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ATHDFS1P4G - Australia Telescope Hubble Deep Field-South 1.4-GHz Source Catalog



This table derives from a paper which is part of a series describing the results from the Australia Telescope Hubble Deep Field-South (ATHDFS) survey obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. This survey consists of observations at 1.4, 2.5, 5.2, and 8.7 GHz, all centered on the Hubble Deep Field-South. Herein are presented the first results from the extended observing campaign at 1.4 GHz. A total of 466 sources have been cataloged to a local sensitivity of 5-sigma (11 µJy rms). A source extraction technique is developed that (1) successfully excludes spurious sources from the final source catalogs and (2) accounts for the nonuniform noise in the image. A source catalog is presented, and the general properties of the 1.4-GHz image are discussed in the reference paper. In the latter, the authors also present source counts derived from their ATHDFS 1.4-GHz catalog.

The 1.4 GHz observations were carried out by the Australia Telescope Compact Array over 4 years from 1998 to 2001. They consist of single pointings centered on RA (J2000.0) = 22h 33m 25.96s, Dec (J2000.0) = -60o 38' 09.0".

Catalog Bibcode



Radio observations of the Hubble Deep Field-South region.
II. The 1.4 GHz catalog and source counts.
    Huynh M.T., Jackson C.A., Norris R.P., Prandoni I.
   <Astron. J., 130, 1373-1388 (2005)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in November 2012 based on the CDS Catalog J/AJ/130/1371 file table1.dat.


A unique identification number for each radio source in the catalog.

An alternative source designation recommended by the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects using the prefix '[HJN2005] 1.4GHz' for Huynh, Jackson, Norris 2005 1.4-GHz, and the source number, e.g., '[HJN2005] 1.4GHz 1'.

The source designation as given in the reference paper using the prefix 'ATHDFS' for Australia Telescope Hubble Deep Field-South together with the J2000.0 equatorial coordinates of the source, e.g., 'ATHDFS JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS'.

The Right Ascension of the radio source in the selected equinox. The RA was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time in the original table.

The 1-sigma error in the Right Ascension of the radio source, in arcseconds, calculated following Condon (1997, PASP, 109, 166) and Prandoni et al. (2000, A&AS, 146, 41).

The Declination of the radio source in the selected equinox. The RA was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original table.

The 1-sigma error in the Declination of the radio source, in arcseconds, calculated following Condon (1997, PASP, 109, 166) and Prandoni et al. (2000, A&AS, 146, 41).

The Galactic Longitude of the radio source.

The Galactic Latitude of the radio source.

The 1.4-GHz peak flux density of the radio source, in milliJansky per beam (mJy/beam). The values given here are not corrected for the systematic effects described in Section 3 of the reference paper. The Appendix in the paper describes how to obtain source peak flux densities corrected for the systematic effects.

The 1.4-GHz integrated flux density of the radio source, in milliJansky (mJy).

The deconvolved major axis (FWHM) of the Gaussian fit to the radio source, in arcseconds. Zero values refer to unresolved sources (see Section 4.3 of the reference paper).

The deconvolved minor axis (FWHM) of the the Gaussian fit to the radio source, in arcseconds. Zero values refer to unresolved sources (see Section 4.3 of the reference paper).

The deconvolved position angle of the the Gaussian fit to the radio source, in degrees, measured from North through East. Zero values refer to unresolved sources (see Section 4.3 of the reference paper).

The signal-to-noise ratio of the radio source detection, calculated as the ratio of the fitted peak flux density from the Miriad task imsad to the local noise.

The Gaussian fit quality flag where '1' refers to very good fits, '2' refers to poor integrated flux density, and 'n' refers to non-Gaussian sources. See Section 4.2 of the reference paper for more details.

This parameter lists the name of any other radio source associated with this source; components of a multiple source are indicated with the name of the other source(s) with which they are associated. See Section 4.4 of the reference paper for more details.

This parameter lists the name of yet another radio source associated with this source; components of a multiple source are indicated with the name of the other source(s) with which they are associated. See Section 4.4 of the reference paper for more details.

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Questions regarding the ATHDFS1P4G database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:39 EDT