in GBM counts per second.
This field contains the total counts recorded by GBM from the flare.
This character field contains a list of GBM's sunward-facing detectors at the
time of the flare.
This is the unique GBM trigger identifier.
This field contains the RHESSI flare number, if known.
Questions regarding the FERMIGSOL database table can be addressed to the
HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:27:26 EDT