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CPSTARS - Catalog of Ap, HgMn and Am Stars



This table contains a catalog of 8205 known or suspected Ap, HgMn and Am stars. This is a major update of the authors' first edition of their catalog of Ap and Am stars, and includes revised identifications, additional stars, and revised information obtained m the literature.

Catalog Bibcode



Catalogue of Ap, HgMn and Am Stars
    Renson P., Manfroid, J.
   <Astron. Astrophys. 498, 961-966 (2009)>

General Catalogue of Ap and Am Stars [1st edition]
    Renson P., Gerbaldi M., Catalano F.A.
   <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 89, 429-434 (1991)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in July 2009 based on CDS Catalog III/260 file catalog.dat. It replaced an earlier version based on the 1st edition of the Ap and Am Stars Catalog (Renson et al. 1991).


This flag parameter indicates the probability that the star belongs to the listed category:

      'N'  denotes a star improperly considered Ap or Am
      '?'  doubtful nature
      'W'  well-known Ap or Am star
      ' '  other cases
In the CDS version of this table '*' was used to denote stars improperly considered Ap or Am, and '/' to denote well-known Ap or Am stars.

This is a sequential identification number for each source in the catalog. THis running number (initially incremented in tens) closely follows the HD order (extension excluded) or, in the absence of HD number, the order in 1900 Right Ascension. The running number has been kept for the stars already present in the first edition. The new stars have been inserted following the same scheme whenever possible. Obviously there are several instances where 9 slots were not sufficient, thus the 1900 RA order is not always strictly obeyed. On the other hand it has been possible to respect the HD order.

The Ap, HgMn and Am Stars Catalog source designation using the 'Rns' prefix (for Renson). While this naming convention has not been registered with the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, it has been frequently used in the astronomical literature.

The Henry Draper (HD) or Henry Draper Extension (HDE) number of the star.

The component of the HD star, if it is a multiple star system. The multiplicity letter identifies the component in the case of double or multiple system where components have not a distinct HD number, except when the luminosity of the other components is negligible.

The Hipparcos (HIP) number of the star.

The component of the Hipparcos star, if it is a multiple star system. The multiplicity letter identifies the component in the case of double or multiple system where components have not a distinct Hipparcos number, except when the luminosity of the other components is negligible.

The Bright Star Catalog (HR) number of the star.

The component of the HR star, if it is a multiple star system. The multiplicity letter identifies the component in the case of double or multiple system where components have not a distinct HR number, except when the luminosity of the other components is negligible.

The Durchmusterung (DM: either BD, CD or CP) designation of the star, where BD = Bonner Durchmusterung, CD = Cordoba Durchmusterung, and CP = Cape Photographic durchmusterung. The choice of durchmusterung is made according to the usual convention, as adopted, for example, in the HD catalog.

The component of the DM star, if it is a multiple star system. The multiplicity letter identifies the component in the case of double or multiple system where components have not a distinct DM number, except when the luminosity of the other components is negligible.

The Tycho-2 (Tyc) number of the star.

The Bayer or Flamsteed designation of the star.

The Right Ascension of the star in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time in the original table.

The Declination of the star in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the star.

The Galactic Latitude of the star.

The apparent magnitude of the star, generally the V magnitude. For close double stars, this magnitude was corrected for the companion's contribution. In 2 cases (Rns 34375 and Rns 48440), a colon was appended to the vmag value in the original CDS table: this presumably indicates a greater than typical uncertainty in the values for these particular stars.

The B-V color index of the star. For close double stars, the color index refers to the combined light of the system.

The U-B color index of the star. For close double stars, the color index refers to the combined light of the system.

The b-y color index of the star from Stroemgren photometry.

The m1 index [= (v-b)-(b-y)] of the star from Stroemgren photometry.

The c1 index [= (u-v)-(v-b)] of the star from Stroemgren photometry.

The H-beta index of the star from Stroemgren photometry.

The spectral and chemical peculiarity classification of the star. A hyphen or dash indicates an Am star; this dash separates the spectral type deduced from the K line and the spectral type deduced from the metallic lines; delta Del-type stars are classified as Am, and marked with dD. Any other character following the spectral class means the star is an Ap or HgMn star, and the spectral type is followed by the symbols of the elements with abnormal abundances.

This flag parameter, if populated, indicates that there are detailed notes available for the star (identified by its source_number) in the file, and also the nature of the notes. The codes have the following meaning:

        Y = Note or remark of various nature, e.g., about the spectrum.
        N = Other designations (see also notes A, D, V)
             [B10] for number in B. Boss's "Preliminary General Catalogue";
             GCRV for number in Wilson's General Cat. of Stellar Radial
             Velocities III/21; second DM number
        D = Note concerning multiplicity: designation from
             ADS (Aitken's catalogue, 1932 {1932QB821.A43......}) or
             BDS (Burnham's catalogue, 1906 {1906QB821.B972.....}),
             magnitude and angular distance to the companion(s)
        A = Note concerning clustering:
             cluster, group or association to which the star belongs, at
             least optically; star identification number(s) in the
             cluster or association; the WEBDA identification is
             added when available
        V = Note about variability: variable name; nature of the
             variability, if known, when it is not of the alpha CVn type.
        P = Note about the known or proposed period observed for the
             variations of:
             - the luminosity and/or colours (l)
             - the magnetic field (m)
             - the intensity of spectral lines (s)
             - the radial velocity computed from peculiar element lines (v)
        B = Note about binarity:
             period and eccentricity (e)
             v.r.v. stands for Variable Radial Velocity
        H = Note about magnetic field:
             extreme values as observed, or from a fit of a phase diagram
             - L longitudinal effective field
             - M mean field modulus
             - Q quadratic field
        R = Note concerning the rotational velocity;
             value of the projected equatorial velocity (v sin i)
        S = Remarks concerning Stroemgren's photometry uvbyH-beta
        C = Note about detection criteria, when not classical spectroscopy.
             Used abbreviations:
             UV  = ultraviolet spectrophotometry (satellite obs.)
             Gen. = Geneva 7-colour photometry
             Mtz. = Maitzen's photometry
             Str. = Stroemgren photometry
In the CDS version of this table '*' was used to denote stars which had a note or remark of various nature, e.g., about the spectrum: the HEASARC has changed this to 'Y'.

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the value of the spect_type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the CPSTARS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:26:21 EDT