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NGC2000 - NGC2000.0: Complete New General Catalog and Index Catalog



NGC 2000.0 is a modern compilation of the New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (NGC), the Index Catalogue (IC), and the Second Index Catalogue compiled by J. L. E. Dreyer (1888, 1895, 1908). The new compilation of these classical catalogs is intended to meet the needs of present-day observers by reporting positions at equinox 2000.0 and by incorporating the corrections reported by Dreyer himself and by a host of other astronomers who have worked with the data and compiled lists of errata. The object types given are those known to modern astronomy.

This catalog is copyrighted by Sky Publishing Corporation, which has kindly deposited the machine-readble version in the data centers for permanent archiving and dissemination to astronomers for scientific research purposes only. The data should not be used for commercial purposes without the explicit permission of Sky Publishing Corporation. Information on how to contact Sky Publishing is available at

Catalog Bibcode



Dreyer, J. L. E. 1888, New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars,
Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. 49, Part I (reprinted 1953, London: Royal Astronomical

Dreyer, J. L. E. 1895, Index Catalogue of Nebulae Found in the Years 1888 to
1894, with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue, Mem. Roy.
Astron. Soc. 51, 185 (reprinted 1953, London: Royal Astronomical Society).

Dreyer, J. L. E. 1908, Second Index Catalogue of Nebulae Found in the Years
1895 to 1907; with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue and to
the Index Catalogue for 1888 to 1894, Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. 59, Part 2, 105
(reprinted 1953, London: Royal Astronomical Society).

Sulentic, J. W. and Tifft, W. G. 1973, The Revised New General Catalogue of
Nonstellar Astronomical Objects (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press).

Documentation Reference: Warren Jr., W. H. 1989, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 89-29

Source Catalog Reference: NGC 2000.0, The Complete New General Catalogue and
Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters by J. L. E. Dreyer, ed. R. W.
Sinnott 1988 (Sky Publishing Corporation and Cambridge University Press).


This HEASARC table was last updated in September 2022, based on the CDS catalog VII/118 file ngc2000.dat, in order to correct some truncated description fields. The previous update was in June 2005.


The name of the source in standard nomenclature. This parameter contains the object name in the form "NGC nnnn" for NGC objects and "IC nnnn" for IC objects, where "nnnn" indicates the sequence number of the object within the particular catalog.

This parameter contains the source type, or object classification, according to modern astronomy. This field is coded using the following abbreviations:

   Code     Meaning

   Gx       Galaxy
   OC       Open star cluster
   Gb       Globular star cluster, usually in the Milky Way Galaxy
   Nb       Bright emission or reflection nebula
   Pl       Planetary nebula
   C+N      Cluster associated with nebulosity
   Ast      Asterism or group of a few stars
   Kt       Knot or nebulous region in an external galaxy
   TS       Triple star    (was *** in the CDS table version)
   DS       Double star    (was ** in the CDS version)
   SS       Single star    (was * in the CDS version)
   ?        Uncertain type or may not exist
   U        Unidentified at the place given, or type unknown (was blank in CDS v.)
   -        Object called nonexistent in the RNGC (Sulentic and Tifft 1973)
   PD       Photographic plate defect

The Right Ascension of the NGC/IC object in the selected equinox. This was given in B2000 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 minutes of time in the original table. The HEASARC has transformed these B2000 coordinates to J2000 for consistency with all the other catalogs in the HEASARC database; however, the positional difference as a result of this is on the order of a hundred times smaller than the precision with which the coordinates are given, so this transformation is not really noticeable in practice.

The Declination of the NGC/IC object in the selected equinox. This was given in B2000 coordinates to a precision of 1 arcminute in the original table. The HEASARC has transformed these B2000 coordinates to J2000 for consistency with all the other catalogs in the HEASARC database; however, the positional difference as a result of this is on the order of a hundred times smaller than the precision with which the coordinates are given, so this transformation is not really noticeable in practice.

The Galactic Longitude of the NGC/IC object.

The Galactic Latitude of the NGC/IC object.

This column contains a reference code that indicates the source of the modern data about the object that were used in NGC 2000.0. "Modern" data may include types, positions, sizes, and magnitudes, but not the descriptions, which are always those of Dreyer. Doubled letters such as 'AA' denote special NGC and IC errata lists, which have usually been accorded more weight than the source catalogs themselves. In parentheses after each citation in the list is the number of times that it has been used to update NGC entries (first number) and those in the IC (second number). The meaning of the reference codes is as follows:

    Code     Reference

     AA   Archinal, Brent A. Version 4.0 of an unpublished list of errata to
          the RNGC, dated March 19, 1987. (110,0)
      A   Arp, H., "Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies", 1966ApJS...14....1A (1,2)
          (Catalog <VII/74>)
      C   Corwin, Harold G., Jr., A. de Vaucouleurs, and G. de Vaucouleurs,
          "Southern Galaxy Catalogue", Austin, Texas: University of Texas
          Monographs in Astronomy No. 4, 1985. (152,564)
          (Catalog <VII/116>)
      D   Dreyer, J.L.E., New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of
          Stars (1888), Index Catalogue (1895), Second Index Catalogue (1908).
          London: Royal Astronomical Society, 1953. (28,2157)
     DD   Dreyer, J.L.E., ibid. Errata on pages 237, 281-283, and 366-378.
     FF   Skiff, Brian, private communication of February 27, 1988.  (93,36)
      H   Holmberg, E., "A Study of Double and Multiple Galaxies",
          Lund Annals, 6, 1937. (13,2)
      K   Karachentsev, I.D., "A Catalogue of Isolated Pairs of Galaxies
          in the Northern Hemisphere"; also, Karachentseva, V.E.,
          "A Catalog of Isolated Galaxies." Astrofiz. Issled. Izv. Spetz.
          Astrofiz., 7, 3, 1972, and 8, 3, 1973. (0,4)
          (Catalogs <VII/77>, <VII/82>, <VII/83>)
      M   Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A., and V.P. Arhipova,
          "Morphological Catalog of Galaxies", Parts I-V.
          Moscow: Moscow State University, 1962-74. (9,679)
          (Catalogs <VII/62> and <VII/100>)
      N   Reinmuth, K., "Photographische Positionsbestimmung von NebelRecken"
          Veroff der Sternwarte zu Heidelberg, several papers, 1916-40. (0,4)
      O   Alter, G., B. Balazs, and J. Ruprecht, Catalogue of Star Clusters
          and Associations, 2nd edition.  Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1970. (5,0)
          (Catalogs <VII/5>, <VII/44> and <VII/101>)
      R   Sulentic, Jack W., and William G. Tifft, "The Revised New General
          Catalogue of Nonstellar Astronomical Objects (RNGC)".
          Tucson, Arizona:University of Arizona Press, 1973. (4016,0)
          (Catalog <VII/1>)
      S   Hirshfeld, Alan, and Roger W. Sinnott, eds., Sky Catalogue 2000.0,
          Vol.2, Cambridge, Massachusetts:
          Sky Publishing Corp. and Cambridge University Press, 1985. (3098,238)
      T   Tully, R.B., "Nearby Galaxies Catalog". New York: Cambridge
          University Press, 1988.
          A preliminary version on magnetic tape (1981) was used here. (23,17)
          (Catalog <VII/145>)
      U   Nilson P.N., Uppsala Ceneral Catalogue of Galaxies.
          Uppsala: Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, 1973. (15,543)
          (Catalog <VII/26>)
      V   de Vaucouleurs, G., A. de Vaucouleurs, and H.C. Corvin, Jr.,
          Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies. Austin, Texas,
          University of Texas Press, 1976.(118,206)
          (Catalog <VII/112>)
      X   Dixon, R.S., and George Sonneborn, "A Master List of Nonstellar
          Optical Astronomical Objects (MOL)".  Columbus, Ohio,
          Ohio State University Press, 1980.
          It should be noted that most of the information for codes
          a,h,k,m,n,o,u and z was extracted from the magnetic-tape
          version of this catalogue.
          The x code refers to IC objects identified in a literature
          search by these authors. (0,526)
      Z   Zwicky, F., E. Herzog, and P. Wild, "Catalogue of Galaxies and
          Clusters of Galaxies", Vol.I. Pasadena, Calif., California Institute
          of Technology, 1961. Also, successive volumes through 1968. (1,380)
          (Catalog <VII/49>)

The three-letter abbreviated name of the constellation in which the object is located.

This field contains the character "<" if the object size is an upper limit, otherwise, this field is blank.

This field contains the object size, in arc minutes. This is an angular size, as measured along the greatest dimension.

This field contains the integrated (total) magnitude of the type indicated by the app_mag_flag field. The precision varies.

This field contains a flag which indicates the type of magnitude. It contains a blank if the integrated magnitude is visual, "p" if it is a photographic (blue) magnitude.

This field contains a description of the object, as given by Dreyer or corrected by him, in a coded or abbreviated form. For an NGC object, the description is always a visual impression, while the IC descriptions are often based on photographic appearance. A full list of the abbreviations can be found in Table II of the introduction to the published catalog (see References) or in the CDS ReadMe file for the originating table (

The HEASARC Browse object classification of the NGC/IC object, based on the source_type parameter value.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the NGC2000 database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:31:44 EDT