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OPENCLUST - New Optically Visible Open Clusters and Candidates Catalog



This is a new catalog of open clusters in the Galaxy which updates the previous catalogs of Lynga (1987, CDS Cat. VII/92, the HEASARC Browse table now called LYNGACLUST) and of Mermilliod (1995, in Information and On-Line Data in Astronomy, ed. D. Egret & M. A. Albrecht (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 127) (included in the WEBDA database, New objects and new data, in particular, data on kinematics (proper motions) that were not present in the old catalogs, have been included. Virtually all of the clusters presently known are included, which represents a large increase in the number of objects (almost 1,000) relative to the Lynga Catalog.

In total, 99.7% of the objects have estimates of their apparent diameters, and 74.5% have distance, E(B-V) and age determinations. Concerning the data on kinematics, 54.7% have their mean proper motions listed, 25% their mean radial velocities, and 24.2% have both information simultaneously.

Acknowledgments: Extensive use has been made by the authors of the SIMBAD and WEBDA databases. This project is supported by FAPESP (grant number 03/12813-4) and CAPES (CAPES-GRICES grant number 040/2008).

Catalog Bibcode



The OPENCLUST database table was last updated on 17 September 2017.


New catalog of optically visible open clusters and candidates
    Dias W.S., Alessi B.S., Moitinho A., Lepine J.R.D.
   <Astron. Astrophys. 389, 871 (2002)>


This database table was originally created by the HEASARC in September 2002 based on the CDS version of the catalog. In March 2006, the HEASARC updated the table to use instead the following file obtained from the authors' web site: In August 2017, the HEASARC reverted to using the CDS version of this catalog, available as the file clusters.dat at

HEASARC Implementation

There was a duplicate entry for the open cluster FSR 1496 in the input file obtained from the CDS, which the HEASARC have removed from its version of this table.


The name of the open cluster.

The Right Ascension of the open cluster in the selected equinox. This was given in equinox J2000 and with a precision of 1 second of time in the original table.

The Declination of the open cluster in the selected equinox. This was given in equinox J2000 and with a precision of 1 arcsecond in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the open cluster.

The Galactic Latitude of the open cluster.

A flag giving information on the open cluster as follows:

      A: possible asterism/dust hole/star cloud (no cluster)
     CR: Cluster Remnant (Pavani and Bica 2007, A&A, 468, 139)
      D: dubious, objects considered doubtful by the DSS images inspection
      E: embedded open cluster (or cluster associated with nebulosity)
      G: possible globular cluster
      M: possible moving group
      N: "non-existent NGC" (RNGC, Sulentic 1979, CDS Cat. <VII/1>). Some of
         Bica's POCRs (Possible Open Cluster Remnant, 2001, A&A, 366, 827)
         are also "non-existent NGC" objects.
     NF: objects not found in the DSS images inspection (wrong coordinates?)
      O: possible OB association (or detached part of)
     OE: O + E
    OEV: O + E + V
      P: POCR (Possible Open Cluster Remnant); (Bica et al. 2001, A&A, 366, 827)
      R: recovered, i.e. "non-existent NGC" that are well visible
         in the DSS images inspection
      V: clusters with variable extinction (Ahumada et al. 2001, A&A, 377, 845)
     OC: likely cluster (Kronberger M, private communication)
    OC?: possible cluster (Kronberger M, private communication)
     IR: discovered in infra-red but are visible in the DSS images inspection

The angular apparent diameter of the cluster, in arcminutes.

The heliocentric distance of the cluster as obtained from the WEBDA database (, in parsecs.

The color excess or reddening of the cluster, E(B-V), in magnitudes.

The logarithm of the age of the open cluster, in years.

The mean proper motion of the cluster in the RA direction, in milliarcseconds per year (mas/yr).

The standard deviation of the mean proper motion of the cluster in the RA direction, in mas/yr.

The mean proper motion of the cluster in the Declination direction, in milliarcseconds per year (mas/yr).

The standard deviation of the mean proper motion of the cluster in the Declination direction, in mas/yr.

The estimated number of cluster members.

A coded reference for the source of the mean proper motion determination. The key to the references is available at

The cluster heliocentric radial velocity, in km/s.

The uncertainty in the cluster radial velocity, in km/s.

The number of stars used in the determination of the cluster radial velocity.

A coded reference for the source of the cluster radial velocity determination. The key to the references is available at

The cluster metallicity, [Fe/H], relative to the solar value.

The uncertainty in the cluster metallicity.

The number of stars used in the determination of the cluster metallicity.

The Trumpler type determined in the DSS inspection (degree of concentration-range of brightness-richness-nebulosity). See for a brief discussion of this classification scheme.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the OPENCLUST database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:32:34 EDT