
CLASS - HEASARC Object Classifications



This section describes the "class" parameter, which is included in many tables in the HEASARC database. It can be used to select objects according to their classifications.

Each object is assigned a four digit numeric code to represent its object classification. The first digit describes the global classification (e.g., AGN or star). The following digits assign further classifications or properties such as spectral type, or type of AGN. Each sub-class is chosen to contain a unique set of properties. For example, all normal (non-degenerate) stars have the first digit set to 2. The second digit for stars indicates the spectral type (O, B, etc.), the third digit the numerical sub-type, and the last digit the luminosity class; thus, a G5V star will have the class code of 2555. All stars later (cooler) than F0 have a "class" number between 2400 and 2999. As another example, all AGN have class codes that lie between 7000 and 7999; a search by class for AGN would thus be made by doing a search of the class parameter with the range set from 7000 to 7999.

It should be emphasized that the class assignments of the same source found in different databases may not always be identical, and, for any given database, the class codes may not always be present, correct, or complete: see the database help for the particular database in question to determine how the class codes were constructed. ALWAYS USE THE CLASS CODES WITH THESE CAVEATS IN MIND.

Object Classes

1000 - X-ray binary
1100 - HMXRB                  10 - X-ray pulsar      1 - flares
1200 - HMXRB supergiant       20 - burster           2 - jets
1300 - HMXRB Be star          30 - black hole        3 - eclipsing
1400 - LMXRB                  40 - QPO               4 - ultra-soft transient
1500 - LMXRB Globular cluster 50 - QPO & black hole  5 - soft transient
                              60 - QPO & pulsar      6 - hard transient
                              70 - QPO & bursts      7 - eclipsing dipper
                              80 - QPO,pulsar,bursts 8 - eclipsing ADC
                              90 - pulsar & bursts   9 - dipper

1600 - CV                 10 - Classical Nova         1 - oscillations
                          20 - Recurrent Nova         2 - coherent osc.
                          30 - AM Her (polar)         3 - fast
                          40 - Intermediate polar     4 - slow
                          50 - Dwarf nova             5 - eclipsing
                          60 - Dwarf nova U Gem type  6 -
                          70 - Dwarf Nova Z Cam type  7 -
                          80 - Dwarf Nova SU Uma type 8 -
                          90 - Nova like              9 -

1700 - Gamma ray          00 - source                 1 - pulsar
                          10 - burst
                          20 - burst, soft repeater

1800 - Radio Pulsar
1810 - X-ray pulsator
1820 - Supersoft source
1830 - Isolated neutron star
1840 - Anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP)
1850 - Extrasolar planet
1860 - Brown dwarf
1870 - Protostar of Type 0
1880 - Protostar of Type I
1890 - Luminous Blue Variable (LBV)

1900 - RS CVn star
1910 - Algol star
1920 - Beta Lyr star
1930 - W UMa star
1940 - Symbiotic star
1950 - Zeta Aurigae star
1960 - FK Comae star
1970 - UV Ceti type
1980 - T Tauri star       1 - (naked)
                          2 - (post)
1990 - Herbig Ae/Be star
1991 - Be star

2000 - Wolf Rayet    00 - unknown type   0 - spectral type unknown
                     10 - WN             1 ............... 1
                     20 - WC             2 ............... 2
                     30 - WO             3 ............... 3
                                         4 ............... 4
                                         5 ............... 5
                                         6 ............... 6
                                         7 ............... 7
                                         8 ............... 8
                                         9 ............... 9-11

                 00 - spectral type 0    0 .... luminosity class unknown
2100 - O         10................ 1    1 ..................... I or 0
2200 - B         20................ 2    2 ..................... II
2300 - A         30................ 3    3 ..................... III
2400 - F         40................ 4    4 ..................... IV
2500 - G         50................ 5    5 ..................... V
2600 - K         60................ 6    6 ..................... VI
2700 - M         70................ 7
2800 - Me        80................ 8
                 90................ 9

2900 - Star

                 10 - Luyten color class a
                 20 - Luyten color class a-f
                 30 - Luyten color class f
                 40 - Luyten color class f-g
                 50 - Luyten color class g
                 60 - Luyten color class g-k
                 70 - Luyten color class k
                 80 - Luyten color class k-m
                 90 - Luyten color class m

3000 - Extended galactic or extragalactic
3100 - SNR Crab-like               10 - Shell            1 - Radio Pulsar
3200 - SNR                         20 - Filled-center    2 - Type I
3300 - Star forming region         30 - Composite        3 - Type II
3400 - Cloud                       40 - Dark
3500 - Nebula                      50 - Molecular
3600 - Open star cluster           60 - Planetary
3700 - OB association/HII region   70 - Reflection
3800 - Herbig-Haro object          80 - Globular Cluster
3900 - Diffuse X-ray emission

4000 - White dwarf                00 -         0 -
4100 - White dwarf DA             10 - A       1 - PNN
4200 - White dwarf DB             20 - B       2 - PNN detached binary
4300 - White dwarf DC             30 - C       3 - detached binary
4400 - White dwarf DO             40 - O       4 - O
4500 - White dwarf DZ             50 - Z       5 - Z
4600 - White dwarf DQ             60 - Q       6 - Q
4700 - White dwarf DX             70 - X       7 - X
4800 - White dwarf sD             80 - V       8 - P
4900 - White dwarf PG1159-type    90 - P       9 - H

5000 - Cluster of galaxies        10 - Abell class <0     1 - Cooling Flow
                                  20 - Abell class 0
                                  30 - Abell class 1
                                  40 - Abell class 2
                                  50 - Abell class >2
                                  60 - non-Abell
5100 - Compact group of galaxies
5200 - Group of galaxies

5500 - X-ray background

6000 - Non-active galaxy
6100 - Dwarf Galaxy        10 - radio loud        1 - flat radio spectrum
6200 - Spiral galaxy       20 - HII region        2 - steep radio spectrum
6300 - Elliptical galaxy   30 - Multiple nuclei   3 - inverted radio spectrum
6400 - Starburst galaxy    40 - Barred
6500 - Interacting galaxy  50 - Unbarred
6600 - Irregular galaxy    60 - Mixed
6700 - Galaxy              70 - Nebulous region
6800 - Lenticular galaxy
6900 - Normal galaxy

7000 - AGN Unclassified
7100 - Seyfert         10 - radio loud           1 - flat radio spectrum
7200 - QSO             20 - radio loud/polarized 2 - steep radio spectrum
7300 - BL Lac          30 - radio quiet          3 - inverted radio spect
7400 - Liner           40 - radio loud/invert sp 4 - type 1
7500 - Radio Galaxy    50 - radio loud/flat sp   5 - type 1.5
7600 - IR Galaxy       60 - radio loud/steep sp  6 - type 2
7700 - OVV             70 - radio pol/invert sp
                       80 - radio pol/flat sp
                       90 - radio pol/steep sp
7800 - NEL (Narrow Emission-Line) galaxy
7900 - NLS1 (Narrow-Line Seyfert 1) galaxy

8000 - Solar system object
8100 - Planet          10 - Mercury
                       20 - Venus
                       30 - Earth
                       40 - Mars
                       50 - Jupiter
                       60 - Saturn
                       70 - Uranus
                       80 - Neptune
                       90 - Pluto
8200 - Solar Feature   10 - Quiet Sun
                       20 - Active Sun
                       30 - Sunspot
                       40 - Plage/Active Region
                       50 - North Pole
                       60 - South Pole
                       70 - Equatorial Region
                       80 - Mid-Latitude Region
                       90 - Flare
8300 - Asteroid        10 - Main Belt Object
                       20 - Centaur
                       30 - Kuiper Belt Object
                       40 - Near-Earth
8400 - Comet           10 - Periodic
                       20 - Non-Periodic
                       30 - Sun-Grazing
8500 - Moon

9000 - Unusual object
9100 - Supernova       10 - Type I
                       20 - Type II
9200 - Hypernova
9300 - Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Source (ULX)
9400 - Supermassive Black Hole

9999 - unidentified


The number of the HEASARC object classification.

The human-readable representation of the HEASARC object classification.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the CLASS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:26:01 EDT