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SWBAT157M - Swift-BAT 157-Month All-Sky Hard X-Ray Survey |
HEASARC Archive |
Class Source Type Number of Sources 0 Unknown 221 1 Galactic 4 2 Galaxy 16 3 Galaxy Cluster 26 4 Seyfert I 446 5 Seyfert II 464 6 Other AGN 130 7 Beamed AGN (Blazar/FSRQ) 192 8 LINER 7 9 Cataclysmic Variable Star (CV) 81 10 Pulsar 27 11 Supernova Remnant (SNR) 7 12 Star 26 13 High Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB) 108 14 Low Mass X-ray Binary (LMXB) 118 15 Other X-ray Binary (XRB) 17 16 Tidal Disruption Event 1 Total 1891
The data reduction, analysis, and catalog generation of the Swift-BAT are conducted following the same procedures of the previous catalog survey (Tueller+ 2010, J/ApJS/1167/186, Baumgartner+ 2013, J/ApJS/207/19). The BAT survey data are collected into arrays (Detector Plane Histograms, DPHs) where the data are binned in ~ 300 s time interval and in 8 energy band channels (14-20, 20-24, 24-35, 35-50, 50-75, 75-100, 100- 197 150, and 150-195 keV) and 1 energy total band (14-195 keV). Three different mosaic images are created from the DPH dividing the sky in 6 regions. The first set has images created in 8 energy bands to span a contiguous time interval (snapshot). The second set has images co-adding data on a time period of a month. The third set is created in 8 energy bands by Crab-weighting the monthly images in each of the energy band with the following weights (Baumgartner+ 2013, J/ApJS/207/19): 27.000, 35.260, 22.700, 29.444, 21.272, 16.062, 8.449, 2.630. The benchmark Crab spectrum adopted is F(E) = 10.17Eâ2.15 photon cm2 s keV. The source detection algorithm uses the Crab-weighted mosaic images. For each source detected lightcurves and spectra are derived. The lightcurves are obtained from the snapshot images, the mosaic monthly images and the Crab-weighted mosaic images. The spectra are obtained from an additional set of mosaic images by adding all the snapshots for the 157 months period in 8-bands. All the analyses use HEASoft tools version 6.23, and the most recent BAT calibration database (updated on Oct. 3, 2017).
Data products are generated for each source detected and these are: three different lightcurves in FITS format obtained from the snapshot, monthly and Crab-weighted monthly mosaic images and the equivalent plots as GIF images; an 8-channel average spectrum in FITS obtained using all 157 months; and a GIF file showing the spectrum with the fit to the best parameter of the power-law model. The snapshot lightcurves report rates for the 8-energy band, the monthly and Crab-weighted monthly mosaic lightcurves reports rated for the 8-energy band and the total band 14-195 keV.
The 157-month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey. Lien A., Hans Krimm, Craig Markwardt, Kyuseok Oh, Lea Marcotulli, Richard Mushotzky, Nicholas R. Collins, Scott Barthelmy, Wayne H. Baumgartner, S. Bradley Cenko, Michael Koss, Sibasish Laha, Takanori Sakamoto, David Palmer, and Tyler Parsotan Submitted 2025ApJS
The Swift-Bat Survey identification number, which is unique for each source
in the catalog. The provided index is the same as in the 70-month and 105-month
catalog. For the new detections, the index is assigned in the order of
increasing right ascension.
The Swift-BAT source designation (SWIFT JHHMM.m+DDMMA or SWIFT
JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS). For the sources that have been previously published (i.e.,
the 70-month and 105-month Swift-BAT catalog), the corresponding BAT name is
The Right Ascension of the Swift-BAT source, given in J2000.0 decimal degrees.
The Declination of the Swift-BAT source, given in J2000.0 decimal degrees.
The Galactic longitude of the Swift-BAT source. This parameter has been added
by the HEASARC and is derived from the J2000.0 source position.
The Galactic latitude of the Swift-BAT source. This parameter has been added
by the HEASARC and is derived from the J2000.0 source position.
The signal-to-noise ratio. This is calculated as the ratio between the
highest pixel value of the source from the total-band mosaic flux map and the
local noise. The detection threshold is set to snr=4.8.
The counterpart source designation, based on well-known optical source or
X-ray archival data (e.g., Swift-XRT, Chandra, and XMM-Newton).
The right ascension for the counterpart source, given in degrees for the
J2000.0 epoch. This coordinate is taken from NED or SIMBAD. If no counterpart
if known, the field is empty.
The declination for the counterpart source, given in degrees for the J2000.0
epoch. This coordinate is taken from NED or SIMBAD. If no counterpart if
known, the field is empty.
The Swift-BAT 14-195keV flux, in erg/s/cm2. The flux is calculated from the
spectral fitting using the XSPEC pegpwrlw model. NOTE: The flux parameter is
empty for the sources SWIFT J1628.4-4838, SWIFT J1740.6-2821B, SWIFT
J1824.4-2442 because the flux could not be determined for these sources.
The lower 90%-confidence interval in flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. NOTE: The
flux_lower parameter is empty when the value could not be determined.
The upper 90%-confidence interval in flux, in units of erg/s/cm2.
The spectral photon index computed from a power-law fit, using the XSPEC
pegpwrlaw model (power-law with pegged normalization) to the eight-band BAT
spectrum extracted for the source. NOTE: This parameter is empty when the
value could not be determined.
The lower 90%-confidence interval in the spectral index. The 90%-confidence
interval was calculated based on the error function, within XSPEC.
The lower 90%-confidence interval in the spectral index. The 90%-confidence
interval was calculated based on the error function, within XSPEC.
The reduced chi squared of the spectral fit.
The redshift of the source, taken from the online databases NED and SIMBAD or
in a few cases, from the analysis of the optical data.
The logarithm of Swift-BAT X-ray 14-195keV luminosity, in erg/s. The
luminosities are computed using the flux and redshift, given in this catalog
and assume the following cosmology: H0 = 70 km/s/Mpc, Omegam = 0.30, and
OmegaLambda = 0.70. Luminosities are not given if the redshift value is
This parameter is a numerical value to indicate the method used to confirm or
not the source identification of the BAT detection with the counterpart. The
flags are as follows:
Flag 0 Confirmed with X-ray imaging 1 Old association held over from previous catalog 2 No good hard X-ray source; soft X-ray source 3 No X-ray source; source from another waveband 4 Educated guess (unavailable/unchecked X-ray image or crowded region) 5 No likely counterpart; BAT source on Galactic plane 6 No likely counterpart; BAT source off Galactic plane 7 No association assigned (unavailable/unchecked X-ray image or crowded region)
This parameter contains the classification numerical code of the counterpart.
Sources are divided in 18 classes, and the numeric value ranges from 0 to 17.
The character string associated with the counterpart classification
numerical value. These are shown in the table above.
Records the root of the file names for the spectra and light curves
associated with each source.