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AGILECAT - First AGILE Catalog of High-Confidence Gamma-Ray Sources



This table contains the first catalog of high-confidence gamma-ray sources detected by the AGILE satellite during observations performed from July 9, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Cataloged sources were detected by merging all the available data over the entire time period. AGILE, launched in April 2007, is an Italian Space Agency (ASI) mission devoted to gamma-ray observations in the 30 MeV - 50 GeV energy range, with simultaneous X-ray imaging capability in the 18 - 60 keV band. This catalog is based on Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector (GRID) data for energies greater than 100 MeV. For the first AGILE catalog, the authors adopted a conservative analysis, with a high-quality event filter optimized to select gamma-ray events within the central zone of the instrument field of view (radius of 40 degrees). This is a significance-limited (4-sigma) catalog, and it is not a complete flux-limited sample due to the non-uniform first-year AGILE sky coverage. The catalog includes 47 sources, 21 of which are associated with confirmed or candidate pulsars, 13 with blazars (7 flat-spectrum radio quasars [FSRQ], 4 BL Lacs, 2 unknown type), 2 with HMXRBs, 2 with SNRs, 1 with a colliding-wind binary system, and 8 with unidentified sources.

Catalog Bibcode



First AGILE catalog of high-confidence gamma-ray sources.
    Pittori C., Verrecchia F., Chen A.W., Bulgarelli A., Pellizzoni A.,
    Giuliani A., Vercellone S., Longo F., Tavani M., Giommi P., Barbiellini G.,
    Trifoglio M., Gianotti F., Argan A., Antonelli A., Boffelli F., Caraveo P.,
    Cattaneo P.W., Cocco V., Colafrancesco S., Contessi T., Costa E.,
    Cutini S., D'ammando F., Del Monte E., De Paris G., Di Cocco G.,
    Di Persio G., Donnarumma I., Evangelista Y., Fanari G., Feroci M.,
    Ferrari A., Fiorini M., Fornari F., Fuschino F., Froysland T., Frutti M.,
    Galli M., Gasparrini D., Labanti C., Lapshov I., Lazzarotto F., Liello F.,
    Lipari P., Mattaini E., Marisaldi M., Mastropietro M., Mauri A., Mauri F.,
    Mereghetti S., Morelli E., Moretti E., Morselli A., Pacciani L.,
    Perotti F., Piano G., Picozza P., Pilia M., Pontoni C., Porrovecchio G.,
    Preger B., Prest M., Primavera R., Pucella G., Rapisarda M., Rappoldi A.,
    Rossi E., Rubini A., Sabatini S., Santolamazza P., Scalise E., Soffitta P.,
    Stellato S., Striani E., Tamburelli F., Traci A., Trois A., Vallazza E.,
    Vittorini V., Zambra A., Zanello D., Salotti L.
   <Astron. Astrophys., 506, 1563-1574 (2009)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2010 based on CDS catalog J/A+A/506/1563 file table3.dat.


The AGILE source designation, using the '1AGL' prefix for the First AGILE source catalog and the J2000 position, viz. '1AGL JHHMM+DDMM'.

The Right Ascension of the AGILE source in the selected equinox.

The Declination of the AGILE source in the selected equinox.

The Galactic Longitude of the AGILE source.

The Galactic Latitude of the AGILE source.

The positional uncertainty of the AGILE source (95% confidence), in degrees. This is the 2D error circle radius statistical error only. The AGILE Team recommends adding a systematic error of +/-0.1 degrees linearly to thi value.

The significance of the source detection, sqrt (TS), as determined from the refined maximum likelihood (ML) analysis, where the test statistic TS is defined in equation (2) of the reference paper. The source detection method is discussed in detail in Section 5.2 of the reference paper.

The mean value of the F4 exposure map in units of 108 cm2s, relative to the sky area (ring) used for the source analysis.

The source flux above 100 MeV, in units of 10-8 photons cm-2 s-1, averaged over the entire time period.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the mean gamma-ray flux of the source, in units of 10-8 photons cm-2 s-1. The AGILE Team recommends adding a systematic error of 10% to this statistical error.

The gamma-ray source classification.

The counterpart name for confirmed sources, or '(C)' for a confused source. The latter are significant AGILE detections, which however have flux and location parameters that may be affected (within the statistical plus systematic errors) by other nearby sources.

Possible counterparts within the AGILE source error radius and other names, both for 'confirmed' and 'uncertain' sources.

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the broad_type value for the AGILE source.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the AGILECAT database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:08 EDT