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IPCULTSOFT - Einstein IPC Ultrasoft Sources Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
The selection of sources for this survey was based on the analysis of counts in three broad energy bands defined as C1=0.16-0.56 keV, C2=0.56-1.08 keV, and C3= 1.08-3.5 keV. Ratios of these three bands constituted X-ray 'colors' which in turn were used to estimate the shape of the spectrum over the IPC bandpass. Based on models of X-ray spectra folded through the IPC response function, the following criteria were determined for the selection of ultrasoft sources: C1>0 and R1=C2/C1<0.36. These criteria guarantee an intrinsically soft X-ray spectrum that can be modeled by blackbody temperatures kT<50 keV, power-law spectral indices of >=2, or thermal plasma temperatures T<1 MK (million K). Details of the data analysis can be found in the Thompson et al. (1998) reference.
The Einstein IPC observation sequence number.
Object source number in field
The right ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox
(notice that the co-ordinates in the original input table were in J2000).
The declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox
(notice that the co-ordinates in the original input table were in J2000).
The galactic longitude of the X-ray source.
The galactic latitude of the X-ray source.
The backround-subtracted count rate of the X-ray source in
the 0.2 to 4.0 keV passband in units of counts per second.
The counts for each source were extracted from
within a circular region of 3 arcminutes radius centered on the catalog
position of the source. Background subtraction was carried out with a
background estimate based on counts within a source-centered annulus with
an inner radius of 5 arcminutes and an outer radius of 6 arcminutes.
This extraction procedure is consistent with the original Rev 1b extraction
The uncertainty in the count rate in units of counts per
The signal-to-noise ratio of the X-ray source.
The Einstein IPC RECO or rib and edge code.
The name or type of the optical counterpart to the X-ray source.
The number of counts in the C1 low (0.16-0.56 keV) energy band,
equivalent to PI (pulse-invariant) bins 2 and 3. The counts for each source
were extracted from within a circular region of 3 arcminutes radius
centered on the catalog position of the source. Background subtraction was
carried out with a background estimate based on counts within a
source-centered annulus with an inner radius of 5 arcminutes and an outer
radius of 6 arcminutes. This extraction procedure is consistent with the
original Rev 1b extraction procedure.
The rms uncertainty in the C1 counts.
The number of counts in the C2 medium (0.56-1.08 keV) energy band,
equivalent to PI (pulse-invariant) bins 4 and 5. The counts for each source
were extracted from within a circular region of 3 arcminutes radius
centered on the catalog position of the source. Background subtraction was
carried out with a background estimate based on counts within a
source-centered annulus with an inner radius of 5 arcminutes and an outer
radius of 6 arcminutes. This extraction procedure is consistent with the
original Rev 1b extraction procedure.
The rms uncertainty in the C2 counts.
The number of counts in the C3 high (1.08-3.5 keV) energy band,
equivalent to PI (pulse-invariant) bins 6 to 10. The counts for each source
were extracted from within a circular region of 3 arcminutes radius
centered on the catalog position of the source. Background subtraction was
carried out with a background estimate based on counts within a
source-centered annulus with an inner radius of 5 arcminutes and an outer
radius of 6 arcminutes. This extraction procedure is consistent with the
original Rev 1b extraction procedure.
The rms uncertainty in the C3 counts.