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PLANCKSZ2 - Planck 2nd Sunyaev-Zeldovich Source Catalog



This table contains the all-sky Planck catalog of Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) sources detected from the 29 month full Planck mission data. The catalog (PSZ2) is the largest SZ-selected sample of galaxy clusters yet produced and the deepest systematic all-sky survey of galaxy clusters. It contains 1,653 detections, of which 1,203 are confirmed clusters with identified counterparts in external data sets, and is the first SZ-selected cluster survey containing more than 103 confirmed clusters. In the reference paper, the authors present a detailed analysis of the survey selection function in terms of its completeness and statistical reliability, placing a lower limit of 83% on the purity. Using simulations, they find that the estimates of the SZ strength parameter Y5R500 are robust to pressure-profile variation and beam systematics, but accurate conversion to Y500 requires the use of prior information on the cluster extent. The authors also describe the multi-wavelength search for counterparts in ancillary data, which makes use of radio, microwave, infrared, optical, and X-ray data sets, and which places emphasis on the robustness of the counterpart match. They discuss the physical properties of the new sample and identify a population of low-redshift X-ray under-luminous clusters revealed by SZ selection. These objects appear in optical and SZ surveys with consistent properties for their mass, but they are almost absent from ROSAT X-ray selected samples.

Three pipelines were used to detect SZ clusters: two independent implementations of the Matched Multi-Filter (MMF1 and MMF3) and PowellSnakes (PwS). The main catalog contained in this HEASARC table is constructed as the union of the catalogs from the three detection methods. The completeness and reliability of the catalogs have been assessed through internal and external validation as described in section 4 of the reference paper.

The HEASARC has changed the names of many of the parameters from those given in the original table. In such cases we have listed the original names in parentheses at the end of the parameter descriptions given below.

Catalog Bibcode



Planck 2015 results.
XXVII. The second Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources.
    Planck collaboration
    Ade P.A.R., Aghanim N., Arnaud M., Ashdown M., Aumont J., Baccigalupi C.,
    Banday A.J., Barreiro R.B., Barrena R., Bartlett J.G., Bartolo N.,
    Battaner E., Battye R., Benabed K., Benoit A., Benoit-Levy A.,
    Bernard J.-P., Bersanelli M., Bielewicz P., Bikmaev I., Bohringer H.,
    Bonaldi A., Bonavera L., Bond J.R., Borrill J., Bouchet F.R., Bucher M.,
    Burenin R., Burigana C., Butler R.C., Calabrese E., Cardoso J.-F.,
    Carvalho P., Catalano A., Challinor A., Chamballu A., Chary R.-R.,
    Chiang H.C., Chon G., Christensen P.R., Clements D.L., Colombi S.,
    Colombo L.P.L., Combet C., Comis B., Couchot F., Coulais A., Crill B.P.,
    Curto A., Cuttaia F., Dahle H., Danese L., Davies R.D., Davis R.J.,
    De Bernardis P., De Rosa A., De Zotti G., Delabrouille J., Desert F.-X.,
    Dickinson C., Diego J.M., Dolag K., Dole H., Donzelli S., Dore O.,
    Douspis M., Ducout A., Dupac X., Efstathiou G., Eisenhardt P.R.M.,
    Elsner F., Ensslin T.A., Eriksen H.K., Falgarone E., Fergusson J.,
    Feroz F., Ferragamo A., Finelli F., Forni O., Frailis M., Fraisse A.A.,
    Franceschi E., Frejsel A., Galeotta S., Galli S., Ganga K.,
    Genova-Santos R.T., Giard M., Giraud-Heraud Y., Gjerlow E.,
    Gonzalez-Nuevo J., Gorski K.M., Grainge K.J.B., Gratton S., Gregorio A.,
    Gruppuso A., Gudmundsson J.E., Hansen F.K., Hanson D., Harrison D.L.,
    Hempel A., Henrot-Versille S., Hernandez-Monteagudo C., Herranz D.,
    Hildebrandt S.R., Hivon E., Hobson M., Holmes W.A., Hornstrup A.,
    Hovest W., Huffenberger K.M., Hurier G., Jaffe A.H., Jaffe T.R., Jin T.,
    Jones W.C., Juvela M., Keihanen E., Keskitalo R., Khamitov I., Kisner T.S.,
    Kneissl R., Knoche J., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lagache G., Lamarre J.-M.,
    Lasenby A., Lattanzi M., Lawrence C.R., Leonardi R., Lesgourgues J.,
    Levrier F., Liguori M., Lilje P.B., Linden-Vornle M., Lopez-Caniego M.,
    Lubin P.M., Macias-Perez J.F., Maggio G., Maino D., Mak D.S.Y.,
    Mandolesi N., Mangilli A., Martin P.G., Martinez-Gonzalez E., Masi S.,
    Matarrese S., Mazzotta P., Mcgehee P., Mei S., Melchiorri A., Melin J.-B.,
    Mendes L., Mennella A., Migliaccio M., Mitra S., Miville-Deschenes M.-A.,
    Moneti A., Montier L., Morgante G., Mortlock D., Moss A., Munshi D.,
    Murphy J.A., Naselsky P., Nastasi A., Nati F., Natoli P., Netterfield C.B.,
    Norgaard-Nielsen H.U., Noviello F., Novikov D., Novikov I., Olamaie M.,
    Oxborrow C.A., Paci F., Pagano L., Pajot F., Paoletti D., Pasian F.,
    Patanchon G., Pearson T.J., Perdereau O., Perotto L., Perrott Y.C.,
    Perrotta F., Pettorino V., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pierpaoli E.,
    Pietrobon D., Plaszczynski S., Pointecouteau E., Polenta G., Pratt G.W.,
    Prezeau G., Prunet S., Puget J.-L., Rachen J.P., Reach W.T., Rebolo R.,
    Reinecke M., Remazeilles M., Renault C., Renzi A., Ristorcelli I.,
    Rocha G., Rosset C., Rossetti M., Roudier G., Rozo E., Rubino-Martin J.A.,
    Rumsey C., Rusholme B., Rykoff E.S., Sandri M., Santos D., Saunders R.D.E.,
    Savelainen M., Savini G., Schammel M.P., Scott D., Seiffert M.D.,
    Shellard E.P.S., Shimwell T.W., Spencer L.D., Stanford S.A., Stern D.,
    Stolyarov V., Stompor R., Streblyanska A., Sudiwala R., Sunyaev R.,
    Sutton D., Suur-Uski A.-S., Sygnet J.-F., Tauber J.A., Terenzi L.,
    Toffolatti L., Tomasi M., Tramonte D., Tristram M., Tucci M., Tuovinen J.,
    Umana G., Valenziano L., Valiviita J., Van Tent B., Vielva P., Villa F.,
    Wade L.A., Wandelt B.D., Wehus I.K., White S.D.M., Wright E.L., Yvon D.,
    Zacchei A., Zonca A.
   <Astron. Astrophys., 594, A27 (2016)>
   =2016A&A...594A..27P    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in May 2017 based upon the CDS Catalog J/A+A/594/A27 file psz2.dat, the main (union of 3 pipelines) SZ source catalog. The source catalogs from the 3 individual pipelines are available at as the files pszmmf1.dat, pszmmf3.dat and pszpws.dat.


A unique identification number for each SZ source in the catalog. (INDEX)

The name of the SZ source, in the format 'PSZ2 Gxxx.xx+yy.yy', where xxx.xx is the Galactic longitude and +yy.yy (or -yy.yy) is the Galactic latitude of the detection, both in degrees.

The Right Ascension of the SZ source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-7 degrees in the original table.

The Declination of the SZ source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-7 degrees in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the SZ source.

The Galactic Latitude of the SZ source.

The positional uncertainty of the SZ source, in arcminutes. The value given here is the 95% confidence interval of the distribution of radial displacement. (POS_ERR)

The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the SZ detection.

The reference code for the pipeline from which the source information in this union catalog was taken, where 1= MMF1, 2 = MMF3, and 3 = PwS, 1 and 2 being two independent implementations of the Matched Multi-Filter detection algorithm, and 3 the PowellSnakes (PwS) detection algorithm. (PIPELINE)

This parameter contains a code that is used to indicate which pipelines detected this object. The three least significant decimal digits are used to represent detection or non-detection by the pipelines. The order of the digits is as follows: hundreds = MMF1; tens = MMF3; and ones = PwS. If a source is detected by a particular pipeline then the corresponding digit is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0. (PIPE_DET)

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the SZ detection has a matching source in the Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Source (PCCS: Planck Collaboration 2016, A&A, 594, A26) single-frequency catalogs, else is set to 0. (PCCS2)

The source number (index) of the matching SZ detection in the PSZ1 Catalog (Planck Collaboration 2014, A&A, 571, A29, or -1 if the PSZ2 source is a new detection. (PSZ)

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the SZ detection is in a region of heavy IR contamination, else is set to 0. (IR_FLAG)

This parameter contains the neural network quality flag value for the SZ source, 1-Qbad , following the definitions in Aghanim et al. (2015, A&A, 580, A138). Values less than 0.4 denote low-reliability detections. (Q_NEURAL)

The mean marginal Y5R500 for the SZ source detection as determined by the reference pipeline, in units of arcmin2. This parameter, the integrated blind flux, is defined in Section 2.1 and equation (5) of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the mean marginal Y5R500 for the SZ source detection as determined by the reference pipeline, in units of arcmin2.

This parameter (VALIDATION) contains a summary of the external validation status of the SZ detection, encoding the most robust external identification, with the following possible values:

  Value Meaning

  -1          no known external counterpart;
  10          European Northern Observatory (ENO) follow-up;
  11          Russian-Turkish 1.5 m telescope (RTT) follow-up;
  12          PanSTARRs;
  13          redMaPPer non-blind;
  14          SDSS high-z;
  15          Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI);
  16          WISE;
  20          legacy identification from the PSZ1 2013 release;
  21          Meta-Catalogue of X-ray detected Clusters of galaxies (MCXC,
              Piffaretti et al. 2011);
  22          South Pole Telescope (SPT);
  23          Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT);
  24          redMaPPer;
  25          PSZ1 counterpart with redshift updated in Planck Collaboration
              XXXII (2015);
  30          NED.

The redshift of the cluster of galaxies.

The external identifier of the cluster associated with the redshift measurement. The redshift source is the most robust external validation listed in the validation_status parameter. (REDSHIFT_ID)

The SZ mass proxy, MSZ, in units of 1014 solar masses. This is defined as the hydrostatic mass, M500, assuming the Y-M scaling relation of Eq. (7) of Planck Collaboration XX (2014, A&A, 571, A20) as a prior that cuts a plane through the parameter contours (see Sect. 5.3 of the reference paper). The assumed cosmology for this calculation is h = 0.7, OmegaM = 0.3 and OmegaLambda = 0.7. (MSZ)

The upper 67% confidence statistical error based on the Planck measurement uncertainties only of the SZ mass proxy, MSZ, in units of 1014 solar masses. Not included in the error estimates are the statistical errors on the scaling relation, the intrinsic scatter in the relation, or systematic errors in data selection for the scaling relation fit. (MSZ_ERR_UP)

The lower 67% confidence statistical error based on the Planck measurement uncertainties only of the SZ mass proxy, MSZ, in units of 1014 solar masses. Not included in the error estimates are the statistical errors on the scaling relation, the intrinsic scatter in the relation, or systematic errors in data selection for the scaling relation fit. (MSZ_ERR_LOW)

The name of the X-ray counterpart to the SZ source in the Meta-Catalogue of X-ray detected Clusters of galaxies (MCXC, Piffaretti et al. 2011, A&A, 534, A109), if one is present. (MCXC)

The name of the optical counterpart to the SZ source in the redMaPPer catalog (v5.10, Rykoff et al. 2014, ApJ, 785, 104), if one is present. (REDMAPPER)

The name of the SZ counterpart in the ACT catalogs, if one is present. (ACT)

The name of the SZ counterpart in the SPT catalogs, if one is present. (SPT)

A confirmation flag of the WISE IR overdensity assigned by visual inspection and defined to be one of [-10, -3, -2, -1, 0 , 1, 2, 3], where -10 denotes no information and the other values (discussed in Sect. 7.4 of the reference paper) have the following meanings:

    Value   Meaning

     0      no significant galaxy overdensity
     1      possible galaxy overdensity
     2      probable galaxy overdensity
     3      significant galaxy overdensity detected
    -1      possible galaxy overdensity (affected by bright star artifacts)
    -2      no significant galaxy overdensity (affected by bright star artifacts)
    -3      no assessment possible (affected by bright star artifacts)

The Bayesian evidence for the AMI counterpart detection. This is defined in Sect. 7.5.3 of the reference paper. The HEASARC notes that there are 1,393 entries in this catalog that have values of -1.0e03 for this parameter, and an additional 100 values that have values of -1.0e02 for this parameter, that appear to be equivalent to null values, leaving only 160 entries with physically plausible values. (AMI_EVIDENCE)

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the cluster of galaxies associated with the SZ source is in the cosmology sample used in Paper XXIV (Planck Collaboration 2016, A&A, 594, A24) of the Planck 2015 results sets of paper, else is set to 0. (COSMO)

Additional comments on the SZ detection. (COMMENT)

Contact Person

Questions regarding the PLANCKSZ2 database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:33:04 EDT