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NGC2264CX2 - NGC 2264 Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog 2 |
HEASARC Archive |
The authors detected 420 X-ray point sources in the observation above a 4.6-sigma significance threshold using the PWDetect software. Optical and NIR counterparts were found in the literature for 85% of the sources. The authors argue that more than 90% of these counterparts are NGC 2264 members, thereby significantly increasing the known low-mass cluster population by about 100 objects. Among the sources without counterpart, about 50% are probably associated with members, several of which are expected to be previously unknown protostellar objects. With regard to activity, several previous findings are confirmed: X-ray luminosity is related to stellar mass, although with a large scatter; Lx/Lbol is close to, but almost invariably below, the saturation level of 10-3, especially when considering the quiescent X-ray emission. A comparison between classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) and weak-line T Tauri stars (WTTS) shows several differences: CTTS have, at any given mass, activity levels that are both lower and more scattered than WTTS; emission from CTTS may also be more time variable and is on average slightly harder than for WTTS. However, there is evidence in some CTTS of extremely cool, ~0.1 - 0.2 keV, plasma which the authors speculate is due to plasma heated by accretion shocks.
The X-ray spectra of the 199 sources with more than 50 detected photons were analyzed by the authors. Spectral fits were performed with XSPEC 11.3 and with several shell and TCL scripts to automate the process. For each source, they fit the data in the [0.5 - 7.0] keV energy interval with several model spectra: one and two isothermal components (APEC), subject to photoelectric absorption from interstellar and circumstellar material (WABS). Plasma abundances for one-temperature (1T) models were fixed at 0.3 times the solar abundances, while they were both fixed at that value and treated as a free parameter for the two-temperature (2T) models. The absorbing column densities, NH, were both left as a free parameter and fixed at values corresponding to the optically/NIR determined extinctions, when available: NH = 1.6 x 1021 AV.
This table contains the X-ray, optical and NIR data for the 420 detected X-ray sources; it does not contain the master catalog of 1598 optical/NIR sources within the ACIS FOV which was presented in Table 3 of the reference paper, available at
ACIS-I observations of NGC 2264. Membership and X-ray properties of PMS stars. Flaccomio E., Micela G., Sciortino S. <Astron. Astrophys., 455, 903-921 (2006)> =2006A&A...455..903F (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
A running number for the X-ray source in order of increasing
J2000.0 Right Ascension.
The name of the X-ray source using the '[FMS2006b]' prefix followed by
the source number, as recommended by the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of
Celestial Objects.
The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. This
was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time in the
original table.
The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. This was
given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original
The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.
The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.
The uncertainty in the position of the X-ray source, in
The distance of the X-ray source from the Chandra optical axis,
in arcminutes.
The background-subtracted source counts in the 0.2- 7 keV band as
derived by PWDetect directly from the wavelet transform of the data.
The effective exposure time at the source position, averaged over
the PSF, as computed by PWDetect from an exposure map created with standard
CIAO tools assuming an input energy of 2.0 keV.
The statistical significance of the X-ray source detection.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test probability that the
distribution of photon arrival times is compatible with a constant count-rate.
Given the sample size (420 sources), a value below 0.001 (obtained for 72
sources) indicates the light-curve is almost certainly variable, while a <0.01
value (87 sources) indicates probable variability, although up to ~ 4 = 420
x 0.01) of the variable sources might actually be constant.
The equivalent hydrogen absorption column density NH towards the X-ray
source, in H atoms cm-2.
The source for the NH estimate: 'Av' if derived from the inferred
visual extinction for a star of known spectral type, 'JHK' if estimated by
dereddening the location of the star in the (J-H) vs. (H-K) diagram, or 'X'
if derived from the X-ray spectral analysis.
The spectral model used in the spectral analysis of the
X-ray source, as follows:
1T = one-temperature model with plasma abundances fixed at 0.3 times the solar abundances, NH fixed at values corresponding to the optically/NIR determined extinctions, when available: NH = 1.6 x 1021 x AV 2T = two-temperature models with both Plasma abundances fixed at 0.3 times the solar abundances and treated as a free parameter NH fixed at values corresponding to the optically/NIR determined extinctions, when available: NH = 1.6 x 1021 AV 2Tab = two-temperature models with both free NH and free abundances
The Cousins I magnitude I_C of the optical/NIR counterpart to the
X-ray source.
The Cousins R-I color index of the optical/NIR counterpart to the
X-ray source.
The J magnitude of the optical/NIR counterpart to the X-ray source.
The H magnitude of the optical/NIR counterpart to the X-ray source.
The K magnitude of the optical/NIR counterpart to the X-ray source.
The MK spectral type of the optical/NIR counterpart to the
X-ray source.
The absorption in the V band AV for the optical/NIR counterpart to
the X-ray source.
The absorption in the V band for the optical/NIR counterpart to
the X-ray source as derived from dereddening the location of the star in the
(J-H) vs. (H-K) diagram.
The logarithm of the effective temperature, in K, of the
stellar counterpart to the X-ray source, derived for stars with spectral types
using the relations compiled by Kenyon & Hartmann (1995, ApJS, 101, 117) and,
for the temperatures of M stars, the intermediate-gravity scale of Luhman
(1999, ApJ, 525, 466).
The logarithm of the bolometric luminosity, in solar luminosities,
of the stellar counterpart to the X-ray source, derived for stars with
spectral types using the relation log L_bol = -0.4 [Ic - BCI - AV/1.63 -
DM(760 pc)], where BC is the bolometric correction and DM(760 pc) is the
distance modulus for the assumed distance to NGC 2264, i.e., 5 x (log 760 - 1)
= 9.40 magnitudes.
The mass, in solar masses, of the stellar counterpart to the
X-ray source, derived from the theoretical H-R Diagram (Fig. 5 in the
reference paper) through interpolation of the Siess et al. (2000, A&A,
358, 593 = SDF) evolutionary tracks.
The logarithm of the age, in yr, of the stellar counterpart
to the X-ray source, derived from the theoretical H-R Diagram (Fig. 5 in the
reference paper) through interpolation of the Siess et al. (2000, A&A,
358, 593 = SDF) evolutionary tracks.
The rotational period, in days, of the stellar counterpart
to the X-ray source.
This flag parameter indicates the existence of a note
on the particular spectral model used, as follows:
a = Abund.= 1.43 (0.42 - 5.00) b = Abund.= 0.84 (0.50 - 1.26) c = Abund.= 0.94 (0.38 - 2.69)
The null probability that the observed spectrum is
described by the quoted spectral model
The lower value of the best-fit interval for NH, in atom cm-2.
The upper value of the best-fit interval for NH, in atom cm-2.
The plasma temperature kT1, in keV, of the APEC model component in the 1T
models, and of the lower temperature component in the 2T models.
The lower value of the best-fit interval for kT1, in
The upper value of the best-fit interval for kT1, in
The logarithm of the normalization, log norm1, of the APEC model component
in the 1T models, and of the lower temperature component in the 2T models.
The lower value of the best-fit interval for log_norm_1.
The upper value of the best-fit interval for log_norm_1.
The plasma temperature kT2, in keV, of the higher temperature
component in the 2T models in keV.
The lower value of the best-fit interval for kT2, in
The upper value of the best-fit interval for kT2, in
The logarithm of the normalization, log norm2, of the higher temperature
component in the 2T models.
The lower value of the best-fit interval for log_norm_2.
The upper value of the best-fit interval for log_norm_2.
The observed (absorbed) flux of the X-ray source in the 0.5 - 7.0 keV band,
in erg/s/cm2.
The absorption-corrected flux of the X-ray source in the 0.5 - 7.0 keV band,
in erg/s/cm2.
The HEASARC Browse object classification of the stellar counterpart based on
the spectral type.