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IRASFSC - IRAS Faint Source Catalog, Version 2.0 |
HEASARC Archive |
This database table contains the IRAS Faint Source Catalog (FSC) (Version 2.0, released in September 1990) non-associations data. The associations data for the IRAS FSC is contained in the file
The FSC is limited in galactic latitude to the unconfused regions of sky in which the absolute value of BII is greater than or equal to 10 degrees at 12 and 25 microns and greater than or equal to 20 degrees at 60 microns. Because of the presence of the infrared "cirrus" at 100 microns, the FSC does not contain sources detected ONLY at 100 microns. Sources with a 100 micron detection were included in the catalog if they were bandmerged with high reliability detections at other spectral bands. For the faintest sources, the reliability exceeds 90% at 12 and 25 microns, and 80% at 60 microns.
Most of the parameter definitions and explanations were excerpted from the original "Explanatory Supplement to the IRAS Faint Source Survey, Version 1" (Moshir et al, 1989). Some of the text was adjusted to accommodate version 2.0.
IRAS Faint Source Catalog, |b| > 10 Degrees, Version 2.0 Moshir, M., Copan, G., Conrow, T., McCallon, H., Hacking, P., Gregorich, D., Rohrbach, G., Melnyk, M., Rice, W., Fullmer, L., and Chester, T.J. <Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (1989)> =1990IRASF.C......0M
The IRAS source name is derived from its position by combining the hours,
minutes and tenths of minutes of right ascension and the sign, degrees and
minutes of the declination. In obtaining the minutes of right ascension and
declination for the name, the positions were truncated. This quantity is
preceded by the letter `F` to designate a FSC source. The letters 'A' and
'B' are appended to names of sources which are so close together that they
would otherwise have had identical names. Due to the large number of duplicate
sources caused by plate overlap, the convention used in the PSC has been
changed and the `A` for the first such source with a duplicate name has been
eliminated. Names were uniquely assigned to catalog sources, including
duplicate sources.
The Right Ascension of the source at epoch 1983.5 in the selected
equinox. Positions in the originating catalog table were given in B1950.0
equinox to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time.
The Declination of the source at epoch 1983.5 in the selected
equinox. Positions in the originating catalog table were given in B1950.0
equinox to a precision of 1 arcseconds.
The Galactic Longitude of the source.
The Galactic Latitude of the source.
The semi-major axis of the 1-sigma positional uncertainty
ellipse, in arcseconds. The uncertainty in the position for a source depends
primarily on its brightness in the various wavelength bands and the number of
sightings. The final uncertainty is expressed as an ellipse whose semimajor
and semi-minor axes are the 1-sigma errors given in seconds of arc. The
orientation (position angle) of the ellipse on the sky is expressed in terms of
the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and the local equatorial
meridian. It is expressed in degrees east of north.
The semi-minor axis of the 1-sigma positional uncertainty
ellipse, in arcseconds. The uncertainty in the position for a source depends
primarily on its brightness in the various wavelength bands and the number of
sightings. The final uncertainty is expressed as an ellipse whose semimajor
and semi-minor axes are the 1-sigma errors given in seconds of arc. The
orientation (position angle) of the ellipse on the sky is expressed in terms of
the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and the local equatorial
meridian. It is expressed in degrees east of north.
The position angle of the 1-sigma positional uncertainty ellipse, in degrees.
The orientation (position angle) of the ellipse on the sky is expressed in
terms of the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and the local
equatorial meridian. It is expressed in degrees east of north.
The number of individual detector sightings at the
peak-flux pixel in the 12-micron band.
The number of individual detector sightings at the
peak-flux pixel in the 25-micron band.
The number of individual detector sightings at the
peak-flux pixel in the 60-micron band.
The number of individual detector sightings at the
peak-flux pixel in the 100-micron band.
The 12-micron, non-color-corrected flux density in units of
Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W m-2 Hz-1). The flux densities have been calculated
assuming an intrinsic source energy distribution such that the flux density
f_(nu) is proportional to (nu)-1. Note that the flux density quoted for some
sources could be zero if there were not enough data available to derive a good
upper limit.
The 25-micron, non-color-corrected flux density in units of
Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W m-2 Hz-1). The flux densities have been calculated
assuming an intrinsic source energy distribution such that the flux density
f_(nu) is proportional to (nu)-1. Note that the flux density quoted for some
sources could be zero if there were not enough data available to derive a good
upper limit.
The 60-micron, non-color-corrected flux density in units of
Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W m-2 Hz-1). The flux densities have been calculated
assuming an intrinsic source energy distribution such that the flux density
f_(nu) is proportional to (nu)-1. Note that the flux density quoted for some
sources could be zero if there were not enough data available to derive a good
upper limit.
The 100-micron, non-color-corrected flux density in units of
Janskys (1 Jy = 10-26 W m-2 Hz-1). The flux densities have been calculated
assuming an intrinsic source energy distribution such that the flux density
f_(nu) is proportional to (nu)-1. Note that the flux density quoted for some
sources could be zero if there were not enough data available to derive a good
upper limit.
The 1-sigma uncertainty in the flux density at 12 microns,
in Jy. This parameter was created by the HEASARC based on the tabulated
values of the flux and its relative percentage uncertainty.
The 1-sigma uncertainty in the flux density at 25 microns,
in Jy. This parameter was created by the HEASARC based on the tabulated
values of the flux and its relative percentage uncertainty.
The 1-sigma uncertainty in the flux density at 60 microns,
in Jy. This parameter was created by the HEASARC based on the tabulated
values of the flux and its relative percentage uncertainty.
The 1-sigma uncertainty in the flux density at 100
microns, in Jy. This parameter was created by the HEASARC based on the
tabulated values of the flux and its relative percentage uncertainty.
The 12-micron flux density quality flag. A flux density measurement can be
either high quality (FQUAL=3), moderate quality (FQUAL=2) or an upper limit
(FQUAL=1). See Section II.F.4 of the Explantory Supplement for more details.
The 25-micron flux density quality flag. A flux density measurement can be
either high quality (FQUAL=3), moderate quality (FQUAL=2) or an upper limit
(FQUAL=1). See Section II.F.4 of the Explantory Supplement for more details.
The 60-micron flux density quality flag. A flux density measurement can be
either high quality (FQUAL=3), moderate quality (FQUAL=2) or an upper limit
(FQUAL=1). See Section II.F.4 of the Explantory Supplement for more details.
The 100-micron flux density quality flag. A flux density measurement can be
either high quality (FQUAL=3), moderate quality (FQUAL=2) or an upper limit
(FQUAL=1). See Section II.F.4 of the Explantory Supplement for more details.
The 12-micron relative flux density uncertainty expressed as a percentage of
the measured value. Each flux density measurement other than an upper limit
has an associated uncertainty expressed as a 1-sigma value in units of 100 x
The 25-micron relative flux density uncertainty expressed as a percentage of
the measured value. Each flux density measurement other than an upper limit
has an associated uncertainty expressed as a 1-sigma value in units of 100 x
The 60-micron relative flux density uncertainty expressed as a percentage of
the measured value. Each flux density measurement other than an upper limit
has an associated uncertainty expressed as a 1-sigma value in units of 100 x
The 100-micron relative flux density uncertainty expressed as a percentage of
the measured value. Each flux density measurement other than an upper limit
has an associated uncertainty expressed as a 1-sigma value in units of 100 x
The percent minimum source reliability. The minimum reliability for a source
is the maximum of the reliabilities calculated individually for each band.
See Section III.D of the Explantory Supplement for more details.
The 12-micron signal-to-noise ratio calculated through the use of a noise
(68% quantile) calculated over an area of roughly 79.25 arcmin x 79.25
arcmin, which is accurate to approximately 3%.
The 25-micron signal-to-noise ratio calculated through the use of a noise
(68% quantile) calculated over an area of roughly 79.25 arcmin x 79.25
arcmin, which is accurate to approximately 3%.
The 60-micron signal-to-noise ratio calculated through the use of a noise
(68% quantile) calculated over an area of roughly 99.5 arcmin x 99.5 arcmin,
which is accurate to approximately 3%.
The 100-micron signal-to-noise ratio calculated through the use of a noise
(68% quantile) calculated over an area of roughly 99.5 arcmin x 99.5 arcmin,
which is accurate to approximately 3%.
The 12-micron local signal-to-noise ratio is calculated using the noise for
the pixel containing the peak flux density of the source.
The 25-micron local signal-to-noise ratio is calculated using the noise for
the pixel containing the peak flux density of the source.
The 60-micron local signal-to-noise ratio is calculated using the noise for
the pixel containing the peak flux density of the source.
The 100-micron local signal-to-noise ratio is calculated using the noise for
the pixel containing the peak flux density of the source.
The area of the source calculated as the number of contiguous
pixels with a 12-micron flux density above three times the noise after
possible re-thresholding.
The area of the source calculated as the number of contiguous
pixels with a 25-micron flux density above three times the noise after
possible re-thresholding.
The area of the source calculated as the number of contiguous
pixels with a 60-micron flux density above three times the noise after
possible re-thresholding.
The area of the source calculated as the number of contiguous
pixels with a 100-micron flux density above three times the noise after
possible re-thresholding.
The number of nearby catalog sources within a radius
of 6 arcminutes.
The number of extractions within a radius of 6 arcminutes
at 12 microns.
The number of extractions within a radius of 6 arcminutes
at 25 microns.
The number of extractions within a radius of 6 arcminutes
at 60 microns.
The number of extractions within a radius of 6
arcminutes at 100 microns.
Over nearly the entire sky, portions of the FSS plates are affected by the
infrared cirrus. Cirrus can seriously hamper efforts to extract point sources
from the data and can also produce structure on a point source scale that can
masquerade as true point sources. The CIRRUS flag gives the number of
100-microns-only sources or cold 60- and 100-micron sources (defined by
the logarithm of the ratio of 60- to 100-micron flux densities <= -0.75)
in the extraction database within a radius of 30 arcmin. It is a coarse
discriminant that warns the user that cirrus which contains structure on
a point source scale is present in a given region. Values above 2 usually
indicate contamination.
The bandmerger process attempted to identify sources that were confused with
neighboring sources in one or more bands. This flag is set in a given band if
any instance of confusion was present in that band. The resulting individual
band flags are combined into a single value.
The noise correction factor at 12 microns, being the
ratio of noise (68% quantile) to the median instrumental noise. This provides
a global measure of cirrus contamination, especially at 100 microns. See
Section III.C.4 of the Explanatory Supplement for more details.
The noise correction factor at 25 microns, being the
ratio of noise (68% quantile) to the median instrumental noise. This provides
a global measure of cirrus contamination, especially at 100 microns. See
Section III.C.4 of the Explanatory Supplement for more details.
The noise correction factor at 60 microns, being the
ratio of noise (68% quantile) to the median instrumental noise. This provides
a global measure of cirrus contamination, especially at 100 microns. See
Section III.C.4 of the Explanatory Supplement for more details.
The noise correction factor at 100 microns, being the
ratio of noise (68% quantile) to the median instrumental noise. This provides
a global measure of cirrus contamination, especially at 100 microns. See
Section III.C.4 of the Explanatory Supplement for more details.
Much of the utility of the FSC comes from the association of
infrared objects with sources known to exist from other astronomical catalogs.
A large number of catalogs have been searched for positional matches. The
total number of matches found is given by this parameter.
This parameter, the ID type, ranges from 1 to 15 and states whether
an association was found in a stellar catalog (bit 0), an extragalactic
catalog (bit 1), catalogs with other types of objects (bit 2), or in a catalog
with mixed types or derived partially/completely from IRAS data (bit 3). This
differs from the convention used in previous IRAS data products where only the
total of the association types was given. For example, if associations were
found to both an extragalactic catalog and a stellar catalog, the ID type was
"multiple". The information as to which type of catalogs were matched is now
being preserved.
This parameter provides another global measure of cirrus,
being the ratio of the 85% to 68% quantiles of the positive values from the
flux density grid at 12 microns. See Section III.G.7 of the Explanatory
Supplement for more details.
This parameter provides another global measure of cirrus,
being the ratio of the 85% to 68% quantiles of the positive values from the
flux density grid at 25 microns. See Section III.G.7 of the Explanatory
Supplement for more details.
This parameter provides another global measure of cirrus,
being the ratio of the 85% to 68% quantiles of the positive values from the
flux density grid at 60 microns. See Section III.G.7 of the Explanatory
Supplement for more details.
This parameter provides another global measure of cirrus,
being the ratio of the 85% to 68% quantiles of the positive values from the
flux density grid at 100 microns. See Section III.G.7 of the Explanatory
Supplement for more details.