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FERMILWEEK - Fermi LAT Weekly Data |
HEASARC Archive |
For each week, the FSSC provides two FITS files: an all-sky file of photons containing positions, energies, etc. and a spacecraft pointing history file. The underscore separated fields in the file names indicate the file type (photon or spacecraft), the Fermi mission week (e.g., w009 = week 9), the processing version (which will change with each major reprocessing of LAT data), and a version number for the file itself. Note that currently the data may include events from slightly after the official week boundaries, which will be reflected in the start and stop times in the table. Any "run" of LAT data the FSSC receives that starts in a given week is put into the weekly file for that week and not broken up.
Note additional selections must be applied to the weekly files prior to use in a data analysis. See LAT Data Selection Recommendations and Caveats About Analyzing LAT Data for more information.
For queries based on position, energy, and exact times, use the FSSC's LAT data server.
The Fermi mission week number. Each week begins Thursdays at 00:00:00 UTC.
The start time, in UTC, for data in the weekly photon file.
The stop time, in UTC, for data in the weekly photon file.
The observation start time given in Mission Elapsed Time (MET). Mission
Elapsed Time is measured in seconds from 2001.0.
The observation stop time given in Mission Elapsed Time (MET). Mission
Elapsed Time is measured in seconds from 2001.0.
The time the weekly photon file was last modified, in UTC.