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IRAMNOELOG - IRAM NOEMA (NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array) Observation Log



This table contains the IRAM NOEMA (NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array) observation log. The Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique (IRAM) was founded in 1979 and is operated as a French-German-Spanish collaboration. Its partner institutes are the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France), the MPG (Max Planck Gesellschaft, Germany), and the IGN (Instituto Geografico Nacional, Spain). The principal activity of IRAM is the study of cold matter (molecular gas and dust) in the solar system, in our Galaxy, and out to cosmological distances, in order to determine its composition, density, mass, temperature, and kinematics.

IRAM operates two observatories at millimeter wavelengths which are open to the international astronomical community: the 30-m single-dish telescope on Pico Veleta (2850 m), Spain, and the six-antenna interferometer on the Plateau de Bure (2550 m) in France. Both sites are at high altitude to reduce the absorption by water vapor. The observatories are supported by the IRAM offices and laboratories in Granada and Grenoble.

The observation log included here concerns NOEMA, the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array, and summarizes the observations made there. NOEMA is the successor to the Plateau de Bure observatory. During its history, the observatory at the Plateau de Bure underwent several track extensions, received additional antennas (all of 15-m diameter and of similar construction to the first ones) and technical upgrades. From a three-antenna interferometer with a maximum baseline of 288 meters in 1988, it has evolved to a eight-antenna array with baselines up to 760 meters in 2016. With the inauguration of the seventh antenna in September, 2014, the observatory started its transformation into NOEMA. More information about NOEMA is available at the IRAM web site.

The observation log for the 30-m telescope is available as the HEASARC database table IRAM30MLOG, and the observation log for the Plateau de Bure Interferometer is available as the HEASARC database table IRAMPDBLOG.

For more information on IRAM, see the IRAM home page.

Catalog Bibcode



IRAM Observation Logs
     Dan M., Neri R., Sievers A.
    <IRAM Newsletters (1991-2020)>


This table was originally ingested by the HEASARC in August 2017. It is based on the CDS table B/iram/, files noema.dat and noema_pi.dat. It was last updated in September 2020, based on an updated version of these tables which were also obtained from the CDS.


The identification code of the IRAM NOEMA program.

The source designation as given in the observing program.

The start time and date of the observation in Local Sidereal Time.

The stop time and date of the observation in Local Sidereal Time.

The start time and date of the observation in UTC. This parameter was created by the HEASARC based on the value of the start_lst parameter and the 5d 54' 28.5" East longitude of the NOEMA site, using standard conversion routines.

The end time and date of the observation in UTC. This parameter was created by the HEASARC based on the value of the stop_lst parameter and the 5d 54' 28.5" East longitude of the NOEMA site, using standard conversion routines.

The total on-source correlation time, in seconds.

The observing program type: DET=detection, MAP=mapping, MOS=mosaicking and SNA=snapshot.

The original equinox of the position, expressed either as a 1950 or 2000 position; all positions have been converted to J2000 in the version of the log that was archived at CDS and used as input for the HEASARC version.

The Right Ascension of the observed source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 coordinates and to a precision varying from 0.0001 to 0.1 seconds of time in the CDS table upon which this Browse table is based. No positions are given for observations of objects in the solar system.

The Declination of the observed source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 coordinates and to a precision varying from 0.001 to 1 arcseconds in the CDS table upon which this Browse table is based. No positions are given for observations of objects in the solar system.

The Galactic Longitude of the observed source.

The Galactic Latitude of the observed source.

The radial velocity of the source, in km/s. The velocity may be forced to zero if the velocity is integrated in the frequency.

This parameter is a flag which is used to indicate whether the quoted source_velocity is in the Local Standard of Rest (L) or heliocentric (H) velocity reference frame.

The sky frequency of the 3-mm receiver, in MHz. The actual minimum and maximum frequencies are listed in the 2 parameters sky_frequency_3mm and sky_frequency_1mm.

This parameter is a flag which is used to indicate whether the signal is in the upper (U) or lower (L) band of the 3-mm receiver.

The sky frequency of the 1-mm receiver, in MHz. The actual minimum and maximum frequencies are listed in the 2 parameters sky_frequency_3mm and sky_frequency_1mm.

This parameter is a flag which is used to indicate whether the signal is in the upper (U) or lower (L) band of the 1-mm receiver.

This parameter is a flag which is used to indicate the whether the polarization of the 3-mm continuum is horizontal (H) or vertical (V).

This parameter is a flag which is used to indicate the whether the polarization of the 4-GHz (1-mm) continuum is horizontal (H) or vertical (V).

The configuration code of the interferometer, consisting of the number of antennas used and the configuration of the array (A, AB, B, BC, C, CD and D, usually).

The detailed configuration of the interferometer, viz. a listing of the antenna station positions. W00 is the crossing point of the E-W and N antennae, and one numerical unit corresponds to approximately 8 meters. More information on the configurations and their corresponding spatial resolution is available at

The name of the Principal Investigator under whose program the observation was carried out.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the IRAMNOELOG database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:29:34 EDT