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PLNEBULAE - Galactic Planetary Nebulae Catalog



This is the 1992 Version of the Strasbourg-ESO Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker et al.1992). It includes 1143 true and probable planetary nebulae (from Table 1 of the publication) and 347 objects whose status was still unclear and were thus classified among the "possible" planetary nebulae (from Table 2 of the publication); it does not include 330 objects once considered as possible planetary nebulae but which the authors have since rejected (listed in Table 3 of the publication).

The designation system for the planetary nebulae listed in this catalog follows the recommendations of IAU Commission 5 (Astronomical Nomenclature) with the structure: "PN Glll.l+bb.b", where PN means "Planetary Nebula", G stands for "Galactic Coordinates", and lll.l+bb.b are the galactic longitude and latitude respectively, truncated to one decimal place.

Copies of the complete catalog, including the Finding Charts (Part I) can be ordered from the ESO Information Service, Karl-Schwarzschildstr. 2, D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen, Germany.

Catalog Bibcode



Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae
     Acker A., Ochsenbein F., Stenholm B., Tylenda R., Marcout J., Schohn C.
    <European Southern Observatory -- ISBN 3-923524-41-2 (1992)>
    =1992ESOPN...1....1A                (SIMBAD/NED Reference)


This database was created by the HEASARC in May 2001 based on CDS Catalog V/84, tables main.dat, diam.dat, dist.dat, dista.dat, hbeta.dat, iras.dat, nir.dat, radio.dat, vel.dat, cstar.dat, and pospn.dat.


The HEASARC has listed only up to 4 distances and up to 4 statistical distances for the planetary nebulae in the online version of this catalog. For a small number of planetary nebulae in the original electronic version of this catalog, more than 4 distances and/or statistical distances were given, so that users interested in all the possible distance estimates should consult either the printed catalog or the files and Similarly, the HEASARC has listed only up to 4 alternate names for the planetary nebulae in the online version of this atalog. For a small number of planetary nebulae in the original electronic version of this catalog, more than 4 alternate names may have been given.

A number of parameters in the original electronic version of this catalog had possible values of "*", "* ?", or "**" which the HEASARC has changed to alphabetic values in the current online version of this catalog: for the position_quality parameter, the value of "*" was changed to "ad", for the flag_exp_velocity_1, flag_exp_velocity_2, and pk67 parameters, the value of "*" was changed to "N", for the poss_pn_class parameter, the value of "* ?" was changed to "FC", and for the poss_pn_class parameter, the value of "**" was changed to "UC".

Two entries in the CDS table used (in part) to populate this database had the identical names of "Wray 17-11". The HEASARC has changed the name of the possible planetary nebula at the J2000 RA and Declination of 9 59.7, -53 28 to "Wray 17-38", based on the SIMBAD database information for this position.


The designation of the planetary nebula, if it is considered certain or probable. The designation system for the planetary nebulae follows the recommendations of IAU Commission 5 (Astronomical Nomenclature) with the structure: "PN Glll.l+bb.b", where PN means "Planetary Nebula", G stands for "Galactic Coordinates", and lll.l+bb.b are the galactic longitude and latitude respectively, truncated to one decimal place. Possible planetary nebulae (entries from the original table have not been given such a designation, notice.

The Right Ascension of the planetary nebula, in the specified equinox. In the original CDS electronic version of the catalog, this information was given in 1950 equatorial coordinates for the certain and probable planetary nebulae listed in but in 2000 equatorial coordinates for the possible planetary nebulae listed in The accuracy of the positions of the certain and probable planetary nebulae is specified by the position_quality parameter. The positions of the possible planetary nebulae were given to a precision of 0.1 minutes of time for the RA.

The Declination of the planetary nebula, in the specified equinox. In the original CDS electronic version of the catalog, this information was given in 1950 equatorial coordinates for the certain and probable planetary nebulae listed in but in 2000 equatorial coordinates for the possible planetary nebulae listed in The accuracy of the positions of the certain and probable planetary nebulae is specified by the position_quality parameter. The positions of the possible planetary nebulae were given to a precision of 1 arcminute for the Declination.

The Galactic Longitude of the planetary nebula.

The Galactic Latitude of the planetary nebula.

The accuracy of the position for the certain and probable planetary nebulae, according to the following scheme:

        "a"  if RA originally only given to 0.1 minutes of time,
        "d"  if Dec originally only given to 0.1 arcminutes or worse
        "ad" if both 'a' and 'd' apply
        " "  if RA accurate to at least 1 second of time, and Dec to at least
             1 arcsecond (HEASARC assumption)

A code for the reference from which the positional information was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A common name for the planetary nebula or possible planetary nebula.

The designation of the object in the Perek and Kohoutek (1967, Acad. Publ. House of the Czech Acad. Sci., pp. 1 - 276 = PK67) Catalog, or (if pk67 = "N") a subsequent PK designation.

The position-based designation of the planetary nebula in the IRAS Point Source Catalog (the HEASARC IRASPSC database).

The name of the discoverer of the planetary nebula and the publication year.

An alternative name under which the planetary nebula is known.

A second alternative name under which the planetary nebula is known.

A third alternative name under which the planetary nebula is known.

A fourth alternative name under which the planetary nebula is known.

A flag for the optical diameter that is set to "<" if the value is an upper limit.

The optical diameter of the planetary nebula, in arcseconds.

A flag for the optical diameter that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the optical diameter was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A flag for the radio diameter that is set to "<" if the value is an upper limit, or to ">" if the value is a lower limit.

The radio diameter of the planetary nebula, in arcseconds.

A flag for the radio diameter that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the radio diameter was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A code for the method used for the first quoted distance determination (distance_1) according to the following rubric:

       'C'  from cluster membership
       'D'  from dust
       'E'  from local extinction study
       'K'  from kinematical studies
       'M'  mean value from a compilation of individual distances
       'S'  from spectroscopic parallax of binary companions
       'W'  from wind
       'X'  from a comparison of tangential and radial expansions

A lower limit to the first quoted distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc), given only when the parameter limit_distance_1 is set to "-".

A flag for the first quoted distance to the planetary nebula that is set to "<" when the quoted value of distance_1 is an upper limit, to ">" when the quoted value of distance_1 is a lower limit, and to "-" when the quoted value of lower_distance_1 is a lower limit and the quoted value of distance_1 is an upper limit.

The first quoted distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc). When the parameter limit_distance_1 has a value of "-", the quoted value of lower_distance_1 is a lower limit and the quoted value of distance_1 is an upper limit.

A flag for the first quoted distance that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the quoted distance was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A code for the method used for the second quoted distance determination (distance_2) according to the following rubric:

       'C'  from cluster membership
       'D'  from dust
       'E'  from local extinction study
       'K'  from kinematical studies
       'M'  mean value from a compilation of individual distances
       'S'  from spectroscopic parallax of binary companions
       'W'  from wind
       'X'  from a comparison of tangential and radial expansions

A lower limit to the second quoted distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc), given only when the parameter limit_distance_2 is set to "-".

A flag for the second quoted distance to the planetary nebula that is set to "<" when the quoted value of distance_2 is an upper limit, to ">" when the quoted value of distance_2 is a lower limit, and to "-" when the quoted value of lower_distance_2 is a lower limit and the quoted value of distance_2 is an upper limit.

The second quoted distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc). When the parameter limit_distance_2 has a value of "-", the quoted value of lower_distance_2 is a lower limit and the quoted value of distance_2 is an upper limit.

A flag for the second quoted distance that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the quoted distance was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A code for the method used for the third quoted distance determination (distance_3) according to the following rubric:

       'C'  from cluster membership
       'D'  from dust
       'E'  from local extinction study
       'K'  from kinematical studies
       'M'  mean value from a compilation of individual distances
       'S'  from spectroscopic parallax of binary companions
       'W'  from wind
       'X'  from a comparison of tangential and radial expansions

A lower limit to the third quoted distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc), given only when the parameter limit_distance_3 is set to "-".

A flag for the third quoted distance to the planetary nebula that is set to "<" when the quoted value of distance_3 is an upper limit, to ">" when the quoted value of distance_3 is a lower limit, and to "-" when the quoted value of lower_distance_3 is a lower limit and the quoted value of distance_3 is an upper limit.

The third quoted distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc). When the parameter limit_distance_3 has a value of "-", the quoted value of lower_distance_3 is a lower limit and the quoted value of distance_3 is an upper limit.

A flag for the third quoted distance that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the quoted distance was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A code for the method used for the fourth quoted distance determination (distance_4) according to the following rubric:

       'C'  from cluster membership
       'D'  from dust
       'E'  from local extinction study
       'K'  from kinematical studies
       'M'  mean value from a compilation of individual distances
       'S'  from spectroscopic parallax of binary companions
       'W'  from wind
       'X'  from a comparison of tangential and radial expansions

A lower limit to the fourth quoted distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc), given only when the parameter limit_distance_4 is set to "-".

A flag for the fourth quoted distance to the planetary nebula that is set to "<" when the quoted value of distance_4 is an upper limit, to ">" when the quoted value of distance_4 is a lower limit, and to "-" when the quoted value of lower_distance_4 is a lower limit and the quoted value of distance_4 is an upper limit.

The fourth quoted distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc). When the parameter limit_distance_4 has a value of "-", the quoted value of lower_distance_4 is a lower limit and the quoted value of distance_4 is an upper limit.

A flag for the fourth quoted distance that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the quoted distance was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A lower limit to the first quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc), given only when the parameter limit_statdist_1 is set to "-".

A flag for the first quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula that is set to "<" when the quoted value of statdist_1 is an upper limit, to ">" when the quoted value of statdist_1 is a lower limit, and to "-" when the quoted value of lower_statdist_1 is a lower limit and the quoted value of statdist_1 is an upper limit.

The first quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc). When the parameter limit_statdist_1 has a value of "-", the quoted value of lower_statdist_1 is a lower limit and the quoted value of statdist_1 is an upper limit.

A flag for the first quoted statistical distance that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the first quoted statistical distance was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A lower limit to the second quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc), given only when the parameter limit_statdist_2 is set to "-".

A flag for the second quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula that is set to "<" when the quoted value of statdist_2 is an upper limit, to ">" when the quoted value of statdist_2 is a lower limit, and to "-" when the quoted value of lower_statdist_2 is a lower limit and the quoted value of statdist_2 is an upper limit.

The second quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc). When the parameter limit_statdist_2 has a value of "-", the quoted value of lower_statdist_2 is a lower limit and the quoted value of statdist_2 is an upper limit.

A flag for the second quoted statistical distance that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the second quoted statistical distance was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A lower limit to the third quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc), given only when the parameter limit_statdist_3 is set to "-".

A flag for the third quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula that is set to "<" when the quoted value of statdist_3 is an upper limit, to ">" when the quoted value of statdist_3 is a lower limit, and to "-" when the quoted value of lower_statdist_3 is a lower limit and the quoted value of statdist_3 is an upper limit.

The third quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc). When the parameter limit_statdist_3 has a value of "-", the quoted value of lower_statdist_3 is a lower limit and the quoted value of statdist_3 is an upper limit.

A flag for the third quoted statistical distance that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the third quoted statistical distance was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A lower limit to the fourth quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc), given only when the parameter limit_statdist_4 is set to "-".

A flag for the fourth quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula that is set to "<" when the quoted value of statdist_4 is an upper limit, to ">" when the quoted value of statdist_4 is a lower limit, and to "-" when the quoted value of lower_statdist_4 is a lower limit and the quoted value of statdist_4 is an upper limit.

The fourth quoted statistical distance to the planetary nebula, in kiloparsecs (kpc). When the parameter limit_statdist_4 has a value of "-", the quoted value of lower_statdist_4 is a lower limit and the quoted value of statdist_4 is an upper limit.

A flag for the fourth quoted statistical distance that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the fourth quoted statistical distance was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

The log (base 10) of the flux in the H-beta line of the planetary nebula, in mW/m2 (erg/s/cm2).

The mean error in the value of the flux in the H-beta line of the planetary nebula, in mW/m2 (erg/s/cm2).

Codes for the references from which the H-beta flux information was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

The Right Ascension (Equinox 1950.0, Epoch 1983.5) of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula.

The Declination (Equinox 1950.0, Epoch 1983.5) of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula.

The major axis of the uncertainty ellipse of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula, in arcseconds.

The minor axis of the uncertainty ellipse of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula, in arcseconds.

The position angle of the uncertainty ellipse of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula, in degrees.

The number of times IRAS observed the planetary nebula.

The average (non-color-corrected) flux density at 12 micron (µm), in Janskies (Jy), of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula.

The average (non-color-corrected) flux density at 25 micron (µm), in Janskies (Jy), of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula.

The average (non-color-corrected) flux density at 60 micron (µm), in Janskies (Jy), of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula.

The average (non-color-corrected) flux density at 100 micron (µm), in Janskies (Jy), of the IRAS source associated with the planetary nebula.

A code describing the quality of the IRAS 12um flux density measurement, according to the following rubric:

        1 = upper limit
        2 = moderate quality
        3 = high quality

A code describing the quality of the IRAS 25um flux density measurement, according to the following rubric:

        1 = upper limit
        2 = moderate quality
        3 = high quality

A code describing the quality of the IRAS 60um flux density measurement, according to the following rubric:

        1 = upper limit
        2 = moderate quality
        3 = high quality

A code describing the quality of the IRAS 100um flux density measurement, according to the following rubric:

        1 = upper limit
        2 = moderate quality
        3 = high quality

The magnitude of the planetary nebula in the J Filter (1.25um).

A flag for the H-magnitude of the planetary nebula that is set to ">" when the quoted value of hmag is an upper limit in brightness (lower limit in numerical magnitude).

The magnitude of the planetary nebula in the H Filter (1.65um).

A flag for the K-magnitude of the planetary nebula that is set to ">" when the quoted value of kmag is an upper limit in brightness (lower limit in numerical magnitude).

The magnitude of the planetary nebula in the K Filter (2.22um).

A flag for the L-magnitude of the planetary nebula that is set to ">" when the quoted value of lmag is an upper limit in brightness (lower limit in numerical magnitude).

The magnitude of the planetary nebula in the L or L-Prime (L') Filter (3.5 or 3.8um, respectively).

A flag that is set to ' if the quoted value of lmag is in the L-Prime (L') Filter (3.8um) rather than the L Filter (3.5um).

The class of the planetary nebula based on its near-IR spectral properties, and indicating the major source of its near-IR emission, as follows:

      N: from the nebular gas
      D: from the dust
      S: from a star, either the exciting star or a companion
      P: Possibly proto-planetary nebula

Codes for the references from which the JHKL photometric information was taken. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

Codes for the references from which the near-IR spectral classification information was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A flag for the radio flux density at 2 cm that is set to "<" if the value is an upper limit, or to ">" if the value is a lower limit.

The radio flux density of the planetary nebula at 2 cm (14.7GHz).

A code for the reference from which the 2-cm radio flux information was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A flag for the radio flux density at 6 cm that is set to "<" if the value is an upper limit, or to ">" if the value is a lower limit.

The radio flux density of the planetary nebula at 6 cm (5GHz).

A flag for the radio flux density at 6 cm that is set to ":" if the value is uncertain.

A code for the reference from which the 6-cm radio flux information was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

The radial velocity of the planetary nebula, in km/s.

The mean error in the radial velocity of the planetary nebula, in km/s.

A code for the reference from which the radial velocity information was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

A flag for the first quoted expansion velocity that is set to "<" if the value is an upper limit, or to ">" if the value is a lower limit.

The expansion velocity of the planetary nebula, in km/s, usually derived from the [OIII] emission lines, unless the value of flag_exp_velocity_1 is "N", in which case it is derived from line(s) of another ion.

This is a flag that is set to "N" if the value of exp_velocity_1 is not based on [OIII] but derived from line(s) of another ion.

A code for the reference from which the first quoted expansion velocity was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

This is a second flag for the first expansion velocity which is set to "+" when an expansion velocity derived from other ions is given in the reference cited in the ref_exp_velocity_1 parameter, or to "-" when no value was given in the reference.

A flag for the second quoted expansion velocity that is set to "<" if the value is an upper limit, or to ">" if the value is a lower limit.

The expansion velocity of the planetary nebula, in km/s, usually derived from the [NII] emission lines, unless the value of flag_exp_velocity_2 is "N", in which case it is derived from line(s) of another ion.

This is a flag that is set to "N" if the value of exp_velocity_2 is not based on [NII] but derived from line(s) of another ion.

A code for the reference from which the second quoted expansion velocity was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

This is a second flag for the second expansion velocity which is set to "+" when an expansion velocity derived from other ions is given in the reference cited in the ref_exp_velocity_2 parameter, or to "-" when no value was given in the reference.

The number of the object in the Catalog of the Central Stars of True and Possible Planetary Nebulae (Acker et al., Publ. Speciale CDS 3, 1982: AG82).

The magnitude of the central star of the planetary nebula in the Johnson U Filter.

A flag for the B-magnitude of central star of the planetary nebula that is set to ">" when the quoted value of bmag_cstar is an upper limit in brightness (lower limit in numerical magnitude).

The magnitude of the central star of the planetary nebula in the Johnson B Filter.

A flag for the V-magnitude of central star of the planetary nebula that is set to ">" when the quoted value of vmag_cstar is an upper limit in brightness (lower limit in numerical magnitude).

The magnitude of the central star of the planetary nebula in the Johnson V Filter.

A quality flag for the optical photometric data on the central star of the planetary nebula according to the rubric:

       A:            mean error < 0.10 mag
       B: 0.10 mag < mean error < 0.25 mag
       C: 0.25 mag < mean error < 0.5 mag
       D: 0.5 mag  < mean error
       P: derived from photographs; mean error about 1 mag.

Codes for the references from which the central star optical photometry was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

Some brief remarks about the central star, e.g., whether it may be a field star, or its spectral type and/or binary status.

The spectral type of the central star of the planetary nebulae according to the reference cited in ref_spect_type_1.

A code for the reference from which the first quoted spectral type was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

The spectral type of the central star of the planetary nebulae according to the reference cited in ref_spect_type_2.

A code for the reference from which the second quoted spectral type was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

The spectral type of the central star of the planetary nebulae according to the reference cited in ref_spect_type_3.

A code for the reference from which the third quoted spectral type was obtained. A key to all the reference codes can be found in the file:

Various designations for the central star (separated by semi-colons).

A flag that is set to 'N' if the object was not published in the PK67 reference, but was subsequently given a PK designation.

For the possible planetary nebulae included herein, this is a broad description of the classification of the object as follows:

        U =  no spectrum could be detected
        H = faint object highly reddened showing a weak H-alpha emission
        H2? = faint object showing IRAS colours typical of a HII region
        FC = object with a faint continuum
        UC = object of unclear status with a well known emission line spectrum
        PN = possibly high or normal excitation planetary nebula
       PPN = proto-planetary nebula
        LE = low-excitation nebula

The HEASARC Browse object classification (all objects in this database have been given the same class, viz. planetary nebula).

Contact Person

Questions regarding the PLNEBULAE database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:33:05 EDT