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XTEASMLONG - XTE All-Sky Monitor Long-Term Observed Sources |
HEASARC Archive |
It is based on information culled from the definitive 1-dwell long-term ASM light curve data products. These data products are available for downloading at
Standard RXTE ASM Definitive Long-Term 1-Dwell Data Products (STANDARD):
This set contains the light curve (.lc) and color files (.col) for each selected source.RXTE ASM Definitive Long-Term Pointings (POINTINGS):
The complete set of the history files containing the pointing positions of each of the three ASM cameras.
The ASM source designation.
The Right ascension of the source.
The Declination of the source.
The Galactic Longitude of the source.
The Galactic Latitude of the source.
The date of the first ASM observation of the source.
The date of the most recent ASM observation of the source that is present
in the definitive ASM data archive. More recent observations may be in the
quicklook data recorded in the XTEASMQUICK database table.