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AKARIPSC - AKARI/IRC All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalog, Version 1



The AKARI Infrared Astronomical Satellite observed the whole sky in the far-infrared (50-180 microns or um) and the mid-infrared (9 and 18 um) between May 2006 and August 2007 (Murakami et al. 2007PASJ...59S.369M) in six infrared bands between 9 um and 180 um.

The AKARI/IRC Point Source Catalogue, Version 1.0 provides positions and fluxes for 870,973 sources observed with the InfraRed Camera (IRC): 844,649 sources in the S9W filter, and 194,551 sources in the L18W filter; the table below provides a summary of the IRC filter characteristics:

           Filter:    S9W         L18W

       Center(µm):     9           18
        Width(µm):    4.10        9.97
        Range(µm):  6.7-11.6    13.9-25.6
         Pixel("):  9.4x9.4     10.4x9.4
       Limit(mJy):     50         120       [at 5{sigma}]
The users of the catalog are requested to carefully read the release note at before critical discussions of the data. Any questions and comments are appreciated at ISAS Helpdesk (

Please acknowledge the usage of the AKARI data (details at

Catalog Bibcode



The AKARI/IRC Mid-Infrared All-Sky Survey (Version 1)
    Ishihara D., Onaka T., Kataza H., Salama A., Alfageme C., Cassatella A.,
    Cox N., Garcia-Lario P., Stephenson C., Cohen M., Fujishiro N.,
    Fujiwara H., Hasegawa S., Ita Y., Kim W., Matsuhara H., Murakami H.,
    Muller T.G., Nakagawa T., Ohyama Y., Oyabu S., Pyo J., Sakon I.,
    Shibai H., Takita S., Tanab T., Uemizu K., Ueno M., Usui F., Wada T.,
    Watarai H., Yamamura I., Yamauchi C.
   <Astron. Astrophys. 514, A1 (2010)>
See also the AKARI Point Source Catalogs public home page at or the AKARI Archive at


This table was created by the HEASARC in May 2010 based on CDS catalog II/297 file irc.dat.


The AKARI unique source number for each source in the catalog.

The AKARI source designation of the form 'AKARI-IRC-V1 JHHMMSSs+DDMMSS', where the prefix stands for AKARI Infrared Camera, Version 1; thus 'AKARI-IRC-V1 J0123456+765432' is the AKARI IRC Version 1 catalog source at J2000.0 RA and Dec 01h23m45.6s, +76d54m32s.

The Right Ascension of the infrared source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-5 degrees in the original source catalog.

The Declination of the infrared source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-5 degrees in the original source catalog.

The Galactic Longitude of the infrared source.

The Galactic Latitude of the infrared source.

The one-sigma error along the major axis of the source position error ellipse, in arcseconds. If only two events are available, this parameter value is calculated from the angular distance of the two events and the err_ell_minor_axis value is set to the same value as this.

The one-sigma error along the minor axis of the source position error ellipse, in arcseconds. If only two events are available, this parameter value is calculated from the angular distance of the two events and the err_ell_major_axis value is set to the same value as this.

The position angle of the error ellipse major axis (measured eastwards from north), in degrees.

The source flux density in the S9W filter centered at 9 um, in Janskies (Jy).

The error in the 9-um source flux density calculated according to equation (5) in the reference paper, in Jy.

The source flux density in the L18W filter centered at 18 um, in Janskies (Jy).

The error in the 18-um source flux density calculated according to equation (5) in the reference paper, in Jy.

The 9-um flux density quality flag. This flag is a four-level flux quality indicator, as follows:

      3 = high quality (source confirmed and flux is reliable)
      2 = source is confirmed but the flux is not reliable (see the flags)
      1 = the source is not confirmed
      0 = not observed

The 18-um flux density quality flag. This flag is a four-level flux quality indicator, as follows:

      3 = high quality (source confirmed and flux is reliable)
      2 = source is confirmed but the flux is not reliable (see the flags)
      1 = the source is not confirmed
      0 = not observed

The bit flags of the 9-um (S9W band) data quality coded in hexadecimal (0-9a-f), as follows:

        1 = not month confirmed
           (This means that the period between the first detection and
            the last detection is shorter than a month)
        2 = saturated (not used in this version)
        4 = use events affected by the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA)
            (not used in this version)
        8 = use edge events
            (If the number of events is too small, the event data near the edge
             of the image strip has been used. In this case, this flag warns of
             underestimation of the flux).
Combined values are represented by the sum of the above individual values, e.g. a value of 9 = 8 + 1 means that the flux value was not month confirmed AND used edge events.

The bit flags of the 18-um (L18W band) data quality coded in hexadecimal (0-9a-f), as follows:

        1 = not month-confirmed
           (This means that the period between the first detection and
            the last detection was shorter than a month)
        2 = saturated (not used in this version)
        4 = used events affected by the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA)
            (not used in this version)
        8 = used edge events
            (If the number of events is too small, the event data near the edge
             of the image strip has been used. In this case, this flag warns of
             underestimation of the flux).
Combined values are represented by the sum of the above individual values, e.g. a value of 9 = 8 + 1 means that the flux value was not month confirmed AND used edge events.

The number of scans in which the 9-um source was detected during the survey. Normally, this is less than or equal to the number of times this position was scanned in this band during the survey (the parameter num_scans_poss_9_um). In some exceptional cases, the resultant position of the source dropped outside of the image stripe boundary and the number of detections is larger than the number of possible scans.

The number of scans in which the 18-um source was detected during the survey. Normally, this is less than or equal to the number of times this position was scanned in this band during the survey (the parameter num_scans_poss_18_um). In some exceptional cases, the resultant position of the source dropped outside of the image stripe boundary and the number of detections is larger than the number of possible scans.

The number of times that the 9-um source position has been scanned during the survey.

The number of times that the 18-um source position has been scanned during the survey.

This flag parameter is set to 1 if the source was 'month-confirmed' (i.e., the period between the first detection and the last detection was longer than a month) in the S9W band, or to 0 if not. Notice that this is the inverse convention to that used in the least significant bit (LSB) of the corresponding bit_flags parameter, where 1 meant not month-confirmed.

This flag parameter is set to 1 if the source was 'month-confirmed' (i.e., the period between the first detection and the last detection was longer than a month) in the L18W band, or to 0 if not. Notice that this is the inverse convention to that used in the least significant bit (LSB) of the corresponding bit_flags parameter, where 1 meant not month-confirmed.

The number of other 9-um sources within 45 arcseconds radius of the source position.

The number of other 18-um sources within 45 arcseconds radius of the source position.

This flag parameter is set to 1 ('T') if the 9-um source is possibly more extended than the point spread function. i.e., when the value of the source extent in this band exceeds a threshold value of 15.6 arcseconds. The authors note, however, that bright point sources might also appear as extended.

This flag parameter is set to 1 ('T') if the 18-um source is possibly more extended than the point spread function. i.e., when the value of the source extent in this band exceeds a threshold value of 15.6 arcseconds. The authors note, however, that bright point sources might also appear as extended.

The average of the angular radius (in arcseconds) along the major and minor axes of the source images at 9 um, i.e. (< a > + < b >)/2, where < a > and < b > are the mean semi-major and semi-minor axis lengths, respectively, of the source images as estimated by SExtractor.

The average of the angular radius (in arcseconds) along the major and minor axes of the source images at 18 um, i.e. (< a > + < b >)/2, where < a > and < b > are the mean semi-major and semi-minor axis lengths, respectively, of the source images as estimated by SExtractor.

The number of events used to calculate the mean position coordinates. If the source has more than two available S9W-band events, the position is estimated from S9W-band events only, else the position is estimated from L18W-band events, i.e., it equals num_scans_det_9_um when the latter parameter has a value of 2 or more, else it equals num_scans_det_18_um.

The number of events that contribute to the flux measurements in the 9 um (S9W) band. Normally, events near the edge of the image strip were excluded from the measurements. Note that, if only 0 or 1 event were available, the flux was computed also from edge events.

The number of events that contribute to the flux measurements in the 18 um (L18W) band. Normally, events near the edge of the image strip were excluded from the measurements. Note that, if only 0 or 1 event were available, the flux was computed also from edge events.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the AKARIPSC database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:12 EDT