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LSPMNORTH - Lepine and Shara Northern Stars Proper Motion (LSPM-North) Catalog



The LSPM catalog is a comprehensive list of 61,977 stars north of the J2000 celestial equator that have proper motions larger than 0.15" yr-1 (local-background-stars frame). The catalog has been generated primarily as a result of the authors' systematic search for high-proper-motion stars in the Digitized Sky Surveys using their SUPERBLINK software (note that this catalog is consequently also sometimes referred to as the SUPERBLINK Catalog). At brighter magnitudes, the catalog incorporates stars and data from the Tycho-2 Catalog and also, to a lesser extent, from the All-Sky Compiled Catalogue of 2.5 million stars (ASCC-2.5: Kharchenko 2001). The LSPM catalog considerably expands over the old Luyten (Luyten Half-Second (LHS) and New Luyten Two-Tenths (NLTT) catalogs, superseding them for northern declinations. Positions are given with an accuracy of <~ 100 milliarcseconds (mas) at the 2000.0 epoch, and absolute proper motions are given with an accuracy of ~ 8 mas/yr. Corrections to the local-background-stars proper motions have been calculated, and absolute proper motions in the extragalactic frame are given. Whenever available, the authors also give optical BT and VT magnitudes (from Tycho-2, ASCC-2.5), photographic BJ, RF, and IN magnitudes (from the USNO-B1 catalog), and infrared J, H, and Ks magnitudes (from 2MASS). An estimated V magnitude and V-J color is also provided for nearly all catalog entries, which is useful for initial classification of the stars. The catalog is estimated to be over 99% complete at high Galactic latitudes (|b| > 15 degrees) and over 90% complete at low Galactic latitudes (|b| < 15 degrees), down to a magnitude of V = 19.0, and has a limiting magnitude V = 21.0. All the northern stars listed in the LHS and NLTT catalogs have been re-identified, and their positions, proper motions, and magnitudes reevaluated. The catalog also lists a large number of completely new objects, which promise to expand very significantly the census of red dwarfs, sub-dwarfs, and white dwarfs in the vicinity of the Sun.

All of Luyten's NLTT stars north of the J2000 celestial equator that do NOT appear in the LSPM Catalog are listed in Table 3 of the published paper, together with the explanations as to why they were not included in the LSPM Catalog.

Catalog Bibcode



A Catalog of Northern stars with annual proper motions larger than 0.15"
     Lepine S., Shara M.M.
    <Astron. J. 129, 1483 (2005)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in June 2013 based on an electronic version of Table 1 from the reference paper which was obtained from the CDS web site (their catalog I/298).


The LSPM (Lepine and Shara Proper Motion) J2000.0 position-based star designation, e.g., 'LSPM JHHMM+DDMMC'. The authors assign a LSPM name to each star in this catalog, which is based on the star's Right Ascension and Declination at epoch 2000.0 in the ICRS (essentially equivalent to J2000). The last character 'C' is used to distinguish stars that would otherwise have the same name. Pairs of stars with the same hours/minutes in Right Ascension and degrees/minutes in Declination have their names appended with an 'N', 'S', 'E', or 'W' suffix, depending on the orientation of the pair. Their separation in both Right Ascension and Declination is determined. If the separation in Declination is larger, then the stars are given a N/S suffix, with 'N' assigned to the star at higher Declination and 'S' to the other star. If the separation in Right Ascension is the largest, then 'E' and 'W' suffixes are used, with 'E' assigned to the star at larger Right Ascension and 'W' to the other one. By no means are such pairs necessarily common proper motion doubles. While this is often the case, there are a number of chance alignments for which two unrelated high proper motion stars happen to be in the same arcminute position bin. Conversely, not all common proper motion doubles have these suffixes, since it is often the case that long-period doubles have angular separations large enough to put them in separate arcminute bins.

The LHS Catalog identification, given for the 2572 LSPM stars which are also listed in the LHS Catalog. Note that since the bulk of the LSPM stars are fainter than the magnitude limits of previous catalogs, the majority of LSPM stars do not have Hipparcos, Tycho-2, ASCC-2.5, or UCAC2 identifiers.

The NLTT Catalog identification, given for the 31,361 stars which are listed in the NLTT Catalog. The identifications for stars listed in the NLTT Catalog are the record numbers in the original NLTT table (the 'recno' in the electronic version of the NLTT catalog in the CDS VizieR catalog service). These names are resolvable by SIMBAD. Note that since the bulk of the LSPM stars are fainter than the magnitude limits of previous catalogs, the majority of LSPM stars do not have Hipparcos, Tycho-2, ASCC-2.5, or UCAC2 identifiers.

The Hipparcos Catalog identification, given for the 4839 stars listed in the Hipparcos Catalog. Note that since the bulk of the LSPM stars are fainter than the magnitude limits of previous catalogs, the majority of LSPM stars do not have Hipparcos, Tycho-2, ASCC-2.5, or UCAC2 identifiers.

The Tycho-2 Catalog identification, given for the 7943 stars with a Tycho catalog number. A total of 4306 of the Hipparcos stars also have data in the Tycho-2 Catalog. Note that since the bulk of the LSPM stars are fainter than the magnitude limits of previous catalogs, the majority of LSPM stars do not have Hipparcos, Tycho-2, ASCC-2.5, or UCAC2 identifiers.

The ASCC-2.5 (All-Sky Compiled Catalog of 2.5 Million Stars) identification, given for a total of 11,430 stars; these include all the Tycho-2 stars as well as the Hipparcos stars that are not in the Tycho-2. Note that since the bulk of the LSPM stars are fainter than the magnitude limits of previous catalogs, the majority of LSPM stars do not have Hipparcos, Tycho-2, ASCC-2.5, or UCAC2 identifiers.

The UCAC2 Catalog identification, given for the 9137 LSPM stars that are listed in the UCAC2 catalog. Note that since the bulk of the LSPM stars are fainter than the magnitude limits of previous catalogs, the majority of LSPM stars do not have Hipparcos, Tycho-2, ASCC-2.5, or UCAC2 identifiers.

An alternative designation for the star, taken from SIMBAD. A few hundred LSPM stars are not listed in any of the catalogs listed above but are not entirely 'new' objects because they have been previously reported in the literature. The SIMBAD designation is given for those objects. About a third of these are the 'LSR' (Lepine, Shara and Rich 2002, AJ, 124, 1190; (Lepine, Shara and Rich 2003, AJ, 126, 921) high-proper-motion stars found by this team. The other stars are a mix of objects, some from old proper-motion catalogs (but that had not been included in the NLTT or LHS) and some identified as M dwarfs or white dwarfs in field spectroscopic surveys. In particular, stars with 2MASS designations are objects identified recently in various searches of ultracool M and L dwarfs.

The 2MASS All-Sky Point Source Catalog identification of the star.

The USNO-B1.0 Catalog identification of the star.

The Right Ascension of the star in the selected equinox. This was given in ICRS 2000.0 epoch decimal degrees to a precision of 10-6 degrees in the original table. Positions in the LSPM catalog for the great majority of stars are obtained either by extrapolating from the Tycho-2 position using the Tycho-2 proper motion (for stars with Tycho-2 counterparts) or by extrapolating from the position of the 2MASS counterpart, using the SUPERBLINK-derived absolute proper motion or the ASCC-2.5 proper motion (see the pm_tot parameter description below for which proper motion is used ). For stars with no 2MASS counterpart (2345 objects) the authors used the coordinates calculated by SUPERBLINK from the DSS scans instead. The positions of those stars, extrapolated from the position of the star on the POSS-II scan, are much less accurate than the 2MASS-derived positions. The accuracy of the SUPERBLINK-derived J2000 positions is only ~ 0.5" (as estimated from a comparison with the 2MASS catalog).

The Declination of the star in the selected equinox. This was given in ICRS 2000.0 epoch decimal degrees to a precision of 10-6 degrees in the original table. Positions in the LSPM catalog for the great majority of stars are obtained either by extrapolating from the Tycho-2 position using the Tycho-2 proper motion (for stars with Tycho-2 counterparts) or by extrapolating from the position of the 2MASS counterpart, using the SUPERBLINK-derived absolute proper motion or the ASCC-2.5 proper motion (see the pm_tot parameter description below for which proper motion is used ). For stars with no 2MASS counterpart (2345 objects) the authors used the coordinates calculated by SUPERBLINK from the DSS scans instead. The positions of those stars, extrapolated from the position of the star on the POSS-II scan, are much less accurate than the 2MASS-derived positions. The accuracy of the SUPERBLINK-derived J2000 positions is only ~ 0.5" (as estimated from a comparison with the 2MASS catalog).

The Galactic Longitude of the star.

The Galactic Latitude of the star.

The total "relative" proper motion of the star, in arcseconds yr-1. The relative proper motions are calculated by the SUPERBLINK software. They are the proper motion of the star measured relative to the mean position of all objects within 4 arcminutes. Values are only provided for stars detected by SUPERBLINK. This makes it easy to identify stars that have not been measured with SUPERBLINK: values for their relative proper motion are set to zero.

The "relative" proper motion of the star in the Right Ascension direction, in arcseconds yr-1.

The "relative" proper motion of the star in the Declination direction, in arcseconds yr-1.

The absolute total proper motion of the star, in arcseconds yr-1. The absolute proper motions are determined relative to a fixed reference frame. The ICRS reference frame defined by Tycho-2/2MASS positions is used. The authors use either the value derived from SUPERBLINK (obtained by applying zonal corrections to the relative proper motions: the local zonal correction vectors can be recovered by comparing the absolute to the relative proper motions), or quote the absolute proper motion from the Tycho-2 or ASCC-2.5 catalogs. The order of priority is as follows: (1) Tycho-2 proper motions, (2) SUPERBLINK proper motion, and (3) ASCC-2.5 proper motion. The quoted Tycho-2 proper-motion errors are < 8 mas yr-1 for all LSPM stars with a Tycho-2 counterpart. This is smaller than the estimated SUPERBLINK proper-motion errors and justifies that the authors always defer to the Tycho-2 proper motion. The quoted proper-motion errors for ASCC-2.5 stars that do not have Tycho-2 counterparts are generally > 12 mas yr-1, with a mean value ~ 14.5 mas yr -1, larger than the SUPERBLINK errors, so the authors use the ASCC-2.5 proper motions only for those stars that have no SUPERBLINK proper motions. Note that for LSPM stars with Tycho-2 counterparts that have also been measured with SUPERBLINK, values for the absolute proper motion are quoted from the Tycho-2 catalog but values for the relative proper motions are those from SUPERBLINK.

The absolute proper motion of the star in the Right Ascension direction, in arcseconds yr-1.

The absolute proper motion of the star in the Declination direction, in arcseconds yr-1.

The source of the proper motion is indicated by this astrometric flag: 'T' if the Tycho-2 proper motion is used, 'S' if it is the SUPERBLINK-derived proper motion (and the 2MASS position), 'A' if the ASCC-2.5 proper motion is quoted, or 'O' if some other source has been used. A total of 508 stars in the LSPM catalog have no Tycho-2 counterparts nor ASCC-2.5 counterparts, and their proper motions have not been measured by SUPERBLINK either. For those objects, the authors obtain their proper motions from a variety of sources, mainly from the NLTT and Revised NLTT (rNLTT: Salim and Gould 2003, ApJ, 582, 1011) Catalogs, and also from the catalog of revised proper motions of LHS stars of Bakos et al. (2002, ApJS, 141, 187).

The optical B magnitude of the star, taken from the Tycho-2 or ASCC-2.5 catalogs. In the CDS file from which this HEASARC table was constructed, there were 182 entries with B = 0.00 which are represented as nulls in this present table.

The optical V magnitude of the star, taken from the Tycho-2 or ASCC-2.5 catalogs.

The photographic blue (BJ or IIIaJ) magnitude of the star, extracted from the USNO-B1.0 catalog.

The photographic red (RF or IIIaF) magnitude of the star, extracted from the USNO-B1.0 catalog. When a value for RF could not be obtained from the USNO-B1.0 catalog, the authors used the value estimated by SUPERBLINK from the POSS-II red DSS scans.

The photographic near-infrared (IN or IVN) magnitude of the star, extracted from the USNO-B1.0 catalog.

The infrared J magnitude of the star. Infrared magnitudes for LSPM stars are obtained from their counterparts in the 2MASS All-Sky Point Source Catalog (Cutri et al. 2003). The accuracy is about 0.02 mag for 5 < J < 14, 5 < H < 14,and 4 < Ks < 13; it is ~ 0.25 mag for brighter stars (saturated on the 2MASS images). For fainter stars, the uncertainty increases with magnitude. The 2MASS catalog is complete to J ~ 16:5, H ~ 16:0, and Ks ~ 15:5.

The infrared H magnitude of the star. Infrared magnitudes for LSPM stars are obtained from their counterparts in the 2MASS All-Sky Point Source Catalog (Cutri et al. 2003). The accuracy is about 0.02 mag for 5 < J < 14, 5 < H < 14,and 4 < Ks < 13; it is ~ 0.25 mag for brighter stars (saturated on the 2MASS images). For fainter stars, the uncertainty increases with magnitude. The 2MASS catalog is complete to J ~ 16:5, H ~ 16:0, and Ks ~ 15:5.

The infrared Ks magnitude of the star. Infrared magnitudes for LSPM stars are obtained from their counterparts in the 2MASS All-Sky Point Source Catalog (Cutri et al. 2003). The accuracy is about 0.02 mag for 5 < J < 14, 5 < H < 14,and 4 < Ks < 13; it is ~ 0.25 mag for brighter stars (saturated on the 2MASS images). For fainter stars, the uncertainty increases with magnitude. The 2MASS catalog is complete to J ~ 16:5, H ~ 16:0, and Ks ~ 15:5.

The estimated V magnitude Veff of the star. Estimated V magnitudes and V - J colors are given for all but a few entries. Stars with no Tycho-2/ASCC-2.5 photometry have Veff estimated from the photographic BJ and RF magnitudes. Stars with no 2MASS counterparts have their (V - J)eff estimated with the help of IN. These values should be used for quick reference and for classification of the high proper motion stars. See Section 4.4 of the reference paper for the caveats in using these estimated values.

The estimated (V - J)eff color of the star. Estimated V magnitudes and V - J colors are given for all but a few entries. Stars with no Tycho-2/ASCC-2.5 photometry have Veff estimated from the photographic BJ and RF magnitudes. Stars with no 2MASS counterparts have their (V - J)eff values estimated with the help of IN. These values should be used for quick reference and for classification of the high proper motion stars. See Section 4.4 of the reference paper for the caveats in using these estimated values.

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Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:30:17 EDT