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DIRBEPSC - COBE DIRBE Point Source Catalog



This table contains the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) Point Source Catalog, an all-sky catalog containing infrared photometry in 10 bands from 1.25 microns to 240 microns for 11,788 of the brightest near and mid-infrared point sources in the sky. Since DIRBE had excellent temporal coverage (100-1900 independent measurements per object during the 10 month cryogenic mission in 1989 to 1990), the catalog also contains information about variability at each wavelength, including amplitudes of variation observed during the mission. Since the DIRBE spatial resolution is relatively poor (0.7 degrees), the authors carefully investigated the question of confusion, and flagged sources with infrared-bright companions within the DIRBE beam. In addition, they filtered the DIRBE light curves for data points affected by companions outside of the main DIRBE beam but within the `sky' portion of the scan. At high Galactic latitudes (|b| > 5 degrees), the catalog contains essentially all of the unconfused sources with flux densities greater than 90, 60, 60, 50, 90, and 165 Jy at 1.25, 2.2, 3.5, 4.9, 12, and 25 microns, respectively, corresponding to magnitude limits of approximately 3.1, 2.6, 1.7, 1.3, -1.3, and -3.5. At longer wavelengths and in the Galactic Plane, the completeness is less certain because of the large DIRBE beam and possible contributions from extended emission. For each source, for comparison, the names of the sources in other catalogs, their spectral types, variability types, IRAS and 2MASS photometry, SIMBAD spectral types and published variability types, and whether or not the sources are known OH/IR stars are also included.

Unlike the IRAS and 2MASS Catalogs, the DIRBE Point Source Catalog was not constructed by searching the DIRBE database with a point source template and extracting sources based on S/N and confirmation criteria. The DIRBE Catalog was constructed using a target sample list obtained from other infrared catalogs. Since DIRBE is much less sensitive per scan than IRAS or 2MASS, essentially all of the point sources with high S/N light curves in the DIRBE database are already contained in IRAS, 2MASS, and/or MSX. Thus, for simplicity, the authors used these previous catalogs to select a sample for the DIRBE Point Source Catalog.

Their initial sample included a total of 21,335 sources; the final catalog contains 11,788 sources. The initial sample was selected from the IRAS Point Source Catalog (1988), the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (Cutri 2003), and/or the MSX Point Source Catalog Version 1.2 (Egan et al. 1999, A&A, 349, 236) that satisfied at least one of the following criteria: (a) 2MASS J magnitude <= 4.51 (F1.25 >= 25 Jy), (b) 2MASS K magnitude <= 3.81 (F2.2 >= 20 Jy), (c) IRAS or MSX F12 >= 15 Jy, or (d) IRAS or MSX F25 >= 27.5 Jy. The 1.25 and 2.2 micron limits are equal to the average 1-sigma sensitivity per scan in the raw DIRBE light curves of Smith et al. (2002, AJ, 123, 948), while the 12 and 25 micron limits are 0.5 times the average noise levels per scan in that study. These low limits were selected in order to avoid missing variable stars that may have been faint during the 2MASS, IRAS, or MSX mission and to improve the completeness at 3.5 and 4.9 micron. Since the filtering process improves the average per measurement uncertainty, a sensitive selection criterion is warranted to include as many sources as possible.

There were 7872 sources with 2MASS J <= 4.51, 20,492 sources with 2MASS K <= 3.81, 4969 sources with IRAS F12 >= 15 Jy, 40 sources in the MSX IRAS Gaps survey with MSX F12 >= 15 Jy, 2753 sources with IRAS F25 >= 27.5 Jy, and 18 sources in the MSX IRAS Gaps survey with MSX F25 >= 27.5 Jy. Thus, the initial list is dominated by stars selected by the 2MASS criteria. These lists were merged together to make a single target list, containing 21,335 sources. To merge the 2MASS and IRAS/MSX lists, the authors used a 60 arcsecond matching radius. If more than one 2MASS source was within 60 arcseconds of the IRAS position, they assumed that the brightest K band source was the match.

Note that the authors did not include sources in their input list based on their 60 and/or 100 micron IRAS flux densities, as extended emission from cirrus becomes more significant at these wavelengths. This means that the DIRBE Point Source Catalog is biased against very cold objects, such as galaxies and molecular clouds. Since the authors only used the point source catalogs of 2MASS, IRAS, and MSX for source selection, their sample is also biased against extended objects. Note also that they are only targeting sources bright enough to detect their possible variability in the DIRBE database (i.e., sources that may be detected in a single DIRBE scan at at least one DIRBE wavelength). By co-adding the full light curves, it may be possible to detect fainter objects in the DIRBE database, but without variability information and with a higher likelihood of confusion.

The COBE DIRBE Point Source Catalog as presented here contains the time-averaged DIRBE flux densities Fnu in the 10 DIRBE bands for all 11,785 sources in the initial list that had a flux at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve in any of the six shortest DIRBE wavelengths greater than 3 times the average noise per data point, plus three additional sources (see Section 6 of the reference paper). These flux densities were calculated after filtering the light curves. The name of the object in the catalog from which it was originally selected from is also given (IRAS/MSX and/or 2MASS).

Catalog Bibcode



The COBE DIRBE Point Source Catalog.
    Smith B.J., Price S.D., Baker R.I.
   <Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 154, 673 (2004)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in April 2012 based on CDS Catalog J/ApJS/154/673 files table1.dat, table4.dat and table8.dat, and contains the DIRBE data for 11,788 of the brightest near- and mid-infrared point sources in the sky together with supporting data from 2MASS, IRAS, MSX and other catalogs.


The DIRBE source designation using the naming scheme registered with the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Object based on the infrared source position in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates, viz., 'DIRBE DHHMMSSssADDMMSSs', where A = P is used for positive declination, and A = N is used for negative declination.

The 2MASS designation of the infrared source. A 2MASS name is not given if there was no 2MASS counterpart to the IRAS/MSX source with J <= 4.51 and/or K <= 3.81.

The IRAS or MSX designation of the infrared source. Note that an IRAS/MSX name is only given if there is an IRAS/MSX counterpart to the 2MASS source with F12um >= 15 Jy and/or F25um >= 27.5 Jy.

The Right Ascension of the infrared source in the selected equinox. This is based on the 2MASS position for those sources with 2MASS counterparts, else on the IRAS or MSX position.

The Declination of the infrared source in the selected equinox. This is based on the 2MASS position for those sources with 2MASS counterparts, else on the IRAS or MSX position.

The Galactic Longitude of the infrared source.

The Galactic Latitude of the infrared source.

The 1.25-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 1.25-um weighted mean flux density of the object (after filtering), in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, given by Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 2.2-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 2.2-um weighted mean flux density of the object, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 3.5-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 3.5-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 4.9-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 4.9-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 12-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 12-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 25-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 25-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 60-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 60-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 100-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 100-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 140-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 140-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The 240-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source as measured by DIRBE, in Jy. A null value means that no such information is available.

The standard deviation (sigma) of the individual flux measurements constituting the 240-um weighted mean flux density of the infrared source, in Jy.

The average uncertainty per individual measurement (err) of the corresponding flux density (data point in the light curve) of the object, in Jy.

The total observed amplitude of variation for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, Delta-Mag = 2.5 log(Fmax/Fmin), where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum flux densities after block-averaging over 1-week time intervals using a running average. Note that the observed changes in brightness given in the DIRBE Catalog may not represent the full range of variation for these stars, because many of the light curves are not complete and may not cover a full pulsation period. In these cases, the observed variations are a lower limit to the true amplitudes of variation. If the S/N at minimum in the weekly averaged light curve was less than 3, then an amplitude and amplitude uncertainty were not calculated and this parameter has been set to a null value.

The uncertainty in the total observed amplitude of variation Delta-Mag for the object in the corresponding band during the DIRBE observations, calculated from Sigma(Delta-Mag) = 2.5 Sigma(Fmax/Fmin) /[2.303 (F_max/Fmin)], where Sigma(Fmax/Fmin)/(F_max/Fmin) = [(Sigma(Fmax)/Fmax)2 + (Sigma(Fmin)/Fmin)2]0.5, and sigma(Fmax) and sigma(Fmin) are set equal to the average uncertainty per measurement (err).

The number of unfiltered data points available in the corresponding band.

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as follows (values of 0 mean that the flag is not set):

     Flag1 = 1: IRAS/2MASS/MSX/CIO/(Egan & Price, CDS Cat. <V/98>)
        companion greater than the DIRBE noise level lies within a 0.5 degree
        radius of the target source above 25, 20, 20, 10, 30, 55, 320 and 765 Jy
        at 1.25, 2.2, 3.5, 4.9, 12, 25, 60 and 100 um, respectively. This flag
        was not set at 140 or 240 um
     Flag2 = 1: Greater than 3-sigma discrepancy between the
        time-averaged DIRBE flux density and the IRAS or 2MASS flux density.
        This flag is not set for the Catalog of Infrared Observation
        comparison or the MSX catalog comparison, because of possible large
        uncertainties in the photometry. It was also not set at 140 or 240
        microns, due to the lack of an all-sky survey at those wavelengths.
        This flag may be an indicator of extended emission around a point
        source rather than a discrete companion. Alternatively, it may
        indicate strong variability.
     Flag3 = 1: This flag was set if the rms/err in the light
        curve was > 3 for any 2-week period containing at least 10 datapoints.
        This is an indication that the light curve may be affected by a nearby
        companion that was missed by the filtering process.
If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The DIRBE confusion flags Flag1/Flag2/Flag3 in the corresponding band, coded as for the 1.25-um band (see above). If a source has a Flag1 value set to 1, there is information about the confusing source or sources in the file

The 2MASS J magnitude of the object.

The uncertainty in the 2MASS J magnitude of the object.

The 2MASS H magnitude of the object.

The uncertainty in the 2MASS H magnitude of the object.

The 2MASS Ks magnitude of the object.

The uncertainty in the 2MASS Ks magnitude of the object.

The IRAS 12-um flux density of the object, in Jy.

The IRAS 25-um flux density of the object, in Jy.

The IRAS 60-um flux density of the object, in Jy.

The IRAS 100-um flux density of the object, in Jy.

The IRAS 12-um quality flag for the IRAS detection of the object, where 3 means high-quality, 2 means moderate-quality and 1 means an upper limit.

The IRAS 25-um quality flag for the IRAS detection of the object, where 3 means high-quality, 2 means moderate-quality and 1 means an upper limit.

The IRAS 60-um quality flag for the IRAS detection of the object, where 3 means high-quality, 2 means moderate-quality and 1 means an upper limit.

The IRAS 100-um quality flag for the IRAS detection of the object, where 3 means high-quality, 2 means moderate-quality and 1 means an upper limit.

The IRAS variability parameter VAR for the object, being the percent variability (0 - 99) that the source is variable based on an anlysis of the 12- and 25-um flux densities and their uncertainties.

The IRAS confusion flag CONFUSE for the object, being the Hex-encoded (0 - F) sum of the individual band binary values, with bit 0 corresponding to 12 um, 1 to 25 um, 2 to 60 um and 3 to 100 um. Thus, a source confused at 12 and 25 um would have CONFUSE = 0011 = 3 (Hex), while a source confused at 25, 60 and 100 um wouyld have CONFUSE = 1110 = E (Hex).

The IRAS cirrus flag CIRR1 for the object. The infrared cirrus affects a large portion of the entire sky at 60 and 100 microns. Cirrus can seriously hamper efforts to extract point sources from the data. Additionally, cirrus can also produce structure on a point source scale that can masquerade as true point source. The CIRR1 flag gives the number of 100 micron-only sources in the extraction data base within a radius of 30 arcminutes from the source. The flag is a good discriminant that warns a user that cirrus which contains structure on a point source scale is present in a given region. Values above 2 signify probable contamination.

The IRAS cirrus flag CIRR2 for the object. The infrared cirrus affects a large portion of the entire sky at 60 and 100 microns. Cirrus can seriously hamper efforts to extract point sources from the data. Additionally, cirrus can also produce structure on a point source scale that can masquerade as true point source. The CIRR2 flag gives the cirrus indication on a larger scale than the cirr1 flag and compares a 'cirrus flux' with the source flux at 100 micron. Values larger than ~ 4 - 5 indicate the presence of considerable structure in the 100 micron emission on a 1/2 degree scale. A value of 0 indicates that no 1/2 degree data was available for the source in question.

The IRAS cirrus flag CIRR3 for the object. The infrared cirrus affects a large portion of the entire sky at 60 and 100 microns. Cirrus can seriously hamper efforts to extract point sources from the data. Additionally, cirrus can also produce structure on a point source scale that can masquerade as true point source. The CIRR3 flag is the total surface brightness of the sky surrounding the source in a 1/2 degree beam at 100 micron, clipped to exclude values greater than 254 MJy sr-1. Values of the cirr3 flag greater than 30 MJy sr-1 indicate emission from dust with an appreciable column level. A value of -1 means that no data were available.

The closest source listed in SIMBAD lieing within 1 arcminute and assumed to be the same source.

The CDS SIMBAD object type of the nearest SIMBAD object to the infrared source. The schema used by CDS is described at . The HEASARC has changed SIMBAD object type values beginning with an asterisk to avoid confusion with wild card values, thus:

     CDS value   In this table

     *           Star
     **          Mult
     *iA         StrA
     *iC         StrC
     *iN         StrN
     i         StrD

The spectral type of the nearest SIMBAD object to the infrared source.

The offset in arcseconds between the DIRBE PSC Catalog position and the position of the nearest SIMBAD object.

SIMBAD sometimes has more than one listing for the same astrophysical source, if the source appeared in 2 different catalogs with slightly different positions and different names. If a second SIMBAD source is listed within 5 arcseconds of the first source,its name is listed in this parameter.

The CDS SIMBAD object type of the second nearest SIMBAD object to the infrared source. The schema used by CDS is described at . The HEASARC has changed SIMBAD object type values beginning with an asterisk to avoid confusion with wild card values, thus:

     CDS value   In this table

     *           Star
     **          Mult
     *iA         StrA
     *iC         StrC
     *iN         StrN
     i         StrD

The spectral type of the second nearest SIMBAD object to the infrared source.

The offset in arcseconds between the DIRBE PSC Catalog position and the position of the second nearest SIMBAD object.

The IRAS low-resolution spectrometer (LRS) spectral type of the infrared source, as defined in Section 2 of Kwok et al. (1997, ApJS, 112, 557).

The variable star designation of the object, taken from either the GCVS (General Catalog of Variable Stars: Kholopov et al. 1985-1988), the New Catalog of Suspected Variables (NSV: Kukarin et al. 1982), or the NSV Supplement (NSVS: Kazarovets and Durlevich 1998) and using search radii of 60, 30 and 5 arcseconds, respectively.

The GCVS/NSV/NSVS variability type of the object. The HEASARC has changed variability type values of '*' for objects with 'unique' spectra to 'Unique' to avoid confusion with wild card values.

This flag parameter is set to `OH' if there is a counterpart to the infrared source in the Chen et al. (2001, A&A, 368, 1006) OH/IR star compilation.

This flag parameter is set to '>' if the quoted period is a lower limit.

The period of the variable star counterpart to the infrared source taken from the GCVS, NSV or NSVS Catalogs, in days.

The OH expansion velocity for the counterpart OH/IR star outflow associated with the infrared source, in km s-1.

This 2MASS associated optical catalog flag indicates that there is a counterpart in either the Tycho-2 Catalog (CDS Cat. I/259) if set to 'T', or the USNO-A2.0 Catalog (CDS Cat. I/252) if set to 'U', else is 0. See the 2MASS Explanatory Supplement for more information.

The optical B-band magnitude of the counterpart taken from the 2MASS associated optical catalog.

The 2MASS optical V-vand magnitude of the counterpart taken from the 2MASS associated optical catalog.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the DIRBEPSC database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:26:36 EDT