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MARKARIAN - First Byurakan Survey (Markarian) Catalog of UV-Excess Galaxies



A catalog of galaxies with UV-continuum (Markarian galaxies) detected during the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is presented. The purpose of the FBS was to search for peculiar faint extragalactic objects with UV-excess radiation and to study them. The procedure of observations and processing, the FBS areas, the object selection and classification criteria and also several selection effects are described in the reference. The catalog contains the following initial data on all the objects: the precise coordinates, visual magnitudes, angular sizes, redshifts and classification types. The observational results of slit spectra, UBV-photometry, IR-photometry (IRAS data), morphology and some other data are also included in the catalog. While compiling the catalog, the authors introduced some necessary corrections in the data of the earlier published lists on galaxies with UV-continuum excesses. In addition, the authors included the objects with numbers 1501-1515. In most cases, they are well-known Seyfert galaxies omitted by the authors in the lists, but detected on the plates. 48 objects from their lists are not included in the catalog, since they are either stars of our Galaxy or star projections on the galaxies. This catalog presents the largest homogeneous sample of AGN of different types on the northern sky for bright objects (apparent magnitude < 16.0). Up to the middle of 1987 redshifts were measured for 1459 out of 1469 objects in the catalog.

Catalog Bibcode



The First Byurakan Survey. A catalogue of galaxies with UV-continuum
     Markarian B.E., Lipovetsky V.A., Stepanian J.A., Erastova L.K.,
     Shapovalova A.I.
    <Comm. SAO (USSR) 62 (1989)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in November 2009 based on the electronic version of the First Byurakan Survey (Markarian galaxies catalog) which was obtained from the CDS (their catalog VII/172 file table7.dat). It replaced an earlier version of the 'Markarian Catalog' which was based on the original galaxy lists of Markarian et al. (CDS catalog VII/61A).

Deleted FBS/Markarian Objects

Number    RA (1950)  Dec      m     Type  Ref  Comments

 959   0 40 33.9   39 32 49   15.1  s2e:  48   galaxy + star
 351   0 55 13.5   28  7 14   16.   s3e:  48   galaxy + star
 574   1 42  2.3   11 27 30   16.5  sd1e: 45   star
 362   1 45  7.7   23 24 47   14.5  s1e:  28   star
 578   1 49  3.7    7  3 22   16.   s2    45   star
 371   2 45 13.8  - 1  7 47   16.   s1    28   star
 377   7 10 53.2   74  6  0   16.   s1e:  28   star
  80   7 39 36.0   64 54  1   17.   d3e:  45   galaxy + star
 381   7 49 34.3   58 22 50   17.5  s1    28   star
1213   8 11 35.3  - 0 13  5   15.3  s2e   47   galaxy + star
 388   8 25 37.5   25 30  0   16.   s1e   28   star, Ton 323, AT Cnc
1217   8 27 55.8  - 4 14 18   17.   s1e:  47   galaxy + star
 392   8 56 10.6   33  8 47   15.   s1    28   star = G 047-018, WD
 393   9  5 47.4   60 31 37   17.   s1    28   star
 107   9 16 59.6   71 45 22   14.7  d3e:       = Mrk 20
 396   9 21 11.7   35 29 43   15.5  s1e:  28   star
 112   9 24 35.6   48 17 50   16.5  d3    48   galaxy + star
 113   9 25 22.1   62 54  7   14.5  s2    43   star
1265  10 46 58.0   23  6 12   17.   d1e:  52   galaxy + star
1278  11  1 56.7   39  4 19   17.   s1e:  45   star
1290  11 17 22.9  - 5 34 35   15.5  sd3   99   galaxy + star
 425  11 31  7.8   64 26 57   16.   s1    45   star
 643  11 53 45.0   17 41 39   16.   sd3   52   stars, star + star
 436  12 11 39.9   37  1 36   16.   s2e   45   star
 437  12 13 15.9   41  8 47   16.   s1e:  45   star
1318  12 16 36.5    4  7 58   14.5  ds1e       = Mrk 49
 227  12 45 57.8   51 15 20   16.   s3e:  52   star
 228  12 46 26.2   42  9 29   16.5  s2    45   star
 448  12 59  8.8   30 19 40   17.   s1e:  45   star
 252  13 18 14.4   55 39 40   17.   s2    45   star
 791  13 30 12.3   10 45 49   17.   s3    52   galaxy + star
 457  13 30 48.9   39 16 50   16.   sd3   52   star
 458  13 32 14.5   40 21 36   16.   s2e   45   star
 460  13 42  3.3   40 15 10   16.   s1e:  45   star
 488  13 59 25.1   52  6 51   15.4  sd2e: 52   galaxy + star
 677  14 17 30.1   36 22 23   17.   sd2e: 28   star
1491  14 37  6.4    3 43 59   16.5  d2e:  52   galaxy + star
 690  15 44 31.4   18 52 38   16.5  sd1e: 28   star
 495  16  2  3.7   26 12 44   15.5  s2e:  45   star
 502  16 53 21.4   64  9 45   15.5  s3    52   galaxy + star
 890  16 55  7.4   63 19 11   15.1  ds2        = Mrk 503
 505  17 19 47.5   39 45  0   15.5  sd2   48   galaxy + star
 511  21  7 42.1  - 1 48 45   15.   s2    45   star
 514  21 17 56.7  + 2 33 46   14.8  s2         G+ star
 914  22 32 28.3   40 24 32   13.5  sd3e: 48   star = L H  233
 525  23  1 39.3    1 28 32   17. * s3    52   star
 320  23 17 36.0   26 49 57   16.5* s1    28   star
 327  23 34 35.1   23 02 34   15.7  s2e   52   galaxy + star


A unique identification number for each FBS galaxy.

The FBS/Markarian galaxy source designation recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, using the prefix of 'Mrk' and the source_number value. Many sources still use the prefix of 'Mkn' to refer to these objects.

The Right Ascension of the FBS/Markarian galaxy in the selected equinox. This was given in (B?)1950 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time in the original CDS version of this table.

The Declination of the FBS/Markarian galaxy in the selected equinox. This was given in (B?)1950 coordinates to a precision of 1 arcsecond in the original CDS version of this table.

The Galactic Longitude of the FBS/Markarian galaxy.

The Galactic Latitude of the FBS/Markarian galaxy.

The redshift of the FBS/Markarian galaxy corrected for the Galaxy's rotation (with an assumed rotation constant Q of 300 km/s).

The apparent magnitude m of the FBS/Markarian galaxy as taken from the Zwicky Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies (CGCG, Zwicky et al. 1961-1968). For convenience, in controlling the data the authors did not introduce corrections to apparent magnitudes for reduction into other systems. When there were no values in CGCG, the original estimates of the authors were presented. These latter values have been flagged with values of app_mag_flag of 'O' in this table.

This flag parameter is set to 'O to indicate that the quoted apparent magnitude is an original estimate of the authors rather than being taken from the CGCG.

The absolute magnitude M of the FBS/Markarian galaxy, calculated from the apparent magnitude m and the redshift z. In order to calculate the absolute magnitudes M (the value of the Hubble constant H of 75 km/s/Mpc is assumed), a correction for absorption in the Galaxy A = 0.24 cosec (b) is introduced, where b is the Galactic Latitude. Thus, the final expression is:

            M  = m - 43.0 - 5 log z - A

The spectral classification of the FBS/Markarian galaxy. This was introduced in the original Markarian et al. papers and in some cases the current authors have corrected the original papers when they had new plates of better quality than the original ones. According to the ADC documentation for the original version of the FBS/Markarian Catalog: "The four basic types (s, sd, ds, and d) describe the general appearance of the spectrum on the Schmidt plate, ranging respectively from sharp to diffuse. Next is a code for the strength of the ultraviolet continuum, with 1 brightest and 3 least bright. This part of the scheme changed over the course of the survey: originally, 1 meant "strong" and 2 "moderate," with an intermediate classification of 12 (Mrk galaxies 1-70). The codes 1, 2, and 3 imply similarity to stellar spectral types O-B0, B1-B3, and B5-B8, respectively). At the end of the 'spectral' type there may appear an 'E' for emission lines or an 'E:' for possible emission lines."

The major axis of the FBS/Markarian galaxy, in arcseconds. The galaxy sizes were measured on the red POSS charts and taken from the original Markarian lists of UV-galaxies.

The minor axis of the FBS/Markarian galaxy, in arcseconds. The galaxy sizes were measured on the red POSS charts and taken from the original Markarian lists of UV-galaxies.

A code for the redshift reference. Though for many galaxies there are several determinations of redshift, the authors present a single reference for their value. As a rule, they give the most exact value. Note, that in their publication series of spectral observation with the 6-m telescope (Markarian et al., 1980a, b; 1983a; 1984a), the corrections for the Galaxy rotation were calculated in the wrong way. But this catalog gives the corrected values. The key to these reference codes is available at

This flag parameter is set to 'D' to indicate that this is a double object. More information ia available about the 2nd component in the catalog notes (

The morphological description of the FBS/Markarian galaxy, taken from the literature, (the Hubble or Vaucouleurs classification) is presented, as a rule, for nearby and bright galaxies according to Huchra (1977), de Vaucouleurs et al. (1976), Nilson (1973), Mazarella and Balzano (1987). In some cases, the description "dbl" is used for close binaries.

The active galaxy type, as follows:

   Sy1-Sy2 - Sy galaxy of the corresponding type;
      Sy3  - LINER;
      QSO  - quasar;
      BL   - Bl Lacertides type;
      SB   - star-burst galaxies;
      HII  - extragalactic HII region;
      e    - emission spectrum galaxy;
      a    - absorption spectrum galaxy.
The two last notations have been used when there was insufficient information about their spectra to properly classify them.

The diaphragm size is given, in arcseconds. When there were several diaphragms used, the authors present the largest one

The V magnitude of the FBS/Markarian galaxy. If there were several data values, the authors give the most exact of these values.

The B-V color index of the FBS/Markarian galaxy. If there were several data values, the authors give the most exact of these values.

The U-B color index of the FBS/Markarian galaxy. If there were several data values, the authors give the most exact of these values.

The reference codes for the UBV photometry. The key to these reference codes is available at

This flag parameter is set to 'v' to indicate that optical variability has been observed.

The IRAS Version 1 flux density of the FBS/Markarian galaxy at 12 microns, in Janskies.

This limit flag is set to '<' to indicate that the corresponding parameter is an upper limit rather than a detection.

The IRAS Version 1 flux density of the FBS/Markarian galaxy at 25 microns, in Janskies.

This limit flag is set to '<' to indicate that the corresponding parameter is an upper limit rather than a detection.

The IRAS Version 1 flux density of the FBS/Markarian galaxy at 60 microns, in Janskies.

This limit flag is set to '<' to indicate that the corresponding parameter is an upper limit rather than a detection.

The IRAS Version 1 flux density of the FBS/Markarian galaxy at 100 microns, in Janskies.

The HEASARC Browse object classification of the FBS/Markarian galaxy, based on the value of the galaxy_type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the MARKARIAN database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:30:53 EDT