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GLIESE2MAS - Gliese Catalog Stars with Accurate Coordinates and 2MASS Cross-Identifications



This table contains precise epoch 2000 coordinates and cross-identifications to sources in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog for nearly all stars in the Gliese, Gliese-Jahreiss, and Woolley catalogs of nearby stars. The only Gliese objects where the authors were not successful are two Gliese sources that are actually QSOs; two proposed companions to brighter stars, which they believe do not exist; four stars included in one of the catalogs but identified there as only optical companions; one probable plate flaw; and two stars that simply remain unrecovered. For the 4251 recovered stars, 2693 have coordinates based on Hipparcos positions, 1549 have coordinates based on 2MASS data, and 9 have positions from other astrometric sources. All positions have been calculated at epoch 2000 using proper motions from the literature, which are also given here.

Catalog Bibcode



Accurate coordinates and 2MASS cross identifications for (almost) all
Gliese catalog star.
    Stauffer J., Tanner A.M., Bryden G., Ramirez S., Berriman B., Ciardi D.R.,
    Kane S.R., Mizusawa T., Payne A., Plavchan P., Von Braun K., Wyatt P.,
    Kirkpatrick J.D.
   <Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 122, 885-897 (2010)>
   =2010PASP..122..885S    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in May 2011 based on CDS Catalog J/PASP/122/885 file table1.dat.


The name of the star. The prefix for each star name is an indicator of the original source catalog. The prefixes are as follows:

      Gl = from the Gliese (1969 version, Gl69) catalog
      GJ = not in Gl69 but present in Gliese and Jahreiss (1979, GJ79:
           1979A&AS...38..423G) or in Gliese and Jahreiss (1991, GJ91:
           CDS Cat. V/70 = HEASARC CNS3 table)
      Wo = not in any of Gl69, GJ79 or GJ91, but in Woolley et al. (1970,
           wo70: 1970ROAn....5....1W, CDS Cat. V/32 = HEASARC WOOLLEY table)
In some cases, binary component letters have been added to the original names, based on companion identification subsequent to GJ91. Such cases are marked by a 'd' value in the comment_flags parameter.

This flag is set to 'C' to indicate the one entry whose name the CDS changed from the original table: namely the name of 'GJ 4115 B' which was corrected to 'GJ 4114 B' by CDS.

An alternate name for the star. Where a given star has two nearby star catalog names, the second name appears here. If there is no nearby star catalog name and a Hipparcos name is available, it is provided here instead.

The Right Ascension of the star in the selected equinox. The epoch is always that of the year 2000, however. The position was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates and at the 2000 epoch to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time in the original table. For all but a few stars, the positions are based on Hipparcos or 2MASS data, as noted in the ref_position parameter. For most binary stars with separations of 5 arcseconds or less, the binary pair is listed as a single entry in this table with an 'AB' designation. For binaries with Hipparcos positions for each component and separations < 5", each star has a separate entry in this table, but the authors have generally associated both components to the same (unresolved) 2MASS object.

The Declination of the star in the selected equinox. The epoch is always that of the year 2000, however. The position was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates and at the 2000 epoch to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original table. For all but a few stars, the positions are based on Hipparcos or 2MASS data, as noted in the ref_position parameter. For most binary stars with separations of 5 arcseconds or less, the binary pair is listed as a single entry in this table with an 'AB' designation. For binaries with Hipparcos positions for each component and separations < 5", each star has a separate entry in this table, but the authors have generally associated both components to the same (unresolved) 2MASS object.

The Galactic Longitude of the star at epoch 2000.

The Galactic Latitude of the star at epoch 2000.

This limit parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter is an upper limit rather than an actual value.

The proper motion of the star in the Right Ascension direction, in arcseconds per year. The proper motions generally come from Tycho-2, Hipparcos, or GJ91, in that order of preference. For the very small number of stars lacking reliable proper motions in any of these three catalogs, a handful of proper motions from the USNO-B1.0 Catalog (Monet et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 984) and UCAC3 (Zacharias et al. 2010, AJ, 139, 2184) catalogs have been included. For some binaries, the proper motion of the individual components has been compromised by their proximity, particularly for Hipparcos measurements. To correct for this, the authors have enforced the alignment of proper motion vectors for binary components within 10 arcseconds of each other.

This limit parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter is an upper limit rather than an actual value.

The proper motion of the star in the Declination direction, in arcseconds per year. The proper motions generally come from Tycho-2, Hipparcos, or GJ91, in that order of preference. For the very small number of stars lacking reliable proper motions in any of these three catalogs, a handful of proper motions from the USNO-B1.0 Catalog (Monet et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 984) and UCAC3 (Zacharias et al. 2010, AJ, 139, 2184) catalogs have been included. For some binaries, the proper motion of the individual components has been compromised by their proximity, particularly for Hipparcos measurements. To correct for this, the authors have enforced the alignment of proper motion vectors for binary components within 10 arcseconds of each other.

The 2MASS designation associated with the star. Those binary companions with separations < ~ 5" have the same 2MASS photometry listed for each component. Where the 2MASS photometry for a binary star is likely to be blended, a value of 'f' is listed in the comment_flags parameter.

The 2MASS J (1.2 micron) magnitude of the star.

The 2MASS H (1.6 micron) magnitude of the star.

The 2MASS Ks (2.2 micron) magnitude of the star.

The flags listed in this parameter indicates the following comments apply to the star:

          b = For stars with both Gliese and Woolley names, the Wo name
              is given in the alt_name parameter and the Gl name is given
              in the name parameter;
          c = Star is not in the GJ91 catalog
          d = Not listed as a member of a binary system in Gl69, GJ or Wo
              catalogs; binary companion identified subsequent to GJ91
          e = The secondary star is separated from the primary by less than 5"
              and HIP/2MASS positions are not available for both stars, so this
              system is listed as a single entry in this table
          f = GJ binary where 2MASS photometry is probably blended, most
              separations <5"
          g = Pleiades member (distance ~ 133pc)
          h = See appendix of reference paper for additional comments (this
              material is also available online at

This parameter identifies the source of the position of the star, either Hipparcos or 2MASS catalogs, or an additional source such as the LSPM catalog (Lepine et al.2005, AJ, 130, 1680).

In a small number of cases, some additional notes on the star are presented here.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the GLIESE2MAS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:28:05 EDT