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BAT5BGRBSP - CGRO/BATSE 5B Gamma-Ray Burst Spectral Catalog



The CGRO/BATSE 5B Gamma-Ray Burst Spectral Catalog contains the results of systematic spectral analyses of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on board the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) during its entire nine years of operation. This catalog contains two types of spectra extracted from 2,145 GRBs, and fitted with five different spectral models resulting in a compendium of over 19,000 spectra. The models were selected based on their empirical importance to the spectral shape of many GRBs, and the analysis performed was devised to be as thorough and objective as possible. In their paper, the authors describe in detail their procedures and criteria for the analyses, and present the bulk results in the form of parameter distributions. This catalog should be considered an official product from the BATSE Science Team, and the data files containing the complete results are soon to be available from the HEASARC.

This table lists all of the spectroscopy results of gamma-ray bursts observed by a subset of the 8 BATSE Large Area Detectors. BATSE consisted, in part, of an array of 8 sodium iodide Large Area Detectors (LADs) which covered the energy range from ~20 keV - 2 MeV. The LAD detectors were placed at each of the eight corners of the CGRO spacecraft with an outward orientation such that the entire sky not occulted by the Eartt was observed. The spectrum files ("scat" files) available as FITS-format data products associated with this catalog provide parameter values and goodness-of-fit measures for different types of spectral fits and models. These fits are performed using 14-channel data, usually 2-second resolution CONT data. There are currently two spectrum categories:

 * Peak flux ('pflx') - a single spectrum over a 2.05-second time range at the
                        peak flux of the burst
 * Fluence ('flnc')   - a single spectrum over the entire burst duration
The quoted fluxes and fluences are for the 20 keV - 2 MeV energy range, notice. The scat files have two extensions. The first extension gives detector-specific information, including photon fluxes and fluences for each detector, which are provided for each energy channel. The second extension provides derived quantities such as flux, fluence and model parameters for the joint fit of all included detectors. The scat files and their energy-resolved quantities contained in these two extensions will be available soon in the HEASARC data archive. Quantities derived from these spectral fits are available in the present table, as described below and in the Goldstein et al. (2013) reference paper.

The spectra are fit with a number of models, with the signal-to-noise ratio of the spectrum often determining whether a more complex model is statistically favored. The current set is:

 * Power law ('plaw'),
 * Comptonized (exponentially attenuated power law; 'comp')
 * Band ('band')
 * Smoothly broken power law ('sbpl')
 * Log_10 Gaussian ('glog')
The full details of these models are presented in Section 4 of the reference paper.

The type of spectrum and spectral model are coded into the parameter names (and the associated file names) using the acronyms given above. Thus for example, the parameters with names beginning with 'flnc_glog' contain the results from fits to the fluence spectra using Log10 Gaussian models. The corresponding spectrum file for the burst with trigger number 105 with the results from a fit to the fluence spectrum using a Log10 Gaussian model is named

Please note that this table lists the raw results of each spectral fit to each GRB. In cases where the spectral fit failed, the values reported are those that initialized the spectral fit. If the uncertainty on the spectral parameters is reported as zero (no uncertainty), then the fit failed. In a few cases throughout this table, the uncertainties for certain spectral parameters may be reported as '9999.99' which indicates that the uncertainty on that parameter is completely unconstrained. An example of this is when the spectral data from a burst is fitted with a BAND function but is unable to constrain the high-energy index. In this case, the best fit centroid value of the high-energy index parameter is reported, and the '9999.99' value is reported for the uncertainty.

Catalog Bibcode



The BATSE 5B Gamma-Ray Burst Spectral Catalog.
   Goldstein A., Preece R. D., Mallozzi R. S., Briggs M. S., Fishman G. J.,
   Kouveliotou C., Paciesas W. S., Burgess J. M.
   <Astrophys. J. Suppl. 208, 21 (2013)>
   =2013ApJS..208...21G       (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in November 2013 based on electronic versions of Tables 6 through 10, inclusive, from the reference paper which were obtained from the ApJS web site.


The BATSE trigger designation that is assigned for each new trigger detected. The naming scheme used is an incrementing trigger number, where 105 is the minimum and 8121 is the maximum trigger number in this table.

The BATSE burst name. This was not present in the reference paper tables but was added by the HEASARC using the relevant information in the BATSEGRB table (see for more information). Each burst has a unique catalog name. These names may have a prefix of either "4B" or "GRB". The "4B" prefix means that the burst is listed in BATSE 4B Catalog, while the "GRB" prefix means that the burst is listed in the BATSE Current Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog. The prefix is followed by the "yymmdd" (date) of the burst, where "yymmdd" is the two digit year, two digit month, and two digit day. An ending hyphen is added when this name is not unique, i.e., when there were two or more bursts on a particular day.

The Right Ascension of the object that triggered the BATSE instrument in the selected equinox. This was not present in the reference paper tables but was added by the HEASARC using the relevant information in the BATSEGRB table (see for more information).

The Declination of the object that triggered the BATSE instrument in the selected equinox. This was not present in the reference paper tables but was added by the HEASARC using the relevant information in the BATSEGRB table (see for more information).

The Galactic Longitude of the object that triggered the BATSE instrument.

The Galactic Latitude of the object that triggered the BATSE instrument.

The burst trigger time defined as the end of the interval (64, 256 or 1024 ms) in which the burst triggered the detector. The time system for the values is UT. This was not present in the reference paper tables but was added by the HEASARC using the relevant information in the BATSEGRB table (see for more information).

The burst trigger time, in decimal seconds of the day (UT) on which it occurred. The burst trigger time is the end of the interval (64, 256 or 1024 ms) in which the burst triggered the detector. This was not present in the reference paper tables but was added by the HEASARC using the relevant information in the BATSEGRB table (see for more information).

The 90% duration of the burst in seconds. T90 measures the duration of the time interval during which 90% of the total observed counts in the burst have been detected. The start of the T90 interval is defined by the time at which 5% of the total counts have been detected, and the end of the T90 interval is defined by the time at which 95% of the total counts have been detected. This was not present in the reference paper tables but was added by the HEASARC using the relevant information in the BATSEGRB table (see for more information).

The uncertainty in the T90 duration, in seconds. This was not present in the reference paper tables but was added by the HEASARC using the relevant information in the BATSEGRB table (see for more information).

The LAD detectors which detected the burst. There were 8 detector modules on CGRO each of which contained a LAD (numbered 0 through 7). A GRB could illuminate up to 4 detectors

The LAD data type, 'CONT' or 'MER'. The primary data type used in this catalog is the 2.048 s resolution CONT data, which provided semi-continuous count rate and 16 channel spectral coverage during the entire BATSE lifetime. When CONT data were not available (usually due to data corruption), the associated MER data were used if possible. The native time resolution of MER data was 16 ms but only started at trigger time and extended to less than 200 s after trigger. The energy resolution is the same as CONT data, so the count rates were binned to 2.048 s in order to be compatible with CONT data. MER data were used only if a background model could be fit to the post-burst background and extrapolated through the duration of the burst. MER data were used for only 15 GRBs in this catalog.

The amplitude of a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Band function amplitude for the peak flux spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error value of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter

The low-energy power law index, alpha, of a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Band function power law, alpha, for the peak flux spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The high-energy power law index, beta, of a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Band function power law, beta, for the peak flux spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The peak energy of a Band function fit to a single nu*Fnu spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in keV

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Band function peak energy for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the Band function peak flux spectrum.

The photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the Band function peak flux spectrum.

The energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the Band function peak flux spectrum.

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the Band function peak flux spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the Band function fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the Band function fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The amplitude of a Comptonized (exponentially attenuated power law) model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Comptonized model amplitude for the peak flux spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The power law index of a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Comptonized model power law index for the peak flux spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The peak energy of a Comptonized model fit to a single nu*Fnu spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Comptonized model peak energy for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the Comptonized model peak flux spectrum.

The photon fluence in photon/cm2 for a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the Comptonized model peak flux spectrum.

The energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the Comptonized model peak flux spectrum.

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the Comptonized model peak flux spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the Comptonized model fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the Comptonized model fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The amplitude of a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Log10 Gaussian model amplitude for the peak flux spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The full width at half maximum of a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in log_10(keV).

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Log10 Gaussian model full width at half maximum for the peak flux spectrum, in log10 (keV). An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The log10 of the centroid energy Ecen of a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Log_10 Gaussian model log10 (Ecen) for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The peak energy of a model fit to a single Log10 Gaussian model nu*Fnu spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Log10 Gaussian model model peak energy for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The average photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the average photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the Log_10 Gaussian model peak flux spectrum.

The photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the Log10 Gaussian peak flux spectrum.

The average energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the average energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the Log10 Gaussian model peak flux spectrum.

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the Log10 Gaussian peak flux spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the Log10 Gaussian model fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the Log10 Gaussian model fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The amplitude of a power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the power law fit amplitude for the peak flux spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The power law index of a power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the power law index of a power law fit for the peak flux spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the power law peak flux spectrum.

The photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for a power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the power law peak flux spectrum.

The energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the power law peak flux spectrum

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the power law peak flux spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the power law fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the power law fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The amplitude of a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power law amplitude for the peak flux spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The low-energy power law index, lambda1, of a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power low-energy power law index for the peak flux spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The high-energy power law index, lambda2, of a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power high-energy power law index for the peak flux spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The break energy, Eb, of a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power law break energy for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The peak energy of a model fit to a smoothly broken power law model nu*Fnu spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power law model peak energy for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the smoothly broken power law peak flux spectrum.

The photon fluence in photon/cm2 for a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the smoothly broken power law peak flux spectrum.

The energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the smoothly broken power law peak flux spectrum.

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the time range of the peak flux of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the smoothly broken power law peak flux spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the smoothly broken power law model fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the smoothly broken power law fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The total time, in seconds, over which the fluence was calculated. The time-integrated fluence distributions are estimated over the duration of the observed emission, where the observed emission is defined as 3.5 sigma over the estimated background in the 20-2000 keV energy range.

The amplitude of a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Band function amplitude for the fluence spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error value of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter

The low-energy power law index, alpha, of a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Band function power law, alpha, for the fluence spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The high-energy power law index, beta, of a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Band function power law, beta, for the fluence spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The peak energy of a Band function fit to a single nu*Fnu spectrum over the time range of the fluence of the burst, in keV

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Band function peak energy for the fluence spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the Band function fluence spectrum.

The photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the Band function fluence spectrum.

The energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the Band function fluence spectrum.

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a Band function fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the Band function fluence spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the Band function fit to the fluence spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the Band function fit to the peak flux spectrum.

The amplitude of a Comptonized (exponentially attenuated power law) model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Comptonized model amplitude for the fluence spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The power law index of a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Comptonized model power law index for the fluence spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The peak energy of a Comptonized model fit to a single nu*Fnu spectrum over the duration of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Comptonized model peak energy for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the Comptonized model fluence spectrum.

The photon fluence in photon/cm2 for a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the Comptonized model fluence spectrum.

The energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the Comptonized model fluence spectrum.

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a Comptonized model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the Comptonized model fluence spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the Comptonized model fit to the fluence spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the Comptonized model fit to the fluence spectrum.

The amplitude of a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Log10 Gaussian model amplitude for the fluence spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The full width at half maximum of a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst, in log_10(keV).

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Log10 Gaussian model full width at half maximum for the fluence spectrum, in log10 (keV). An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The log10 of the centroid energy Ecen of a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Log_10 Gaussian model log10 (Ecen) for the fluence spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The peak energy of a model fit to a single Log10 Gaussian model nu*Fnu spectrum over the duration of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the Log10 Gaussian model model peak energy for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The average photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the average photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the Log_10 Gaussian model fluence spectrum.

The photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the Log10 Gaussian fluence spectrum.

The average energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the average energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the Log10 Gaussian model fluence spectrum.

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a Log10 Gaussian model fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the Log10 Gaussian fluence spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the Log10 Gaussian model fit to the fluence spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the Log10 Gaussian model fit to the fluence spectrum.

The amplitude of a power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the power law fit amplitude for the fluence spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The power law index of a power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the power law index of a power law fit for the peak flux spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the power law fluence spectrum.

The photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for a power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the power law fluence spectrum.

The energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the power law fluence spectrum

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the power law fluence spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the power law fit to the fluence spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the power law fit to the fluence spectrum.

The amplitude of a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst, in photon/cm2/s/keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power law amplitude for the fluence spectrum, in photon/cm2/s/keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The low-energy power law index, lambda1, of a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power low-energy power law index for the fluence spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The high-energy power law index, lambda2, of a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power high-energy power law index for the fluence spectrum. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The break energy, Eb, of a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power law break energy for the fluence spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The peak energy of a model fit to a smoothly broken power law model nu*Fnu spectrum over the duration of the burst, in keV.

The 1-sigma statistical error of the smoothly broken power law model peak energy for the peak flux spectrum, in keV. An error of 0.0 implies a fixed parameter.

The photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon flux, in photon/cm2/s, for the smoothly broken power law fluence spectrum.

The photon fluence in photon/cm2 for a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the photon fluence, in photon/cm2, for the smoothly broken power law fluence spectrum.

The energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error on the energy flux, in erg/cm2/s, for the smoothly broken power law fluence spectrum.

The energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for a smoothly broken power law fit to a single spectrum over the duration of the burst.

The 1-sigma statistical error in the energy fluence, in erg/cm2, for the smoothly broken power law fluence spectrum.

The chi-squared goodness of fit statistic for the smoothly broken power law model fit to the fluence spectrum.

The degrees of freedom for the smoothly broken power law fit to the fluence spectrum.

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Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:54 EDT