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M101XMM - M 101 XMM-Newton X-Ray Point Source Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
While the spectral and timing properties of the brightest sources were presented by Jenkins et al. (2004, MNRAS, 349, 404: Paper I), in the present analysis the authors apply an X-ray colour classification scheme to split the entire source population into different types, i.e. X-ray binaries (XRBs), SNRs, absorbed sources, background sources and supersoft sources (SSSs). Approximately 60% of the population can be classified as XRBs, although there is source contamination from background active galactic nuclei (AGN) in this category as they have similar spectral shapes in the X-ray regime. 15 sources have X-ray colours consistent with SNRs, three of which correlate with known SNR/HII radio sources. Another two are promising new candidates for SNRs, one is unidentified, and the remainder are a mixture of foreground stars, bright soft XRBs and AGN candidates. The authors also detect 14 candidate SSSs, with significant detections in the softest X-ray band (0.3 - 1 keV) only. 16 sources display short-term variability during the XMM-Newton observation, twelve of which fall into the XRB category, giving additional evidence of their accreting nature. Using archival Chandra and ROSAT High Resolution Imager data, the authors find that ~40% of the XMM sources show long-term variability over a baseline of up to ~10 yr, and eight sources display potential transient behaviour between observations. Sources with significant flux variations between the XMM and Chandra observations show a mixture of softening and hardening with increasing luminosity. The spectral and timing properties of the sources coincident with M 101 confirm that its X-ray source population is dominated by accreting XRBs.
The authors cross-correlated the XMM-Newton source list with previous X-ray observations of M 101. For the Chandra observations detailed in Section 2 of the reference paper, they matched on-axis sources (whose positions are generally accurate to ~1 arcsec) to within the XMM-Newton 3-sigma errors. For off-axis sources, the decreasing Chandra positional accuracy to ~2 arcsec was also taken into account. However, given the large PSF of XMM-Newton (~6 arcsec FWHM), they also checked for any contamination from additional fainter sources detected only by Chandra by searching for sources that lie within 15 arcsec of the XMM-Newton source positions (this corresponds to the on-axis 68% energy cut-out radius used in emldetect). In total, 71 XMM-Newton sources were unambiguously matched to single Chandra sources within the 3-sigma errors, whereas the nuclear source is resolved into two sources by Chandra. These matches are listed in this table, as are additional sources matching to within 15 arcsec. For completeness, both the CXOU designations of Kilgard et al. (2005, ApJS, 159, 214) and equivalent source source numbers from Pence et al. (2001, ApJ, 561, 189) are given.
M 101 was observed with XMM-Newton for 42.8 ks on 2002 June 4 (Obs ID 0104260101). The EPIC MOS-1, MOS-2 and PN cameras were operated with medium filters in the 'Prime Full Window' mode, which utilizes the full ~ 30-arcmin field of view of XMM-Newton, covering the entire D25 ellipse of M101.
An XMM-Newton view of M101 - II. Global X-ray source properties. Jenkins L.P., Roberts T.P., Warwick R.S., Kilgard R.E., Ward M.J. <Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 357, 401-419 (2005)> =2005MNRAS.357..401J
A unique source number for each X-ray source in the catalog
in order of increasing J2000.0 Right Ascension.
The alternative catalog-based source designation rcommended by the
Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects using the '[JRW2005b]' prefix
for Jenkins, Roberts, Warwick 2005 and the source number, e.g. '[JRW2005b] 1'.
The primary J2000.0 position-based source designation for
(unregistered) XMM-Newton sources, viz. 'XMMU JHHMMss.s+DDMMSS'.
The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. This
was obtained from the J2000.0 equatorial-based name of the source which is
given to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time.
The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. This
was obtained from the J2000.0 equatorial-based name of the source which is
given to a precision of 1 arcsecond.
The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.
The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.
The 1-sigma positional uncertainty of the X-ray source,
including both the statistical error and a 1.5-arcsec systematic error added in
quadrature, in arcseconds.
The X-ray source count rate in the soft (0.3 - 1 keV) band for
the PN camera, in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the corresponding count rate, in ct/s.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the
corresponding count rate is a significant (> 4 sigma) detection.
The X-ray source count rate in the medium (1 - 2 keV) band for
the PN camera, in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the corresponding count rate, in ct/s.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the
corresponding count rate is a significant (> 4 sigma) detection.
The X-ray source count rate in the hard (2 - 6 keV) band for
the PN camera, in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the corresponding count rate, in ct/s.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the
corresponding count rate is a significant (> 4 sigma) detection.
The X-ray source count rate in the soft (0.3 - 1.0 keV) band
for the MOS camera, in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the corresponding count rate, in ct/s.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the
corresponding count rate is a significant (> 4 sigma) detection.
The X-ray source count rate in the medium (1 - 2 keV) band for
the MOS camera, in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the corresponding count rate, in ct/s.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the
corresponding count rate is a significant (> 4 sigma) detection.
The X-ray source count rate in the hard (2 - 6 keV) band for
the MOS camera, in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the corresponding count rate, in ct/s.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the
corresponding count rate is a significant (> 4 sigma) detection.
The X-ray source flux in the broad (0.3 - 6 keV) band, in erg cm-2
s-1. The broad-band fluxes were obtained by summing the fluxes over the
three sub-bands and then taking the weighted mean of the individual PN and MOS
measurements. The faintest source detected has a flux of 3.1E-15 erg cm-2
s-1 in the 0.3 - 6 keV range, and the brightest source (#46/XMM-1) has a
flux of 4.2E-13 erg cm-2 s-1.
The uncertainty in the broad-band (0.3 - 6 keV) X-ray flux, in
erg cm-2 s-1.
The X-Ray source luminosity in the broad (0.3 - 6 keV) band, using
the corresponding flux and assuming a distance to M 101 of 7.2 Mpc, in
erg s-1. The range of fluxes observed correspond to a luminosity range of
1.9E37 to 2.6E39 erg s-1 if the sources are at the distance of M 101.
The uncertainty in the broad-band (0.3 - 6 keV) X-ray luminosity,
in erg s-1.
The 'soft' hardness ratio 1, HR1 = (M-S)/(H+M+S), where H, M and S
are the hard-, medium- and soft-band count rates of the X-ray source
The uncertainty in the corresponding hardness ratio.
The 'hard' hardness ratio 1, HR2 = (H-M)/(H+M+S), where H, M and S
are the hard-, medium- and soft-band count rates of the X-ray source
The uncertainty in the corresponding hardness ratio.
This flag parameter is set to set to 'S' and/or 'L', to indicate
X-ray source variability on short (S) and/or long (L) timescales. Thus, 'S'
sources were found to be variable within the 42.8 ks XMM-Newton observation,
while 'L' sources were found to be variable when the XMM-Newton flux was
compared with that measured in a Chandra observations 2 years prior to the
XMM-Newton observtaion and/or in 4 archival ROSAT HRI observations.
This flag parameter is set to 'A' to indicate that there are
additional matching Chandra sources outside the combined XMM-Newton and
Chandra 3-sigma positional error but within 15 arcseconds of the XMM-Newton
position. The HEASARC has also flagged source number 51 corresponding to the
(binary) nuclear sourec of M 101 with 'A' although in this case both of the
Chandra sources lie within the combined XMM-Newton and
Chandra 3-sigma positional uncertainty.
The identification number of the ROSAT source(s) which are
coincident with the XMM-Newton source position to within the combined
3-sigma XMM-Newton and ROSAT positional errors, where H refers to HRI sources
and P to PSPC sources, both from Wang et al. (1999, ApJ, 523, 121).
These sources are listed as '[WIP99] HNN' or '[WIP99] PNN' in Simbad.
The primary matching Chandra source identification from Pence et
al. (2001, ApJ, 561, 189) which lies within the combined XMM-Newton and
Chandra 3-sigma positional uncertainty of the XMM-Newton source position.
A second matching Chandra source identification from Pence et
al. (2001, ApJ, 561, 189) which lies outside the combined XMM-Newton and
Chandra 3-sigma positional error but within 15 arcseconds of the XMM-Newton
A third matching Chandra source identification from Pence et
al. (2001, ApJ, 561, 189) which lies outside the combined XMM-Newton and
Chandra 3-sigma positional error but within 15 arcseconds of the XMM-Newton
The primary matching Chandra source identification from
Kilgard et al. (2005, ApJS, 159, 214) which lies within the combined XMM-Newton
and Chandra 3-sigma positional uncertainty of the XMM-Newton source position.
A second matching Chandra source identification from
Kilgard et al. (2005, ApJS, 159, 214) which lies outside the combined
XMM-Newton and Chandra 3-sigma positional error but within 15 arcseconds of
the XMM-Newton position.
A third matching Chandra source identification from
Kilgard et al. (2005, ApJS, 159, 214) which lies outside the combined
XMM-Newton and Chandra 3-sigma positional error but within 15 arcseconds of
the XMM-Newton position.
Alternative source designations for the primary matching
Chandra and/or ROSAT source, using the following abbreviations and references:
NGC denotes giant H II regions e.g. Williams & Chu (1995ApJ...439..132W), [WC95] in Simbad Catalogue references: [GSC] Guide Star Catalogue [AG79] Allen & Goss (1979A&AS...36..135A) [CasHII] Sanduleak & Pesch (1987ApJS...63..809S) [BKS96] Bresolin, Kennicutt & Stetson (1996AJ....112.1009B) [CC2002] Cedres & Cepa (2002, Cat. <J/A+A/391/809>) [CCG2002] Chen et al. (2002AJ....123.2462C) [ECB2002] Eck et al. (2002ApJ...573..306E) [H69] Hodge (1969ApJS...18...73H) [HGGK] Hodge et al. (1990, Cat. <J/ApJS/73/661>) [HK83] Hodge & Kennicutt (1983AJ.....88..296H) [IGA75] Israel, Goss & Allen (1975A&A....40..421I), [I75] in Simbad [LCC2001] Lai et al. (2001ApJ...547..754L) [MF] Matonick & Fesen (1997ApJS..112...49M), [MF97] in Simbad [PMC2001] Page et al. (2001MNRAS.325..575) [S71] Searle (1971ApJ...168..327S) [TFR] Trinchieri et al. (1990ApJ...356..110T), [TFR90] in Simbad [WIP] Wang et al. (1999ApJ...523..121W), [WIP99] in Simbad
Alternative source designations for the secondary matching
Chandra and/or ROSAT source, using the same abbreviations and references
as for the alt_names_1 parameter (q.v.).