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ATLASESID - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) ELAIS-S1/SWIRE ID and Classification Catalog



This table contains results from the Australia Telescope Large Area Survey (ATLAS), and consists of sensitive (1 sigma < 30 uJy) 1.4-GHz radio observations of a 3.9 deg2 field centered on the European Large Area ISO Survey S1 (ELAIS-S1) region, largely coincident with infrared observations of the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) Survey. In their paper, the authors describe the observations and calibration, source extraction, and cross-matching to infrared sources. A total of 1366 radio components are identified, corresponding to 1276 distinct radio sources, 1183 of which are matched with infrared sources in the present table. The authors have discovered 31 radio sources with no infrared counterpart at all, adding to the class of Infrared-Faint Radio Sources.

The radio observations where made on 27 separate days in 2004 and 2005 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) with a total net integration time of 231 hours, as described in detail in Section 2.1 and Tables 1 and 2 of the reference paper. The observations were made in a mosaic of 20 overlapping pointings, where pointings 1-12 have net integration times of 10.5 hours per pointing and pointings 13-24 have net integration times of 13.5 hours per pointing. All observations were made with two 128-MHz bands, centered on frequencies of 1.34 and 1.43 GHz. After editing, the predicted noise level is 22 uJy in the center of the mosaic. Toward the image edges, the noise level increases due to primary beam attenuation.

This table contains the list of 1276 radio sources and their cross-identifications at optical and infrared wavelengths which were given in Table 5 of the reference paper. The authors define a radio 'component' as a region of radio emission which is best defined as a Gaussian. Close radio doubles are very likely to be best represented by two Gaussians and are therefore deemed to consist of two components. Single or multiple components are called a radio source if they are deemed to belong to the same object.

Catalog Bibcode



Deep Australia Telescope Large Area Survey radio observations of the european
large area ISO survey S1/Spitzer wide-area infrared  extragalactic field.
    Middelberg E., Norris R.P., Cornwell T.J., Voronkov M.A., Siana B.D.,
    Boyle B.J., Ciliegi P., Jackson C.A., Huynh M.T., Berta S., Rubele S.,
    Lonsdale C.J., Ivison R.J., Smail I.
   <Astron. J., 135, 1276-1290 (2008)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in August 2012 based on CDS Catalog J/AJ/135/1276 file table5.dat.


The designation for the radio component as recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, viz., 'ATELAIS', where the prefix stands for Australia Telescope European Large Area ISO Survey, and the numerical string is the J2000.0 equatorial coordinates of the component. In the case of single-component sources, this is identical to the source name used in Table 4 of the reference paper (the HEASARC ATLASESCPT table). This is the formal IAU designation and should be used in the literature when referring to this source.

An alternative designation for the radio source as recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, viz., '[MNC2008] SNNNN(.N)', where the prefix stands for Middelberg, Norris, Cornwell 2008, and the 'SNNN(.N)' part refers to the source NNNN(.N), an internal designation used in the paper.

The designation of one of the radio components comprising the radio source. Detailed information about the individual radio components is given in the HEASARC table ATLASESCPT.

The designation of a second radio component (if any) comprising the radio source. Detailed information about the individual radio components is given in the HEASARC table ATLASESCPT.

The designation of a third radio component (if any) comprising the radio source. Detailed information about the individual radio components is given in the HEASARC table ATLASESCPT.

The designation of a fourth radio component (if any) comprising the radio source. Detailed information about the individual radio components is given in the HEASARC table ATLASESCPT.

The designation of a fifth radio component (if any) comprising the radio source. Detailed information about the individual radio components is given in the HEASARC table ATLASESCPT.

The designation of a sixth radio component (if any) comprising the radio source. Detailed information about the individual radio components is given in the HEASARC table ATLASESCPT.

The designated name of the SWIRE identification for the IR counterpart to the radio source as used in SWIRE Public Data Release 4, e.g., 'SWIRE' (The HEASARC has replaced the 'SWIRE4' prefix used in the original table with the 'SWIRE' prefix in compliance with the recommendation of the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects). A blank indicates there is no cataloged SWIRE source, although an infared counterpart may still be present.

The Right Ascension in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.001 seconds of time in the original table. In the case of single-component sources, this is the radio position of the component. In the case of multi-component sources with good infrared identification, the SWIRE position is used. In the case of multi-component sources without infrared identification, the coordinates are a flux-weighted mean of the components' coordinates

The Declination in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.01 arcseconds in the original table. In the case of single-component sources, this is the radio position of the component. In the case of multi-component sources with good infrared identification, the SWIRE position is used. In the case of multi-component sources without infrared identification, the coordinates are a flux-weighted mean of the components' coordinates

The Galactic Longitude.

The Galactic Latitude.

The total 20-cm flux density, in mJy. In the case of extended or multiple-component sources, the flux density has been integrated over the source region, rather than taking the sum of its constituent components.

The associated error in the integrated 20-cm flux density, in mJy. The authors estimated the error of the integrated flux densities using Equation (1) in Schinnerer et al. (2004, AJ, 128, 1974), which is based on Condon (1997, PASP, 109, 166), assuming a relative error of the flux calibration of 5% (whereas Schinnerer et al. (2004) assumed 1%). In the case of extended sources, where the integrated flux density was measured by integrating over a polygon in the image, the authors assumed a 5% scaling error and added to that in quadrature an empirical error arising from the shape and size of the area which it was integrated:

      Delta(S) = sqrt [(0.05S)2 + (10(-7)/S)2]
where S is the flux density in Jy. For extended sources with flux densities of 10 mJy, 1 mJy, and 0.5 mJy, the total errors are thus 0.5 mJy (5%), 0.11 mJy (11%), and 0.2 mJy (40%), respectively, which describe the errors that were found empirically reasonably well.

The infrared flux density measured by Spitzer/IRAC at 3.6 micron (µm), in microJansky (µJy). Aperture-corrected flux densities have been used unless the source was clearly extended, in which case the flux in a Kron aperture has been used. A blank indicates that the source was not observed or that its flux is not listed in the SWIRE catalog.

The infrared flux density measured by Spitzer/IRAC at 4.5 micron (µm), in microJansky (µJy). Aperture-corrected flux densities have been used unless the source was clearly extended, in which case the flux in a Kron aperture has been used. A blank indicates that the source was not observed or that its flux is not listed in the SWIRE catalog.

The infrared flux density measured by Spitzer/IRAC at 5.8 micron (µm), in microJansky (µJy). Aperture-corrected flux densities have been used unless the source was clearly extended, in which case the flux in a Kron aperture has been used. A blank indicates that the source was not observed or that its flux is not listed in the SWIRE catalog.

The infrared flux density measured by Spitzer/IRAC at 8.0 micron (µm), in microJansky (µJy). Aperture-corrected flux densities have been used unless the source was clearly extended, in which case the flux in a Kron aperture has been used. A blank indicates that the source was not observed or that its flux is not listed in the SWIRE catalog.

The infrared flux density measured by Spitzer/MIPS at 24 micron (µm), in microJansky (µJy). Aperture-corrected flux densities have been used unless the source was clearly extended, in which case the flux in a Kron aperture has been used. A blank indicates that the source was not observed or that its flux is not listed in the SWIRE catalog.

The B-band magnitude of the Spitzer counterpart, in Vega units.

The V-band magnitude of the Spitzer counterpart, in Vega units.

The Rc-band magnitude of the Spitzer counterpart, in Vega units.

This flag parameter indicates whether a source has been classified as AGN or not, and based on what criteria, as follows:

    f:  indicates AGN classification based on the far-infrared-radio relation,
    m:  indicates AGN classification based on morphology,
    l:  indicates AGN classification taken from the literature.

This flag parameter gives the result of the test (developed by Magliocchetti et al. (1998, MNRAS, 300, 257) and described in Section 3.2 of the reference paper) which has been performed for double radio sources to see if they are likely physical doubles. A '-' indicates failure, an 'x' success, of the two parts of the test (the separation and flux density ratio of the constituents).

The source redshift.

The reference for the redshift, as follows:

      2df = Colless et al. (2001, CDS Cat. <VII/226>, obsoleted by CDS
            Cat. <VII/250>);
      6dF = Jones et al. (2004, CDS Cat. <VII/249>, obsoleted by CDS
            Cat <VII/259>);
      A01 = Alexander et al. (2001, ApJ, 554, 18);
      L04 = La Franca et al. (2004, AJ, 127, 3075);
      P06 = Puccetti et al. (2006, A&A, 457, 501);
      S01 = Serjeant et al. (2001, MNRAS, 322, 262);
      S96 = Shectman et al. (1996, CDS Cat. <VII/203>);
      W03 = Wegner et al. (2003, AJ, 126, 2268).

Additional comments on the source.

The ELAISR designation of the source as recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects,, viz., 'ELAISR JHHMMSS+DDMMSSA', from Gruppioni et al. 1999, MNRAS, 305, 297). This was given in the deprecated form 'ELAIS20R_JHHMMSS+DDMMSSA' in the reference paper.

Another source designation as taken from NED.

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Questions regarding the ATLASESID database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:48 EDT