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SWIFT2SXPS - Second Swift-XRT Point Source Catalog (2SXPS)



This table contains the second Swift X-ray Point Source (2SXPS) catalog of detections by the Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT) used in Photon Counting (PC) mode in the 0.3-10 keV energy range.

Swift is a NASA mission with international participation dedicated to the gamma-ray burst study. It carries three instruments. The BAT is the large field-of-view instrument and operates in the 10-300 keV energy band; and two narrow field instruments, XRT and UVOT, that operate in the X-ray and UV/optical regime, respectively.

The overall 2SXPS catalog characteristics are as follows:

Data included              2005 Jan 01 - 2018 August 01
Sky coverage               3,790 square degrees
Typical Sensitivity        (0.3-10 keV) 2x10-13 erg cm-2 s-1 (observations)
                           4x10-14 erg cm-2 s-1 (stacked images)
Typical position error     5.6" (90% confidence radius, including systematics)
Detections                 1,091,058
Unique sources             206,335
Variable sources           82,324
Uncatalogued sources       78,100
False positive rate        Flag=Good    0.3%
                           Flag=Good/Reasonable 1%
                           Flag=Good/Reasonable/Poor    <10%

This catalog enhances the 1SXPS catalogue (Evans, P. A., et al. 2014, ApJS, 210, 8) in different ways. The 2SXPS catalog uses an improved Point Spread Function (PSF) and pile-up models, a better source detection pipeline that includes a technique to model the effects of stray light, and tests to automatically avoid diffuse emission and ~six years more data. The results are that the 2SXPS catalog contains 50% more temporal coverage than 1SXPS, a sky coverage of 3790 square deg almost double compare to the 1SXPS (1905 square Degree) and ~30% more sources compared to the 1SXPS.

The Swift XRT observations were filtered to remove times when: a) data were contaminated by scattered light from the daylight side of the Earth; b) the on-board astrometry derived from the images obtained by the Swift UV/Optical telescope was unreliable; and c) observations with less than 100s of PC mode. The 127519 observations included in the catalog provide a total usable exposure is 266.5 Ms. A Swift observation is a collection of snapshots and the source detection algorithm was run on individual observation as well as on stacked images. The latter were generated on a grid of 2,300x2,300 pixels (~ 90'x90') to ensure that every overlap between observations is in at least one stacked image. A total of 14628 stacked images were generated.

Each record corresponds to a unique source which characteristics are described with 230 parameters. The catalog reports for each source rates in four energy band (0.3-10.keV, 0.3-1. keV, 1-2 keV and 3-10 keV), background rates, variability for each energy band, two hardness ratio, peak rate and several spectral parameters. The hardness ratios are defined as follows:

HR1 = (M-S)/(M+S) where M and S are the medium (1-2 keV) and soft (0.3-1 keV) band count rates
HR2 = (H-M)/(H+M) where H and M are the hard (2-10 keV) and medium (1-2 keV) band count rates
and they are calculated using all observations.

The peak rate is determined using three different timescale: the count rate considering all the observations (see parameters rates in this database), the count rate in each observation (not reported in this database) and the count rate in each snapshot (not reported in this database). The peak rate is the rate +/- error from the timescale which has the highest 1-sigma lower-limit on the count rate.

Spectral parameters and source flux are estimated using three different methods for two spectral models, a power-law and APEC (see Smith et al., 2001, ApJL, 556, L91). Not all sources have values for all three methods. The parameters starting with "fix" are defined for every source and uses fixed spectral model parameters: a photon index of 1.7 for a power-law model, a temperature of kT=1keV for the APEC model and for both models uses the Galactic absorption listed in the parameter "nh". The parameters starting "intr" have been inferred from the hardness ratio. Look-up tables containing (HR1, HR2, NH, photon index) and (HR1, HR2, NH, kT) are pre-calculated for the power-law and APEC models. If the source HR1 and HR2 are close to the values in the table, spectral parameters are derived by interpolating the HR1 and HR2 in the look-up tables that are close to the HR1 and HR2 of the source. The parameters starting with "fit" have been derived from fitting an actual source spectrum in XSPEC and they are only available for the brightest sources (>50 net counts, and at least one detection in a single observation). The parameters fields starting with "pow" and "apec" report the values from the 'best' of these methods. The parameters "which_pow" and "which_apec" indicates which of the three methods are reported.

The catalog also includes flags derived from the cross-correlated with other source catalogs. The catalogs and their reference sources are as follows:

 * AllWISE:
 * SDSS Quasar Catalog DR14: Paris et al., 2018, A&A, 613, 51 (
 * 2MASS: Skrutskie et al., 2006, AJ, 131, 1163
 * 2CSC: accessed via the CSCView Tool at
         (1CSC paper: Evans et al., 2010, ApJS, 189, 37)
 * 1SWXRT: Evans et al., 2014, ApJS, 210,8
 * 1SXPS: D'Elia et al., 2013, A&A, 551, 142
 * 2RXS: Boller et al., 2016, A&A, 588, 103
 * 3XMM-DR8:
             (3XMM paper: Rosen, Webb, Watson et al., 2016, A&A, 590, 1)
 * 3XMM Stack: Traulsen et al., 2019, A&A, 642, 77
 * SwiftFT: Puccetti et al. 2011, A&A,528, A122
 * XMM SL2: Saxton et al., 2008, A&A 480, 611
 * XRTGRB: Evans et al, 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177 (
 * USNOB1: Monet et al., 2003, AJ, 125, 984

The 2SXPS paper (Evans et al. 2020 ApJS, 247,54) describes in detail the methodology of stacking images, background modeling, point spread function mapping, stray light detection and corrections, data filtering techniques and processing. The 2SXPS catalog has a dedicated website at

Catalog Bibcode



2SXPS: An Improved and Expanded Swift X-Ray Telescope Point-source Catalog,
    Evans, P.A. et al., The Astrophysical Journal Supplement,
    Volume 247, Issue 2, article id. 54, 27 pp. (2020).


This database table was created by the HEASARC in November 20201 based on the electronic version delivered to the HEASARC by the Leicester University. The catalog has a dedicated website at The version available from the HEASARC corresponds to the catalog designated as "All" on the Leicester website.


A unique numerical identifier for each 2SXPS source.

Unique IAU format source name, of the form: 2SXPS JHHMMSS.S+ddmmss.

Right Ascension of the source, taken from the individual detection with the highest S/N and best detection flag.

Declination of the source, taken from the individual detection with the highest S/N and best detection flag.

Galactic longitude in degrees of the best position of the source.

Galactic latitude in degrees of the best position of the source.

The 90% confidence radial position error on the source position, taken from the same individual detection as the position. This includes the astrometric systematic error.

Flag to indicate the astrometry source : 0 for Swift star trackers, 1 for 2MASS catalog.

The mean distance angle (in arcminutes) of the source from the center of the XRT detector averaged over all observations in which the source was detected and inside the XRT field of view. There is a handful of sources for which this value is -1. This indicates that the source center was never in the field of view, that is, the detection and centroid was based on the wings of the PSF that extended into the field of view while the source itself was outside.

In the initial release of 2SXPS the statistical component of the error was a factor of 1.5 too large, due to an error in the conversion from 1 sigma to 90% confidence. This has now been corrected; however, the value originally released (and used in cross correlation) is given in this field.

The distance to the nearest 2SXPS source to this one, in arcsec.

The distance to the nearest 2SXPS source to this one, with a flag of 0 or 1, i.e. Good or Reasonable with no other warning bit set; in arcsec.

The total exposure at the location of the source in seconds, including datasets in which the source was not detected.

The UTC date and time of the start of the first observation in 2SXPS which covered the location of the source.

The UTC date and time of the end of the last observation in 2SXPS which covered the location of the source.

The time of the start of the first observation in 2SXPS which covered the location of the source, in Swift MET (Mission Elapsed Time).

The time of the end of the last observation in 2SXPS which covered the location of the source, in Swift MET.

The UTC date and time of the start of the first observation in 2SXPS in which the source count rate in any band is inconsistent with 0 at the 3-sigma level; i.e. the first observation in which the source was detected by the blind search or retrospective count-rate determination.

The UTC date and time of the end of the last observation in 2SXPS in which the source count rate in any band is inconsistent with 0 at the 3-sigma level; i.e. the first observation in which the source was detected by the blind search or retrospective count-rate determination.

The time, in Swift MET, of the start of the first observation in 2SXPS in which the source count rate in any band is inconsistent with 0 at the 3-sigma level; i.e. the first observation in which the source was detected by the blind search or retrospective count-rate determination.

The time, in Swift MET, of the end of the last observation in 2SXPS in which the source count rate in any band is inconsistent with 0 at the 3-sigma level; i.e. the first observation in which the source was detected by the blind search or retrospective count-rate determination.

The UTC date and time of the start of the first observation in 2SXPS in which the source was detected in the blind search.

The UTC date and time of the end of the last observation in 2SXPS in in which the source was detected in the blind search.

The time, in Swift MET, of the start of the first observation in 2SXPS in which the source was detected in the blind search.

The time, in Swift MET, of the end of the last observation in 2SXPS in which the source was detected in the blind search.

The total number of datasets (observations+stacked images) which cover the location of the source, including those in which the source was not detected.

The number of datasets (observations+stacked images) in which the source was detected in the blind search.

Total number of datasets (observations & stacked images) with source detected in the retrospective analysis.

The ID value from the detections table corresponding to the detection of this source for which the position and error have been taken.

Flag for the mean count rate in the total (0.3-10 keV) is non-zero with 3-sigma significance (0 = no; 1 = yes).

Flag for the mean count rate in soft band (0.3-1 keV) is non-zero with 3-sigma significance (0 = no; 1 = yes).

Flag for the mean count rate in medium band (1-2 keV) is non-zero with 3-sigma significance (0 = no; 1 = yes).

Flag for the mean count rate in hard band (2-10 keV) is non-zero with 3-sigma significance (0 = no; 1 = yes).

The best detection flag from all detections of the source. The basic values are 0, 1, or 2, meaning Good, Reasonable or Poor respectively. Higher values mean that an extra warning is associated with the source. This warning is bitwise, defined as follows:

  Bit	Value	Description
  2	4	The source position is consistent with that of a known extended source.
  3	8	The source is likely an alias of a badly-fitted piled up source.
  4	16	The source lies in a region marked as contaminated during the visual screening.

The best field flag from all detections of the source. This is a bitwise flag with the following values:

  Bit	Value	Description
  0	1	Field contains stray light.
  1	2	Field contains diffuse emission or artifacts.
  2	4	Field contains stray light that could not be adequately modeled.
  3	8	Field contains a bright, piled up source which was not properly fitted in some bands.

The best total band (0.3-10 keV) detection flag from all detections of the source.

The best soft band (0.3-1 keV) detection flag from all detections of the source.

The best medium band (1-2 keV) detection flag from all detections of the source.

The best hard band (2-10 keV) detection flag from all detections of the source.

This is the worst optical loading warning from any detection of the source. If an optical source exists near the 2SXPS source, and is bright enough to cause optical loading then this field indicates how many magnitudes brighter than the optical loading limit that source is, otherwise it is zero.

This is set to one if any detections of the source occurred in a region affected by stray light, otherwise zero.

Whether any detection of this source occurred where the background level exceeded 10-3 ct s-1 pixel-1, i.e. was likely in the wings of a bright source. A value of zero indicates this did not occur. A value of one indicates that it did. A value of two means that the source was detected in a stacked image in which the background was not high (averaged over the whole stacked exposure), but where there was at least one observation in which the source was undetected, and the background at the source position was in excess of 10-3 ct s-1 pixel-1.

Based on an inspection of the distribution of source separations in the catalog, any sources which lie within 20" of each other and are not detected in the same dataset, are considered possible aliases of each other. This flag indicates if any such alias was found (0 for no, 1 for yes).

Based on an inspection of the distribution of source separations in the catalog, any sources which lie within 20" of each other and are not detected in the same dataset, are considered possible aliases of each other. Any such aliases are listed here as their 2SXPS source ID numbers.

The time-averaged total-band (0.3-10 keV) count rate of the source in counts per second.

The 1-sigma positive error on the time-averaged total-band (0.3-10 keV) count rate of the source. If more than 100 net counts (i.e. after background subtraction) were detected, or the number of counts in the source or background exceeded 1000, this is the Poisson error, otherwise it is calculated from the Bayesian method of Kraft, Burrows & Nousek (1991).

The 1-sigma negative error on the time-averaged total-band (0.3-10 keV) count rate of the source. If more than 100 net counts (i.e. after background subtraction) were detected, or the number of counts in the source or background exceeded 1000, this is the Poisson error, otherwise it is calculated from the Bayesian method of Kraft, Burrows & Nousek (1991).

The HR1 hardness ratio = (M-S)/(M+S) where M and S are the medium (1-2 keV) and soft (0.3-1 keV) band count rates. If both bands had more than 100 photons and an S/N ratio of at least 2 this was calculated simply from this equation, otherwise the Bayesian approach of Park et al. (2006) was employed.

The 1-sigma positive error on HR1. In a small number of cases where the Bayesian approach of Park et al. (2006) was used to derive HR1, the mean HR value lay outside the 1-sigma confidence interval. In these cases the HR1_pos error may be negative.

The 1-sigma negative error on HR1. In a small number of cases where the Bayesian approach of Park et al. (2006) was used to derive HR1, the mean HR value lay outside the 1-sigma confidence interval. In these cases the HR1_neg error may be positive.

The HR2 hardness ratio = (H-M)/(H+M) where H and M are the hard (2-10 keV) and medium (1-2 keV) band count rates. If both bands had more than 100 photons and an SNR of at least 2 this was calculated simply from this equation, otherwise the Bayesian approach of Park et al. (2006) was employed.

The 1-sigma positive error on HR2. In a small number of cases where the Bayesian approach of Park et al. (2006) was used to derive HR2, the mean HR value lay outside the 1-sigma confidence interval. In these cases the HR2_pos error may be negative.

The 1-sigma negative error on HR2. In a small number of cases where the Bayesian approach of Park et al. (2006) was used to derive HR2, the mean HR value lay outside the 1-sigma confidence interval. In these cases the HR2_neg error may be positive.

The time-averaged soft-band (0.3-1 keV) count rate of the source, in counts per second.

The 1-sigma positive error on the time-averaged soft-band (0.3-1 keV) count rate of the source. The 1-sigma positive error on the time-averaged soft-band (0.3-1 keV) count rate of the source.

The 1-sigma negative error on the time-averaged soft-band (0.3-1 keV) count rate of the source.

The time-averaged medium-band (1-2 keV) count rate of the source, in counts per second.

The 1-sigma positive error on the time-averaged medium-band (1-2 keV) count rate of the source.

The 1-sigma negative error on the time-averaged medium-band (1-2 keV) count rate of the source.

The time-averaged hard-band (2-10 keV) count rate of the source, in counts per second.

The 1-sigma positive error on the time-averaged hard-band (2-10 keV) count rate of the source.

The 1-sigma negative error on the time-averaged hard-band (2-10 keV) count rate of the source.

The total number of events (not background subtracted or exposure corrected) in the total-band (0.3-10 keV) image, in the source extraction region for this source. This is found by summing the counts in the individual observations of the location, not from the stacked image.

The total number of events (not background subtracted or exposure corrected) in the soft-band (0.3-1 keV) image, in the source extraction region for this source.

The total number of events (not background subtracted or exposure corrected) in the medium-band (1-2 keV) image, in the source extraction region for this source.

The total number of events (not background subtracted or exposure corrected) in the hard-band (2-10 keV) image, in the source extraction region for this source.

The sum of the background map counts in the total-band (0.3-10 keV) source extraction region for this source. This is found by summing the maps in the individual observations of the location, not from the stacked image.

The sum of the background map counts in the soft-band (0.3-1 keV) image, in the source extraction region for this source.

The sum of the background map counts in the medium-band (1-2 keV) image, in the source extraction region for this source.

The sum of the background map counts in the hard-band (2-10 keV) image, in the source extraction region for this source.

The count rate correction factor in the total band (0.3-10 keV). This corrects for vignetting, bad columns, pile-up and the finite radius within which counts were extracted.

The count rate correction factor in the soft band (0.3-1 keV).

The count rate correction factor in the medium band (1-2 keV).

The count rate correction factor in the hard band (2-10 keV).

The overall 3-sigma upper limit on the total-band (0.3-10 keV) count rate from the source, derived from the count_fb, bkgcnt_fb, ratecf_fb and exposure columns. If more than 100 net counts (i.e. after background subtraction) were detected, or the number of counts in the source or background exceeded 1000, this was determined using Poisson errors, otherwise it is calculated from the Bayesian method of Kraft, Burrows & Nousek (1991). Note that this upper limit value is supplied for all sources, regardless of the strength of the detection.

The overall 3-sigma upper limit on the soft band (0.3-1 keV) count rate.

The overall 3-sigma upper limit on the medium band (1-2 keV) count rate.

The overall 3-sigma upper limit on the hard band (2-10 keV) count rate.

The peak count rate of the source in the total band (0.3-10 keV). The peak rate is defined as the count rate in the light curve bin (from per-snapshot or per-ObsID binning) with the highest 1-sigma lower limit.

The 1-sigma positive error on the peak total band (0.3-10 keV) count rate.

The 1-sigma negative error on the peak total band (0.3-10 keV) count rate.

The peak count rate of the source in the soft band (0.3-1 keV).

The 1-sigma positive error on the peak soft band (0.3-1 keV) count rate.

The 1-sigma negative error on the peak soft band (0.3-1 keV) count rate.

The peak count rate of the source in the medium band (1-2 keV).

The 1-sigma positive error on the peak medium band (1-2 keV) count rate.

The 1-sigma negative error on the peak medium band (1-2 keV) count rate.

The peak count rate of the source in the hard band (2-10 keV).

The 1-sigma positive error on the peak hard band (2-10 keV) count rate.

The 1-sigma negative error on the peak hard band (2-10 keV) count rate.

The Galactic absorption column density (in cm-2) in the direction of the source, determined from Willingale et al. (2013).

The probability that the source is constant between snapshots in the total band (0.3-10 keV), as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test. The minimum recordable value for this is 1.1x10-16 and values of 0 mean <1.1x10-16.

The probability that the source is constant between snapshots in the soft band (0.3-1 keV), as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

The probability that the source is constant between snapshots in the medium band (1-2 keV), as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

The probability that the source is constant between snapshots in the hard band (2-10 keV), as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

The probability that the source HR1 hardness ratio is constant between snapshots, as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

The probability that the source HR2 hardness ratio is constant between snapshots, as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

The probability that the source is constant between observations in the total band (0.3-10 keV), as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

The probability that the source is constant between observations in the soft band (0.3-10 keV), as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

The probability that the source is constant between observations in the medium band (0.3-10 keV), as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

The probability that the source is constant between observations in the hard band (0.3-10 keV), as derived from the Pearson's Chi2 test.

Probability that the source HR1 hardness ratio is constant between observations.

Probability that the source HR2 hardness ratio is constant between observations.

Flag to indicate which of the available estimates of the power-law spectral and fluxes is given in the summary fields:

  Value	Source of spectral information
  0	Fixed spectrum: power-law with Gamma=1.7 and NH is Galactic NH.
  1	Power-law spectral values derived from the hardness ratios.
  2	Power-law spectral values taken from a fit to a custom-built spectrum.

Flag to indicate which of the available estimates of the APEC spectral and fluxes is given in the summary fields:

  Value	Source of spectral information
  0	Fixed spectrum: APEC with kT=1 keV and NH is Galactic NH.
  1	APEC spectral values derived from the hardness ratios.
  2	APEC spectral values taken from a fit to a custom-built spectrum.

The counts-to-observed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field.

The counts-to-unabsorbed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field.

The observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by rate_fb*powcf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*powcf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by rate_fb_err_neg*powcf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1), derived from the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by rate_fb*powcf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by rate_fb_err_pos*powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The counts-to-observed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field.

The counts-to-unabsorbed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field.

The observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from the APEC spectrum indicated in the which_apec field. This is given by rate_fb*apeccf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*apeccf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*apeccf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1), derived from the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by rate_fb*apeccf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*apeccf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*apeccf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The peak observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by pkrate_fb*powcf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the peak observed 0.3-10 keV flux for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by pkrate_fb_pos_err*powcf_flux_a, so does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the peak observed 0.3-10 keV flux for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by pkrate_fb_neg_err*powcf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The peak unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by pkrate_fb*powcf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the peak unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by pkrate_fb_pos_err*powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the peak unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for the power-law spectrum indicated by the which_pow field. This is given by pkrate_fb_neg_err*powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The peak observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by pkrate_fb*apeccf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the peak observed 0.3-10 keV flux for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by pkrate_fb_pos_err*apeccf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the peak observed 0.3-10 keV flux for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by pkrate_fb_neg_err*apeccf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The peak unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apex field. This is given by pkrate_fb*apeccf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the peak unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by pkrate_fb_pos_err*apeccf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the peak unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for the APEC spectrum indicated by the which_apec field. This is given by pkrate_fb_neg_err*apeccf_flux_b, so does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The counts-to-observed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.7 absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field).

The counts-to-unabsorbed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.7 absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field).

The observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.7 absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb*fix_powcf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux for a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.7 absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*fix_powcf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux for a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.7 absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*fix_powcf_flux_a, so does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.7 absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb*fix_powcf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.7 absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*fix_powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.7 absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*fix_powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The counts-to-observed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from an APEC spectrum with a temperature of 1 keV absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field).

The counts-to-unabsorbed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from an APEC spectrum with a temperature of 1 keV absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field).

The observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from an APEC spectrum with a temperature of 1 keV absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb*fix_apeccf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux for an APEC spectrum with a temperature of 1 keV absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*fix_apeccf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux for an APEC spectrum with a temperature of 1 keV absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb_error_neg*fix_apeccf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from an APEC spectrum with a temperature of 1 keV absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb*fix_apeccf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for an APEC spectrum with a temperature of 1 keV absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*fix_apeccf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux for an APEC spectrum with a temperature of 1 keV absorbed by the Galactic column (from the nh field). This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*fix_apeccf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The counts-to-observed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of power-law spectra.

The counts-to-unabsorbed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of power-law spectra.

The absorption column (in cm-2) of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of power-law spectra.

The 1-sigma positive error absorption column of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of power-law spectra. A value of -1 indicates that this error could not be constrained.

The 1-sigma negative error absorption column of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of power-law spectra. A value of +1 indicates that this error could not be constrained.

The power-law photon index of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of power-law spectra.

The 1-sigma positive error on the power-law photon index of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of power-law spectra. A value of -1 indicates that this error could not be constrained.

The 1-sigma negative error on the power-law photon index of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of power-law spectra. A value of +1 indicates that this error could not be constrained.

The observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) based on the HR-interpolated power-law spectrum. This is given by rate_fb*intr_powcf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived based on the HR-interpolated power-law spectrum. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*intr_powcf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived based on the HR-interpolated power-law spectrum. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*intr_powcf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) based on the HR-interpolated power-law spectrum. This is given by rate_fb*intr_powcf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived based on the HR-interpolated power-law spectrum. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*intr_powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived based on the HR-interpolated power-law spectrum. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*intr_powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The counts-to-observed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of APEC spectra.

The counts-to-unabsorbed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of APEC spectra.

The absorption column (in cm-2) of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of APEC spectra.

The 1-sigma positive error absorption column of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of APEC spectra. A value of -1 indicates that this error could not be constrained.

The 1-sigma negative error absorption column of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of APEC spectra. A value of +1 indicates that this error could not be constrained.

The APEC plasma temperature (in keV) of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of APEC spectra.

The 1-sigma positive error on the APEC plasma temperature of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of APEC spectra. A value of -1 indicates that this error could not be constrained.

The 1-sigma negative error on the APEC plasma temperature of the spectrum of the source derived from the hardness ratios of the source interpolated on a look-up table of APEC spectra. A value of +1 indicates that this error could not be constrained.

The observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) based on the HR-interpolated APEC spectrum. This is given by rate_fb*intr_apeccf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived based on the HR-interpolated APEC spectrum. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*intr_apeccf_flux_a, so does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived based on the HR-interpolated APEC spectrum. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*intr_apeccf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) based on the HR-interpolated APEC spectrum. This is given by rate_fb*intr_apeccf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux derived based on the HR-interpolated APEC spectrum. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*intr_apeccf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux derived based on the HR-interpolated APEC spectrum. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*intr_apeccf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

If the (HR1,HR2) values of the source lie inside the range allowed by the simple power-law spectrum, this field is 1. Otherwise it is the probability of obtaining the measured hardness ratios and errors if the true spectrum is that which gives (HR1,HR2) closest to the source's values.

If the (HR1,HR2) values of the source lie inside the range allowed by the simple APEC spectrum, this field is 1. Otherwise it is the probability of obtaining the measured hardness ratios and errors if the true spectrum is that which gives (HR1,HR2) closest to the source's values.

The counts-to-observed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The counts-to-unabsorbed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor (in erg cm-2 ct-1) derived from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The absorption column (in cm-2) of the spectrum of the source from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The 1-sigma positive error absorption column of the spectrum of the source from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The 1-sigma negative error absorption column of the spectrum of the source from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The power-law photon index of the spectrum of the source from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The 1-sigma positive error on the power-law photon index of the spectrum of the source from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The 1-sigma negative error on the power-law photon index of the spectrum of the source from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb*fit_powcf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*fit_powcf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*fit_powcf_flux_a, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb*fit_powcf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux derived from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*fit_powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux derived from an automated power-law spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*fit_powcf_flux_b, therefore does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The C statistic from the power-law spectral fit.

The number of degrees of freedom in the power-law spectral fit.

The Churazov-weighted chi-squared value of the best fitting power-law spectral model.

The counts-to-observed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The counts-to-unabsorbed-flux (0.3-10 keV) conversion factor derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The absorption column (in cm-2) of the spectrum of the source derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The 1-sigma positive error absorption column of the spectrum of the source derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The 1-sigma negative error absorption column of the spectrum of the source derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The APEC plasma temperature (in keV) of the spectrum of the source derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The 1-sigma positive error on the APEC plasma temperature of the spectrum of the source derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The 1-sigma negative error on the APEC plasma temperature of the spectrum of the source derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source.

The observed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb*fit_apeccf_flux_a.

The 1-sigma positive error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*fit_apeccf_flux_a, so does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the observed 0.3-10 keV flux derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*fit_apeccf_flux_a, so does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux (in erg cm-2 s-1) derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb*fit_apeccf_flux_b.

The 1-sigma positive error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb_pos_err*fit_apeccf_flux_b, so does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The 1-sigma negative error on the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux derived from an automated APEC spectral fit to an automatically-extracted spectrum of the source. This is given by rate_fb_neg_err*fit_apeccf_flux_b, so does not include uncertainties in the spectral modeling.

The C statistic from the APEC spectral fit.

The degrees of freedom in the APEC spectral fit.

The Churazov-weighted Chi2 value of the best fitting APEC spectral fit.

Flag for whether there is an automatically-built spectrum for this source (1 = yes, 0 = no).

The number of sources in the external catalogs against which cross-correlations were performed and agree at the 3-sigma level.

The number of sources in the external catalogs against which cross-correlations were performed and agree at the 3-sigma level, excluding 2MASS, USNO-B1 and AllWISE.

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the ROSAT HRI catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the 2RXS catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the 3XMM-DR8 catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the 3XMM-DR7 catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the XMMSL2 catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the SwiftFT catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the 1SWXRT catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches a cataloged XRT position of a Gamma Ray Burst (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the SDSS QSO DR14 (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches a 2MASS object (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches a USNO-B1 source (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the 2CSC (Chandra) catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the 1SXPS catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Flag to indicate whether the source matches an object in the AllWISE catalog (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Contact Person

Questions regarding the SWIFT2SXPS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:35:29 EDT