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NUGALCEN - NuSTAR Hard X-Ray Survey of the Galactic Center |
HEASARC Archive |
The observations of the GC region with NuSTAR began in 2012 July, shortly after its launch. The original survey strategy for the GC region was to match the central 2 degree x 0.7 degree region covered by the Chandra X-ray Observatory (Wang et al. 2002, Nature, 415, 148; Muno et al. 2009, ApJS, 181, 110). The field of views (FOVs) of neighboring NuSTAR observations in the survey were designed to overlap with each other by ~40%. Multiple observations of the same region with relatively large FOV offsets tend to average out the vignetting effects of each observation, enabling a more uniform coverage of the region. Multiple observations are also suitable for monitoring long term X-ray variability of sources in the region. Even when observing a single target, the NuSTAR observation is often broken up into two or more segments with relatively large pointing offsets to allow an efficient subtraction of a detector coordinate-dependent background component (e.g., Mori et al. 2013, ApJ, 770, L23).
NuSTAR hard X-ray survey of the Galactic Center region. II. X-ray point sources. Hong J., Mori K., Hailey C.J., Nynka M., Zhang S., Gotthelf E., Fornasini F.M., Krivonos R., Bauer F., Perez K., Tomsick J.A., Bodaghee A., Chiu J.-L., Clavel M., Stern D., Grindlay J.E., Alexander D.M., Aramaki T., Baganoff F.K., Barret D., Barriere N., Boggs S.E., Canipe A.M., Christensen F.E., Craig W.W., Desai M.A., Forster K., Giommi P., Grefenstette B.W., Harrison F.A., Hong D., Hornstrup A., Kitaguchi T., Koglin J.E., Madsen K.K., Mao P.H., Miyasaka H., Perri M., Pivovaroff M.J., Puccetti S., Rana V., Westergaard N.J., Zhang W.W., Zoglauer A. <Astrophys. J., 825, 132-132 (2016)> =2016ApJ...825..132H (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
This HEASARC-created parameter Specifies the field in which the NuSTAR source
was detected. For sources in the Galactic Center Region it is set to 'GC',
whereas for sources in the Sgr B2 region it is set to 'B2'.
This parameter, referred to as the group number in the reference paper,
specifies the confidence level of the association of a Chandra source with
the NuSTAR source, as follows:
Value Significance of Association 1 = Clear association. The sources in group 1 have a relatively clear Chandra counterpart which is usually the only bright (FX > 3 x 10-6 ph/cm2/s1) Chandra source around the NuSTAR detection; 2 = Unclear association. The sources in group 2 have solid NuSTAR detections (except for NGP 65, which is a bit marginal), but their association with the Chandra sources is not as clear either because multiple Chandra sources of similar fluxes are found within the uncertainty of the NuSTAR positions (e.g., NGPs 55 and 56) or because a diffuse origin of the hard X-ray emission cannot be ruled out (e.g., NGPs 53 and 59, see Section 6.1 of the reference paper).
The NuSTAR Galactic Center Point (NGP) source identification number for each
source in the catalog. In the reference paper, sources are identified as, for
example, NGP 55 for source number 55.
This HEASARC-created parameter gives the source designation in the style
recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, using the
prefix '[HMH2016]' for Hong, Mori, Hailey 2016 and the source number value,
e.g., '[HMH2016] 55'.
The Right Ascension of the NuSTAR X-ray source in the selected equinox. This
was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-5 degrees in the
original table. The local peak location of the NuSTAR trial map within 30" of
the Chandra position. They are weighted average values among the trial maps
with detections. For sources with bright neighbors, the authors limit the
search radius to 10" or 15" depending on the proximity. The peak position is
determined by a 2D Gaussian fit on the trial map.
The Declination of the NuSTAR X-ray source in the selected equinox. This was
given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-5 degrees in the
original table. The local peak location of the NuSTAR trial map within 30" of
the Chandra position. They are weighted average values among the trial maps
with detections. For sources with bright neighbors, the authors limit the
search radius to 10" or 15" depending on the proximity. The peak position is
determined by a 2D Gaussian fit on the trial map.
The Galactic Longitude of the NuSTAR X-ray source.
The Galactic Latitude of the NuSTAR X-ray source.
chandra_source_number =. The candidate Chandra counterpart source number given
in Muno et al. (2009, ApJS, 181, 110, available at the HEASARC as the
Chandra Counterpart Identifier by Muno et al. 2009 (J/ApJS/181/110)
The candidate Chandra counterpart designation using the style recommended by
the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, i.e., the prefix 'CXOGC'
and the J2000.0 Right Ascension and Declination truncated to 0.1 seconds of
time in RA and to 1 arcsecond in Declination, e.g., 'CXOGC JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS'.
The observed (i.e., absorbed) 2-8 keV flux of the Chandra counterpart (from
Muno et al. 2009, ApJS, 181, 110, available at the HEASARC as the GALCENCXO
table), in photon cm-2 s-1. X-ray photon fluxes and luminosities quoted
in this paper are all absorbed quantities using the assumed or estimated NH
values unless otherwise noted.
The angular offset between the NuSTAR source and the Chandra counterpart
positions, in arcseconds.
The combined exposure of the two NuSTAR FPMs at the Chandra source position,
in seconds (converted by the HEASARC from the ks units used in the original
This parameter indicates whether the source was detected in the soft (< 10
keV) band only if set to 'S', the hard (> 10 keV) band only if set to 'H', or
both bands if set to 'SH'.
The trial map value for the NuSTAR detection at the Chandra source position:
see Section 3 of the reference paper for more details.
The lower limit of the energy band of the trial map with the local peak
value, in keV.
The upper limit of the energy band of the trial map with the local peak
value, in keV.
The source cell size of the trial map with the local peak value, in terms of
the percentage of the NuSTAR PSF enclosed in the cell.
The number of trial maps above their respective thresholds at the Chandra
This comment field can contain a previously known name for the source, the
name of a nearby Chandra source, and/or the presence of any notable diffuse
feature that is nearby.
The net counts in NuSTAR source in the 3-40 keV band.
The uncertainty in the net counts in NuSTAR source in the 3-40 keV band. The
errors quoted herein are the largest of three estimates: a statistical error
and two different estimates of systematic errors. The statistical error is
estimated from the uncertainty of the observed net counts after background
subtraction. The systematic error is given by the difference in the
photometry results between two aperture sets.
The mode of the posterior distribution of the Bayesian Enhanced X-Ray
Hardness Ratio (BEHR: Park et al. 2006, ApJ, 652, 610, see Section 4.3), (H -
S)/(H + S) where H and S are the net counts in 3-10 and 10-40 keV energy
bands, respectively.
The uncertainty in the mode of the posterior distribution of the Bayesian
Enhanced X-Ray Hardness Ratio (BEHR). The errors quoted herein are the
largest of three estimates: a statistical error and two different estimates
of systematic errors. The statistical error is estimated from the uncertainty
of the observed net counts after background subtraction. The systematic error
is given by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the corresponding error
value that is quoted is the systematic error. This systematic error is given
by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
The median energy of the counts comprising the NuSTAR source in the 3-40 keV
energy band, in keV.
The uncertainty in the median energy of the counts comprising the NuSTAR
source in the 3-40 keV energy band, in keV. The errors quoted herein are the
largest of three estimates: a statistical error and two different estimates
of systematic errors. The statistical error is estimated from the uncertainty
of the observed net counts after background subtraction. The systematic error
is given by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the corresponding error
value that is quoted is the systematic error. This systematic error is given
by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
The quartile ratio. This is the relative ratio of the 25% and 75% quartiles,
3(E25 - 3 keV)/(E75 - 3 keV), for the NuSTAR source, equivalent to the
y-axis value in the NuSTAR quantile diagram (Hong et al. 2004, ApJ, 614, 508,
see Section 4.3).
The uncertainty in the quartile ratio. The errors quoted herein are the
largest of three estimates: a statistical error and two different estimates
of systematic errors. The statistical error is estimated from the uncertainty
of the observed net counts after background subtraction. The systematic error
is given by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the corresponding error
value that is quoted is the systematic error. This systematic error is given
by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
The estimated Hydrogen column density along the line of sight to the source
(Nishiyama et al. 2008, ApJ, 680, 1174), in atoms cm-2.
The estimated photon index of the NuSTAR source using the median energy for
an absorbed power-law model fit to its spectrum with NH set to 6 x
1022/cm2 (see Section 4.3 of the reference paper).
The uncertainty in the estimated photon index of the NuSTAR source. The
errors quoted herein are the largest of three estimates: a statistical error
and two different estimates of systematic errors. The statistical error is
estimated from the uncertainty of the observed net counts after background
subtraction. The systematic error is given by the difference in the
photometry results between two aperture sets.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the corresponding error
value that is quoted is the systematic error. In calculating the photon
indices, the systematic error is estimated based on the selection of spectral
model parameters (see Section 4.4 of the reference paper).
The observed 3-10 keV photon flux of the NuSTAR source, in photon cm-2
The uncertainty in the observed 3-10 keV photon flux of the NuSTAR source, in
photon cm-2 s-1. The errors quoted herein are the largest of three
estimates: a statistical error and two different estimates of systematic
errors. The statistical error is estimated from the uncertainty of the
observed net counts after background subtraction. The systematic error is
given by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the corresponding error
value that is quoted is the systematic error. This systematic error is given
by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
The observed 10-40 keV photon flux of the NuSTAR source, in photon cm-2
The uncertainty in the observed 10-40 keV photon flux of the NuSTAR source,
in photon cm-2 s-1. The errors quoted herein are the largest of three
estimates: a statistical error and two different estimates of systematic
errors. The statistical error is estimated from the uncertainty of the
observed net counts after background subtraction. The systematic error is
given by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the corresponding error
value that is quoted is the systematic error. This systematic error is given
by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
The observed 3-10 keV luminosity of the NuSTAR source, assumed to be at a
distance of 8 kpc, in erg s-1 (see Section 4.4 of the reference paper).
The uncertainty in the observed 3-10 keV luminosity of the NuSTAR source,
assumed to be at a distance of 8 kpc, in erg s-1 (see Section 4.4 of the
reference paper). The errors quoted herein are the largest of three
estimates: a statistical error and two different estimates of systematic
errors. The statistical error is estimated from the uncertainty of the
observed net counts after background subtraction. The systematic error is
given by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the corresponding error
value that is quoted is the systematic error. This systematic error is given
by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
The observed 10-40 keV luminosity of the NuSTAR source, assumed to be at a
distance of 8 kpc, in erg s-1 (see Section 4.4 of the reference paper).
The uncertainty in the observed 10-40 keV luminosity of the NuSTAR source,
assumed to be at a distance of 8 kpc, in erg s-1 (see Section 4.4 of the
reference paper). The errors quoted herein are the largest of three
estimates: a statistical error and two different estimates of systematic
errors. The statistical error is estimated from the uncertainty of the
observed net counts after background subtraction. The systematic error is
given by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets
This flag parameter is set to 'S' to indicate that the corresponding error
value that is quoted is the systematic error This systematic error is given
by the difference in the photometry results between two aperture sets.
The source and background aperture radii code, for the first aperture set.
The authors performed aperture photometry using two aperture sets for each
source: the first set to provide the basic photometry results, and the second
set to estimate the systematic errors originating from the aperture selection
(Section 4.1 of the reference paper). The two baseline choices are (e) and
(f). The source and background aperture radii that were used areas follows:
Value Ap(1)/Ap(2) a = 20"/35"-42"; b = 20"/30"-46"; c = 20"/45"-75", d = 30"/45"-45"; e = 30"/50"-80"; f = 40"/60"-90"; g = 8"/130"-145"; h = 70"/145"-145"; i = 70"/210"-230"; j = 100"/210"-230".
This flag parameter is set 'a' to indicate that the specified aperture has
additional exclusion zones (see Section 4.1 of the reference paper).
The source and background aperture radii code, for the second aperture set.
The authors performed aperture photometry using two aperture sets for each
source: the first set to provide the basic photometry results, and the second
set to estimate the systematic errors originating from the aperture selection
(Section 4.1 of the reference paper). The two baseline choices are (e) and
(f). The source and background aperture radii that were used areas follows:
Value Ap(1)/Ap(2) a = 20"/35"-42"; b = 20"/30"-46"; c = 20"/45"-75", d = 30"/45"-45"; e = 30"/50"-80"; f = 40"/60"-90"; g = 8"/130"-145"; h = 70"/145"-145"; i = 70"/210"-230"; j = 100"/210"-230".
This flag parameter is set 'a' to indicate that the specified aperture has
additional exclusion zones (see Section 4.1 of the reference paper).
The NuSTAR flags for the source, coded as follows:
f = Sources showing the iron lines (Section 4.5); k = Sources with short-term variability according to a Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test of individual observations (Section 4.6); r = Sources with long-term variability according to the maximum-to-minimum flux ratio of multiple observations (Section 4.6); c = The Chandra source flags (Muno et al. 2009, ApJS, 181, 110): sources confused with another nearby source; g = Sources that fell near the edge of a detector in one or more observations; b = Sources for which the source and background spectra have a >10% chance of being drawn from the same distribution according to the KS tests; s = Sources variable on short timescales, as indicated by probabilities of <1% that the event arrival times for at least one observation were consistent with a uniform distribution according to the KS test; l = Sources that were variable on long timescales, as indicated by a probability of <1% that the fluxes for all observations were consistent with a uniform distribution according to the KS test; t = Transients identified in Degenaar et al. (2012, A&A, 545, A49); p = Not explained in this paper.