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PLANCKGCC - Planck Catalog of Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCC)



The authors present the Planck Catalog of Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCC), an all-sky catalog of Galactic cold clump candidates detected by Planck. This catalog is the full version of the Early Cold Core (ECC) catalog, which was made available in 2011 with the Early Release Compact Source Catalog (ERCSC) and which contained 915 high signal-to-noise sources. It is based on the Planck 48-month mission data that are currently being released to the astronomical community. The PGCC catalog is an observational catalog consisting exclusively of Galactic cold sources. The three highest Planck bands (857, 454, and 353GHz) have been combined with IRAS data at 3THz to perform a multi-frequency detection of sources colder than their local environment. After rejection of possible extragalactic contaminants, the PGCC catalog contains 13188 Galactic sources spread across the whole sky, i.e., from the Galactic plane to high latitudes, following the spatial distribution of the main molecular cloud complexes. The median temperature of PGCC sources lies between 13 and 14.5K, depending on the quality of the flux density measurements, with a temperature ranging from 5.8 to 20K after removing the sources with the top 1% highest temperature estimates. Using seven independent methods, reliable distance estimates have been obtained for 5574 sources, which allows the authors to derive their physical properties such as their mass, physical size, mean density, and luminosity. The PGCC sources are located mainly in the solar neighborhood, but also up to a distance of 10.5kpc in the direction of the Galactic center, and range from low-mass cores to large molecular clouds. Because of this diversity and because the PGCC catalog contains sources in very different environments, the catalog is useful for investigating the evolution from molecular clouds to cores. Finally, it also includes 54 additional sources located in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds.

This catalog is based on three highest Planck frequency channels (i.e., 857, 545, 353 GHz), which are designed to cover the Galactic cold dust emission peak. The 217 GHz band is not included for two reasons: first, the band is contaminated by the CO J=2->1 emission line, which is expected to be significant towards dense regions; second, the contamination by the cosmic microwave background may become problematic at high latitude.

The Planck data are combined with the IRIS all-sky data (Miville-Deschenes & Lagache 2005). The IRIS 3THz (100{mu}m) data were chosen to complement the Planck data because it is a good tracer of Galactic warm (~20 K) dust, among other reasons provided in the paper.

Catalog Bibcode



Planck 2015 results. XXVIII. The Planck Catalogue of Galactic cold clumps.
    Planck collaboration
    Ade P.A.R., Aghanim N., Arnaud M., Ashdown M., Aumont J., Baccigalupi C.,
    Banday A.J., Barreiro R.B., Bartolo N., Battaner E., Benabed K., Benoit A.,
    Benoit-Levy A., Bernard J.-P., Bersanelli M., Bielewicz P., Bonaldi A.,
    Bonavera L., Bond J.R., Borrill J., Bouchet F.R., Boulanger F., Bucher M.,
    Burigana C., Butler R.C., Calabrese E., Catalano A., Chamballu A.,
    Chiang H.C., Christensen P.R., Clements D.L., Colombi S., Colombo L.P.L.,
    Combet C., Couchot F., Coulais A., Crill B.P., Curto A., Cuttaia F.,
    Danese L., Davies R.D., Davis R.J., de Bernardis P., de Rosa A.,
    de Zotti G., Delabrouille J., Desert F.-X., Dickinson C., Diego J.M.,
    Dole H., Donzelli S., Dore O., Douspis M., Ducout A., Dupac X.,
    Efstathiou G., Elsner F., Ensslin T.A., Eriksen H.K., Falgarone E.,
    Fergusson J., Fergusson J., Finelli F., Forni O., Frailis M., Fraisse A.A.,
    Franceschi E., Frejsel A., Galeotta S., Galli S., Ganga K., Giard M.,
    Giraud-Heraud Y., Gjerlow E., Gonzalez-Nuevo J., Gorski K.M., Gratton S.,
    Gregorio A., Gruppuso A., Gudmundsson J.E., Hansen F.K., Hanson D.,
    Harrison D.L., Helou G., Henrot-Versille S., Hernandez-Monteagudo C.,
    Herranz D., Hildebrandt S.R., Hivon E., Hobson M., Holmes W.A.,
    Hornstrup A., Hovest W., Huffenberger K.M., Hurier G., Jaffe A.H.,
    Jaffe T.R., Jones W.C., Juvela M., Keihanen E., Keskitalo R., Kisner T.S.,
    Knoche J., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lagache G., Lamarre J.-M., Lasenby A.,
    Lattanzi M., Lawrence C.R., Leonardi R., Lesgourgues J., Levrier F.,
    Liguori M., Lilje P.B., Linden-Vornle M., Lopez-Caniego M., Lubin P.M.,
    Macias-Perez J.F., Maggio G., Maino D., Mandolesi N., Mangilli A.,
    Marshall D.J., Martin P.G., Martinez-Gonzalez E., Masi S., Matarrese S.,
    Mazzotta P., McGehee P., Melchiorri A., Mendes L., Mennella A.,
    Migliaccio M., Mitra S., Miville-Deschenes M.-A., Moneti A., Montier L.,
    Morgante G., Mortlock D., Moss A., Munshi D., Murphy J.A., Naselsky P.,
    Nati F., Natoli P., Netterfield C.B., Norgaard-Nielsen H.U., Noviello F.,
    Novikov D., Novikov I., Oxborrow C.A., Paci F., Pagano L., Pajot F.,
    Paladini R., Paoletti D., Pasian F., Patanchon G., Pearson T.J.,
    Pelkonen V.-M., Perdereau O., Perotto L., Perrotta F., Pettorino V.,
    Piacentini F., Piat M., Pierpaoli E., Pietrobon D., Plaszczynski S.,
    Pointecouteau E., Polenta G., Pratt G.W., Prezeau G., Prunet S.,
    Puget J.-L., Rachen J.P., Reach W.T., Rebolo R., Reinecke M.,
    Remazeilles M., Renault C., Renzi A., Ristorcelli I., Rocha G., Rosset C.,
    Rossetti M., Roudier G., Rubino-Martin J.A., Rusholme B., Sandri M.,
    Santos D., Savelainen M., Savini G., Scott D., Seiffert M.D.,
    Shellard E.P.S., Spencer L.D., Stolyarov V., Sudiwala R., Sunyaev R.,
    Sutton D., Suur-Uski A.-S., Sygnet J.-F., Tauber J.A., Terenzi L.,
    Toffolatti L., Tomasi M., Tristram M., Tucci M., Tuovinen J., Umana G.,
    Valenziano L., Valiviita J., Van Tent B., Vielva P., Villa F., Wade L.A.,
    Wandelt B.D., Wehus I.K., Yvon D., Zacchei A., Zonca A.
   <Astron. Astrophys. 594, A28 (2016)>
   =2016A&A...594A..28P    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2019 based upon the CDS Catalog J/A+A/594/A28 file pgcc.dat.


The source designation.

The Right Ascension of the GCC source in the selected equinox. The position was based on morphology fitting.

The Declination of the GCC source in the selected equinox. The position was based on morphology fitting.

The Galactic longitude of the GCC source in the selected equinox. The position was based on morphology fitting.

The Galactic latitude of the GCC source in the selected equinox. The position was based on morphology fitting.

The maximum signal-to-noise ratio over 857, 545, 353 GHz Planck cold residual maps. The cold residual maps are built by subtracting a warm component from each frequency map and described in detail in the paper and related Planck Collaboration XXIII (2011) paper. In these maps, cold sources show a positive signal, having a lower temperature than the local background. In some cases, the sources are not cold but are located in a region with warmer backgrounds (or foregrounds), such as along the line-of-sight with an active star forming region.

The signal-to-noise ratio based on the 857 GHz Planck cold residual map. The cold residual map is built by subtracting a warm component from this frequency map and described in detail in the paper and related Planck Collaboration XXIII (2011) paper. In the map, cold sources show a positive signal, having a lower temperature than the local background. In some cases, the sources are not cold but are located in a region with warmer backgrounds (or foregrounds), such as along the line-of-sight with an active star forming region.

The signal-to-noise ratio based on the 545 GHz Planck cold residual map. The cold residual map is built by subtracting a warm component from this frequency map and described in detail in the paper and related Planck Collaboration XXIII (2011) paper. In the map, cold sources show a positive signal, having a lower temperature than the local background. In some cases, the sources are not cold but are located in a region with warmer backgrounds (or foregrounds), such as along the line-of-sight with an active star forming region.

The signal-to-noise ratio based on the 353 GHz Planck cold residual map. The cold residual map is built by subtracting a warm component from this frequency map and described in detail in the paper and related Planck Collaboration XXIII (2011) paper. In the map, cold sources show a positive signal, having a lower temperature than the local background. In some cases, the sources are not cold but are located in a region with warmer backgrounds (or foregrounds), such as along the line-of-sight with an active star forming region.

The major axis based on the FWHM of the elliptical Gaussian fit of the 857 GHz over the 3 THz color ratio map at the location where the snr_857_ghz is the highest .

The 1-sigma uncertainty on major_axis, which is based on the elliptical Gaussian fit of the 857 GHz over the 3 THz color ratio map at the location where the snr_857_ghz is the highest.

The minor axis based on the FWHM of the elliptical Gaussian fit of the 857 GHz over the 3 THz color ratio map at the location where the snr_857_ghz is the highest.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on minor_axis, which is based on the elliptical Gaussian fit of the 857 GHz over the 3 THz color ratio map at the location where the snr_857_ghz is the highest.

The position angle of the elliptical Gaussian, defined as the clockwise angle between the Galactic plane orientation and the orientation of the major axis (converted by the HEASARC to degrees from the radian units used in the original table).

The 1-sigma uncertainty on position_angle (converted by the HEASARC to degrees from the radian units used in the original table).

The flux density of the clump at 3 THz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). This is the flux density measured within the elliptical Gaussian fit (given by major_axis, minor_axis and position_angle).

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 3 THz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table).

The flux density of the clump at 857 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). The flux density is based on the cold residual maps and therefore obtained after subtracting the warm component, using the aperture based on the elliptical Gaussian fit (given by major_axis, minor_axis and position_angle) .

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 857 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). These are based on the FWHM of flux density distributions measured from artificial sources generated with Monte Carlo simulations.

The flux density of the clump at 545 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). The flux density is based on the cold residual maps and therefore obtained after subtracting the warm component, using the aperture based on the elliptical Gaussian fit (given by major_axis, minor_axis and position_angle) .

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 545 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). These are based on the FWHM of flux density distributions measured from artificial sources generated with Monte Carlo simulations.

The flux density of the clump at 353 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). The flux density is based on the cold residual maps and therefore obtained after subtracting the warm component, using the aperture based on the elliptical Gaussian fit (given by major_axis, minor_axis and position_angle).

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the Flux Density of the Clump at 353 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). These are based on the FWHM of flux density distributions measured from artificial sources generated with Monte Carlo simulations.

The flux density of the warm background at 3THz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table), measured using a polynomial fit of the background surface at 3 THz, subtracting any significant component arising from within the elliptical Gaussian aperture for the cold clump.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 3THz.

The flux density of the warm background at 857 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). This background component is extrapolated from the 3 THz map of the warm component and integrated over a solid angle with the same size as the cold clump.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 857 GHz.

The flux density of the warm background at 545 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). This background component is extrapolated from the 3 THz map of the warm component and integrated over a solid angle with the same size as the cold clump.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 545 GHz.

The flux density of the warm background at 353 GHz (converted by the HEASARC to mJy from Jy units in the original table). This background component is extrapolated from the 3 THz map of the warm component and integrated over a solid angle with the same size as the cold clump.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 353 GHz.

This flag indicates the category of the flux density quality, as follows:

    1 = "reliable flux densities" which have S/N > 1 in both Planck (857, 545,
        and 353 GHz) and IRIS 3 THz bands, allowing full characterization of
        their color ratio and their temperature.

    2 = "Missing 3 THz flux density" which have flux densities with S/N in all
        the Planck bands but not the 3THz IRIS band, where only an upper limit
        is available. These are sources with low flux densities and extremely
        cold temperatures with no detectable counterparts in the infrared.

    3 = "Detection only" where the quality of the elliptical Gaussian fit is
        poor and thus no reliable flux density can be obtained. These sources
        are likely extended or embedded in a complex environment.

This Boolean flag indicates a blending issue with the flux density estimate due to the presence of a nearby and partly overlapping source.

The catalog index for the closest source responsible for blending.

The angular distance in arcmin to the closest source responsible for blending.

The relative bias of the flux density at 3 THz due to blending is approximately estimated as the level of contamination due to a nearby source. This bias is only indicative and cannot be used to correct the flux density estimate.

The relative bias of the flux density at 857 GHz due to blending is approximately estimated as the level of contamination due to a nearby source. This bias is only indicative and cannot be used to correct the flux density estimate.

The relative bias of the flux density at 545 GHz due to blending is approximately estimated as the level of contamination due to a nearby source. This bias is only indicative and cannot be used to correct the flux density estimate.

The relative bias of the flux density at 353 GHz due to blending is approximately estimated as the level of contamination due to a nearby source. This bias is only indicative and cannot be used to correct the flux density estimate.

The temperature of the clump in K, allowing the emissivity spectral index to be a free parameter. The temperatures were measured from fitting a modified blackbody to the spectral energy distribution given by the cold source flux densities values for the IRIS 3THz and Planck 857, 545, and 353 GHz channels and assuming that the observed emission is optically thin at frequencies <= 3THz, that the emissivity spectral index is constant within the fitted wavelength range, and that the source is isothermal. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature, spectral_index, and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature is the mean in the MCMC sample distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the clump temperature, in K, where the emissivity spectral index was free. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature, spectral_index, and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_error is the standard deviation in the MCMC sample distribution.

The marginalized lower 68% confidence interval of the clump temperature where the emissivity spectral index was a free parameter, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The marginalized upper 68% confidence interval of the clump temperature where the emissivity spectral index was a free parameter, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The emissivity spectral index of the clump, based on fitting a modified blackbody to the spectral energy distribution given by the IRIS 3THz and Planck 857, 545, and 353 GHz channels and assuming that the observed emission is optically thin at frequencies <= 3THz, that spectral_index is constant within the fitted wavelength range, and that the source is isothermal. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature, spectral_index, and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The spectral_index is the mean in the MCMC sample distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the spectral_index. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature, spectral_index, and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_error is the standard deviation in the MCMC sample distribution.

The marginalized lower 68% confidence interval of the spectral_index, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The marginalized upper 68% confidence interval of the spectral_index, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The temperature of the clump in K, fixing the emissivity spectral index to 2.0. The temperatures were measured from fitting a modified blackbody to the spectral energy distribution given by the IRIS 3THz and Planck 857, 545, and 353 GHz channels and assuming that the observed emission is optically thin at frequencies <= 3THz, that the emissivity spectral index is constant within the fitted wavelength range, and that the source is isothermal. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_alt is the mean in the MCMC sample distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the clump temperature, in K, where the emissivity spectral index was set to 2.0. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_alt_error is the standard deviation in the MCMC sample distribution.

The marginalized lower 68% confidence interval of the clump temperature where the emissivity spectral index was set to 2.0, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The marginalized upper 68% confidence interval of the clump temperature where the emissivity spectral index was set to 2.0, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The temperature of the warm background in K, allowing the emissivity spectral index to be a free parameter. The temperatures were measured from fitting a modified blackbody to the spectral energy distribution given by the warm background flux densities in the IRIS 3THz and Planck 857, 545, and 353 GHz channels and assuming that the observed emission is optically thin at frequencies <= 3THz, that the emissivity spectral index is constant within the fitted wavelength range, and that the source is isothermal. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature, spectral index, and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_alt is the mean in the MCMC sample distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the warm background temperature, in K, where the emissivity spectral index was free. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature, spectral_index, and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_error is the standard deviation in the MCMC sample distribution.

The marginalized lower 68% confidence interval of the warm background temperature where the emissivity spectral index was a free parameter, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The marginalized upper 68% confidence interval of the warm background temperature where the emissivity spectral index was a free parameter, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The emissivity spectral index of the warm background, based on fitting a modified blackbody to the spectral energy distribution given by the warm background flux density values for IRIS 3THz and Planck 857, 545, and 353 GHz channels and assuming that the observed emission is optically thin at frequencies <= 3THz, that spectral_index is constant within the fitted wavelength range, and that the source is isothermal. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature, spectral_index, and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The spectral_index is the mean in the MCMC sample distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the warm background spectral_index_bkg. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature, spectral_index, and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_error is the standard deviation in the MCMC sample distribution.

The marginalized lower 68% confidence interval of the spectral_index_bkg, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The marginalized upper 68% confidence interval of the spectral_index_bkg, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The temperature of the warm background in K, fixing the emissivity spectral index to 2.0. The temperatures were measured from fitting a modified blackbody to the spectral energy distribution given by the warm background flux densities in the IRIS 3THz and Planck 857, 545, and 353 GHz channels and assuming that the observed emission is optically thin at frequencies <= 3THz, that the emissivity spectral index is constant within the fitted wavelength range, and that the source is isothermal. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_alt is the mean in the MCMC sample distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the warm background temperature, in K, where the emissivity spectral index was set to 2.0. The authors use a Bayesian approach to estimating the temperatures, with flat priors for the temperature and amplitude of the blackbody fit. The temperature_alt_error is the standard deviation in the MCMC sample distribution.

The marginalized lower 68% confidence interval of the warm background temperature where the emissivity spectral index was set to 2.0, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The marginalized lower 68% confidence interval of the warm background temperature where the emissivity spectral index was set to 2.0, calculated from the MCMC samples.

The kinematic distance estimate, in kpc. This is obtained by combining the gas observed radial velocity with a Galactic rotation curve, assuming gas circular motion.

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the kinematic distance estimate, in kpc.

The distance in kpc estimated using optical extinction measures from SDSS DR7.

1-sigma uncertainty in The distance in kpc estimated using optical extinction measures from SDSS DR7.

The distance in kpc estimated using optical extinction measures from SDSS DR9.

1-sigma uncertainty in The distance in kpc estimated using optical extinction measures from SDSS DR9.

The distance in kpc estimated using near-Infrared extinction towards infrared dark clouds.

1-sigma uncertainty in the distance in kpc estimated using near-Infrared extinction towards infrared dark clouds.

The distance in kpc estimated using near-Infrared extinction with 2MASS data.

1-sigma uncertainty in the distance in kpc estimated using near-Infrared extinction with 2MASS data.

The distance in kpc estimated using molecular complex association and the quoted distances from the literature.

1-sigma uncertainty on the distance in kpc estimated using molecular complex association and the quoted distances from the literature.

The distance estimated from the Herschel key-program Galactic Cold Cores, with distances taken from the literature.

1-sigma uncertainty on the distance in kpc estimated from the Herschel key-program Galactic Cold Cores.

The flag denoting the best distance estimate that was used in the calculation of other physical properties. The flag N means that the best distance is given by distance_altN.

The quality flag marking the consistency between distance estimates, as denoted by:

    0 = No distance estimate
    1 = Single distance estimate
    2 = Multiple distance estimates which are consistent within 1{sigma}
    3 = Multiple distance estimates which are not consistent within 1{sigma}
    4 = Single upper limits

The best distance estimate in kpc that was used in the calculation of other physical properties. The distance_flag provides the information that links the method to which this distance corresponds.

The 1-sigma uncertainty for the best distance estimate in kpc that was used in the calculation of other physical properties. The distance_flag provides the information that links the method to which this distance corresponds.

The mass estimate of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the mean of the mass distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the mass estimate of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the standard dispersion of the mass distribution.

The lower 68% confidence limit of the mass estimate of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the lower 68% confidence limit of the mass distribution.

The lower 95% confidence limit of the mass estimate of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the lower 95% confidence limit of the mass distribution.

The lower 99% confidence limit of the mass estimate of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the lower 99% confidence limit of the mass distribution.

The upper 68% confidence limit of the mass estimate of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the upper 68% confidence limit of the mass distribution.

The upper 95% confidence limit of the mass estimate of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the upper 95% confidence limit of the mass distribution.

The upper 99% confidence limit of the mass estimate of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the upper 99% confidence limit of the mass distribution.

The physical size of the clump, in pc, based on the geometric mean of the major and minor FWHM: sqrt(major_axis * minor_axis), and converted to a physical size using the best distance, given by the distance parameter in this table. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the mean of the size distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the physical size of the clump, in pc, based on the geometric mean of the major and minor FWHM: sqrt(major_axis * minor_axis), and converted to a physical size using the best distance, given by the distance parameter in this table. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the standard dispersion of the size distribution.

The lower 68% confidence limit of the physical size of the clump, in pc, based on the geometric mean of the major and minor FWHM: sqrt(major_axis * minor_axis), and converted to a physical size using the best distance, given by the distance parameter in this table. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the 68% lower limit of the size distribution.

The lower 95% confidence limit of the physical size of the clump, in pc, based on the geometric mean of the major and minor FWHM: sqrt(major_axis * minor_axis), and converted to a physical size using the best distance, given by the distance parameter in this table. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the 95% lower limit of the size distribution.

The lower 99% confidence limit of the physical size of the clump, in pc, based on the geometric mean of the major and minor FWHM: sqrt(major_axis * minor_axis), and converted to a physical size using the best distance, given by the distance parameter in this table. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the 99% lower limit of the size distribution.

The upper 68% confidence limit of the physical size of the clump, in pc, based on the geometric mean of the major and minor FWHM: sqrt(major_axis * minor_axis), and converted to a physical size using the best distance, given by the distance parameter in this table. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the 68% upper limit of the size distribution.

The upper 95% confidence limit of the physical size of the clump, in pc, based on the geometric mean of the major and minor FWHM: sqrt(major_axis * minor_axis), and converted to a physical size using the best distance, given by the distance parameter in this table. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the 95% upper limit of the size distribution.

The upper 99% confidence limit of the physical size of the clump, in pc, based on the geometric mean of the major and minor FWHM: sqrt(major_axis * minor_axis), and converted to a physical size using the best distance, given by the distance parameter in this table. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the 99% upper limit of the size distribution.

The mean density of the clump, measured from the mass/volume, assuming a sphere with diameter given by the size parameter. The physical parameters, mass and size, are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is based on the mean of the density distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty of the mean density of the clump, measured from the mass/volume, assuming a sphere with diameter given by the size parameter. The physical parameters, mass and size, are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is based on the standard dispersions of the density distribution.

The lower 68% confidence limit of the mean density of the clump, measured from the mass/volume, assuming a sphere with diameter given by the size parameter. The physical parameters, mass and size, are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is based on the lower 68% confidence limits of the density distribution.

The lower 95% confidence limit of the mean density of the clump, measured from the mass/volume, assuming a sphere with diameter given by the size parameter. The physical parameters, mass and size, are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is based on the lower 95% confidence limits of the density distribution.

The lower 99% confidence limit of the mean density of the clump, measured from the mass/volume, assuming a sphere with diameter given by the size parameter. The physical parameters, mass and size, are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is based on the lower 99% confidence limits of the density distribution.

The upper 68% confidence limit of the mean density of the clump, measured from the mass/volume, assuming a sphere with diameter given by the size parameter. The physical parameters, mass and size, are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is based on the upper 68% confidence limits of the density distribution.

The upper 95% confidence limit of the mean density of the clump, measured from the mass/volume, assuming a sphere with diameter given by the size parameter. The physical parameters, mass and size, are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is based on the upper 95% confidence limits of the density distribution.

The upper 99% confidence limit of the mean density of the clump, measured from the mass/volume, assuming a sphere with diameter given by the size parameter. The physical parameters, mass and size, are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is based on the upper 99% confidence limits of the density distribution.

The luminosity of the clump (converted by HEASARC to erg/s units from the original solar luminosity units), based on the integral of the modeled black body function with temperature and emissivity spectral_index and calculated over the 300 GHz - 10THz frequency range. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the mean of the luminosity distribution.

The H2 column density of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the mean of the H2 column density distribution.

The 1-sigma uncertainty on the H2 column density of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value is the standard dispersion of the H2 column density distribution.

The lower 68% confidence limit of the H2 column density of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value corresponds to the lower 68% confidence limit of the H2 column density distribution.

The lower 95% confidence limit of the H2 column density of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value corresponds to the lower 95% confidence limit of the H2 column density distribution.

The lower 99% confidence limit of the H2 column density of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value corresponds to the lower 99% confidence limit of the H2 column density distribution.

The upper 68% confidence limit of the H2 column density of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value corresponds to the upper 68% confidence limit of the H2 column density distribution.

The upper 95% confidence limit of the H2 column density of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value corresponds to the upper 95% confidence limit of the H2 column density distribution.

The upper 99% confidence limit of the H2 column density of the clump. The physical parameters are obtained from 106 Monte Carlo simulations, and this value corresponds to the upper 99% confidence limit of the H2 column density distribution.

The angular distance between the cold clump and the closest hot source, in arcmin. The authors rejected sources with offset_hot_source < 5 arcmin, because the presence of hot sources within this distance can lead to an overestimate of the background temperature, given as temp_bkg in this table, and thus lead to spurious detections.

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the LMC (lmc_flag=1) or not (lmc_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the SMC (smc_flag=1) or not (smc_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Early Cold Cores catalog (ecc_flag=1) or not (eec_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 857 GHz (pccs_857_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_857_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 545 GHz (pccs_545_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_545_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 353 GHz (pccs_353_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_353_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 217 GHz (pccs_217_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_217_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 143 GHz (pccs_143_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_143_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 100 GHz (pccs_100_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_100_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 70 GHz (pccs_70_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_70_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 44 GHz (pccs_44_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_44_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources at 30 GHz (pccs_30_ghz_flag=1) or not (pccs_30_ghz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich sources (psz_flag=1) or not (psz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is located within the Planck internal catalog, the Planck Catalog of High-redshift sources candidates (phz_flag=1) or not (phz_flag=0)

Boolean flag indicating whether the source is further investigated int eh Herschel open time key program Galactic Cold Cores (hkpgcc_flag=1) or not (hkpgcc_flag=0)

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Questions regarding the PLANCKGCC database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:33:01 EDT