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KOMMERSGRB - Kommers et al. (2001) BATSE Non-Triggered Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog



This is the Kommers et al. (2001) Non-Triggered Burst Supplement to the BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) Catalog. It contains 873 "non-triggered" GRBs that were detected in a search of the BATSE Archival continuous data recorded between 1991 December 9 and 1997 December 17 for which the BATSE on-board burst trigger was not activated, for example because the burst was too faint to exceed the on-board detection threshold or it occurred while the on-board trigger was disabled for technical reasons. For each burst, the catalog gives an estimated source direction, duration, peak flux, and fluence. This catalog increases the number of GRBs detected using BATSE by 48% during the time period covered by the search.

Catalog Bibcode



Kommers, J.K., Lewin, W.H.G., Kouveliotou, C., van Paradijs, J., Pendleton, G.N., Meegan, C.A. and Fishman, G.J. 2001, ApJS, 134, 385


This database table was created at the HEASARC in September 2001 using the authors' file


The designation of the gamma-ray burst based on the date on which the GRB occurred (in Year-Month-Day format to the nearest hundredth of a day: e.g., the burst on 1991 December 14 at 18:42 UT is labelled as "NTB 911214.77") plus the prefix "NTB" (for Non-Triggered Burst)/

The Truncated Julian Date (TJD) on which the GRB occurred: TJD is related to Julian Date (JD) by TJD = JD - 2440000.5.

The time of the event, in seconds of day UT, within the day specified by the parameter day_ntb. In the original table this was given to a precision of 0.1 seconds

The start time (~UT) of the GRB in the HEASARC standard time format. This parameter was created by the HEASARC based on the day_ntb and seconds_ntb parameters. The seconds_ntb parameter in the original table was given to a precision of 0.1 seconds

The BATSE detector that was most brightly iIlluminated by the event.

The BATSE detector that was second-most brightly illuminated by the event.

The X Position of CGRO (km) relative to the geocenter.

The Y Position of CGRO (km) relative to the geocenter.

The Z Position of CGRO (km) relative to the geocenter.

The Right Ascension of the CGRO +Z Axis (degrees).

The Declination of the CGRO +Z Axis (degrees).

The Right Ascension of the CGRO +X Axis (degrees).

The Declination of the CGRO +X Axis (degrees).

The CGRO Azimuth of the Earth Center (degrees).

The CGRO Elevation of the Earth Center (degrees).

The Right Ascension of the best-fit source direction for the event. This was given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of 0.1 degrees in the original table.

The Declination of the best-fit source direction for the event. This was given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of 0.1 degrees in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the best-fit source direction for the event.

The Galactic Latitude of the best-fit source direction for the event.

The uncertainty in the best-fit source direction in degrees. This was given to a precision of 0.1 degrees in the original table.

The angle in degrees between the Sun and the best-fit source direction.

The angle in degrees between the earth center and the best-fit source direction.

The maximum counts for the event in discriminator (DISCLA) channels 2 and 3 (50-100 keV and 100-300 keV, respectively) on the 1.024-s timescale, where values of 0.0 indicate that the event was not detected in DISCLA channels 2 and 3 on this time scale.

The minimum counts required for the detection of the event on the 1.024-s timescale, where values of -1.0 indicate that the event was not detected on this timescale.

The maximum counts for the event in discriminator (DISCLA) channels 2 and 3 (50-100 keV and 100-300 keV, respectively) on the 4.096-s timescale, where values of 0.0 indicate that the event was not detected in DISCLA channels 2 and 3 on this time scale.

The minimum counts required for the detection of the event on the 4.096-s timescale, where values of -1.0 indicate that the event was not detected on this timescale.

The maximum counts for the event in discriminator (DISCLA) channels 2 and 3 (50-100 keV and 100-300 keV, respectively) on the 8.192-s timescale, where values of 0.0 indicate that the event was not detected in DISCLA channels 2 and 3 on this time scale.

The minimum counts required for the detection of the event on the 8.192-s timescale, where values of -1.0 indicate that the event was not detected on this timescale.

The 50% duration of the burst in seconds. T50 measures the duration of the time interval during which 50% of the total observed counts have been detected. The start of the T50 interval is defined by the time at which 25% of the total counts have been detected, and the end of the T50 interval is defined by the time at which 75% of the total counts have been detected.

The uncertainty in the T50 interval, in seconds.

The start time of the T50 interval in seconds of the day specified by the day_ntb parameter value: thus, a value of 43200.0 is equivalent to a time of 12:00 UT.

The 90% duration of the burst in seconds. T90 measures the duration of the time interval during which 90% of the total observed counts have been detected. The start of the T90 interval is defined by the time at which 5% of the total counts have been detected, and the end of the T90 interval is defined by the time at which 95% of the total counts have been detected.

The uncertainty in the T90 interval,in seconds.

The start time of the T90 interval in seconds of the day specified by the day_ntb parameter value: thus, a value of 43200.0 is equivalent to a time of 12:00 UT.

The peak flux for the event in discriminator (DISCLA) channels 2 and 3 (50-100 keV and 100-300 keV, respectively), in photons/cm2/s, on the 1.024-s timescale.

The uncertainty in the peak flux, in photons/cm2/s, on the 1.024-s timescale.

The fluence for the event in discriminator (DISCLA) channels 2 and 3 (50-100 keV and 100-300 keV, respectively), in erg/cm2.

The uncertainty in the fluence for the event, in erg/cm2.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the KOMMERSGRB database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:29:44 EDT