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SWIFTGRB - Swift Gamma Ray Bursts Catalog



This table contains the results of the Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) observed by Swift. The GRBs included are either triggered by Swift or follow-ups of GRBs discovered by other satellites. The table reports results and/or information, when possible, for each burst from all three instruments on board Swift, e.g. the Bursts Alert Telescope, BAT,the X-ray Telescope, XRT, and the Ultra-Violet Optical Telescope, UVOT. The results are obtained from a standard analysis processing of the Swift data which creates several data products available via this table. Additional information on the burst either from Gamma-ray and X-ray observations or results from ground-based telescopes are extracted from the GCN and the BAT Burst catalog. This table's data products are also available from the dedicated web pages

The current database contains all bursts observed by Swift from the beginning of the mission, 20 Nov 2004 up to 31 Dec 2012. The data products are available for Bursts detected after 15 Feb 2005.


The SWIFTGRB database table was last updated on 30 October 2014.


Donato D., Angelini L., Padgett C.A., Reichard T., Gehrels N., Marshall F.E., Sakamoto T. 2012, ApJS, 203, 2D

Band D., Matteson J., Ford L., Schaefer B., Palmer D., et al., 1993, ApJ, 413, 281


This online catalog was created by the HEASARC based on machine-readable tables compiled by the HEASARC staff. Details are published in Donato et al. (2012).


This field contains the designation of the pointed source. It is written using the convention "GRB YYMMDD", with a space between the GRB prefix and the date. If multiple GRBs occur during one day, the convention is to append a letter to alphabetically differentiate the GRBs, as in "GRB YYMMDDn", where "n" is a letter starting from A. After January 1st, 2010 all the GRB names contain the letter.

This field uniquely identifies the burst. Its value is identical to the Target_ID assigned on board. It is a numerical value that can include up to 8 digits. A value in the range 20000-29999 is related to GRBs triggered by other missions or discovered from ground analysis of BAT data. A value higher than 100000 is assigned to BAT triggers.

This field contains an alternative burst identifier, where applicable. The value highly depends on the mission or telescope that triggered the GRB.

The detection flag indicates if the GRB was triggered by the Swift satellite only ("S"), by other missions or telescopes only ("O"), or by both ("B").

This field is used to report the reason for a delay in follow-up observation. The 3-letter values have the following meanings:

    BTS = GRB candidate automatically detected by the BAT Slew Survey (BATSS)
    DIS = automated slewing not enabled at the time of the trigger
    EAR = Earth constraint
    GRN = GRB candidate found with ground processing
    MOO = Moon constraint
    OBS = observational constraint, either Earth or Moon
    SUN = Sun constraint
    TOO = execution of a target of opportunity observation

This corresponds to the best right ascension available, obtained from one of the Swift instruments or from other space or ground measurements in equatorial coordinates.

This corresponds to the best declination available, obtained from one of the Swift instruments or from other space or ground measurements in equatorial coordinates.

The error in the best position is given in arcseconds.

This field contains the Galactic Longitude of the best position available, in degrees.

This field contains the Galactic Latitude of the best position available, in degrees.

This flag indicates whether the best position was obtained from the spatial analysis of BAT ("B"), XRT ("X"), UVOT ("U"), ground telescopes ("G"), or other missions instruments ("O").

This field reports the reference for the best position using the ADS reference code.

This field corresponds to the start time of the first Swift observation available. It is given as "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s" in UTC.

This field corresponds to the stop time of the last Swift observation available. It is given as "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s" in UTC.

This field contains the duration of the observations between the start and stop times. The value is given in days.

For Swift bursts (detected by BAT), this corresponds to the start time of the foreground time interval of the image from which the GRB is detected on-board. For the other missions/telescopes, this time is taken from the GCN Circular. The value is given as "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s" in UTC.

This field contains the reference for the trigger time using the ADS reference code.

If the GRB has been observed by BAT, the value is set to "Y". If the GRB was detected by another mission/telescope and was not in the BAT field of view, the value is set to "U" (unobserved). If the GRB was not detected by BAT, the value is set to "N".

This field contains a flag that indicates whether this is a rate ("R") or an image ("I") trigger.

The best BAT right ascension (J2000), as recalculated on ground, in degrees.

The best BAT declination (J2000), as recalculated on ground, in degrees.

This field contains the error in the best BAT position, in arcminutes.

This field reports the reference for the best BAT position using the ADS reference code.

The angle of the target (trigger) about the BAT boresight, in degrees. Values range from 0 to 90 degrees. If set to 0, it is in the spacecraft +Y direction. If it is set to 90, it is in the spacecraft -Z direction.

The angular separation between the target (trigger) and the BAT boresight, in degrees. Values range from -180 to 180 degrees.

The BAT image detection significance of the trigger provided by the on-board analysis.

T90 measures the duration of the time interval during which 90% of the total observed counts have been detected. The start and stop of the T90 interval are defined by the time at which 5% and 95% of the total counts have been detected. This value, given in seconds, is derived for the energy band 15-150 keV.

T50 measures the duration of the time interval during which 50% of the total observed counts have been detected. The start and stop of the T50 interval are defined by the time at which 25% and 75% of the total counts have been detected. This value, given in seconds, is derived for the energy band 15-150 keV.

The start time, in seconds, from the BAT trigger time of the event data.

The stop time, in seconds, from the BAT trigger time of the event data.

The BAT start time, in seconds, for the interval where the fluence and spectra are calculated.

The BAT stop time, in seconds, for the interval where the fluence and spectra are calculated.

This field indicates the BAT model used to derive the fluence, coded as follows:

    PL  = simple power-law model
    CPL = cut-off power-law model

This field contains the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 15-150 keV energy band.

The error in the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 15-150keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This field contains the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 15-25 keV energy band.

The error in the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 15-25 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This field contains the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 25-50 keV energy band.

The error in the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 25-50 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This field contains the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 50-100 keV energy band.

The error in the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 50-100 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This field contains the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 100-150 keV energy band.

The error in the BAT fluence (in ergs cm-2) obtained in the T100 interval in the 100-150 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter reports the time of the BAT peak flux, recorded as seconds since the time of the trigger.

This field indicates the BAT model used to derive the peak flux, coded as follows:

    PL  = simple power-law model
    CPL = cut-off power-law model

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 15-150 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 15-150 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 15-25 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 15-25 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 25-50 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 25-50 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 50-100 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 50-100 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 100-150 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in ergs cm-2 s-1) in the 100-150 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 15-150 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 15-150 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 15-25 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 15-25 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 25-50 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 25-50 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 50-100 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 50-100 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter contains the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 100-150 keV energy band.

This parameter contains the uncertainty in the BAT integrated 1-s peak flux (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the 100-150 keV energy band. If no value is reported, the measurement is an upper limit.

This parameter reports the time-averaged photon index obtained from fitting the simple power-law model to the spectral distribution of the events in the T100 interval in the 15-150 keV energy band. This value is always given, regardless if this is the best fit.

This is the single-sided error for the time-averaged photon index obtained from fitting the simple power-law model to the spectral distribution of the events in the T100 interval in the 15-150 keV energy band.

Reduced chi squared for the BAT spectral fit with the simple power-law model.

The number of degrees of freedom for the BAT spectral fit with the simple power-law model. The value is always set to 57 for this model.

The time-averaged photon index obtained from fitting with the exponential cut-off power-law model the spectral distribution of the events in the T100 interval in the 15-150 keV energy band. This value is given only if fit is better than the one obtained with a simple power-law model (i.e., if the difference between the chi squared values of the simple and the cut-off power-law models is greater than 6).

This is the low error for the time-averaged photon index obtained from fitting the exponential cut-off power-law model to the spectral distribution of the events in the T100 interval in the 15-150 keV energy band.

This is the high error for the time-averaged photon index obtained from fitting the exponential cut-off power-law model to the spectral distribution of the events in the T100 interval in the 15-150 keV energy band.

This is the value of the observed energy, in keV, where the exponential cut-off eventually overwhelms the power-law behavior.

The low error of the exponential cut-off observed energy, in keV.

The high error of the exponential cut-off observed energy, in keV.

This parameter contains the reduced chi squared for the spectral fit with the exponential cut-off power-law model.

The number of degrees of freedom for the spectral fit with the exponential cut-off power-law model. The value is always set to 56 for this model.

Observed peak energy, in keV, in the nu-F_nu spectrum. This parameter is given when it is known either from the BAT or other missions or telescopes.

This field reports if the peak energy is from the BAT measurement.

This parameter contains the estimated broad band isotropic equivalent energy in the 15-150 keV energy band (in ergs s-1). This parameter is given only if the redshift is known.

This parameter contains the estimated broad band isotropic equivalent energy in the 1-1000 keV energy band (in ergs s-1). This parameter is given only if the redshift is known.

This parameter contains the low-energy spectral index defined in the smoothly broken power-law proposed by Band (1993).

This parameter contains the high-energy spectral index defined in the smoothly broken power-law proposed by Band (1993).

This parameter contains the normalization (at 100 keV) defined in the smoothly broken power-law proposed by Band (1993).

This field reports the observed GRB duration, in seconds, in which the isotropic equivalent energy is estimated.

This field reports the reference for the observed GRB duration using the ADS reference code.

This field reports the redshift used for the isotropic equivalent energy calculation.

This parameter contains the estimated hardness ratio, defined as the ratio of the fluence in the 25-50 keV and in the 15-25 keV energy ranges.

This parameter contains the estimated error on the 25-50 keV to 15-25 keV hardness ratio.

This parameter contains the estimated hardness ratio, defined as the ratio of the fluence in the 50-100 keV and in the 15-25 keV energy ranges.

This parameter contains the estimated error on the 50-100 keV to 15-25 keV hardness ratio.

This field reports comments on the BAT analysis, if needed.

This parameter is set to "Y" or "N" if the GRB has been or has been not detected by XRT. It is set to "U" if no XRT observations are available.

The best XRT right ascension, as recalculated on ground, in degrees.

The best XRT right declination, as recalculated on ground, in degrees.

This field contains the error in the best XRT position, in arcseconds.

This field reports the reference for the best XRT position using the ADS reference code.

This parameter contains the time after the trigger, in seconds, when the XRT started operations.

This field reports the XRT corrected count/s for the first 100 counts interval in the 0.3-10 keV band.

This field reports the XRT start time, in seconds, of the first 100 counts time interval.

This field reports the XRT stop time, in seconds, of the first 100 counts time interval.

This field reports the XRT duration, in seconds, of the first 100 counts time interval.

This field indicates the XRT mode used to derive the first 100 counts interval, coded as follows:

    PUPD = Piled-Up Photodiode
    LRPD = Low-Rate Photodiode
    WT   = Windowed Timing mode
    PC   = Photon-Counting mode

This field reports the XRT corrected count rate (count/s) observed across the 300-seconds mark after the burst in the 0.3-10 keV band. The rate is estimated as follows: 1) if there are at least 100 counts detected across 300 seconds, the time range corresponds to the arrival of these counts; 2) if there are less than 100 counts, the time range is the full observation (if there is not a detection, an upper limit is provided); 3) if the observation starts 400 seconds or more after the GRB trigger time, no value is reported.

This field reports the error on the XRT corrected count rate (count/s) observed across the 300-sec mark after the burst in the 0.3-10 keV band. If the rate corresponds to an upper limit, the error is set to 0.

This field reports the XRT corrected count rate (count/s) observed at 300 sec in the 0.3-1 keV band. Criteria similar to those applied to column xrt_e1_rate have been adopted.

This field reports the error on the XRT corrected count rate (count/s) observed at 300 sec in the 0.3-1 keV band. If the rate corresponds to an upper limit, the error is set to 0.

This field reports the XRT corrected count rate (count/s) observed at 300 sec in the 1-2 keV band. Criteria similar to those applied to column xrt_e1_rate have been adopted.

This field reports the error on the XRT corrected count rate (count/s) observed at 300 sec in the 1-2 keV band. If the rate corresponds to an upper limit, the error is set to 0.

This field reports the XRT corrected count rate (count/s) observed at 300 sec in the 2-10 keV band. Criteria similar to those applied to column xrt_e1_rate have been adopted.

This field reports the error on the XRT corrected count rate (count/s) observed at 300 sec in the 2-10 keV band. If the rate corresponds to an upper limit, the error is set to 0.

This field reports the XRT start time, in seconds, of the 300-sec count rate, estimated from the time of the burst's trigger.

This field reports the XRT stop time, in seconds, of the 300-sec count rate, estimated from the time of the burst's trigger.

This field reports the XRT total exposure time, in seconds, for the 300-sec count rate.

This parameter contains the estimated hardness ratio, defined as the ratio of the 300-sec corrected rates obtained in the 0.3-1 keV and 1-2 keV energy bands.

This parameter contains the error on the 0.3-1 keV vs 1-2 keV hardness ratio.

This parameter contains the estimated hardness ratio, defined as the ratio of the 300-sec corrected rates obtained in the 1-2 keV and 2-10 keV energy bands.

This parameter contains the error on the 1-2 keV vs 2-10 keV hardness ratio.

This field reports the XRT mode used to derive the 300-sec count rate (count/s) observed across the 300 seconds mark after the burst in the 0.3-10 keV band.

This field reports the number of breaks observed in the XRT 0.3-10 keV corrected light curve.

This field is used to report flares in the XRT 0.3-10 keV corrected light curve are observed ("Y") or not ("N").

This parameter is set to "Y" or "N" if the GRB has been or has been not detected by UVOT. It is set to "U" if no UVOT observations are available.

The best UVOT right ascension, as recalculated on ground, in degrees.

The best UVOT declination, as recalculated on ground, in degrees.

This field contains the error in the best UVOT position, in arcseconds.

This field reports the reference for the best UVOT position using the ADS reference code.

This parameter contains the time after the trigger, in seconds, when the UVOT started operations.

This field reports the UVOT observed flux density, in ergs cm-2 s-1 A-1, from the first exposure on source with the V filter.

This field reports the UVOT observed magnitude from the first exposure on source with the V filter.

This field reports the UVOT observed magnitude error from the first exposure on source with the V filter. If an upper limit was obtained, this parameter is set to 0.

This field reports the UVOT start time of the first exposure on source with the V filter. The time is in seconds after the burst's trigger time.

This field reports the UVOT stop time of the first exposure on source with the V filter. The time is in seconds after the burst's trigger time.

This field reports the length of the first exposure, in seconds, on source with the V filter.

This field reports the UVOT observed flux density, in ergs cm-2 s-1 A-1, from the first exposure on source with the W1 filter.

This field reports the UVOT observed magnitude from the first exposure on source with the W1 filter.

This field reports the UVOT observed magnitude error from the first exposure on source with the W1 filter. If an upper limit was obtained, this parameter is set to 0.

This field reports the UVOT start time of the first exposure on source with the UVW1 filter. The time is in seconds after the burst's trigger time.

This field reports the UVOT stop time of the first exposure on source with the UVW1 filter. The time is in seconds after the burst's trigger time.

This field reports the length of the first exposure, in seconds, on source with the UVW1 filter.

This parameter contains the value of the optical afterglow redshift, if measured.

This parameter contains the value of the optical afterglow redshift error, if measured.

This field indicates the origin of the redshift measurement. The letter values have the following meanings:

    P  = photometric
    PL = photometric upper/lower limit
    S  = spectroscopic
    SL = spectroscopic upper/lower limit
    G  = guess

This field indicates if the spectroscopic redshift measurement have been obtained using absorption ("A") lines, emission ("E") lines, or a combination of the two ("B").

This field indicates if the redshift is from Swift ("S") or other observatories ("O").

This field reports the reference on the redshift measurement using the ADS reference code.

This field reports the average Galactic H I column density (n_H, in units of cm-2) at the GRB position. The value is estimated using the Dicky and Lockman radio map.

This field indicates if any follow-up observation have been ("Y") or have not been ("N") performed by other observatories or telescopes.

This field indicates if there is a detection at radio frequencies.

This field reports the reference of the radio observation using the ADS reference code.

This field indicates if there is ("Y") or there is not ("N") a detection at infrared frequencies.

This field reports the reference of the infrared observation using the ADS reference code.

This field indicates if there is ("Y") or there is not ("N") a detection at optical frequencies.

This field reports the reference of the optical observation using the ADS reference code.

This parameter contains the best right ascension, in degrees, available for the optical transient, obtained from radio, infrared, or optical observations or from the UVOT data.

This parameter contains the best declination, in degrees, available for the optical transient, obtained from radio, infrared, or optical observations or from the UVOT data.

This parameter contains the error, in arcseconds, on the best position for the optical transient.

This field contains the reference for the best position of the optical transient using the ADS reference code.

This field contains the name of another high energy observatory that triggered the GRB. The field is left blank if the GRB was triggered by Swift. A name is also reported if the number of observatories that observed the GRB exceeds 4.

This field reports the reference for the observation performed by another high energy observatory using the ADS reference code.

This field contains the name of another high energy observatory that triggered or observed the GRB.

This field reports the reference for the observation performed by another high energy observatory using the ADS reference code.

This field contains the name of another high energy observatory that triggered or observed the GRB.

This field reports the reference for the observation performed by another high energy observatory using the ADS reference code.

This field contains the name of another high energy observatory that triggered or observed the GRB.

This field reports the reference for the observation performed by another high energy observatory using the ADS reference code.

This parameter is set to "Y" or "N" if there is or there is not a possible supernova association with optical transient. It is set to "P" if the association is not certain.

This parameter is set to "Y" or "N" if a host galaxy is or is not associated with an optical transient. It is set to "P" if the association is not certain.

This field contains the name of the host galaxy, if known.

This field contains the host galaxy type, if known.

This field contains the right ascension of the host galaxy position.

This field contains the declination of the host galaxy position.

This field reports the reference of the host galaxy position using the ADS reference code.

This field contains the redshift of the host galaxy, if known.

This field reports the reference from where the host galaxy information is derived (using the SIMBAD catalog code) or the reference of published paper using the ADS reference code.

This field contains the offset of the host galaxy and the best GRB position, in arcseconds.

This field contains a flag that indicates whether a counterpart of the GRB was detected on ground at radio, infrared, or optical frequencies. The parameter is set to "Y" if the optical transient have been observed at least in one of the frequencies; "P" if there is only a possible detection; "U" if no observation was performed in all the frequencies; or "N" if the field was observed but no detection has been claimed for all the used frequencies.

This field contains a link to the web page where the results of the data analysis for each instrument are presented.

This field contains additional information that was not possible to insert in any other column.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the SWIFTGRB database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:35:31 EDT