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EXSS - Einstein Extended Source Survey



The Einstein Extended Source Survey (EXSS) catalog contains a list of extended sources found in the Einstein Observatory Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC) Database. The source detection algorithm was substantially improved over that used for the Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey (EMSS). Sources were searched for using circular apertures with variable radii of up to 6.1 arcminutes. Criteria were constructed so as to ascertain which of the detections were truly diffuse and which of the sizes best approximated each detection. Using these criteria, a catalog of 1325 extended source candidates at high galactic latitude (more than 20 degrees from the Galactic Equator) was produced. Cross-correlating this list with existing source catalogs yielded a reasonably comprehensive set of identifications for the sources in this list: over 400 were identified with known clusters of galaxies, while other objects were identified with galaxies, supernova remnants (SNR), active galactic nuclei (AGN), and stars. Whereas galaxies and SNR are often truly extended objects, AGN and stars can appear as extended ojects as a consequence of their soft X-ray spectra coupled with the broad point-spread function of the IPC at low energies. A total of 321 objects remain completely unidentified. Some of these may be heretofore uncatalogued clusters and groups of galaxies at moderate redshifts.

Catalog Bibcode



Oppenheimer, B.R., Helfand, D.J., and Gaidos, E.J., 1997, Astronomical Journal, 113, 2134.


The data used to construct this database table were obtained from the first author's Web site on 12 December 1997.


Right Ascension of the X-ray source. This corresponds to the weighted average of the positions of the all of the detections of this source in the different apertures. The weighting factor is (radius squared/SNR squared) for each aperture.

Declination of the X-ray source. This corresponds to the weighted average of the positions of the all of the detections of this source in the different apertures. The weighting factor is (radius squared/SNR squared) for each aperture.

Galactic longitude of the X-ray source.

Galactic latitude of the X-ray source.

The adopted name of the X-ray source using the recommendation from the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects. Notice that this field was not present in the original database but was constructed by by the HEASARC.

IPC photon counts per second for the aperture 1 (1.25 arcmin radius) detection.

IPC photon counts per second for the aperture 2 (2.35 arcmin radius) detection.

IPC photon counts per second for the aperture 3 (4.20 arcmin radius) detection.

IPC photon counts per second for the aperture 4 (6.10 arcmin radius) detection.

Signal to noise ratio for the aperture 1 detection.

Signal to noise ratio for the aperture 2 detection.

Signal to noise ratio for the aperture 3 detection.

Signal to noise ratio for the aperture 4 detection.

The offset in right ascension of the aperture 1 detection from the adopted object RA found using the technique described in the paper, in units of arcseconds.

The offset in declination of the aperture 1 detection from the adopted object declination (Dec) found using the technique described in the paper, in units of arcseconds.

The offset in right ascension of the aperture 2 detection from the adopted object RA found using the technique described in the paper, in units of arcseconds.

The offset in declination of the aperture 2 detection from the adopted object declination (Dec) found using the technique described in the paper, in units of arcseconds.

The offset in right ascension of the aperture 3 detection from the adopted object RA found using the technique described in the paper, in units of arcseconds.

The offset in declination of the aperture 3 detection from the adopted object declination (Dec) found using the technique described in the paper, in units of arcseconds.

The offset in right ascension of the aperture 4 detection from the adopted object RA found using the technique described in the paper, in units of arcseconds.

The offset in declination of the aperture 4 detection from the adopted object declination (Dec) found using the technique described in the paper, in units of arcseconds.

Star number from the Positions and Proper Motions (PPM) Catalog for the star which is identified with the EXSS source. A null value means that no PPM star was identified with the EXSS source.)

The V band magnitude of the PPM star identified with the EXSS source. A null value means that no PPM star was identified with the EXSS source.

The right ascension difference between the PPM star's position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The declination difference between the PPM star's position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The name of the EMSS source identified with the EXSS source

The type of the EMSS source (from the EMSS catalog): AGN, CL (cluster of galaxies), BL (BL Lac-type object), GAL ("normal galaxy), or STAR.

The signal to noise ratio of the EMSS source with the EMSS detection algorithm.

The right ascension difference between the EMSS position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The declination difference between the EMSS position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The name of the Zwicky cluster of galaxies identified with the EXSS source

The approximate size of the Zwicky cluster in arcseconds (from the Zwicky catalog)

The right ascension difference between the Zwicky cluster's position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The declination difference between the Zwicky cluster's position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The name of the Abell cluster of galaxies identified with the EXSS source

The right ascension difference between the Abell cluster's position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The declination difference between the Abell cluster's position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The type of the corresponding source in the EINLINE database that is identified with the EXSS source. (See EINLINE for an explanation of the abbreviations.)

The right ascension difference between the EINLINE position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The declination difference between the EINLINE position and the EXSS position in arcseconds.

The quadrature sum the RA and Declination differences between the EINLINE position and the EXSS position, in arcseconds.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the EXSS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:27:17 EDT