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RASSMASTER - ROSAT All-Sky Survey Archival Data



This database table contains the list German ROSAT All-Sky Survey observations which were obtained during the ROSAT All-Sky Survey phase (1990 July 30 to 1991 Jan 25) and which have become available to the public. These data were obtained in scanning mode and therefore an individual dataset covers a much larger area of the sky than do pointed moded observations. In addition all these data were obtained with PSPC-C, while all pointed mode observations after the end of the All-Sky Survey were obtained with PSPC-B.

For each observation listed in this database table, the instrument used, processing site, and coordinates of the field center are given, as well as the ROSAT observation request number (ROR), actual exposure time, date the observation took place, and more.

For details about the ROSAT instruments, consult the ROSAT Mission Description (NASA Research Announcement for ROSAT, Appendix F and its addendum) and the ROSAT GSFC GOF website at for more information. For more information about the ROSAT All Sky Survey, see the ROSAT All Sky Survey page at


This database table was created at the HEASARC in March 2002, based on information provided by Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik at

Data Products

ROSAT Data Products Sets and Descriptions:
CONTENTS        List of files archived with a given observation
BASIC           Events and good times in FITS format
DERIVED         Images and derived products in FITS format
CALIBRATION     Calibration-related products in FITS format
ANCILLARY       Orbit and housekeeping data in FITS format
ASCII           Text output
POSTSCRIPT      PostScript images and plots wrapped in FITS format for
GIF IMAGES      Images in GIF format

ROSAT All Sky Survey data are archived in FITS as REV2 datasets in the ROSAT Rationalized Data File (RDF) format.

Data Type Description for PSPC RDF Data (Rev2, both MPE and GSFC processings):

CONTENTS     public contents file    rs923456n00.public_contents  ASCII
BASIC        photon list             rs923456n00_bas.fits         FITS
             uncorrected events      rs923456n00_raw.fits         FITS
DERIVED      qualified source        rs923456n00_qsrc.fits        FITS
             broad-band image        rs923456n00_im1.fits         FITS
             hard-band image         rs923456n00_im2.fits         FITS
             soft-band image         rs923456n00_im3.fits         FITS
             broad-band bkg image    rs923456n00_bk1.fits         FITS
             hard-band bkg image     rs923456n00_bk2.fits         FITS
             soft-band bkg image     rs923456n00_bk3.fits         FITS
             energy-coded image      rs923456n00_ime.fits         FITS
             exposure map            rs923456n00_mex.fits         FITS
             lightcurve file         rs923456n00_ltc.fits         FITS
ANCILLARY    orbit,pointing info     rs923456n00_anc.fits         FITS
             processing history info rs923456n00_his.fits         FITS
POSTSCRIPT   FITS-wrapped PostScript rs923456n00_prt.fits         FITS
GIF          broad-band image        rs923456n00_im1.gif          GIF
             hard-band image         rs923456n00_im2.gif          GIF
             soft-band image         rs923456n00_im3.gif          GIF
             energy-coded image      rs923456n00_ime.gif          GIF


The sequence identification number (e.g. RS123456N00), where the prefix is 'RS' for a PSPC All-Sky Survey scanning mode observation. The next 6 characters are the ROSAT observation request sequence number or ROR, while the following 3 characters after the ROR number are the follow-on suffix. A complete pointing at a given ROSAT target comprises all the datasets having the same prefix and ROR numbers.

The instrument used for the observation (PSPC, HRI).

Flag to indicate whether a filter was used.

The site where this data set was processed (GSFC, MPE).

The exposure of the pointing, in seconds. This entry represents the maximum amount of exposure time obtained as measured in the merged exposure map (the file ending in _mex.fits).

FITS file format version.

The right ascension of the target.

The declination of the target.

The galactic longitude of the target, calculated from the right ascension and declination.

The galactic latitude of the target, calculated from the right ascension and declination.

Date Observation Began

Date Observation Ended

The date that the data were distributed to the archive.

The date that the data were made public.

The ROSAT observation request (ROR) sequence number.

Index Identification

The revision number of the processing system used to generate the data products.

The generic title of the pointing.

Data Set Identification Number

Contact Person

Questions regarding the RASSMASTER database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:33:30 EDT