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BESTARS - Be Stars Catalog



The BESTARS database tables contains a compilation of data concerning stars of type Be. For the purposes of this compilation, a Be star is defined as a non-supergiant B star which showed emission in one Balmer line at least once. Stars without published MK spectral types have been excluded, except for 132 stars from Bidelman and MacConnell (1973), who used the above definition but included no spectral types. There are 1,159 stars included in this list.

Catalog Bibcode



Source Catalog Reference: Jaschek, M. and Egret, D. 1982, IAU Symposium No. 98, "Be Stars", eds. Jaschek, M. and Groth, H.G., p. 261.

Documentation Reference: Raugh, A.C. 1989, STX-T-25-3005-0001-89.


The DM/CSI number. Durchmusterung numbers are indicated by "BD," "CD," or "CP" as the first two characters, followed by the DM number in the form "SZZNNNNN". Numbers from the Catalogue of Stellar Identifications are indicated by blanks for the first two characters, followed by the CSI number in the form "SZZ-NNNNN". ("S" is the sign, "ZZ" is the declination zone, and "NNNNN" is the sequential number of the star within the zone.)

The Galactic Latitude of the object.

The B-V color magnitude of the object in UBV.

A single-digit integer indicating the quality of the B-V color. The numbers range from 1 (poor) to 4 (very good). Note: one record, number 82, has an undefined character, "E", in this field.

The J2000 Declination of the object in sexagesimal format.

The Browse object classification type. The classification is based on the "Type" parameter, if one is available; otherwise, either one has been assigned, or the classification is left blank.

A colon (":") indicates uncertainty in the coordinates; otherwise, it is blank.

The J2000 Right Ascension of the object in sexagesimal format.

The Declination of the object in the specified equinox.

The Declination of the object in 1950 coordinates.

A three character code indicating the dispersion used to determine the MK spectral type, or a quality for the spectral type. If the last character contains "/", the MK spectral type comes from Jaschek (1978) and the first two characters indicate the dispersion used as follows:

         P:  Prism;
        OP:  Objective prism;
         G:  Grating.
With a quality number, the spectral type is from the Michigan Spectral Survey and contains the spectral type quality, using the following codes:
      1..4:  Quality in the range 1 (very good) to 4 (poor);
         +:  The MK spectral type was found in the literature and not derived
             by N. Houk for the MSS;
         X:  Overlap.   When this field is blank, the MK spectral type came from
             a source other than Jaschek (1978), Kennedy (1980), or the MSS.

The HD number from the Henry Draper Catalog (Cannon and Pickering, 1918-1924).

A single-character code. "A" indicates the first component of a multiple system, and "/" indicates that the HD number is the first of two consecutive HD numbers for a multiple system in which only one spectrum is observable.

The Galactic Longitude of the object.

The designation of the object in the catalog, taken from the Be star number from one of the contributing catalogs: MWC, AS, or Henize.

The Right Ascension of the object in the specified equinox.

The Right Ascension of the object in 1950 coordinates.

The radial velocity of the object, in km/s.

A single character in the range A-F, as listed in Evans (1967). An "A" indicates the best quality.

The MK spectral type of the object.

The U-B color magnitude of the object in UBV.

A single-digit integer indicating the quality of the U-B color. The numbers range from 1 (poor) to 4 (very good). Note: one record, number 82, has an undefined character, "E", in this field.

Photographic magnitude in the UBV system.

A "V" indicates the star is variable, and a "D" indicates that the V magnitude is the integrated value for both components of a binary system.

A single-digit integer indicating the quality of the V magnitude. The numbers range from 1 (poor) to 4 (very good). Note: one record, number 82, has an undefined character, "E", in this field.

This flag is a "*" if the V magnitude comes from the CSI; otherwise, the value is from Nicolet (1978).

If the V magnitude is uncertain or if it is not in the standard UBV system, this flag is a colon (":"); otherwise, it is blank.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the BESTARS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:25:04 EDT