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NUECDFSCAT - NuSTAR Survey of Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S) Source Catalog



This table contains the source catalog from the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (hereafter, ECDFS), that is currently the deepest contiguous component of the NuSTAR extragalactic survey program. The survey covers the full ~30' x 30' area of this field to a maximum depth of ~360 ks (~220 ks when corrected for vignetting at 3 - 24 keV), reaching sensitivity limits of ~1.3 x 10-14 erg/s/cm2 (3 - 8 keV), ~3.4 x 10-14 erg/s/cm2 (8 - 24 keV), and ~3.0 x 10-14 erg/s/cm2 (3 - 24 keV). A total of 54 sources are detected over the full field, although five of these are found to lie below our significance threshold once contaminating flux from neighboring (i.e., blended) sources is taken into account. Of the remaining 49 that are significant, 19 are detected in the 8 - 24 keV band. The 8 - 24 to 3 - 8 keV band ratios of the 12 sources that are detected in both bands span the range 0.39 - 1.7, corresponding to a photon index (Gamma) range of about 0.5 - 2.3, with a median photon index of 1.70 +/- 0.52. The redshifts of the 49 sources in the main sample span the range z = 0.21 - 2.7, and their rest-frame 10 - 40 keV luminosities (derived from the observed 8 - 24 keV fluxes) span the range L10-40keV ~ (0.7 - 300) x 1043erg/s, sampling below the "knee" of the X-ray luminosity function out to z ~ 0.8 - 1. Finally, the authors identify one NuSTAR source that has neither a Chandra nor an XMM-Newton counterpart, but that shows evidence of nuclear activity at infrared wavelengths and thus may represent a genuine, new X-ray source detected by NuSTAR in the ECDFS.

The NuSTAR ECDFS survey consists of observations from two separate passes. Observations making up the first pass were taken between 2012 September and December, and those making up the second pass were taken roughly six months later, between 2013 March and April.

For their cosmological calculations, the authors adopt a Hubble constant H0 of 71 km s-1 Mpc -1, OmegaM of 0.27, and OmegaLambda of 0.73.

Catalog Bibcode



The NuSTAR extragalactic surveys: initial results and catalog from the
Extended Chandra Deep Field-South.
    Mullaney J.R., Del-Moro A., Aird J., Alexander D.M., Civano F.M.,
    Hickox R.C., Lansbury G.B., Ajello M., Assef R., Ballantyne D.R.,
    Balokovic' M., Bauer F.E., Brandt W.N., Boggs S.E., Brightman M.,
    Christensen F.E., Comastri A., Craig W.W., Elvis M., Forster K., Gandhi P.,
    Grefenstette B.W., Hailey C.J., Harrison F.A., Koss M., Lamassa S.M.,
    Luo B., Madsen K.K., Puccetti S., Saez C., Stern D., Treister E.,
    Urry C.M., Wik D.R., Zappacosta L., Zhang W.
   <Astrophys. J., 808, 184 (2015)>
   =2015ApJ...808..184M    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in September 2017 based on the CDS Catalog J/ApJ/808/184 file catalog.dat.


The unique NuSTAR ECDFS identification number. Sources are listed in RA order. Multiple rows labeled with the same identifier correspond to where one NuSTAR source is matched to more than one Chandra source within 30 arcseconds of its position.

The unique name of the NuSTAR source, following the IAU-approved naming convention for NuSTAR sources, viz., 'NuSTAR JHHMMSS-DDMM.m', where m is the truncated fraction of an arcminute in Dec for the arcseconds component.

The Right Ascension of the NuSTAR source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-6 degrees in the original table. The position is that of the pixel with the lowest false probability (PFalse) value in the 20"-smoothed maps across all bands. The position is taken from the band showing the lowest PFalse (i.e., the band in which the source is most significantly detected). All following photometry and so on is then performed at this one position in all three bands.

The Declination of the NuSTAR source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-6 degrees in the original table. The position is that of the pixel with the lowest false probability (PFalse) value in the 20"-smoothed maps across all bands. The position is taken from the band showing the lowest PFalse (i.e., the band in which the source is most significantly detected). All following photometry and so on is then performed at this one position in all three bands.

The Galactic Longitude of the NuSTAR source.

The Galactic Latitude of the NuSTAR source.

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the source is formally detected, i.e., meets the authors' final threshold of log (PFalse <= -5.19, in the soft band (SB: 3 - 8 keV), else is set to 0.

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the source is formally detected, i.e., meets the authors' final threshold of log (PFalse <= -5.22, in the hard band (HB: 8 - 24 keV), else is set to 0.

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the source is formally detected, i.e., meets the authors' final threshold of log (PFalse <= -5.34, in the full band (FB: 3 - 24 keV), else is set to 0.

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the source is formally detected, i.e., meets the authors' final threshold of log (PFalse <= -5.19, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper) in the soft band, else is set to 0.

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the source is formally detected, i.e., meets the authors' final threshold of log (PFalse <= -5.22, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper in the hard band, else is set to 0.

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the source is formally detected, i.e., meets the authors' final threshold of log (PFalse <= -5.34, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper in the full band, else is set to 0.

The logarithm of the undeblended false probability in the soft band based on a 20-arcsecond smoothing length, the smoothing length adopted to assess whether a source is significantly detected (see Section 2.3.1 of the reference paper).

The logarithm of the undeblended false probability in the hard band based on a 20-arcsecond smoothing length, the smoothing length adopted to assess whether a source is significantly detected (see Section 2.3.1 of the reference paper).

The logarithm of the undeblended false probability in the full band based on a 20-arcsecond smoothing length, the smoothing length adopted to assess whether a source is significantly detected (see Section 2.3.1 of the reference paper).

The logarithm of the false probability in the soft band based on a 20-arcsecond smoothing length, the smoothing length adopted to assess whether a source is significantly detected (see Section 2.3.1 of the reference paper), post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The logarithm of the false probability in the hard band based on a 20-arcsecond smoothing length, the smoothing length adopted to assess whether a source is significantly detected (see Section 2.3.1 of the reference paper), post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The logarithm of the false probability in the full band based on a 20-arcsecond smoothing length, the smoothing length adopted to assess whether a source is significantly detected (see Section 2.3.1 of the reference paper), post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

This binary flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate that the NuSTAR source remains significant in at least one of the standard bands post-deblending, else is set to 0.

The non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band. Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The non-aperture-corrected background counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band.

The non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30" aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band. Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band. Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The non-aperture-corrected background counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band.

The non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30" aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band. Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band. Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The non-aperture-corrected background counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band.

The non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30" aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band. Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The non-aperture-corrected background counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30" aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The non-aperture-corrected background counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The non-aperture-corrected total source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The non-aperture-corrected background counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper).

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source counts based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, post-deblending (i.e., after photon counts from neighboring sources have been excluded: see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). Errors are calculated using the Gehrels (1986, ApJ, 303, 336) formulation (see Section 2.3.2 of the reference paper). The authors indicate those sources where the photometric measurement in a given band is less than 3 sigma with a negative value for the error.

The mean effective exposure time in a 30"-aperture centered on the position of the source and in the soft band, in seconds.

The mean effective exposure time in a 30"-aperture centered on the position of the source and in the hard band, in seconds.

The mean effective exposure time in a 30"-aperture centered on the position of the source and in the full band, in seconds.

The non-aperture-corrected total source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, calculated from the corresponding total counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected total source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, calculated from the corresponding total counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The non-aperture-corrected background count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, calculated from the corresponding background counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, calculated from the corresponding total counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, calculated from the corresponding net counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The non-aperture-corrected total source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, calculated from the corresponding total counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected total source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, calculated from the corresponding total counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The non-aperture-corrected background count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, calculated from the corresponding background counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, calculated from the corresponding net counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, calculated from the corresponding net counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The non-aperture-corrected total source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, calculated from the corresponding total counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected total source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, calculated from the corresponding total counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The non-aperture-corrected background count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, calculated from the corresponding background counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, calculated from the corresponding net source counts and mean exposure time, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, calculated from the corresponding net counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the soft band, calculated from the corresponding net source counts and mean exposure time and after the effects of source blending have been taken into account, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position and after the effects of source blending have been taken into account, in the soft band, calculated from the corresponding net counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the hard band, calculated from the corresponding net source counts and mean exposure time and after the effects of source blending have been taken into account, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position and after the effects of source blending have been taken into account, in the hard band, calculated from the corresponding net counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position, in the full band, calculated from the corresponding net source counts and mean exposure time and after the effects of source blending have been taken into account, in counts per second.

The uncertainty in the non-aperture-corrected net source count rate based on 30"-aperture photometry centered on the NuSTAR source position and after the effects of source blending have been taken into account, in the full band, calculated from the corresponding net counts uncertainty and mean exposure time, assuming there is zero error in the latter, in counts per second. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The mean 8-24 to 3-8 keV band ratio output by the BEHR algorithm. Because this algorithm is a Bayesian estimator, it calculates the band ratio probability distribution function and provides the mean, median, mode, and upper and lower 68th percentiles, which the authors report here.

The median 8-24 to 3-8 keV band ratio output by the BEHR algorithm. Because this algorithm is a Bayesian estimator, it calculates the band ratio probability distribution function and provides the mean, median, mode, and upper and lower 68th percentiles, which the authors report here.

The mode of the 8-24 to 3-8 keV band ratio output by the BEHR algorithm. Because this algorithm is a Bayesian estimator, it calculates the band ratio probability distribution function and provides the mean, median, mode, and upper and lower 68th percentiles, which the authors report here.

The lower 68th percentile value of the 8-24 to 3-8 keV band ratio output by the BEHR algorithm. Because this algorithm is a Bayesian estimator, it calculates the band ratio probability distribution function and provides the mean, median, mode, and upper and lower 68th percentiles, which the authors report here.

The upper 68th percentile value of the 8-24 to 3-8 keV band ratio output by the BEHR algorithm. Because this algorithm is a Bayesian estimator, it calculates the band ratio probability distribution function and provides the mean, median, mode, and upper and lower 68th percentiles, which the authors report here.

The effective observed (i.e., non-absorption-corrected) photon index Gamma of the NuSTAR source derived from the mean band ratio (see Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper).

The lower limit to the effective observed (i.e., non-absorption-corrected) photon index Gamma of the NuSTAR source derived from the lower 68th percentile value of the 8-24 to 3-8 keV band ratio (see Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper).

The upper limit to the effective observed (i.e., non-absorption-corrected) photon index Gamma of the NuSTAR source derived from the upper 68th percentile value of the 8-24 to 3-8 keV band ratio (see Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper).

The observed-frame,-aperture-corrected source flux in the soft band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Fluxes are derived from net count rates following the procedure outlined in Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the observed-frame,-aperture-corrected source flux in the soft band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The observed-frame, aperture-corrected source flux in the hard band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Fluxes are derived from net count rates following the procedure outlined in Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the observed-frame, aperture-corrected source flux in the hard band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The observed-frame, aperture-corrected source flux in the full band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Fluxes are derived from net count rates following the procedure outlined in Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the observed-frame, aperture-corrected source flux in the full band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The observed-frame, aperture-corrected deblended source flux in the soft band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Fluxes are derived from the deblended net count rates following the procedure outlined in Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the observed-frame, aperture-corrected deblended source flux in the soft band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The observed-frame, aperture-corrected deblended source flux in the hard band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Fluxes are derived from the deblended net count rates following the procedure outlined in Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the observed-frame, aperture-corrected deblended source flux in the hard band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

The observed-frame, aperture-corrected deblended source flux in the full band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Fluxes are derived from the deblended net count rates following the procedure outlined in Section 2.3.3 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the observed-frame, aperture-corrected deblended source flux in the full band, in erg s-1 cm-2. Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in the given band.

A code indicating the catalog in which a Chandra or XMM-Newton counterpart to the NuSTAR source was identified as follows:

   Code:    Catalog

    L05:    Lehmer et al. (2005, ApJS, 161, 21);
    R13:    Ranalli et al. (2013, A&A, 555, A42);
    X11:    Xue et al. (2011, ApJS, 195, 10);

A unique identifier of the matched Chandra or XMM-Newton source(s) from the catalog indicated in the ctrprt_cat_code parameter value ("recno" in the L05 and X11 catalogs; "ID210" in the R13 catalog). Where there is more than one match within 30 arcseconds of the NuSTAR position, the authors provide separate matches in additional table rows. Such multiple matches can therefore be identified by the replication of the NuSTAR index (the source_number parameter value).

The Right Ascension of the matched Chandra or XMM-Newton counterpart of the NuSTAR source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-6 degrees in the original table.

The Declination of the matched Chandra or XMM-Newton counterpart of the NuSTAR source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-6 degrees in the original table.

The angular separation between the NuSTAR source and the matched Chandra or XMM-Newton source, in arcseconds.

The observed-frame 3 - 8 keV flux derived from the Chandra or XMM-Newton data, in erg s-1 cm-2, of the specified counterpart of the NuSTAR source. Note that these data are not provided in the catalogs of L05 (Lehmer et al. 2005, ApJS, 161, 21), R13 (Ranalli et al. 2013, A&A, 555, A42) or X11 (Xue et al. 2011, ApJS, 195, 10), because the 3 - 8 keV band is not a standard band in those papers. Instead, the 3 - 8 keV fluxes were calculated using ACIS Extract (Broos et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 1582) with a simple power-law model.

The total, combined observed-frame 3 - 8 keV flux derived from the Chandra or XMM-Newton data, in erg s-1 cm-2, of all Chandra or XMM-Newton sources within 30 arcseconds of the NuSTAR source. Note that these data are not provided in the catalogs of L05 (Lehmer et al. 2005, ApJS, 161, 21), R13 (Ranalli et al. 2013, A&A, 555, A42) or X11 (Xue et al. 2011, ApJS, 195, 10), because the 3 - 8 keV band is not a standard band in those papers. Instead, the 3 - 8 keV fluxes were calculated using ACIS Extract (Broos et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 1582) with a simple power-law model.

The spectroscopic redshift of the matched Chandra (from Silverman et al.2010, ApJS, 191, 124) or XMM-Newton (from Ranalli et al. 2013, A&A, 555, A42) source, where available.

The photometric redshift of the matched Chandra (from Silverman et al.2010, ApJS, 191, 124) or XMM-Newton (from Ranalli et al. 2013, A&A, 555, A42) source, where available.

The adopted redshift used to calculate the rest-frame 10 - 40 keV luminosity of the NuSTAR source. In cases where both spectroscopic and photometric redshifts are available, the authors always adopt the spectroscopic redshift.

The derived rest-frame 10 - 40 keV luminosity of the NuSTAR source for sources where a redshift is available (either photometric or spectroscopic), in erg s-1. Luminosities are calculated using the observed 8 - 24 keV band flux, and k-corrections are performed assuming a photon index of Gamma = 1.8 (see Section 2.3.4 of the reference paper). Where a NuSTAR source is matched to more than one Chandra or XMM-Newton source (and therefore may have more than one associated redshift), the authors provide the 10 - 40 keV luminosity assuming each of the various available redshifts.

The uncertainty in the derived rest-frame 10 - 40 keV luminosity of the NuSTAR source for sources where a redshift is available (either photometric or spectroscopic), in erg s-1. Errors are propagated directly from the errors on the 8 - 24 keV fluxes (i.e., the authors assume zero error in the redshift values). Again, negative error values indicate those sources that are detected at less than 3 sigma in a given band.

A note concerning the source NuSTAR J033202-2746.7 for which this flag parameter is set to 'n'. In Del Moro et al. (2014, ApJ, 786, 16) this source is named NuSTAR J033202-2746.8. The name change is due to minor changes in the authors' data reduction since that publication. The authors note that these changes do not affect any of the science results in Del Moro et al. (2014).

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Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:32:22 EDT