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ORIONXRAY - ROSAT Survey of the Orion Nebula



This catalog presents some of the results from 3 deep ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI) observations of the Orion Nebula star-forming region. The fields covered by the X-ray images contain over 1500 catalogued stars in a roughly 0.8 square degree region centered on the Trapezium. In all, 389 distinct X-ray sources were detected, at least two-thirds of which were associated with a single proper-motion cluster member. X-ray emission was detected from stars of all spectral types, from the massive O- and B-type components of the Trapezium to the coolest, low-mass pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars.

In the research paper in which these data were presented (Gagne et al. 1995), the authors focussed primarily on X-ray emission from the late-type PMS stars. Of the ~100 late-type cluster members with measured spectral types, approximately three-fourths were detected; the authors derived X-ray luminosity upper limits for the remaining stars. They found that coronal X-ray emission appeared to turn on at around a spectral type of F6, with the upper envelope of activity increasing with decreasing effective temperature.

The current database is a concatenation of Tables 2 and 3 from Gagne et al. (1995) which list the 389 distinct X-ray sources and their candidate optical counterparts. A detection criterion of 3 sigma was used, i.e., a sigal-to-noise ratio criterion of 3. 324 of the X-ray sources have a single candidate optical counterpart, 50 of the X-ray sources (listed in Table 3 of the original paper) have multiple candidates for the optical counterparts, and the remainder have no optical counterparts. Notice that Table 6 of Gagne et al. (1995) which presents a compilation of optical and X-ray data for a sub-group of the Orion stars for which data on the spectral types and the spectroscopic rotational velocities or the photometric rotational periods are available is not part of this database.

Catalog Bibcode



     Gagne M., Caillault J.-P., Stauffer J.R.
     Astrophys. J. 445, 280 (1995)
     =1995ApJ...445..280G      (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This database was created at the HEASARC in December 1997 based on a computer-readable version of Tables 2 and 3 of Gagne et al. (1995) that was obtained from the CDS (their catalog J/ApJ/445/280).


A designation for the X-ray source that we have constructed in the standard IAU way from the J2000 coordinates and the prefix "RX" that indicates the object is a ROSAT X-ray source.

The Right Ascension of the X-ray source.

The Declination of the X-ray source.

The galactic longitude of the X-ray source.

The galactic latitude of the X-ray source.

A running number used in Table 2 of the original reference that is ordered by increasing RA in J2000 co-ordinates.

The corrected ROSAT HRI count rate in counts/s.

The 1-sigma RMS uncertainty in the HRI count rate in counts/s.

A 'Y' indicates that there are multiple candidate optical counterparts.

The variable star name for the first optical counterpart candidate (minus the constellation name of Orion); thus "V479" means that the counterpart is the variable star V479 Ori(onis).

The Parenago (1954, Trans. Sternberg Astr. Inst., Vol. 25) designation of the first optical counterpart candidate.

The Jones & Walker (1988, AJ, 95, 1755) designation of the first optical counterpart candidate.

Membership Probability

The offset in the direction of right ascension of the first optical counterpart candidate in arcsec.

The offset in the direction of declination of the first optical counterpart candidate in arcsec.

The Parenago (1954, Trans. Sternberg Astr. Inst., Vol. 25) designation of the second optical counterpart candidate.

The Jones & Walker (1988, AJ, 95, 1755) designation of the second optical counterpart candidate.

Membership Probability First Candidate

The offset in the direction of right ascension of the second optical counterpart candidate in arcsec.

The offset in the direction of declination of the second optical counterpart candidate in arcsec.

The Parenago (1954, Trans. Sternberg Astr. Inst., Vol. 25) designation of the third optical counterpart candidate.

The Jones & Walker (1988, AJ, 95, 1755) designation of the third optical counterpart candidate.

Membership Probability Second Candidate

The offset in the direction of right ascension of the third optical counterpart candidate in arcsec.

The offset in the direction of declination of the third optical counterpart candidate in arcsec.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ORIONXRAY database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
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Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:32:36 EDT