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RASSGB - RASS/Green Bank Catalog



5-GHz high-resolution VLA observations of 2,127 radio and X-ray emitting sources found in both the Green Bank (GB) 5-GHz radio catalog and the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) are presented. This is referred to as the RASS/Green Bank sample: the HEASARC has abbreviated this to RASSGB to conform with the naming convention that we have used for other RASS catalogs (notice the catalog authors use the rather shorter acronym of RGB. Core flux densities and positions accurate to +/- 0.5" are reported, as well as the GB measurements of the total radio emission, for each source. Because of the radio and X-ray selection criteria adopted, this catalog is believed to almost exclusively contain radio- and X-ray-loud active galaxies. These data are used in the paper by Laurent-Muehleisen et al. (1997) that contains the published version of this catalog to derive the core-to-lobe ratio of objects in this sample, and to discuss their core-dominance relative to samples of radio galaxies and BL Lac objects: the authors conclude that this sample is approximately an order of magnitude more core-dominated than the radio galaxy sample, but is more than an order of magnitude less core-dominated than highly-beamed BL Lac objects.

The published version of this catalog comprised two main tables, Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 gave the 5-GHz high resolution radio source properties for the 1861 ROSAT/Green Bank sources for which subarcsecond positions and core radio flux densities had been obtained, while Table 3 gave the 5-GHz radio source properties for the 436 ROSAT/Green Bank sources for which only low resolution data were obtained. A table of the 83 ROSAT/Green Bank sources for which no radio source greater than 5 sigma was observed in the follow-up VLA observations (Table 4 in the paper) is not included in the present HEASARC RASSGB Catalog but is available in data archive at

Catalog Bibcode



Radio-loud active galaxies in the northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey.
I. Radio identifications
     Laurent-Muehleisen S.A., Kollgaard R.I., Ryan P.J., Feigelson E.D.,
     Brinkmann W., Siebert J.
    <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 122, 235 (1997)>


This HEASARC version of the ROSAT/Green Bank Catalog was created in November 1998 based on the ADC/CDS Catalog <J/A+AS/122/235> (Tables 2 and 3).

Warnings and Caveats

After submission of their published paper, the authors discovered a possible systematic position error in a very small subset of the sources. In particular, the following sources: RGB J0131+005, RGB J0139+178, RGB J0143+129, RGB J0157+235A, RGB J0232+202, RGB J0233+024A, RGB J0243+171, RGB J0256+035, RGB J0303+059, RGB J0308+104, RGB J0312+243A, RGB J0312+242C, and RGB J0314+063, were all observed in the "C" epoch VLA runs and show large systematic offsets with respect to sources found in the NVSS survey. The authors of the paper re-examined the VLA data for these sources and found that the positions reported in the tables are accurate given their data, but that the noise in these fields before any CLEANing is abnormally high. (Dr. Alastair Edge was thanked for pointing out this discrepancy).


The name of the source in the RASS/Green Bank Catalog. Notice that this is the designation recommended by the `Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects'. Letter suffixes 'A', 'B', 'C', etc., are used to denote multiple radio sources found in a particular field.

The right ascension of the radio source in the selected equinox. The data in the published catalog were given at the J2000 equinox, notice, and this equinox should be selected if the user desires the highest positional accuracy in the HEASARC database version. Sources for which high-resolution radio data are available (ie., objects in Table 2 of the paper, designated by resolution = 'HIGH' in this database) had RAs that were given to the hundredth (second decimal place) in the unit of seconds of time, while sources for which only low-resolution radio data are available (ie., objects in Table 3 of the paper, designated by resolution = 'LOW' in this database) had RAs that were given to the tenth (first decimal place) in the unit of seconds of time.

The declination of the radio source in the selected equinox. The data in the published catalog were given at the J2000 equinox, notice, and this equinox should be selected if the user desires the highest positional accuracy in the HEASARC database version. Sources for which high-resolution radio data are available (ie., objects in Table 2 of the paper, designated by resolution = 'HIGH' in this database) had declinations that were given to the tenth (first decimal place) in the unit of arcseconds, while sources for which only low-resolution radio data are available (ie., objects in Table 3 of the paper, designated by resolution = 'LOW' in this database) had declinations were given to the nearest arcsecond.

The galactic longitude of the radio source.

The galactic latitude of the radio source.

A code for the epoch of the VLA observation (Table 1 in published paper) as follows:

       Observing Date      Code  Config  Tobs   Beam

    Oct     19     1992      A      A     1.0    0.4
    May      7     1994      B     AnB    0.8    1.3
    Sept    15     1994      C     BnC    3.2    4.0
    Sept    28     1995      D     AnB    4.2    1.2
    Oct      3     1992      E      D     1.0   29.

   Config: VLA Configuration.
   Tobs: Average Observation time per field in minutes.
   Beam: Typical synthesized beam size in arcseconds.

The signal to noise (S/N) ratio of the detected radio source.

The corrected 5-GHz core VLA flux density in milliJanskies (mJy) calculated from the observed flux density according to equations (1) to (3) of Laurent-Muehleisen et al. (1997, A&AS, 122, 235).

The total 5-GHz Green Bank flux density in milliJanskies (mJy) taken from the Greenbank 5-GHz Radio Survey (Gregory et al. 1996, ApJS, 103, 427), or from the reanalysis of the Green Bank Survey images.

The error in the total Green Bank flux density, in milliJanskies, if the source appeared in Gregory et al. 1996, ApJS, 103, 427.

A note concerning specific sources according to the following categories:

  Note (1): 1: Position more than 3 sigma from the GB position
            2: Total flux from possibly spurious source
            3: Image 1 of probable bandwidth smeared image
            4: Image 2 of probable bandwidth smeared image
            5: Core radio flux from Baum & Heckman (1989ApJ...336..702B)
            6: Core radio flux from Browne & Murphy (1987MNRAS.226..601B)
            7: Core radio flux from Feigelson et al. (1984AJ.....89.1464F)
            8: Core radio flux from Ghisellini et al. (1993ApJ...407...65G)
            9: Core radio flux from Gower & Hutchings (1984AJ.....89.1658G)
           10: Core radio flux from Hintzen et al. (1983AJ.....88..709H)
           11: Core radio flux from Hutchings et al. (1988ApJ...329..122H)
           12: Core radio flux from Kollgaard et al. (1992AJ....104.1687K)
           13: Core radio flux from Lawson et al. (1992MNRAS.259..743L)
           14: Core radio flux from Miller et al. (1993) <J/MNRAS/263/425>
           15: Core radio flux from Murphy et al. (1993MNRAS.264.298M)
           16: Core radio flux from O'Dea & Owen (1985AJ.....90..927O)
           17: Core radio flux from Perley (1982AJ.....87..859P)
           18: Core radio flux from Ulvestad & Wilson (1984ApJ...278..544U)
           19: Core radio flux from VLA Calibrator List
           20: Core radio flux from Wrobel & Heeschen (1984ApJ...287...41W)
           21: Total flux from possibly diffuse source
            A: A RASS counterpart exists for each of these sources (1434+426A/B)
            B: (0005+161) Core radio flux Miller et al., 1993 <J/MNRAS/263/425>
            C: (0113+299) Core radio flux from Burns et al. (1984ApJ...283..515B)
            D: (1719+480) Core radio flux from Kellerman et al.
            E: (0418+380) Core radio flux from Linfield et al.
            F: (0152+338) Core radio flux from Punsly (1995AJ...109.1555P)
            G: (1746+349) Total flux from extended source

A HEASARC-created parameter that is set to `High' for sources taken from Table 2 of the published catalog and to `Low' for sources taken from table 3. Thus, sources for which high (sub-arcsecond) spatial resolution radio data are available are designated by resolution = 'HIGH', while sources for which only low spatial resolution radio data are available are designated by resolution = 'LOW'.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the RASSGB database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:33:28 EDT