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FLARESTARS - UV Cet-Type Flare Stars & Related Objects Catalog



This table contains the catalog of the UV Cet-type flare stars and related objects in the solar vicinity. This new catalog of flare stars includes 463 objects. It contains astrometric, spectral and photometric data as well as information on the infrared, radio and X-ray properties and general stellar parameters.

Catalog Bibcode



Catalogue and bibliography of UV Cet stars flare stars and related objects
in the solar vicinity
       Gershberg R.E., Katsova M.M., Lovkaya M.N., Terebizh A.V.,
       Shakhovskaya  N.I.
      <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 139, 555 (1999)>
      =1999A&AS..139..555G      (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in October 2005 based on the merger of 3 CDS tables (table1.dat, table2.dat and atble3.dat) from the CDS Catalog J/A+AS/139/555/ .


This is a sequential number which uniquely identifies each entry in the catalog in order of increasing J2000.0 Right Ascension. The Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects recommends that an alternative name for objects from this catalog can be constructed using the prefix '[GKL99] ' and this sequence number, e.g., '[GKL99] 1'.

This is a flag parameter which indicates the origin of the quoted position for the flare star. The J2000.0 coordinates were taken from two sources: data for more than half of the stars in the catalog (those with position_flag = ' ') were prepared by Dr. N.N. Samus and E.N. Pastukhova as a part of their work to form a modern astrometric basis for the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS). They used the HIPPARCOS Catalog (ESA, 1997, Cat. <I/239>), the PPM Catalog (Roeser & Bastian, 1991 (Cat. <I/146>), 1993 (Cat. <I/193>), the Space Telescope Guide Star Catalog (Lasker et al., 1990, Cat. <I/220>), the US Naval Observatory A1.0 Catalog (Monet, 1996, <I/243>), and accurate coordinates from publications and original measurements from Digitized Sky Survey images with GSC stars as their reference. The data for the rest of the (those with position_flag = 'H') were determined by Hawley et al. (1996, Cat. <III/198>) from the Space Telescope Digitized Sky Survey.

As the HEASARC was creating this table, it was discovered that 8 of the stars (sequence_numbers 5, 72, 258, 262, 276, 320, 392 and 416) did not have J2000.0 coordinates in their CDS tables, but only B1950.0 coordinates. The HEASARC precessed the latter for these 8 stars so as to create J2000.0 coordinates.

The Right Ascension of the flare star in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates and to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time in the original catalog, with 8 exceptions (sequence_numbers 5, 72, 258, 262, 276, 320, 392 and 416) for which only B1950.0 coordinates were given. In the case of stars with known proper motions, the coordinates correspond to epoch 2000.0, while for the other stars the coordinates correspond to the date specified by the epoch parameter, if available.

The Declination of the flare star in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates and to a precision of 1 arcsecond in the original catalog, with 8 exceptions (sequence_numbers 5, 72, 258, 262, 276, 320, 392 and 416) for which only B1950.0 coordinates were given. In the case of stars with known proper motions, the coordinates correspond to epoch 2000.0, while for the other stars the coordinates correspond to the date specified by the epoch parameter, if available.

The Galactic Longitude of the flare star.

The Galactic Latitude of the flare star.

The proper motion of the flare star in Right Ascension, in seconds of time per year (s/yr). Proper motions for these stars are from Gliese and Jahreiss (1991, Preliminary Version of the 3rd Catalog of Nearby Stars).

The proper motion of the flare star in Declination, in arcseconds per year (arcsec/yr). Proper motions for these stars are from Gliese and Jahreiss (1991, Preliminary Version of the 3rd Catalog of Nearby Stars).

The epoch of the position for those stars for which proper motions are not available.

A commonly used designation for the flare star.

If the flare star is in a visual binary, this parameter indicates which component it corresponds to.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

An alternative designation for the flare star.

The spectral type of the flare star from homogeneous calssification by Hawley et al. (1996, AJ, 112, 2799).

An alternative spectral type for the flare star from different, older sources.

This parameter contains a code for the reference for the distance, where 'H' means that the distance is derived from a spectroscopic parallax in Hawley et al. (1996, CDS Cat. <III/198>), 'O' that the distance is from one of several different parallax sources, and ' ' that the distance is derived from a trigonometric parallax in the Hipparcos Catalog (CDS Cat. <I/239>) or Gliese & Jahreiss (1991, CDS Cat. <V/70>).

The distance to the flare star, in parsecs (pc).

This parameter contains a code for the reference for the H-alpha emission equivalent width, where a value of ' ' means that it comes from Hawley et al. (1996, CDS Cat. <III/198>), and a value of 'H' means that it comes from spectral data of Stauffer & Hartmann (1986ApJS...61..531S) or from photometric measurements by Herbst & Miller (1989AJ.....97..891H).

The H-alpha emission line equivalent width, in Angstroms, approximated to 0.1 Angstroms.

The B-V color index of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total B-V color index of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The U magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total U magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The B magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only. Photographic magnitudes that are close but not identical to photoelectric B magnitudes have been used in some cases (indicateded by their having bmag_flag values of 'pg').

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total B magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs, and to 'pg' to indicate that the quoted value is actually a photographic pg magnitude rather than a true B magnitude.

The V magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total V magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The R magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total R magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The I magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total I magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The J magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total J magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The H magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total H magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The K magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total K magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The L magnitude of the flare star. Some stars have multicolor photometric data, adopted from Pettersen (1976OslR...46....1P) or from Doyle and Butler (1990A&A...235..335D). For other stars, photometric data were taken from SIMBAD. The authors follow photometric systems in accordance with Bessel (1990A&AS...83..357B) and Leggett (1992ApJS...82..351L). Photometric observations of close binaries give the total brightnesses and/or colors of the system and such data are marked by a 'J' value for the corresponding flag parameter. Several of these systems were resolved by HIPPARCOS. Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.

This parameter is a flag that is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted value is the total L magnitude of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs.

The IRAS flux density of the flare star at 12 micron (µm), in Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W/m2/Hz), according to Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797; 1990, ApSS, 170, 690), Mullan et al. (1989, ApJ, 343, 400) and/or Mathioudakis and Doyle (1993, A&A, 280, 181). The quoted value could be an upper limit or an uncertain value according to whether the value of the associated limit parameter is '<' or ':'. If there are multiple available values of this flux density, this parameter contains the minimum observed value.

This parameter is a flag which indicates if the IRAS 12-um flux density is an upper limit, if it equals '<', or uncertain , if it equals ':'. The values which are upper limits are given as 3 times the noise level at the position of the source.

The IRAS flux density of the flare star at 12 micron (µm), in Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W/m2/Hz), according to Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797; 1990, ApSS, 170, 690), Mullan et al. (1989, ApJ, 343, 400) and/or Mathioudakis and Doyle (1993, A&A, 280, 181). The quoted value could be an upper limit or an uncertain value according to whether the value of the associated limit parameter is '<' or ':'. If there are multiple available values of this flux density, this parameter contains the maximum observed value, else it is left blank.

This flag is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted flux density is of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs rather than that of the flare star itself.

The IRAS flux density of the flare star at 25 micron (µm), in Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W/m2/Hz), according to Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797; 1990, ApSS, 170, 690), Mullan et al. (1989, ApJ, 343, 400) and/or Mathioudakis and Doyle (1993, A&A, 280, 181). The quoted value could be an upper limit or an uncertain value according to whether the value of the associated limit parameter is '<' or ':'. If there are multiple available values of this flux density, this parameter contains the minimum observed value.

This parameter is a flag which indicates if the IRAS 25-um flux density is an upper limit, if it equals '<', or uncertain , if it equals ':'. The values which are upper limits are given as 3 times the noise level at the position of the source.

The IRAS flux density of the flare star at 25 micron (µm), in Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W/m2/Hz), according to Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797; 1990, ApSS, 170, 690), Mullan et al. (1989, ApJ, 343, 400) and/or Mathioudakis and Doyle (1993, A&A, 280, 181). The quoted value could be an upper limit or an uncertain value according to whether the value of the associated limit parameter is '<' or ':'. If there are multiple available values of this flux density, this parameter contains the maximum observed value, else it is left blank.

This parameter is a flag which indicates if the IRAS 'maximum' 25-um flux density is an upper limit, if it equals '<'. The values which are upper limits are given as 3 times the noise level at the position of the source.

The IRAS flux density of the flare star at 60 micron (µm), in Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W/m2/Hz), according to Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797; 1990, ApSS, 170, 690), Mullan et al. (1989, ApJ, 343, 400) and/or Mathioudakis and Doyle (1993, A&A, 280, 181). The quoted value could be an upper limit or an uncertain value according to whether the value of the associated limit parameter is '<' or ':'. If there are multiple available values of this flux density, this parameter contains the minimum observed value.

This parameter is a flag which indicates if the IRAS 60-um flux density is an upper limit, if it equals '<', or uncertain , if it equals ':'. The values which are upper limits are given as 3 times the noise level at the position of the source.

The IRAS flux density of the flare star at 60 micron (µm), in Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W/m2/Hz), according to Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797; 1990, ApSS, 170, 690), Mullan et al. (1989, ApJ, 343, 400) and/or Mathioudakis and Doyle (1993, A&A, 280, 181). The quoted value could be an upper limit or an uncertain value according to whether the value of the associated limit parameter is '<' or ':'. If there are multiple available values of this flux density, this parameter contains the maximum observed value, else it is left blank.

This parameter is a flag which indicates if the IRAS 'maximum' 60-um flux density is an upper limit, if it equals '<'. The values which are upper limits are given as 3 times the noise level at the position of the source.

The IRAS flux density of the flare star at 100 micron (µm), in Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W/m2/Hz), according to Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797; 1990, ApSS, 170, 690), Mullan et al. (1989, ApJ, 343, 400) and/or Mathioudakis and Doyle (1993, A&A, 280, 181). The quoted value could be an upper limit or an uncertain value according to whether the value of the associated limit parameter is '<' or ':'. If there are multiple available values of this flux density, this parameter contains the minimum observed value.

This parameter is a flag which indicates if the IRAS 100-um flux density is an upper limit, if it equals '<', or uncertain, if it equals ':'. The values which are upper limits are given as 3 times the noise level at the position of the source.

The IRAS flux density of the flare star at 100 micron (µm), in Janskies (1 Jy = 10-26 W/m2/Hz), according to Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797; 1990, ApSS, 170, 690), Mullan et al. (1989, ApJ, 343, 400) and/or Mathioudakis and Doyle (1993, A&A, 280, 181). The quoted value could be an upper limit or an uncertain value according to whether the value of the associated limit parameter is '<' or ':'. If there are multiple available values of this flux density, this parameter contains the maximum observed value, else it is left blank.

This parameter is a flag which indicates if the IRAS 'maximum' 100-um flux density is an upper limit, if it equals '<'. The values which are upper limits are given as 3 times the noise level at the position of the source.

The log10 of the flare star bolometric luminosity, in erg/s, taken from Bookbinder (1985, PhD thesis), Tsikoudi (1988, AJ, 95, 1797), Pallavicini et al. (1990, A&A, 228, 408), Doyle and Butler (1990, A&A, 235, 335), and/or Katsova and Tsikoudi (1993, ApJ, 402, L9).

This flag is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted total bolometric luminosity is of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs rather than that of the flare star itself.

The stellar mass, in solar mass units, taken from Rodono (1986, in M-Type stars, p. 409), Doyle and Butler (1990, A&A, 235, 335), Panagi and Mathioudakis (1993, A&AS, 100, 343), Zakhozhaj (1994, Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, 10, 68), and/or several other particular publications.

The stellar radius, in solar radii, taken from Rodono (1986, in M-Type stars, p. 409), Doyle and Butler (1990, A&A, 235, 335), Panagi and Mathioudakis (1993, A&AS, 100, 343), Zakhozhaj (1994, Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, 10, 68), and/or several other particular publications.

This flag parameter indicates to which component (A or B) the quoted radius applies.

This flag parameter is set to 'S' if there are indications of photometric evidence for stellar spottedness, based on Alekseev and Gershberg (1996, Astronomy Reports, 40, 538).

The Einstein IPC 0.15-4 keV X-ray flux of the flare star, in erg/s/cm2, taken from the Slew Survey count rate given by Elvis et al. (1992, ApJS, 80, 257) using a conversion factor of 1 IPC ct/s = 3 x 10-11 erg/s/cm2.

The log10 of the Einstein X-ray luminosity, in erg/s, taken from Bookbinder (1985, PhD thesis), Agrawal et al. (1986, MNRAS, 219, 225), and/or Katsova and Tsikoudi (1993, ApJ, 402, L9).

The log10 of the maximum Einstein X-ray luminosity, in erg/s, taken from Bookbinder (1985, PhD thesis), Agrawal et al. (1986, MNRAS, 219, 225), and/or Katsova and Tsikoudi (1993, ApJ, 402, L9), if there were multiple measurements of this quantity.

This flag is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted X-ray luminosity is of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs rather than that of the flare star by itself.

The log10 of the EXOSAT X-ray luminosity, in erg/s, obtained with the Low Energy (LE) detector in the 0.05-2 keV energy band, according to Schmitt and Rosso (1988, A&A, 191, 99) and/or Pallavicini et al. (1990, A&A, 228, 408).

The log10 of the maximum EXOSAT X-ray luminosity, in erg/s, obtained with the Low Energy (LE) detector in the 0.05-2 keV energy band, according to Schmitt and Rosso (1988, A&A, 191, 99) and/or Pallavicini et al. (1990, A&A, 228, 408), if there were multiple measurements of this quantity.

This flag is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted X-ray luminosity is of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs rather than that of the flare star by itself.

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) count rate of the flare star in the S1a filter (90-185 eV) obtained during the All-Sky Survey, in ct/ks. This information was taken from Pounds et al. (1993, MNRAS, 260, 77) and/or Wood et al. (1994, ApJS, 93, 287).

This flag is set to 'F' to indicate that the quoted S1a count rate was enhanced by flare events.

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) count rate of the flare star in the S2a filter (62-111 eV) obtained during the All-Sky Survey, in ct/ks. This information was taken from Pounds et al. (1993, MNRAS, 260, 77) and/or Wood et al. (1994, ApJS, 93, 287).

This flag is set to 'F' to indicate that the quoted S2a count rate was enhanced by flare events.

The ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) flux of the flare star in the 0.1-2.4 keV energy band obtained during the All-Sky Survey, in erg/s/cm2. This information was taken from Schmitt et al. (1995, ApJ, 450, 392) and/or Hunsch et al. (1998, A&AS, 132, 155).

This flag is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted X-ray luminosity is of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs rather than that of the flare star by itself.

The log10 of the ROSAT X-ray luminosity, in erg/s, according to Fleming et al. (1993, AJ, 410, 387) and/or Hunsch et al. (1999, A&AS, 135, 319).

The log10 of the maximum ROSAT X-ray luminosity, in erg/s, if there were multiple measurements of this quantity.

The EUVE count rate in the 100-Angstrom band, in ct/ks, taken from Bowyer et al. (1996, ApJS, 102, 129). Both all-sky survey results as well as those from deep exposures with the scanner telecopes are listed.

This flag is set to 'D' to indicate that the detection was obtained with the scanner telescope in a deep exposure or from a long exposure with the deep-survey instrument, rather than in the all-sky survey. Note that the conversion from count rate to energy flux is different for the deep/long exposures compared to the all-sky survey observations.

The EUVE count rate in the 200-Angstrom band, in ct/ks, taken from Bowyer et al. (1996, ApJS, 102, 129). Both all-sky survey results as well as those from deep exposures with the scanner telecopes are listed.

This flag is set to 'D' to indicate that the detection was obtained with the scanner telescope in a deep exposure or from a long exposure with the deep-survey instrument, rather than in the all-sky survey. Note that the conversion from count rate to energy flux is different for the deep/long exposures compared to the all-sky survey observations.

The EUVE count rate in the 400-Angstrom band, in ct/ks, taken from Bowyer et al. (1996, ApJS, 102, 129). Both all-sky survey results as well as those from deep exposures with the scanner telecopes are listed. EUVE 400-Angstrom Count Rate (ct/ks)

This flag is set to 'D' to indicate that the detection was obtained with the scanner telescope in a deep exposure or from a long exposure with the deep-survey instrument, rather than in the all-sky survey. Note that the conversion from count rate to energy flux is different for the deep/long exposures compared to the all-sky survey observations.

The EUVE count rate in the 600-Angstrom band, in ct/ks, taken from Bowyer et al. (1996, ApJS, 102, 129). Both all-sky survey results as well as those from deep exposures with the scanner telecopes are listed.

This flag is set to 'X' to indicate the existence of X-ray flare observations.

The radio wavelengths in cm at which observations of the flare star have been made.

This flag is set to '<' to indicate that the quoted radio flux density is an upper limit.

The radio flux density of the flare star, in mJy, taken from Gibson (1985 in Radio Stars, p. 213), Drake and Caillault (1991, AJ, BAAS, 23, 942), Gudel (1992, A&A, 64, 31), Gudel et al. (1993, AJ, 415, 236), and/or Bookbinder (1985, PhD thesis).

This flag is set to '<' to indicate that the quoted radio flux density is an upper limit.

The maximum (or an alternative value, in some cases) radio flux density of the flare star, in mJy, taken from Gibson (1985 in Radio Stars, p. 213), Drake and Caillault (1991, AJ, BAAS, 23, 942), Gudel (1992, A&A, 64, 31), Gudel et al. (1993, AJ, 415, 236), and/or Bookbinder (1985, PhD thesis).

This flag is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted radio flux density is of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs rather than that of the flare star by itself.

An third value of the flare star's radio flux density, in mJy, taken from Gibson (1985 in Radio Stars, p. 213), Drake and Caillault (1991, AJ, BAAS, 23, 942), Gudel (1992, A&A, 64, 31), Gudel et al. (1993, AJ, 415, 236), and/or Bookbinder (1985, PhD thesis).

This flag is set to '<' to indicate that the quoted broad-band radio luminosity is an upper limit.

The log10 of the broad-band radio luminosity of the flare star, in erg/s, taken from the same sources from which the radio flux densities came.

The log10 of a second measurement of the broad-band radio luminosity of the flare star, in erg/s, taken from the same sources from which the radio flux densities came.

This flag is set to '<' to indicate that the quoted radio luminosity is an upper limit.

The log10 of the monochromatic radio luminosity of the flare star, in erg/s/Hz, taken from the same sources from which the radio flux densities came.

The log10 of a second measurement of the monochromatic radio luminosity of the flare star, in erg/s/Hz, taken from the same sources from which the radio flux densities came.

This flag is set to 'J' to indicate that the quoted broad-band radio liminosity is of the close binary system to which the flare star belongs rather than that of the flare star by itself.

This flag is set to 'R' to indicate the existence of radio flare observations of the flare star.

The HEASARC Browse object classification of the flare star, based on the value of the spectral type given in the spect_type parameter.

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Questions regarding the FLARESTARS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:27:39 EDT